University of North Carolina at Asheville
Minutes, September 2, 1999

Members: R. Bowen, W. Bruce, P. Caulfield, F. Davenport, R. Dunning, G. Kormanik, K. Krumpe, B. Larson, P. McClellan, C. McKenzie, D. Peifer, C. Pons, G. Wilson, J. Pitts.

Excused: C. Mitchell, T. Rizzo.

Visitors: T. Cochran, D. Fisher, L. Franklin, S. Gale, T. Gilbert, M. Gillum, J. Mullen, S. Wilson.

I. Call to Order & Announcements
Dr. Kormanik called the meeting to order at 3:15 pm. He welcomed new and continuing senators, as well as Chancellor Mullen, to the special meeting.

II. Announcements
- Human Resources Director
Dr. Kormanik introduced Ms. Shirley Wilson, the new director of Human Resources. In turn, Ms. Wilson introduced the Human Resources staff. Assistant director Linda Franklin handles wage and salary, and employee relations; Darlene Fisher is the benefits representative, and Tammy Gilbert, employment manager, coordinates non-faculty employment. Ms. Wilson plans to work closely with the campus community and is our affirmative action officer.

III. First Reading & Discussion:
UPC 1: SACS "Alternate Model Proposal."
Dr. Kormanik explained that the special meeting was called to have the first reading on UPC 1: SACS Alternate Model Proposal, and to give senators the opportunity to ask questions and learn how the proposal was developed. The Senate will vote on the proposal during its regular meeting on September 9. Sherry Gale, Michael Gillum, and Bruce Larson wrote the proposal and were present to answer questions. The authors represent the three areas of humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.

Chancellor Mullen expressed support for the alternate model proposal and regarded this as a unique opportunity for the University. First, by focusing on student development, the institution can embrace those things that we do so well that make us unique and build from our foundation and take UNCA to the next level. We are a unique liberal arts institution in many ways, and central to our mission is the development of our students, giving them an excellent academic experience but also a life shaping experience. The opportunity to do the alternate model and explore where we want to be in terms of the development of our students is unique. Second, SACS is very interested in working with us as we take this self-examination and this is an opportunity to take us beyond the typical relationship with an accreditation agency. And third, as a new chancellor, Dr. Mullen is unfamiliar with proceedings of the last SACS reaccreditation. He promised to give this the full attention that it deserves and requires, and, where there are resource allocation decisions that he can make to assist in this process, he will do so. He told SACS that everything that is done at UNCA is done with a commitment to excellence and this report would be no different. Dr. Mullen asked the Senate to consider this as a special, distinct opportunity.

Dr. Caulfield reported that the UPC had considered the document at length and thought it was excellent. However, they had questions about the time line, and particularly, who is going to take charge of specific parts of the process. These questions need to be answered fairly quickly for this to proceed systematically. Perhaps answers to the process, especially during the initial stages, can be addressed during the September 9 meeting. The UPC fully endorsed the idea of the proposal and recognized it as a proposal in progress.

Dr. Sherry Gale gave an overview of the document's development and an introduction to the proposal. (The proposal is available on Dr. Larson's homepage: Since the Faculty Senate approved the idea of pursuing the SACS alternate model on May 6, discussions have been held with APC, UPC, department Chairs, Academic Affairs staff, Student Affairs staff, and the Chancellor's Council. These groups discussed the alternate model, as well a strategic focus for the university to pursue.

Dr. Gillum, Dr. Larson and Dr. Gale studied the guidelines from SACS and used the input from the groups to write the proposal. The proposal has two parts: 1) documentation of the threshold requirements, and 2) the strategic focus. The proposed strategic focus is: "studying how to enhance the development of students in accordance with our mission as a public liberal arts institution." Following feedback from Dr. Ann Chard of SACS, the structure and goals became more specific. UPC 1 is the most current version of the proposal. Dr. Kormanik encouraged senators to read the document carefully and to seek input from colleagues.

Dr. Bruce applauded Drs. Gale, Gillum, and Larson for their imagination and clarity in writing the proposal. Dr. Pitts applauded the strong educational values to everyone that contributed to the proposal. Dr. Kormanik thanked the writers on behalf of the Senate for the great job they did and for the time they put into writing the proposal.

III. Adjournment
Dr. Kormanik adjourned the meeting at 3:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely
                                        William Bruce