If you have further questions, please contact the APC Chair.
Management Proposal from the Management and Accountancy Department (see SD3315S for staffing tables and student plans):
SD3015S: Delete the following courses: MGMT 201, 316, 361, 364, 483, 484, 487 (APC 22)
SD3115S: Add new course, MGMT 363, The Entrepreneurial Experience (APC 23)
SD3215S: Delete MGMT 220, replacing with MGMT 130; Delete MGMT 313, replacing with MGMT 230; Delete MGMT 350, replacing with MGMT 250; Delete (APC 24)
SD3315S: Change the requirements for the Management Major and Minor (APC 25)
SD3415S: Changes to Narrative for Management and Accounting (APC 26)
From the Chemistry Department (see Appendix A for the Staffing Table):
SD4016S: Delete CHEM 332, 335, 336, 428, 440 (APC 32)
SD4116S: Delete CHEM 236 and 328, replacing with CHEM 233; Delete CHEM 334, replacing with CHEM 331; Delete CHEM 436 and 437, replacing with CHEM 323 and an updated course description and title for CHEM 437 (APC 33)
SD4216S: Change prerequisites for CHEM 222; Change title and description of CHEM 429; Change description of CHEM 430 (APC 34)
SD4316S: Delete CHEM 237, 314, 315, 413, 435 (specialized chemistry laboratory courses), replacing with CHEM 312 (an integrated laboratory course); Delete CHEM 406, 407 and 408 (research courses), replacing with CHEM 409; (APC 35)
SD4416S: Add CHEM 223, 419, 434, 438, 439, 446 (APC 36)
SD4516S: Change the narrative for Chemistry, and change the major and minor requirements for Chemistry (APC 37) Appendix A
Biology (see Biology Appendix 1 and Biology Appendix 2 for Staffing tables):
SD5316S: Delete BIOL 455 from Catalog (APC 43)
SD5416S: Add course, BIOL 134, Experimental Design, Analysis and Presentation (APC 44)
SD5516S: Delete BIOL 123 and 124, replacing with BIOL 125 and 126 (APC 45)
SD5616S: Change AP and IB exam equivalencies (APC 46)
SD5716S: Delete BIOL 115, replacing with BIOL 135; Change BIOL 116 to BIOL 136, revising description (APC 47)
SD5816S: Revise the course descriptions for BIOL 339, 344, 360, 423, 480 and 499 (APC 48)
SD5916S: Revise the narrative introduction for Biology; Revise the requirements for the Biology major (APC 49)
SD6016S: Change the requirements for the minor in Biology (APC 50)
SD6116S: Edit prerequisites for BIOL 210, 211, 333, 345 and 351 based on curriculum changes in Biology (APC 51)