Faculty Handbook - version 8/12
Handbook for contracts dated prior to 7/1/03 (PDF)
Index | Faculty Senate | UNCA


10.1 Governance

    The faculty have a tradition of influence and involvement in governance and decision making at UNCA. The structures through which faculty participate in decision making include: the UNCA Faculty Senate; the University Planning Council; the Council of Chairs and Directors; elected committees; appointed standing committees; and other appointments/assignments. All full-time faculty can expect to serve on one or more of these bodies. Faculty are encouraged to register their professional judgments through these groups as the task of delivering educational services to our students and managing the institution is a joint effort of faculty, administration, staff and students.

10.1.1 University Planning Council (UPC) (revised by SD4201S)

Working with the University Planning Officer, the University Planning Council is the institutional body charged with coordinating campus-wide planning and budget activities and for formulating recommendations to the Faculty Senate, the Chancellor and appropriate Vice Chancellors.

* Evaluate proposals for new degree programs or minors, or elimination of such programs, and develop recommendations to the Faculty Senate and the Administration.
* Assist in development and implementation of the University planning cycle.
* Participate annually in the setting of University budget objectives and allocations.
* Participate in the review of University mission and goals.
* Meet periodically with the appropriate committee of the Board of Trustees to discuss University planning and goals.
* Receive and review recommendations from the Institutional Effectiveness Committee.

* 4 members of Faculty Senate (IDC)
* 4 faculty members appointed by VCAA (for staggered 3-year terms)
* Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, or his/her appointee
* Vice Chancellor for Administration and Financial Affairs, or his/her appointee
* Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, or his/her appointee
* Vice Chancellor for University Relations, or his/her appointee
* University Planning Officer (permanent member)
* 1 CSAC member appointed by the Chancellor
* 1 student (junior or senior) and 1 alternate (sophomore, junior, or senior) appointed by the VCSA
(Vice Chancellor for Public Partnerships and Special Projects no longer exists.)

The Chair of IDC will serve as the Chair of UPC. The University Planning Officer will serve as the Vice Chair.

Recommendations to:     Chancellor

10.1.2 Council of Chairs and Directors (revised 12/4/99 by action of chairs/program directors, endorsed by VCAA)

The Council of Chairs and Program Directors advises the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs on matters of academic administration, including the allocation of faculty positions and budgets, and communicates to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and to the Faculty Senate as appropriate, matters of concern to Department Chairs and Program Directors.

In addition the Council provides a means for discussing matters of concern to Department Chairs and Program Directors through its own meetings and meetings it may call for all Department Chairs and Program Directors. In support of this purpose, the six members the Council annually elect a Chair and a Vice Chair to preside over these meetings.

The Council of Chairs and Directors has six members, two each from the divisions of Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. All members are elected and every Department Chair or Program Director is eligible for election. Two members, who serve three-year terms, are elected each year. Following the completion of a three-year term, a Department Chair or Program Director may not be reelected to the Council for a period of one year.

Regular meetings
Meetings of the Council of Chairs and Program Directors with the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs should occur once a month, usually the second Monday of each month, during Fall and Spring semesters. Council meetings follow regular meetings of the Department Chairs and Program Directors so that broad discussion of issues precedes Council deliberations on those issues. Regular meetings are scheduled by the Office of Academic Affairs and led by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs or designee. Regular meetings are orchestrated as follows:

1. The Council of Chairs/Program Directors requests agenda items from all Department Chairs and Program Directors two weeks before each regular meeting and submits those items to the Office of Academic Affairs.

2. The Office of Academic Affairs compiles the agenda, adding items as appropriate. Items for substantive deliberation are placed first on the agenda. Announcements, informational presentations, etc are placed at the end and are covered as time permits.

3. The Office of Academic Affairs distributes agenda, with relevant attachments and handouts, to all Department Chairs and Program Directors no later than three weekdays before each regular meeting.

4. Subsequent to each meeting, the Office of Academic Affairs distributes minutes to all Department Chairs and Program Directors within one week of the meeting.

Additional meetings
Additional meetings of the Council of Chairs and Directors may be scheduled either by the Office of Academic Affairs or by the Council itself. Such meetings, insofar as possible, employ the same procedures regarding agenda and minutes as specified for regular meetings.

1. When called by the Office of Academic Affairs, meetings are led by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs or designee.

2. When called by the Council of Chairs and Program Directors, meetings are led by the Chair of the Council or the Vice Chair in the event of absence.

10.1.3 Faculty Senate (see also Section 10.2.2)

The UNCA Faculty Senate is empowered to act as the legislative body of the faculty. See 14.1 for the complete text of the Constitution of the Faculty Senate. Senate Committees include: Executive, Academic Policy, Institutional Development, Faculty Welfare and Development Senate action is reported to the faculty and forwarded to the Chancellor or the VCAA. The Chancellor must approve all policy proposals and new programs from the Faculty Senate and the VCAA approves all course proposals. Faculty may discuss, amend, endorse or veto any Senate action as prescribed in Article II, Section 1, of the Senate Constitution. Requirement for Two Readings of All Matters of Policy (SD0288F)

Motions involving matters of policy shall be proposed in writing to the Faculty Senate one meeting in advance of their consideration. A two-thirds vote of the members present will be required in order to propose and consider a motion regarding a matter of policy during a single meeting. Computerized Senate Document System

Senate documents and minutes are available for review on the web through the UNCA Home Page (www.unca.edu). Faculty may access the document system by clicking on "For Faculty and Staff," then scrolling down to the Faculty Senate link on the following page.  The link to the index of documents and minutes appears near the bottom of this page under the heading "Senate Information."

The system is "read-only"; documents may be read, but not altered. The official documents remain the originals with the signatures of the Senate Chair and VCAA or Chancellor. Documents and minutes beginning with the 1977-1978 academic year have been entered into the system. Documents from earlier years will be entered as time allows.

The coding of Senate documents is explained below using 
SD0492F as an example:
     "SD" is Senate document.
     "04" is document number 4.
     "92" is the year.
     "F" is Fall semester 
        (Older documents may lack a semester code.)

10.2 Committees Elected by the Faculty

As directed by The Code, UNCA Tenure Policies and Regulations, various policy statements, and terms of specific gifts to UNCA the faculty annually elects members to the committees described in this section.

10.2.1 Election Procedures

  1. A ballot shall be made up of persons eligible at the time the ballot is set. The only exceptions shall be retirements, resignations and temporary assignments. The VCAA shall inform the Secretary of the Senate of retirements, resignations, faculty leaves, exchanges, or off-campus scholarly assignments formally accepted or approved as of February 1 of the year elections are to be held. Those faculty who shall be absent for part or all of the next academic year shall be removed from the ballot. Faculty members returning from leave, exchanges, or off-campus scholarly assignments for the beginning of the next academic year shall be placed on the ballot. Faculty members who have had temporary non-teaching assignments and shall be resuming primary teaching responsibilities in the Fall of the next academic year shall also be placed on the ballot. Any questions of eligibility shall be resolved by the Executive Committee of the Senate.
  2. Continuing Hearings Committee members shall not be eligible for the Tenure Committee.
  3. Faculty serving full terms on the Tenure Committee or Hearings Committee or Grievance Committee cannot be re-elected in the final year of their term. Members serving less than a full-term will be eligible for re-election.
  4. If a vacancy should occur on the Tenure Committee, Hearing Committee, or any other elected committee, the vacancy shall be filled by the faculty member who was runner-up in the appropriate category.
  5. Addition from SD0889F

  6. Members of standing committees elected by the Senate shall be elected at the organization meeting of the new Faculty Senate at the end of the academic year. Committees included in this policy are the University Research Council, University Teaching Council, and other standing committees for which Senate elects members.  To facilitate this policy, a committee preference form should be completed by each faculty member in the spring to assist in determining faculty preferences for election or appointment to standing committees.
  7. Additions from SD2682

  8. If an error is discovered on a circulated ballot, such error must be called to the attention of the Executive Committee prior to the official announcement of the election results. The Executive Committee shall judge whether or not the error is of sufficient magnitude to require the distribution of a new ballot. Once announced, the result of the election is final.
  9. The members of the Faculty Welfare Committee shall serve as Tellers in all elections. At least two members shall be present to count and sign the tally sheet.
  10. The signed tally sheets shall be a permanent part of the Senate's records.
  11. Tally sheets may be inspected upon request by any member of the Faculty.
  12. Write-in candidates are not allowed.
  13. A ballot marked for fewer than the maximum number of allowable votes shall be valid.
  14. Added by SD2682,  Revised by SD1000F

  15. In order to conform to the Tenure Policies and Practices of the University, the Committee of the Tenured Faculty, the Post-Tenure Review Committee, the Faculty Committee on Hearings, and the Faculty Grievance Committee shall be elected in said order. These elections shall be completed not later than April 15 of each year.
  16. Additions from SD1401S

  17. The ballot for each election will be a web page accessible to faculty for a one week voting time period. Access to this web page will require authentication.
  18. No records will kept linking individuals to their specific vote.
  19. Access to the computer files used to tally and administrate the elections will be restricted to members of FWDC and Administrative Computing. These files will not be viewed during the voting period unless there are extenuating circumstances. In such a case, the Senate Executive Committee will be notified.
  20. Election software and web pages will be maintained by Administrative Computing in cooperation with the FWDC.
  21. FWDC will announce the elections using the official UNCA faculty email address, once prior to the voting period and twice during each voting period.
  22. After the closing of the voting period, a copy of the tally file will be printed, signed by two FWDC members, and kept by the Secretary of the Faculty Senate.
  23. After the closing of the voting period, a record will be kept containing information on anyone who has viewed the tally file during the voting period. All entries on this file will be investigated by FWDC and reported to the Senate Executive Committee.
  24. A member of FWDC will be designated to trouble shoot problems during each election period. This FWDC member's name, phone number, and email address will be listed on the election web page.

10.2.2 Faculty Senate

The Senate consists of fifteen faculty members, each serving a three year term, with five new members elected each year to replace those whose terms are expiring. At its organization meeting in the late spring of each year, the Senate shall elect from its members, a Senate Chair and a Chair for each of its standing committees. Remaining Senate members will be appointed to these standing committees by the Senate Executive Committee. See Section 14.1 for the Faculty Senate Constitution. Executive Committee (EC)

EC is concerned with the senate agenda, appoints members to all senate committees, supervises faculty elections, and consults on matters pertaining to the faculty.  In addition, the the Chancellor consults with the EC on the selection of honorary degree recipients (SD0600F). Membership includes Chair of the Senate, Chair of APC, Chair of IDC, and Chair of FWDC. Each of the Chairs is elected by the members of the Faculty Senate. Academic Policy Committee (APC)

APC has responsibility for developing institutional policy and procedures in academic matters. There are seven Faculty Senate members on APC; the VCAA and Registrar, or their designees, sit with the committee ex officio (without vote). The Chair of APC is First Vice Chair of the Faculty Senate. Information on APC's role in curricular changes is found in Section 5.4.1. APC's involvement in the development of new programs is found in Section 5.4.2. Institutional Development Committee (IDC)

IDC has concern for policy, planning and initiatives in those areas of institutional development where faculty involvement is proper and sits on The University Planning Council. There are four Faculty Senate members on IDC. The Chair of IDC is Second Vice Chair of the Faculty Senate. Information on IDC's role in development of new academic programs is found in Section 5.4.2. Institutional Effectiveness Committee (revised by SD4301S)

The Institutional Effectiveness Committee serves as an advisory group for UNCA's Institutional Effectiveness process.

* The periodic review and, if necessary, revision of the Institutional Effectiveness process, procedures and reporting format.
* Providing advisory services on assessment and planning to any administrative or academic unit.
* Providing a forum for the sharing of assessment techniques and practices.
* Providing assessment information, as appropriate, to the University Planning Council for its use in reviewing institutional-level goals.
* Raising campus consciousness about the importance of assessment.

Though the department self-study process has been replaced with the Departmental Effectiveness reports, departments that wish to conduct a comprehensive self-study, make major changes in curriculum or organization, and use external consultants, can conduct these activities on a voluntary basis. IEC may recommend to UPC that a department conduct a comprehensive self-study.

The committee will be composed of six members, one of whom will be permanent based upon his/her regular duties and connection to assessment efforts. (VC for Public Partnerships no longer exists.) The members are as follows:
* Director of Institutional Research
* Administrative representative appointed by Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
* Administrative representative appointed by Vice Chancellor for Administration and Financial Affairs
* Administrative representative appointed by Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
* Administrative representative appointed by Vice Chancellor for University Relations
* One member of the Faculty Senate Institutional Development Committee (Chair)

Membership Terms
The Director of Institutional Research is a permanent member. Administrative representatives are appointed for staggered three-year terms. The Faculty Senate member is appointed annually by the Institutional Development Committee. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee (FWDC)

FWDC has concern for faculty study, research, and attainment of professional goals, as well as compensation and working environment. There are three members of FWDC. The Chair of FWDC is Secretary of the Faculty Senate.

10.2.3 Committee of the Tenured Faculty (CTF)

The CTF's mission is to consult with the VCAA, on call, in cases requiring decision on reappointment, promotion, and the conferral of permanent tenure.

CTF elects its own Chair. CTF shall be composed of two tenured full or associate professors from each of the areas of Humanities, Sciences, and Social Sciences; no more than one member may come from any subject-matter department. Members of the Faculty Committee on Hearings may not serve on the CTF. Election to the committee shall be for a term of two years. Members may not succeed themselves. New members formally replace outgoing members on the date of the first faculty meeting of the school year.

Election to this committee is specified by Section VIII-A of UNCA Tenure Policies and Regulations (see Section 14.2).

Recommendations to:   the VCAA

10.2.4 Faculty Committee on Hearings (FCH)

The committee's mission is to conduct hearings as specified in Chapter Six of The Code. (see Section 13.1.1)

Two tenured faculty members from each of the areas of Humanities, Sciences, and Social Sciences; only one member may come from any subject-matter department. Members of the Committee of the Tenured Faculty may not serve on this committee. Election to the committee shall be for a term of two years. Members may not succeed themselves. New members formally replace outgoing members as of the date of the first faculty meeting of the school year.

This committee is to be elected as specified by Section VIII-B of UNCA Tenure Policies and Regulations (see Section 14.2).

10.2.5 Faculty Grievance Committee (FGC)

FGC's mission, as specified in Section 607 of The Code, is to hear, mediate, and advise with respect to the adjustment of grievances of members of the faculty. "Grievances" within the province of the committee's power shall include matters directly related to a faculty member's employment status and institutional relationships within this institution. However, no grievance that grows out of or involves matters related to a formal proceeding for the suspension, discharge, termination of a faculty member, or that is within the jurisdiction of another standing faculty committee, may be considered by this committee. The committee may hear a grievance relative to appropriate procedures in reappointment and tenure decisions. See Section 3.6 for Grievance Committee Procedure.

The committee's power shall be solely to hear representations by the persons directly involved in a grievance, to mediate voluntary adjustment by the parties, and to advise adjustment by the administration when appropriate. Advise for adjustment in favor of an aggrieved faculty member may be sent to the Chancellor only after the department Chair or other administrative official most directly empowered to adjust the matter has been given similar advise and has not acted upon it within a reasonable time.

If any faculty member feels that he has a grievance, he may petition the Faculty Grievance Committee for redress. The petition shall be written and shall set forth in detail the nature of the grievance and against whom the grievance is directed. The petition shall contain any information that the petitioner considers pertinent to his case. The committee shall decide whether the facts merit a detailed investigation so that submission of a petition shall not result automatically in an investigation or detailed consideration of the petition.

See Section 3.6

Two faculty members at the professor rank, two members at the associate professor rank, and two members at the assistant professor rank. Only one member may come from any subject-matter department. No officer of administration shall serve on the committee. For purposes of this section, officers of administration shall be deemed to include department chairs. Members of the Committee of the Tenured Faculty and members of the Faculty Committee on Hearings may not serve on this committee.

This committee is to be elected as specified by Section VIII-C of UNCA Tenure Policies and Regulations (see Section 14.2).

10.2.6 Post-Tenure Review Committee (revised by SD1000F)

The Post-Tenure Review Committee (PTRC) is an elected faculty committee charged with the responsibility of carrying out the intent and purpose of Post-Tenure Review as articulated in Section 3.7. The functions of the PTRC are to ensure continuing quality of performance and professional growth of senior faculty (defined as tenured faculty at any rank who teach at least one-half time); to provide constructive feedback to senior faculty regarding professional growth; to serve in an advisory capacity to the VCAA in matters pertaining to actions taken as specified in the policy on Post Tenure Review.

The PTRC will consist of four eligible faculty members (see next section for eligibility criteria), one selected from each of the university's three divisions, and a fourth member who holds the highest number of votes after the first three members are selected. Members will serve two-year terms. Members may not succeed themselves. No more than one member may come from any one academic department. New members formally replace outgoing members on the date of the first faculty meeting of the academic year.

Each year the Faculty Senate will conduct an election by which the voting faculty shall elect two new members to replace outgoing committee members. Members will first be elected from any division lacking a representative. If an opening remains after all divisions are represented, the remaining highest vote-getter will be elected.

The Post-Tenure Review Committee elects its own Chair. The Chair is responsible for maintaining committee records and passing those records to the next duly elected Chair of the PTRC. The permanent file for PTRC records is maintained in the Office of Academic Affairs.

A member of his or her own department may not review a person coming up for Post Tenure Review. A member of the PTRC who is from the same department as a person under review will be excused from discussions and will not participate in the review of a departmental colleague.

To be eligible to serve on the PTRC a person must:
1. be a current, tenured full-time member of the UNCA faculty,
2. have served as a full-time member of the UNCA faculty for at least five years, and
3. not be a member of either the Committee of the Tenured Faculty, the Faculty Committee on Hearings, or the Faculty Grievance Committee.

Faculty who are scheduled to be reviewed within the next two years will be removed from the PTRC ballot.  (SD1098F)

If a person scheduled for Post Tenure review feels there is a conflict of interest between themselves and a member of the PTRC, he or she may submit a written petition to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for a ruling on the challenge. The VCAA is to respond to the petition within three weeks from the date of receipt of the petition. The VCAA's decision is binding.

Recommendations to:  the VCAA

10.2.7 Academic Appeals Board (AAB) (amended by SD1990S) (formerly 10.3.1)

The Academic Appeals Board hears unresolved grievances filed by students who feel he/she has been treated unfairly or improperly in an academic matter by a faculty member of this University.

The Faculty Conciliator is the person a student must contact in order to file a grievance (see Section 10.3.3). A quorum of AAB shall consist of five members, including no fewer than two students and three faculty members. AAB members are necessarily excluded from deliberations in which:
1. the Board member is related to one of the two principals,
2. the Board member is a departmental colleague of one of the principals,
3. the Board member is currently enrolled in a course taught by one of the principals,
4. the Board member is one of the two principals involved.

All questions of scheduling and satisfying deadlines shall be adjudicated by the Chair of the AAB. All records of the AAB's deliberations shall be kept in a file maintained and preserved by the Chair of the AAB.

* four faculty members, elected at large by the faculty from a list of no fewer than seven nominees provided by the Faculty Senate, 
* three students plus one alternate elected by the Student Government Association (SGA) and 
* the Faculty Conciliator.

The four faculty elected to AAB by the faculty shall serve a two year staggered term; they may be elected to serve a second term; they may not be elected to a third term until they have been off the Board for at least two years. An effort should be made to provide for representation from the three academic divisions. Alternates shall serve a one year term and a new alternate elected each year. Student members of the AAB and the Faculty Conciliator shall each serve a term of one year. The Faculty Conciliator may not serve more than three consecutive terms.

A Chair and a secretary of the AAB shall be elected from and by the faculty members on AAB. The AAB shall be chosen in the spring and will serve from the beginning of the fall semester through the following summer.

10.3 Committees Whose Members Are Elected by Faculty Senate

10.3.1 Distinguished Scholars Committee (revised by SD5500S) (formerly 10.3.2)

1. To select the Highsmith Distinguished Visiting Scholar and to arrange for the residency.
2. To make a nomination to the Chancellor annually or when advisable for a recipient of the Oliver Max Garner Award, a distinction granted yearly by the Board of Governors to that faculty member on one of the sixteen campuses who has "made the greatest contribution to the welfare of the human race" during the year.
3. To consider sponsorship of other scholars who may from time to time be available for temporary university duties.

* four full professors elected by Faculty Senate from the faculty at large
* three faculty members drawn from the full-time teaching faculty, one from each division, appointed by the Chancellor.

 Terms of office are for two years. Service on the committee begins at the first faculty meeting of the fall semester and runs to the same time of the following year.

The committee shall report to the Senate and the VCAA annually, and shall deposit copies of any minutes in the Senate files.

Recommendations to:    Chancellor

10.3.2 Minority Affairs Commission (formerly 10.3.3)

1. To formulate goals, policies and immediate actions which directly and effectively improve the quality of minority life on the UNCA campus for both faculty and students.
2. To develop and to monitor policies which seek a steady growth in the proportion of minority students and faculty.
3. To develop the mechanisms which ensure equal opportunities and recognition for achievement among minority faculty and students.
4. To develop policies which ensure that minority students are monitored and advised to promote academic success.
5. To provide assistance to faculty search committees to enable such committees to aggressively recruit minority faculty.
6. To provide information to chairmen and to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs concerning the evaluation of the professional activities of minority faculty.
7. To develop plans and immediate actions which ensure more effective and productive involvement of UNCA with the Asheville minority community.
8. To otherwise address areas of concern to minority faculty and students.
9. To advise and consult with the Affirmative Action Officer in all matters relating to Affirmative Action.
10. To report annually to the University community on the status of minorities at UNCA.

* Chair of the Faculty Senate to serve concurrently with his/her term as Senate Chair.
* Two faculty elected by the Senate (at lease one of whom must be a minority) to serve two-year renewable, rotating terms.
* Two faculty appointed by the VCAA (at least one of whom must be a minority) to serve two year renewable, rotating terms.
* Two minority students appointed by the VCSA to serve one year renewable terms.
* Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, ex officio.
* Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, ex officio.
* Affirmative Action Officer, ex officio, ex officio.
* Coordinator of Multi-Cultural Student Programs, ex officio.
* Director of Minority and Diversity Affairs, ex officio. (SD5000S)

The chair is to elected by the Commission from the minority faculty representation. Members of the commission are to be selected prior to April 15 of each year for terms to begin with the next academic year.

Recommendations to:
1. Legislative requests are reported directly to the executive committee of the Faculty Senate. As a matter of courtesy, these requests are also sent to the VCAA.
2. Administrative requests are reported to the VCAA for action. As a matter of courtesy, these requests are also sent to the Chair of the Faculty Senate.

Reports to:   the VCAA

10.3.3 Faculty Conciliator and Alternate (SD2695S) (formerly 10.3.4)

The Faculty Conciliator is chosen by SGA from a list of four full-time faculty members submitted by the Faculty Senate. SGA selects one of the nominees as Alternate Conciliator should the circumstances of a specific situation make the involvement of the Conciliator impractical. Because of the personal nature of some of the grievances and the potential for injured feelings and hostility, only tenured faculty are eligible to have their names submitted to SGA for the position.

Both the conciliator and the alternate serve one year terms with the alternate assuming the position of conciliator in the subsequent year. A new alternate is chosen at the end of each spring semester; accepting the nomination as Alternate Conciliator means a two-year commitment to the process. Terms of service begin at the start of the fall semester continue through the following summer. The Faculty Conciliator is an ex officio non-voting member of the Academic Appeals Board.

The job of the Faculty Conciliator is to hear student grievances, to try to resolve them at the earliest stage consistent with fairness to all parties, and to guide the student through the later stages of the grievance procedure if conciliation proves impossible. Consistent with justice, it should be the aim of the Conciliator to resolve as many cases as possible without going to the Academic Appeals Board.

To accomplish this, the Conciliator may need to investigate the facts of a grievance presented by a student. Also, in the normal course of the grievance procedure, the Conciliator will need to meet with the faculty member against whom the grievance is brought, and in some cases, with that member's departmental chair or program director. The Conciliator has the right and responsibility to determine the sequence of and extent to which student, faculty member, and department chair are consulted prior to initiating the formal sequence of events which lead to an Academic Appeals Board hearing. This does not relieve the Conciliator of following the requirements of the formal grievance procedure but does allow the flexibility required to attempt to resolve the conflict prior to that final step. Since appropriate conciliation will require discussing issues that would normally fall under the protection of student confidentiality, students must be apprised of this fact at the beginning of the process and must sign a waiver stating they understand the responsibilities of the Conciliator regarding their rights to confidentiality. (This waiver will also point out that information  pertaining to the grievance will be held in confidentiality on a need to know basis, and the circle of those who "need to know" may broaden.) 

In all of these events, the Conciliator is not acting as an advocate for the student or the faculty member, but as a presenter of the student's case, and a seeker of a fair and acceptable outcome for all parties without having to resort to a formal Academic Appeals Board hearing.

Procedural Guidelines for the Conciliator
A. Confidentiality is essential in grievance procedures but is difficult to achieve when many parties are involved. The Conciliator should not divulge the names of students who bring a grievance nor of the faculty members against whom the grievance is brought nor the nature of the grievance, except insofar as is required to aid in the resolution of the grievance. Both the student and the faculty member are expected to function under the same restrictions.

B. Because of the time restrictions on the grievance procedures, the Conciliator should make immediate notes on the date of the first contact with the student and during any follow-up contacts. This log of events during the process should include only the date and the action taken on that date. These notes may become critical in determining whether or not procedural guidelines were followed. They will also serve as the basis for the required annual report to the VCAA.

C. The Alternate Conciliator may be called to serve in the event of the Conciliator's unavilability or if a conflict of interest occurs. The Alternate should be brought into the conciliation process early in the semester, at least to the point of periodic consultations about the generalities of case problems, procedures and any cases that might be expected to carry over into the Alternate's term of duty as Conciliator.

D. The student has 15 class days after the start of the new semester to bring to the Conciliator grievances about grades and 15 class days after an event to bring grievances about faculty behavior. The Conciliator then has 10 class days to attempt to resolve the dispute before initiating a formal Academic Appeals Board hearing. In extraordinary circumstances, the Conciliator shall have the right to request that the Academic Appeals Board hold a hearing to override the existing time guidelines in order to effectively deal with a problem. The Academic Appeals Board will determine if a time extension is appropriate.

E. The Conciliator provides an annual report to the VCAA of all cases heard and the names of the parties involved. This is important as a means to identify possible patterns of abuse or repetitive patterns of misconduct either by a faculty member against students or by a particular student towards various faculty members. The VCAA will have the discretion to decide if this information should be available for tenure, promotion, and reappointment decisions for faculty and student judicial hearings for students.

Reports to:   the VCAA

10.3.4 Feldman Professorship Review Committee (formerly 10.3.5)

Each year the full-time, ranked faculty of UNCA shall select two of its members for receipt of the Ruth and Leon Feldman Professorship Fund prize. This award will honor those faculty who have excelled in one or both of the following fields:
1. Demonstrated competence in the areas of teaching, research and published writings, and
2. Service to the community and to UNCA.

Membership (SD2990S)
Six full-time faculty serving two year staggered terms that run from September 1 to August 3.  Three new members shall be selected each year: one from FWDC, one from URC, and one from UTC. Chairs of these respective committees shall consult to assure all the broad academic areas are represented. Members of the review committee shall elect their own Chair. In making its decision, the review committee shall be free to consult with students, community people, or others who may assist the committee in making its decision.

The faculty shall be invited by the Senate to submit written and signed nominations by March 1 (SD0988F) specifying the past accomplishments which recommend an individual's nomination. These nominations shall be in keeping with the terms of the Feldman fund.

Nominations shall be reviewed by the Ruth and Leon Feldman Professorship Fund Committee. In making its decision, the review committee shall be free to consult with students, community people, or others who may assist the committee in making its decision. In addition, nominations received during previous years as well as candidates from within the committee deliberations may be included in the review.

After its decision, which shall be kept confidential until the public announcement, the review committee, no later than May 1, shall inform the VCAA, who shall make arrangements for bestowing the award at the final spring faculty meeting. Recipients of the award will be listed in the UNCA catalog in a section describing the Ruth & Leon Feldman Professorship Fund.

Reports to:   the VCAA

10.3.5 University Research Council (URC) (Revised by SD0981F) (formerly 10.3.6)

1. To encourage and facilitate participation in academic research and professional communication of that research on the part of all members of the UNCA faculty.
2. To encourage and facilitate participation in institutional research and development programs when such programs transcend the normal research and development activities of institutional or administrative offices.
3. To aid faculty members and administrators in identifying sources of funds.
4. To serve as an advisory board regarding guidelines for all grant proposals, especially those which involve continuing matching funds on the part of the institution.
5. To advise the administration on matters relevant to the encouragement and support of university research.
6. To award intramural funds for research as they may become available.
7. To participate in the selection process, including formulation of job description and hiring criteria, for personnel involved in fund raising or grantsmanship of such a nature as to be of concern to this council; and to provide continued input regarding the responsibilities and activities of such personnel.

Five members of URC shall be faculty, with one representative from each of the following: (i) the arts, (ii) professional programs (management and accounting, education, physical education), (iii) the humanities, (iv) mathematics and the sciences, and (v) the social sciences. These members shall be recommended by the Chair of the Faculty Senate subject to the approval of the Senate. The term of appointment shall be for two years.

Three members of URC shall be administrators, including the Director of Special Academic Programs, and two persons shall be appointed by the Chancellor. One of these appointments shall be from the area of Academic Affairs and the other from Student Services. These two members shall be appointed for a one-year term. The officers of URC will be Chair and Secretary, with the usual responsibilities of each position. They will be elected by the Council on an annual basis.

Members of URC submitting grant proposals
URC committee members who submit a proposal to the Intramural Faculty Research Program (see Section 6.5.1) will be disqualified from the proposal review process. The disqualified members will be replaced by past URC committee members from the same or a closely related academic discipline.

Reports to:   the VCAA

10.3.6 University Teaching Council (UTC) (SD1588S) (formerly 10.3.7)

1. To encourage and facilitate improvements in methods and techniques of teaching on the part of all members of the UNCA faculty.
2. To encourage and facilitate participation in Institutional research and development regarding teaching activities when such programs transcend the normal activities of institutional or administrative offices.
3. To aid faculty and administrators in identifying and pursuing sources of funds for improvement of teaching.
4. To serve as an advisory board regarding guidelines for all grant proposals regarding teaching, especially those which involve continuing matching funds on the part of the institution.
5. To advise the administration on matters relevant to the encouragement and support of improved teaching.
6. To make recommendations regarding the awarding of intramural funds for the support of teaching as they become available.
7. To participate in the selection process, including formulation of job description and hiring criteria, for personnel involved in fund raising and grantsmanship of such a nature as to be of concern to this Council; and to provide continued counsel regarding the responsibilities and activities of such personnel.
8. To establish mechanisms for the recognition of superior teaching in the form of additional awards and acknowledgements.
9. To develop seminars and other methods, both intramural and extramural, for the exchange of ideas concerning pedagogy.

Five members of the Council shall be faculty members, at least two of which will be former recipients of the Distinguished Teaching Award, with one representative from each of (1) the arts, (2) professional programs (i.e., management and accounting, education, physical education, (3) the humanities, (4) mathematics and the natural sciences, and (5) the social sciences. These members shall be recommended by the Chair of the Faculty Senate subject to the approval of the Faculty Senate.

The term of appointment shall be for two years. One member of the FWDC shall sit as an ex officio member of the UTC. Two additional members of the Council shall be administrators appointed by the VCAA. At least one of these appointments must be from the area of Academic Affairs. The officers of the Council will be Chair and Secretary, elected by the Council on an annual basis from the faculty representatives on the Council.

Reports to:  the VCAA

10.3.7 University Service Council (SD0700F)

Because faculty service is integral to every aspect of our campus's operations, and because it complements teaching and research in the overall development of individual faculty members and the faculty as a whole, the University Service Council (USC) is established to promote an appreciation of service appropriate to the mission of the university. With general functions paralleling the UTC and URC, the USC will also interact with the Key Center for Service Learning, make an annual award for distinguished service, and provide a voice for recognition of service in salary, tenure, and promotion decisions.

Eight members, two of which will be permanent based upon their regular duties.  Faculty members are recommended by the Chair of the Faculty Senate subject to the approval of the Senate. Faculty members serve two year appointments.
* Director of Key Center for Service Learning (permanent member)
* Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (permanent member)
* The past recipient of the award for Distinguished Service (one year appointment)
* Five faculty members, one from each of the following divisions: the arts, the professional programs (management and accounting, education, physical education), the humanities, the social sciences and mathematics/natural sciences

Recommendations/reports to:  the VCAA 

10.4 Committees Whose Members Are Appointed (Standing Committees)

Much of the ongoing faculty involvement in institutional decision-making occurs through a system of standing committees primarily staffed by faculty.

10.4.1 General Information on Standing Committees How Standing Committees Are Created (SD0694F)

Committees which seek the status of Standing University Committee must follow the following procedure:

1. Petition the VCAA in writing for the status of Standing University Committee, giving a rationale for the request and suggesting the composition of the committee.

2. After consulting with the Faculty Welfare & Development Committee, the VCAA may either deny or approve the request. 
     a. If the petition is denied by the VCAA, the procedure is terminated or the petition may be revised and resubmitted to the VCAA.
     b. If the petition is approved by the VCAA, it is sent to the Faculty Senate for ratification.

3. The Faculty Senate will consider petitions approved by the VCAA.
     a. If the Faculty Senate fails to ratify the petition, the procedure is terminated or the petition may be revised and resubmitted to the VCAA.
     b. If the Faculty Senate does ratify the petition, a Standing University Committee is created. How Members Are Selected

Appointments to standing committees are normally made by the VCAA in consultation with the FWDC. (Some standing committees also include appointments by the Chancellor, other Vice Chancellors and/or ex officio members.) All full-time faculty can expect to serve on at least one of these committees.

Each spring the FWDC distributes a "Committee Preference and Service Record" form on which faculty list their new and continuing service appointments for the subsequent year.  Each service activity is awarded points based on the required time commitment.  A faculty member's total service points for the upcoming year are considered before any new service assignments are made. How Standing Committees Operate

After the Office of Academic Affairs distributes the list of committee members, an organization meeting should be called by either the designated coordinator or staff person, or the faculty member whose name appears first on the list. At the first committee meeting business such as electing a Chair and a secretary and setting future meeting dates as appropriate should be done. Required Reporting of Committee Activity (SD1490S)

All chairs of standing and ad hoc committees of the faculty shall submit a summary report of their significant activities for the year to the VCAA and the Chairs of the Senate and FWDC by May 30 of each academic year. This report should list uncompleted projects and other recommended activities for the next academic year, and any proposed changes in the committee structure, membership or focus. These reports should be made available to new committee chairs to aid in accomplishing committee objectives. Alphabetized List of Standing Committees

The following table lists the 31 current standing committees in alphabetical order.  Each committee title is followed by its location within section 10.4.

Committee Section Committee Section
Academic Support Services 10.4.3 Intercollegiate Athletics 10.4.11
Adjunct Faculty 10.4.17 International Programs Advisory 10.4.12
Aesthetics Advisory 10.4.26 Library and Media Services 10.4.13
Africana Studies Advisory 10.4.27 Parking and Traffic Commission 10.4.15
Animal Care 10.4.18 Premedical Advisory 10.4.21
Campus Commission 10.4.2 Recreation 10.4.14
Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory 10.4.32 Scholarship and Financial Aid 10.4.16
Computer and Telecommunications 10.4.4 Sexual Harassment Advisory 10.4.28
Cultural and Special Events 10.4.5 Teaching Awards 10.4.29
Energy and Safety 10.4.6 Teaching Fellows Advisory 10.4.30
Enrollment Services 10.4.7 Undergraduate Research Program Advisory 10.4.23
First Year Experience Advisory 10.4.19 Univ School Teacher Education Council 10.4.8
Graduate Council 10.4.22 Violence Prevention Task Force 10.4.31
Honors and Degree Programs 10.4.10 Women's Studies Advisory 10.4.24
Honors Program Advisory 10.4.9 Writing-Across-the-Curriculum Advisory 10.4.25
Institutional Review Board 10.4.20    

10.4.2 Campus Commission

This committee is to provide effective utilization of and accounting for student services funds collected as a condition of enrollment. The committee is responsible for allocation of funds and oversight responsibilities for the financial integrity of programs receiving funds.

Four faculty, each serving a two year term; five students, Director of Student Development

Recommendations to:  the VCSA

Reports to:   the VCAA

10.4.3 Academic Support Services (Replaces College Skills Committee; description based on current practice.)

Advisory to academic support services on campus.

* Four faculty serving staggered two year terms.
* Directors of the Math, Reading and Writing Labs,
* Assistant VC for Enrollment Services.

Recommendations and reports to:  the VCAA

10.4.4 Computer and Telecommunications

Eengages in long-range planning for facilities and services, proposes policy, and is on call to assist the Director.

* Four faculty, each serving a two year term (staggered)
* members ex officio without vote: Director of Computer Center, Chair of Computer Science, Director of Center for Teaching and Learning

Recommendation to:  Director of Computing Center

Reports to:  the VCAA

10.4.5 Cultural and Special Events

1. Obtains, on a continuing basis, information from students, faculty, and staff as to their interests in cultural events, theatre, exhibitions, performances, speakers, etc., which will enrich the lives of all members of the campus community.
2. Schedules programs based on preferences of students, faculty, and staff; communicates that schedule on a semester basis. Such schedules should present a minimum of conflicts with other campus activities.
3. Maintains a fiscally sound program based on a reasonable anticipation of revenue from student fees and other sources.
4. Advises the Director of the Highsmith Center and assists in presenting an annual program of cultural and special events to the University community.

Three faculty, each serving a two year term; six students, one UNCA staff member, Highsmith Center Director who serves as coordinator.

Recommendations to:  the Director of Student Activities

Reports to:  the Chancellor

10.4.6 Energy and Safety Committee

1. Recommends energy conservation measures.
2. Keeps the University community informed on the State's energy practices.
3. Serves as liaison between the University OSHA officer and campus employees.
4. Assists the University OSHA officer by:
    a. recognizing and reporting defects needing attention
    b. assisting in promotion of safety and health practices education and
    c. assisting in investigation of unsafe conditions.

* Four faculty, each serving a two year term (staggered);
* Radiology Officer, OSHA Officer, Director of Public Safety

Recommendations to:  the Director of Facilities Management

Reports to:  the VCFA

10.4.7 Enrollment Services Advisory (SD1898S)

The committee makes recommendations and hears appeals for the Admissions and Registrar's offices. The committee:
1. hears student appeals relative to admission decisions,  academic actions (i.e., suspension and dismissal), and scholarships, 
2. reviews fraudulent credentials and makes recommendations,
3. makes recommendations to APC regarding university academic regulations, and
4. reviews and makes recommendations for policies and procedures in Admissions, Advising, and the Registrar's offices.

* Five faculty serving staggered two year terms;
* ex officio without votes: Asst. VC for Enrollment Services, Director of Admissions, Registrar, Director of Financial Aid.

Recommendations to -- Assistant VC for Enrollment Services

Reports to:  the VCAA

10.4.8 University School Teacher Education Council (formerly FACTE) (SD4401S)

In 1997, the NC General Assembly appropriated money for the creation of partnerships between UNC system departments of education and public schools. UNCA was granted funding to begin such a partnership. Members of the Education Department, public school teachers, administrators, and arts & science faculty created a new structure, USTEP, to coordinate partnership activities. Because of the overlap in purpose and membership between USTEP and the Faculty Advisory Committee on Teacher Education, the two have been merged into a single entity called the University School Teacher Education Council (USTEC)

1. Provide coordination and articulation between the academic departments, the Education Department, and the LEAs in following the state's guidelines for the preparation of teachers within UNCA's liberal arts model for teacher certification;
2. Develop the goals, objectives, and strategic plan for guiding the work of USTEC;
3. Make recommendations to the Education Department Chairperson based on reports from the 3 Subcommittees: Initial Preparation of Teachers, Induction (initially licensed teachers), and Professional Development. Each subcommittee chair will serve as a member of the USTEC University Standing Committee; and
4. Encourage all members of USTEC to participate in the work of one of the 3 USTEP subcommittees.

A total of 25 people including:
* 6 UNCA Education Faculty  (5+Chair), appointed by the Education Department Chair and to include a USTEP Director appointed by Education Department Chair.
* 1 Outreach Coordinator
*  VCAA (or designee)
* 5 UNCA Arts & Science Faculty, appointed by VCAA in consultation with Education Department Chair and to include faculty representing the Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Humanities
* 4
public school teachers, appointed by the Education Department Chair and to include representatives from    three partnership LEAs (Henderson County, Buncombe County, Asheville City)
 * 4
public school administrators (the Superintendents or their designees from each of the following systems: Asheville, Buncombe, Henderson, and Madison)
* 3 community members, appointed by the Chair of the Education Department
* 2 UNCA students, appointed by the Chair of the Education Department

The Administrative Committee will include the Education Department Chair, USTEC Director, and the Outreach Coordinator.

The Chair of the Education Department, the VCAA, and superintendents are permanent members. The USTEP director is appointed annually by the Education Department Chair. All other members serve a staggered 2 year term. Committee and partnership members from the 2000-2001 academic year are expected to continue on or rotate off based on their current terms, whichever constitutes the end of their 2nd full year.

Recommendations to:   Chair, Dept. of Education

Reports to:  the VCAA

10.4.9 Honors Program Advisory

Advisory to the Honors Program.

* Four faculty, each serving a two year term (staggered);
* Director and Associate Director of the Honors Program, ex officio.

Recommendations to:   Director of Honors Program

Reports to:  the VCAA

10.4.10 Honors and Degree Programs (SD3197S)

1. Recommends who among the graduating class is to receive what level of University-wide Honors.
2. Recommends policy concerning the granting of University-wide Honors as well as approves policy for granting departmental or program distinction.
3. Recommends a recipient for the annual Manly E. Wright Scholarship Award to the graduating senior judged first in scholarship.
4. Reviews and approves requests from students who wish to develop and pursue a program of Independent Study leading to either the BA or BS. The committee must approve the proposed program curriculum before the student may formally pursue their desired course of study. The committee's decision is forwarded to the registrar.

Five faculty members, each representing a different department with no more than two from the same division. Members shall serve two year staggered terms.

Recommendations to:  the Faculty body

Reports to:  the VCAA

10.4.11 Intercollegiate Athletics

1. Approves all budgets for all athletic activities.
2. Approves general guidelines for schedules for each activity including allocation of practice space.
3. Approves guidelines concerning student eligibility for all intercollegiate athletic programs.
4. Assists in determining memberships in conferences and/or athletic associations.

* six faculty, each serving a two year term (staggered);
* two students
* Director and Associate Director of Athletics, ex officio without vote,
* Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR), ex officio without vote.

Recommendations and reports to:   the Chancellor

10.4.12 International Programs Advisory

Advisory to the International Studies Director in policy development, annual and long-range program planning, budgeting and publicity.

* nine faculty serving staggered two year terms,
* Directors of International Studies and Study Abroad
* International Students Advisor

Recommendations to:  Director of International Programs

Reports to:  the VCAA

10.4.13 Library and Media Services

1. Consults with the University Librarian concerning needs of the students and faculty in use of the library.
2. Advises the University Librarian on general library policy.
3. Consults with the University Librarian in formulation of the annual budget, long-range budget planning, allocation of book funds, and long-range building plans.
4. Receives reports from the University Librarian concerning the Library program.
5. Acts as liaison between the library, students and faculty.
6. Serves in an advisory capacity, on call, to the Media Center Director in the following areas:

  1. Review, propose, amend and approve policies of the Media Center
  2. Develop annual and long-range plans for the Media Center
  3. Develop and approve budget proposals and priorities.
  4. Coordination of the Media Center and Library function, services, plans, budgets and priorities.

* Four faculty, each serving a two year term (staggered)
* University Librarian, Director of the Media Center

Recommendations to:   University Librarian

Reports to:  the VCAA

10.4.14 Recreation

Advisory to Recreation Program.

* Two faculty, each serving a two year term (staggered);
* Director of Recreation, ex officio

Recommendations to:   Director of Recreation

Reports to:  the VCAA

10.4.15 Parking and Traffic Commission

This committee will periodically meet for the purpose of hearing appeals other than moving violations and is administratively responsible to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.

* Two faculty and two alternates each serving a two year term (staggered)
* Two staff and two alternates each serving a two year term (staggered)
* Two students and two alternates each serving a two year term (staggered)

Recommendations and reports to:   VCSA

10.4.16 Scholarship and Financial Aid (SD1998S)

1. Determines final awards for University Laurels, the university merit scholarships, based on faculty and student input from campus interviews and folder evaluations.
2. Approves recommendations of awards for university need-merit and/or other special scholarships.
3. Approves recommendations of departmental scholarship awards.
4. Determines policies and procedures for the awarding of university scholarships.
5. Reviews and makes recommendations for Financial Aid policies and procedures.

* one faculty member serving a one year term,
* Assist. VC for Enrollment Services,
* Director of Admissions,
* Director of Financial Aid,
* Director of the Honors Program,
* Director of Undergraduate Research, and
* one student (appointed by VCAA).

Recommendations to:   Assist. VC for Enrollment Services

Reports to:  the VCAA

10.4.17 Adjunct Faculty Committee (SD0500F)

1. Works to integrate adjunct faculty and their concerns into the University community.
2. Acts as an advocate for adjunct concerns, ensuring that  adjunct faculty have representation and a voice in university affairs.

The following individuals serve annual, renewable terms:
* 3 adjuncts, chosen by peers at their first Fall meeting.
* 1 full-time faculty member, chosen by adjuncts at their first Fall meeting.
* 1 FWDC appointee.
* 1 appointee from Academic Affairs.

Recommendations and reports to:   the VCAA

10.4.18 Animal Care Committee (formerly 10.5.2)

The Animal Care and Use Committee is charged with the task of reviewing and monitoring projects which utilize live animals to insure compliance with relevant legislation, to meet the University's moral and ethical obligations to other living organisms, to provide assurances for granting agencies, to address public concerns about the humane treatment of experimental animals, and to protect investigators and students from unsubstantiated or unwarranted allegations of improper procedures.

1. Review the Application for Animal Use required of any project by an investigator of UNCA (faculty or student) or any teaching procedure which requires the use of live animals.
2. Review all grant applicants by UNCA investigators which require the use of live animals.
3. Conduct semi-annual site visits to all live animal housing facilities on campus.

* one faculty scientist appointed by URC,
* one faculty non-scientist appointed by URC,
* Director of Special Academic Programs, 
* one veterinarian appointed by the Chancellor,
* one non-affiliated person appointed by the Chancellor.

Faculty are appointed for two year terms. At least one faculty should be a member of the URC. Non-university and veterinary members are solicited through the Assistant to the Chancellor and serve two year terms. Individuals may be reappointed to successive terms.

Recommendations to:   the URC for policy and procedural changes

Reports to:  the VCAA

10.4.19 First Year Experience Advisory (formerly 10.5.4)

Advisory to the First Year Experience Program.

* Five faculty serving staggered two year terms,
* 1 Student Affairs staff
* 1 Counseling/Career Center staff
* Director of First Year Experience
* Director and Associate Director of Honors Program
* Assistant VC for Enrollment Services

Recommendations to:   Director of the First Year Experience Program

Reports to:  the VCAA

10.4.20 Institutional Review Board (formerly Human Subjects, 10.5.6) (SD0393F)

The UNCA Institutional Review Board (IRB) is charged with the responsibility of reviewing all research proposals involving human subjects, according to the Code of Federal Regulations (45 CFR 46, June 18, 1991.) These regulations require IRB approval for federally-funded research on human subjects and also require that the Institution have a policy on such studies "regardless of whether the research is subject to federal regulation." (#46.103 (b)(1).) This policy allows departments to adopt their own, more restrictive review procedures. The UNCA policy on human subjects applies not only to the research of individual faculty and staff members but also to the research projects assigned to students. Since most of UNCA's research has in the past involved minimal risk to human subjects, the review procedure for most projects is also minimal.

Membership of the IRB conforms to federal guidelines (46.107).
* Five members, approved by the Chancellor, serving staggered three year terms with at least one appointed each year. Faculty members as well as administrative staff are eligible for appointment to the IRB.  Reappointment to a second term of three years is allowable for the sake of continuity.  Members shall not be all male or all female and there must be representation from the natural science, social science, and humanities areas of the university.
* One member not be otherwise affiliated with UNCA.

Recommendations and reports to:   the VCAA

10.4.21 Premedical Advisory (formerly 10.5.7)

1. Advises, counsels and guides students interested in medical and/or dental careers.
2. Collectively writes letters of recommendation for students applying to medical and dental schools and similar programs.
3. Actively promotes student interest, awareness, and experience in health care settings.

* Two faculty members serving staggered two year terms,
* Campus physician,
* Director of Hippocrates Program.

Recommendations and reports to:   the VCAA

10.4.22 Graduate Council (formerly 10.5.8)

Purpose     (SD0292F)
The UNCA Graduate Council is responsible for advising and assisting the MLA Program Director in the overall administration and functioning of the Master of Liberal Arts Program. These responsibilities include advising and assisting the Director in:
1. Overall planning for the academic curriculum of the program including: course development; faculty recruitment; and revision and development of program design. The council will advise and assist the Director in maintaining the academic excellence of the program and in effectively administering it.
2. Establishing and implementing specific procedures of on-going program and curriculum evaluation.
3. Overseeing the academic advising system. Members who have served at least one semester on the Council will be assigned by the director as graduate student advisors as appropriate.
4. Implementing, and where necessary developing, admissions procedures and policies. Council members will assist the Director in interviewing and making admissions decisions on all applicants for the MLA program.
5. Creating an energetic program of grant and funding solicitation from foundations, government agencies, and private industry.
6. Proposing and initiating new educational services, auxiliary to the MLA degree program, which serve the needs and interests of the non-traditional student.
7. Planning and implementing an imaginative program of student recruitment.
8. Interpreting institutional requirements and regulations to MLA students and faculty.
9. Interpreting the nature and role of the MLA in the institutional setting and to society at large. Assuring coordination between the MLA Program and the Humanities program, other interdisciplinary programs and the undergraduate curriculum in general.

In addition, the Graduate Council is charged with:
1. Approving MLA courses and instructors.
2. Approving MLA projects and theses.

Membership     (SD3090S)
* Six faculty members serving staggered two year terms.  Two are elected each year by Faculty Senate, one is appointed each year by the VCAA. The six faculty members should include two representatives from each of the three broad divisions of the UNCA faculty: Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences.
* Director of the MLA program, who may not chair the Council,
* Director of Humanities program.

Recommendations to:   Director of MLA Program

Reports to:   the VCAA

10.4.23 Undergraduate Research Program Advisory Council (URPAC) (formerly 10.5.9)

URPAC is the advisory body for the Undergraduate Research Program (URP) and is primarily responsible for selecting awardees of academic and travel grants, organizing research symposiums on campus, monitoring the progress of Undergraduate Fellows and Scholars on campus, and overseeing production of the UNCA Journal and the Proceedings of the National Conference on Undergraduate Research. URPAC also provides an annual evaluation of the director of the Undergraduate Research Program to the VCAA.

* Three faculty, appointed for staggered two year terms,
* four students, 
* Directors of Undergraduate Research and Honors Programs,
* Editor of the Proceedings of the National Conference on Undergraduate Research.

Recommendations to:   Director of Undergraduate Research

Reports to:   the VCAA

10.4.24 Women's Studies Advisory (formerly 10.5.10)

Advisory to the Women's Studies Program.

* Two faculty serving staggered two year terms,
* one student,
* Director of Women's Studies Program.

Recommendations to:   Director of Women's Studies

Reports to:   the VCAA

10.4.25 Writing-Across-the Curriculum Advisory (formerly 10.5.11)

Advisory to the Writing-Across- the-Curriculum Program.

* Six faculty, serving staggered two year terms,
* Director of the WAC program.

Recommendations to:   Director of WAC

Reports to:   the VCAA

10.4.26 Aethetics Advisory Committee (SD0297F)

To advise the Chancellor on matters related to campus aesthetics.

* Two faculty nominated by the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee and approved by the VCAA, and
* two members appointed by the Chancellor.

All members serve two year staggered terms.

Recommendations to:   the Chancellor

Reports to:  the VCAA

10.4.27 Africana Studies Advisory  (Based on current practice.)

Advisory to the Africana Studies Program.

* four faculty each serving a one year term,
* VCAA or designee

Recommendations to:   Director of Africana Studies Program

Reports to:  the VCAA

10.4.28 Sexual Harassment Advisory  (From 6/4/96 report of Sexual Harassment Task Force and current practice.)

Serves as panel of advisors on sexual harassment issues.  

Membership (Based on current practice.)
* Four faculty serving staggered two year terms,
* Faculty Conciliator

Recommendations to:   the Chancellor

Reports to:  the VCAA

10.4.29 Teaching Awards  (Based on current practice.)

Select annual recipients of teaching awards.

* the seven most recent recipients of Teaching Awards,
* the prior year's UNCA Distinguished Teacher, ex officio without vote.

The most recent recipient of the UNCA Distinguished Teacher Award serves as committee chair.

Recommendations and reports to:    the VCAA

10.4.30 Teaching Fellows Advisory  (Based on current practice.)

Advisory to the Teaching Fellows Program.

* Three faculty serving staggered two year terms,
* Director of the Teaching Fellows Program,
* VCAA or designee,
* Director of Admissions
* Chair of the Education Department

Recommendations to:  Director of the Teaching Fellows Program

Reports to:  the VCAA

10.4.31 Violence Prevention  (From the 1996-97 report of the Violence Prevention Task Force and current practice.)

Serves as panel of advisors on violence prevention issues.

* Two faculty serving staggered two year terms,
* Director of Physical Plant,
* Director of Public Safety,
* Director of Human Resources,
* Employee Assistance Program Consultant,
* Counseling Center Representative.

Recommendations and reports to:   the VCAA

10.4.32 Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory  (Based on current practice.)

Advisory to the Center for Teaching and Learning.

* Three faculty serving one year terms,
* one post-doctoral fellow in college teaching,
* Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning,
* VCAA or designee.

Recommendations to:  Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning

Reports to:  the VCAA

10.5 Individual Service Appointments

For information about reassigned time associated with these appointments, see Section

10.5.1 Faculty Handbook Editor (formerly 10.9.6) (SD4385)

Duties:  Action by the Faculty Senate, on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, specified appointment of a faculty member as editor of the Faculty Handbook. The editor is responsible for maintaining the Handbook through annual revisions and reports both to the VCAA and the Chair of the Faculty Senate.

Appointed by:  the Faculty Senate with approval of the VCAA

Term of Appointment:  2 years, renewable

10.5.2 Humanities Director

Duties:  The Director of Humanities is responsible for scheduling all sections of Humanities courses each term, supervising faculty who teach only within Humanities (e.g., adjuncts), and supervising the coordinators of the four Humanities courses.

Appointed by:   the VCAA

Term of Appointment:  3 years, renewable

10.5.3 Arts and Ideas Director

Duties:  The Arts and Ideas Director is responsible for recruiting faculty to teach in the Arts and Ideas program, working with participating faculty to develop the ARTS 310 course, and scheduling multiple sections of ARTS 310 and the ARTS workshops.

Appointed by:  the VCAA

Term of Appointment:  3 years, renewable

10.5.4 Director of the Honors Program

Duties:  The Director's responsibilities include planning the Honors program, both academic and co-curricular; appointment of faculty members to teach Honors classes (in consultation with other department and program heads); selection of students as members of the program; maintaining and implementing Honors policies; supervising the process of naming graduating seniors for Distinction as University Scholars; arranging assessment for Honors classes and other activities; organizing the non-classroom activities of the program including study abroad, service learning, post-graduate opportunities, and co-curricular events; representing the program to the University, the community, and prospective students; assisting with admissions, recruitment, and scholarship decisions; and providing liaison with the Undergraduate Research program. (See Section 11.3 for program information)

Appointed by:  the VCAA

Term of Appointment:  3 years, renewable

10.5.5 Director of the Undergraduate Research Program

Duties:  The responsibilities of the Director of the Program include:
1. cooperating with the University Laurels Merit Scholarship Program, to recruit and retain talented students;
2. serving as an information conduit for students and faculty who want to learn more about undergraduate research;
3. providing information about funding opportunities for students through academic year and summer research and presentation grants;
4. coordinating the interaction of undergraduate research students with external groups (e.g. NCUR, Research at the Capital, SOARS);
5. arranging for public presentation of the work of undergraduate research students for the UNCA community;
6. overseeing the publication of the UNCA Journal on Undergraduate Research;
7. collecting information on students and faculty who participate in undergraduate research for institutional awards;
8. interacting with the national undergraduate research community.

UNCA's Undergraduate Research Program offers a range of opportunities specifically aimed at assisting faculty and students with collaborative efforts in research. The Undergraduate Research Program Advisory Council (URPAC) assists the director in setting policy, assessment of the effectiveness of the program, and making changes necessary to improve the overall quality of the program.  (See Section 11.4 for program information).

Appointed by:  the VCAA in consultation with representatives from the Undergraduate Research Program Advisory Council (URPAC).

Term of Appointment:  3 years, renewable

10.5.6 Director of the First Year Experience Program

Duties:  Administers the First-Year Experience Program (see Section 11.2 for program information). Though not exhaustive the list of duties associated with this position includes:
1. recruitment, preparation, and development of first-year seminar instructors and interdisciplinary teams of guest speakers;
2. development, articulation, and assessment of program goals and objectives;
3.  design and implementation of First-Year Seminar Series;
4.  interfacing with Enrollment Services regarding mutually supporting enrollment and advising;
5.  interfacing with the Center for Teaching and Learning regarding mutually supporting instructor training-&- development activities;
6.  interfacing with the Director of Orientation;
7.  development, with appropriate campus committees, and coordination of new initiatives directed toward first year students arising from the Enhancement Self-Study.

Appointed by:   the VCAA

Term of Appointment:   3 years, renewable

10.5.7 African-American Colloquium Coordinator

Duties: The coordinator of the African-American Colloquium is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the program, curricular and co-curricular, and acts as course liaison with the UNCA administration whenever questions arise.  Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the colloquium, the coordinator guides and plans how the subject material can best reflect the expertise of those faculty responsible for teaching.  Because the colloquium relies on the recruitment and enrollment of Black students, the coordinator often is called on to present the benefits of this class during student and parent orientation programs. (See Section 11.7 for program information.)

Appointed by:  the VCAA in consultation with the Africana Studies Advisory Committee

Term of Appointment:  3 years, renewable

10.5.8 Director of  Teaching and Learning

Duties: The Director of Teaching and Learning supervises all activities of the Center for Teaching and Learning (see Section 11.9 for center information). The Director works to create an environment in which faculty across the university are energized to pursue professional improvement with maximum efficiency.  The Director is responsible for
1. working with faculty and the Office of Academic Affairs regarding faculty development needs and plans, and communicating with faculty concerning administrative suggestions and decisions related to these.
2. facilitating communications among those working on, or interested in working on, teaching and learning projects.
3. encouraging faculty's development of professional knowledge, recognition and expertise through such activities as grant proposal writing, research, teaching exchanges and attendance at summer seminars and professional conferences.
4. maintaining communication with offices across campus to gather and/or assure dissemination of information pertinent to effective faculty development in teaching and learning.
5. representing UNCA off campus, communicating and consulting with those in similar offices on other campuses and with appropriate state and national professional organization.
6. managing the budget allocated to the Center.
7. supervising and evaluating Center staff.

Appointed by:  the VCAA in consultation with representatives from the UTC and FWDC.

Term of Appointment:  3 years, renewable

10.5.9 Director of the Key Center for Service Learning

Duties: The Key Center Director oversees all Center activities, including those of the assoc. director; the director also is primarily responsible for encouraging faculty to use service-learning in their classes, and for assisting them to make this a successful addition to student learning. (See Section 11.9 for center information.)

Appointed by:   the VCAA in consultation with the Key Center advisory board.

Term of Appointment:  3 years, renewable

10.5.10 Director of Interdisciplinary Studies

Duties: The Director of Interdisciplinary Studies leads UNCA's newest degree program, consisting of two concentrations: the Individual Degree concentration, for students developing their own interdisciplinary degree program, and the Ethics and Social Institutions concentration. (See Section 11.6 for program information.) The coordination function includes:
1. Course management: Scheduling and evaluating courses carrying the IST designation.
2. Program development: Evaluating requests for new IST courses and programs.
3. Program management: Supervising the degree concentrations including all aspects of the Individual Degree concentration (i.e., evaluating/approving applications, monitoring student progress and assessing student learning).
4. Budget oversight.
5. Publicity of IST options among faculty and students.

Appointed by:  the VCAA in consultation with Council of Chairs and Directors

Term of Appointment:  3 years, renewable

10.5.11 Director of International Programs

Duties: The Director of International Programs supervises all aspects of international programming:  overseeing the study abroad program, coordinating the International Studies minor, sponsoring and promoting a variety of co-curricular events with an international focus, and organizing faculty development projects that will lead to both new International Studies courses and the infusion of international content across the curriculum.  Activities within the study abroad program are coordinated by the Director of Study Abroad who is responsible for the day-by-day functioning of the Office of Study Abroad. (See Section 11.5 for program information.)

Appointed by:  the VCAA 

Term of Appointment:  3 years, renewable

10.5.12 CSAC Faculty Liaison

Duties: A non-voting faculty member appointed annually to the Chancellor's Staff Advisory Committee (CSAC).  Functions as a liaison between the faculty and staff, sharing information about issues of importance to faculty, staff and the university.

Appointed by:  the Faculty Senate

Term of Appointment:  1 year

10.6 Faculty Representatives to UNCA and Outside Agencies (formerly 10.6-10.8)

10.6.1 UNCA Foundation Board (formerly 10.6.2)

The UNCA Foundation is a tax-exempt organization separate from the University whose fundamental purpose is to actively promote, both locally and at large, public understanding of and external support for the University and its program. Faculty representatives serve on the Board to: 
1. Provide faculty voice in Foundation activities,
2. Provide a mechanism for informing the faculty about Foundation activities.

Membership and terms
Two faculty nominated by the Faculty Senate, one faculty appointed by the Chancellor, serving staggered two year terms.

10.6.2 University Relations Faculty Advisory Committee (formerly 10.6.4) (SD0790F)

1. To serve in an advisory capacity to the Vice Chancellor for University Relations (VCUR) and the University Relations staff on external affairs, including but not limited to the UNCA Foundation, Development, Public Information, Publications, Graphics, Alumni Programming, Leadership Programs, and Owen Conference Center.
2. To act as a liaison between University Relations, the faculty and students.
3. To advise the VCUR and assist in presenting an annual report to the University community.
4. To obtain, on a regular basis, information from faculty, students, staff and the community at large on public relations and other matters which should be addressed by the Office.

NOTE: The VCUR is to present to the Faculty Senate an update of the activities and plans of the Office at the first or second meeting of the Faculty Senate in the Fall Semester (SD3290S). This report should include information on the investment management advisor and the fees paid for their service (SD3390S). 

Five members of the Committee shall be faculty with one representative from each of (1) the Humanities, (2) the Social Sciences, (3) the Natural Sciences, (4) the UNCA Foundation (e.g., one of the two Senate-elected faculty representatives to the Foundation), and one at-large member. The term of service shall be for two years.

Recommendations to: VCUR

10.6.3 UNC Faculty Assembly (formerly 10.7.1) (SD3991S)

The Assembly holds four regular meetings each academic year plus special meetings which may be called by the Chair or the President of the University. The Assembly advises the President on matters such as Academic Programs, Planning, Budgets, Faculty Welfare and Development and other matters which may come before the Assembly from the various campuses or the President and his staff.

Membership and Terms
UNCA faculty elect two representatives and alternates to the UNC Faculty Assembly; each serve terms of three years. The two alternates serve terms concurrent with the elected representatives.

A faculty assembly representative may be recalled by a simple majority vote of the Faculty Senate if he or she fails to attend more than two meetings in one academic year or if he or she fails to suitably attempt to arrange for a replacement for more than one meeting that he or she cannot attend during the term of service.

If a Representative fails to complete a term, the replacement is that representative's designated alternate; the designated alternate shall finish the representative's term. The new designated alternate will be the person who received the third most votes in the original election. If there was a tie for the third most votes, then the new alternate shall be determined by a coin flip at the next Faculty Senate meeting.

10.6.4 Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR) (formerly 10.8.1)

The University Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR) to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the Big South Athletic Conference is appointed by the Chancellor for a three year period; a second reappointment may be made. No faculty member will serve for more than six consecutive years. Appointment procedures are outlined in the responsibilities of the Intercollegiate Athletic Committee (IAC). Since the Department of Athletics operates on a twelve month schedule, the FAR or a designated representative of the IAC must be available during the summer months.

The FAR's role is not one of advocating the Athletic Department; the FAR is an advocate of the student athlete and monitors the Athletic Department's activities to insure compliance with NCAA regulations. Specific duties include keeping the Chancellor and VCAA apprised of alleged irregularities within UNCA's athletic program, representing UNCA as the voting delegate at the Annual NCAA Convention, Chairing the IAC, conducting the required NCAA exit interviews, certifying eligibility and squad lists in coordination with the Registrar, monitoring graduation rates and academic progress, and monitoring that both scholarship and participation opportunities reflect the University gender ratio.

10.7 Time-Limited Committees (revised by SD2202S)

When special issues arise, UNCA establishes additional committees to work on specific time-limited projects. Most of these committees contain faculty representatives as a mechanism for providing faculty input. Members may be appointed by the Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the Faculty Senate, the University Planning Council or Department Chairs/Program Directors. Those who appoint members to these committees specify both the term of appointment and the mission/charge to the group, including to whom and at what time the group must report.

For the Faculty Senate to be aware of ad hoc committees and task forces in the campus community, each university-wide committee/task force must follow the procedure below

  1. On formation of the committee/task force, the chair of that entity must notify the FWDC of the Faculty Senate of the objectives, membership and anticipated length of service of the group.
  2. At the time of its formation, the committee/task force must identify a finite time limit.
  3. If the committee/task force exists beyond a two year limit, it must convert to a standing committee or disband.

10.7.1 Academic Department/Program Committees (formerly 10.9.1)

Department Chairs or Program Directors may appoint members of their faculty to departmental or program committees. These committees serve a variety of functions (e.g., search committees, curriculum committees, self-study committees) and report to the Department Chair or Program Director as appropriate.

10.7.2 Institutional Self Study/Accreditation (formerly 10.9.3)

UNCA periodically creates task forces to work on an institutional self-study (e.g., review of the General Education curriculum) or an institutional accreditation (e.g., SACS, NCATE, NCAA).  Faculty typically are appointed to these committees by the VCAA in consultation with the Faculty Senate.

10.7.3 Administrator Search Committees (formerly 10.9.4) (see Section 2.3 for faculty searches)

Faculty serve on the search committees for the position of Chancellor and the various Vice Chancellor positions. Faculty typically are appointed to these committees by the VCAA or the Chancellor in consultation with the Faculty Senate.

10.7.4 Other Ad Hoc Committees and Task Forces

Whenever necessary, UNCA may create additional ad hoc committees of task forces to explore issues of current importance (e.g., retention, diversity).

10.8 FORMS for Section 10.0

No forms for this section.

Faculty Handbook - version 8/12
Handbook for contracts dated prior to 7/1/03 (PDF)
Index | Faculty Senate | UNCA