University of North Carolina at Asheville
Minutes, March 2, 2000

Members: R. Bowen, W. Bruce, P. Caulfield, G. Kormanik, K. Krumpe, B. Larson, P. McClellan, C. McKenzie, C. Mitchell, D. Peifer, T. Rizzo, G. Wilson.

Excused: F. Davenport, R. Dunning, C. Pons

Visitors: W. Cash, S. Browning, S. Bumgarner, A. Gravely, C. McClary, K. Ray, B. Sensabaugh, A. Shope.

I. Call to Order and Announcements
Dr. Kormanik called the meeting to order at 3:17 pm and welcomed visitors and senators.

II. Announcements
There were no announcements.

III. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of February 10, 2000 were approved as written.

IV. Administrative Report
Dr. Shirley Browning gave the Administrative Report. The SACS committee is developing an internal manual for the self-study and finalizing the charges to the committees.

Governor Hunt is focusing on another funding reduction next year, similar to the amount reduced last year.

V. Executive Committee Report
Dr. Gregg Kormanik gave the Executive Committee Report.
Dr. Kormanik explained that APC 42 (Addition of IST 263 African American Colloquium) will be considered for second reading later in the meeting. The following portion of the document on resource compensation (Part B) was deleted and passed along to the Executive Committee for consideration:

"Faculty will be compensated according to the following plan:

1) Each semester that the course is offered one faculty will be designated as Coordinator and as such will be awarded three semester hours in either teaching or overload pay. 2) The three additional faculty members will also receive one semester hour in teaching load or overload pay."

Resource issues are normally handled by Academic Affairs, not APC. Faculty have been teaching the course without compensation from their departments. Dr. Kormanik suggested that the Senate consider the following issues under New Business: 1) getting reassigned time or compensation if there is an overload; and 2) the broader issue of reassigned time assignment across disciplines and across campus under New Business.

VI. Student Government Association Report
Mr. Wiley Cash gave the Student Government Association Report.
Mr. Cash distributed a draft Honor Committee Constitution document and noted that the final version will require ratification by the appointed Honor Committee. A referendum will be held during student elections, March 29-30, and Mr. Cash will seek faculty approval as well. Following questions regarding implementation, Dr. Kormanik suggested referring the Honor Code to APC for consideration. The Senate will not have an opportunity to consider this issue prior to student elections and there is insufficient time to meet the Catalog deadline. Senators were encouraged to send comments or suggestions to Mr. Cash. Dr. Bruce recommended faculty/student conversations to garner support for the Code. Dr. Krumpe suggested students vote on the concept of an Honor Code rather than the exact wording, so the University will have an opportunity to make editorial changes. Mr. Cash discussed the Honor Code with Dr. Iovacchini, Dr. Pitts, and Chancellor Mullen.

Youth Service Day for the City of Asheville will be held April 15th from 1:00-5:00 pm in the Highsmith Center. Approximately 300 high school students and their parents will be on campus to share the community service projects they worked on throughout the year.

The agenda was modified to accommodate Dr. Caulfield as he had to travel out of town.

VIII. Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report
Dr. Peter Caulfield gave the Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council report.
First Reading
The following document was distributed for First Reading:
UPC 4: Revised UNCA Mission statement

The Enrollment Report
Dr. Caulfield distributed a revised Spring 2000 Enrollment Report in response to questions at the last meeting and Dr. Archer Gravely explained the corrections. Although student headcount and FTE are increasing slowly, student credit hours are increasing more. Roughly the same number of students are taking more credit hours, which has resulted in increased resources. Dr. Gravely noted two long term trends -- younger, more full-time students which leads to increased FTE and student credit hours, and more full-time traditional aged students from out of the area.

Overview of the Planning Process
Dr. Caulfield distributed UNCA's Planning Process that has been in place since December 1995. The SACs review is forcing us to look at our mission statement and UPC/IDC is also reviewing our Guiding Concepts. Dr. Gravely commented on our Planning Process; key elements of the master plan will be put on the web.

Revised UNCA Guiding Concepts
Dr. Caulfield presented UNCA's Guiding Concepts approved by the Board of Trustees in 1996 for informational purposes. The UPC decided to defer further consideration of this document until the completion of the SACS Enhancement portion of the Self-Study. UPC will revisit the concepts at that time.

VII. Academic Policies Report
Ms. Claudel McKenzie reported for the Academic Policies Committee.
- Report on Mathematics Courses for General Education
APC met with the Mathematics Department faculty to discuss courses that satisfy the Mathematics General Education requirement. Copies of the report were distributed for informational purposes.

- Report on Arts Courses for General Education
APC met with the Arts and Ideas faculty to discuss ARTS 310 and the various courses which satisfy the General Education ARTS lab requirement. Copies of the report were distributed for informational purposes.

Second Reading
The following documents were considered for Second Reading:
APC 32: Addition of SOC 357, 410, and 446.
APC 32 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 3700S.

APC 33: Change in Prerequisite for MGMT 458 and Course Offering Time for ACCT 317.
APC 33 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 3800S.

APC 34: Changes in Photography Curriculum.
APC 34 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 3900S.

APC 35: Changes in Numbering for SPAN 470 and SPAN 480.
APC 35 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 4000S.

APC 36: Adding First-Year Experience Program to "Other Special Academic Opportunities" Section of the Catalog.
APC 36 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 4100S.

APC 37: Adding Minor in Dance.
APC 37 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 4200S.

APC 38: Change in Course Description for ARTS 315 and Cross Listing ARTS 315 as DAN 315.
APC 38 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 4300S.

APC 39: Changing Opening Narrative for Health and Fitness.
APC 39 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 4400S.

APC 40: Changing Dance Courses from HF to DAN and Other Related Changes.
APC 40 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 4500S.

APC 41: Change in Course Description for HF 120; Addition of HF 130 and 131.
APC 41 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 4600S.

APC 42: Addition of IST 263 African American Colloquium.
APC 42 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 4700S.

APC 43: Deletion of SOC 315, 322, 325 and 352.
APC 43 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 4800S.

Removing APC 6 from the table for discussion
Ms. McKenzie made a motion to remove APC 6 from the table. (This document was tabled at the last Senate meeting). Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion, which passed. Copies of a report prepared by Alicia Shope and a memorandum from Phil Weast concerning elective credit for Mechatronics were distributed. Dr. Browning read the criteria from SACS that was introduced in 1997 concerning course work transferred or accepted for credit for undergraduate degrees.

Dr. Mitchell restated her original position -- if Mechatronics courses are placed in the Catalog we should accept these courses for transfer credit or have a clarifying statement that UNCA does not accept these courses for transfer credit. The courses should not be listed until this is resolved.

Dr. Mitchell questioned why we have to put the courses in the Catalog. Dr. Browning replied that there was an agreement between UNCA and NC State to list the courses as a courtesy; this has been done since the 2+2 program was initiated. Ms. McKenzie summarized that the 2+2 Engineering program is our program and these courses transfer as UNCA elective credit hours. However, the Mechatronics courses are NC State's courses and are not accepted as UNCA elective credit hours. They will be placed in the same section of the catalog as the 2+2 courses. Ms. Sensabaugh noted that these courses were placed in the Catalog because we were required to register these students through our registration system and the only way to do that was to load the NC State courses as our own.

The Senators agreed that this was not just an administrative decision and that our current policy needed to be addressed. A lengthy discussion ensued concerning acceptance of transfer credits and the options available to UNCA.

Ms. McKenzie stated that at the last meeting she moved acceptance of APC 6. At this time she withdrew her motion and asked that APC 6 be returned to APC for further discussion. Dr. Peifer seconded the motion. Following discussion, Dr. Mitchell called the question. The motion passed and APC 6 was returned to APC for further consideration.

IX. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report
Dr. William Bruce gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report.
A more public nominating process for faculty-wide elections
A number of faculty have approached Dr. Bruce since last fall requesting that we explore a more public nominating process for faculty-wide elections. Their comments were along these lines: "I would like to know who my colleagues are recommending," and "I know people are running, but I don't know who they are!" Dr. Bruce brought this to the Executive Committee for informal discussion last fall and to the FWDC in January. The FWDC decided as a first step to ask the faculty at large for suggestions and ideas via E-mail. About a dozen comments have been received. FWDC invited ideas, suggestions and comments from the Senate.

First Reading
The following documents were distributed for First Reading:
FWDC 3: Change in Membership of Honorary Degrees Committee.
Chancellor Mullen and the Board of Trustees are using a new process for developing a pool of consenting and distinguished candidates for Honorary Degrees. The former Honorary Degrees Advisory Committee is no longer functioning. This document, making related changes to Senate documents and the Faculty Handbook, passed the FWDC unanimously.

Dr. Mitchell asked if faculty had any input in who we give Honorary Degrees to under the new process. Dr. Kormanik clarified that faculty may make recommendations regarding the establishment of a pool. A large pool is established and voted on by the Board of Trustees Committee. Dr. Mitchell suggested the Board of Trustees select individuals and the names be brought before the Senate for approval.

FWDC 4: A Resolution in Support of Annual Awards for Faculty Scholarship and Creative Work.
The University confers seven annual awards to honor excellence in teaching. However we have no comparable annual awards that focus squarely on faculty excellence in scholarship and creative activity. The Feldman Professorships are a partial exception. UNCA can better balance faculty recognition by establishing these two new awards. This document expresses the support of the Faculty Senate for such a step, already approved in principal by the Research Council and the FWDC with support from administrative leaders.

Dr. Larson asked for clarification about the nature of the two awards. Dr. Bruce replied that FWDC agreed it should be possible in a given year to give both awards for either scholarship or creative work and in another year give one award for each. If approved, FWDC will return to the Senate with a committee structure and criteria for awards. Dr. Larson noted that most of the University's seven teaching awards were mandated by the Board of Governors. Dr. Browning stated that the BOG established the parameters for the awards -- each university received money for awards and none could exceed a certain amount. It was UNCA's decision to have seven awards; for several years there was only one teaching award. Dr. Krumpe stated that he served on the University Teaching Council and the money given from GA was only for a set period of time; evidently the University now funds the awards. Dr. Browning suggested asking Vice Chancellor Foley about the budget aspects of the awards.

Second Reading
The following documents were considered for Second Reading:
FWDC 1: Amendments to Policy on Extended Illness and Serious Disability for Faculty of UNCA (revision of SD2495S).
UNCA policy currently allows faculty members to request up to 60 days paid leave in case of extended illness or serious disability. After that, faculty may be eligible for disability income coverage from their retirement plans. This document expands the length of time at full pay and the range of circumstances for which faculty may request the benefit. The changes proposed parallel current practice at UNC Charlotte and at some leading liberal arts institutions. The Dean of the Faculty is supportive of this proposal, finding it sufficiently flexible to allow for resource limits and departmental exigencies in individual cases.
FWDC 1 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 4900S.

FWDC 2: Change in Membership of the UNCA Executive Commission for Minority Affairs (revision of SD0286).
This document adds the new Director of Minority and Diversity Affairs as an ex officio member of the Commission for Minority Affairs, and reflects the renaming of another position by replacing the Director of Multi-Cultural Affairs with the Coordinator of Multi-Cultural Student Programs. These membership changes were proposed by the Commission.
FWDC 2 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 5000S.

Role of the Executive Commission for Minority Affairs (ECMA)
Dr. Peifer distributed a proposal prepared by the Executive Commission for Minority Affairs (ECMA) concerning its role in support of the Chancellor's diversity initiative and in its relationships with SACS Self-Study Committees, and with the new Office of Minority and Diversity Affairs. The document was distributed for informational purposes.

Dr. Mitchell moved that the Senate pass a Sense of the Senate Resolution endorsing the plan of action outlined in the document. Ms. McKenzie seconded the motion. Dr. Krumpe asked if this fell under the Comer Rule. Dr. Kormanik replied that the Comer Rule was not required for a Sense of the Senate. The Executive Committee and FWDC reviewed the document and did not believe ECMA was exceeding their charge. Senators were given an opportunity to read the proposal.

Dr. Krumpe questioned part of the rationale which read:
"...the Commission should be formally charged to oversee the implementation of the proposals that the task forces present,...."

Dr. Krumpe noted that he was a member of another task force and their proposal would go to the BOT, the UPC, and the entire faculty next year. He questioned whether it was appropriate for the Senate to endorse a proposal that the Minority Affairs Commission oversee the implementation of proposals of all task forces. Dr. Mitchell stated that one of the concerns of the ECMA is that task force proposals will not move forward unless a responsible group oversees their progress. Dr. Browning considered this to be a protocol issue -- formal action from the BOT filters down to the campus -- to ignore this fact would be unwise.

The Senate determined that any action at this time would be premature. Dr. Mitchell and Ms. McKenzie withdrew the motion. The Senate will invite members of the Minority Affairs Commission to the next meeting to discuss the proposal.

X. Old Business
There was no Old Business.

XI. New Business
- Compensation for participation in African American Colloquium
Dr. Mitchell stated that Dr. Charles James represented the African American Colloquium when APC discussed APC 42 (Addition of IST 263 African American Colloquium). Dr. James reported that the faculty who teach this course want a statement in an official UNCA document specifying how they would be compensated for team-teaching the course.

Dr. Mitchell considered this to be a reasonable request but it was not part of APC's agenda. There is the larger issue of inequitable compensation from department to department as well as the issue of inequitable compensation for faculty who teach in the humanities. She would like FWDC to conduct a study on compensation of teaching loads across the campus. For clarification, Ms. McClellan stated that the Senate has never taken it upon itself to decide how faculty workload would be counted for individual courses and this would set a dangerous precedent. At present, categories of courses can go through APC. Dr. Mitchell agreed this was micro-managing but thought the Senate should address inequitable compensation for teaching. Dr. Browning added that Dr. Cochran reported how Academic Affairs was counting workload and distributed the formula to chairs/program directors about two years ago. Dr. Mitchell stated that the issue with the African American Colloquium dealt with compensation for team-teaching.

Dr. Kormanik asked FWDC to compile the university guidelines and possibly conduct a study to determine the kind of reassigned time faculty receive and perhaps make recommendations. Dr. Bruce stated that last year FWDC worked on reassigned time as it applied to professional development, scholarship and teaching, not teaching load. Dr. Bruce agreed that FWDC will look into this issue with the understanding that it will continue into next fall.

APC 6 and Transfer Credit
Regarding APC 6 and transfer credit, Dr. Kormanik suggested that the current General Education Task Force review the University's current transfer credit policy and recommend changes, if appropriate.

XII. Adjourn
Dr. Kormanik adjourned the meeting at 5:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely
                                        William Bruce