Excused: P. McClellan, C. Pons.
Visitors: S. Browning, T. Cochran, J. McGlinn, B. Sensabaugh, A. Shope.
II. Announcements
There were no announcements.
III. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of December 2, 1999 and January 20, 2000 were approved as written.
IV. Administrative Report
Dr. Tom Cochran and Dr. Shirley Browning gave the Administrative Report in Dr. Pitts' absence.
Faculty Searches
UNCA has made significant inroads into the diversification of faculty, especially in the area of
African American faculty. Faculty searches have resulted in the filling of three positions -- German,
Spanish, and Literature; two of the three positions have been filled by African Americans. At least three
other African Americans are on interview lists for other positions.
FIPSE Proposal
A FIPSE proposal has been generated by the Center for Teaching and Learning. Dr. Chuck
Bennett, Mr. Jim Kuhlman, and Dr. Mark West have combined their efforts on a pilot project to incorporate
technology in the classroom. The project would be to identify eight to ten faculty who would implement
the active use of technology in some of the classrooms. Some concern was expressed in the Chair's
meeting that we may be rushing prematurely into mandating that all students have laptop computers, but
such is not the intent.
Space Needs
The Administration is collecting space needs information in the departments as the anticipated
growth rate of faculty -- even with a very modest enrollment growth -- is five or six new positions for each
of the next five years.
GA Approved Degree Programs
The Board of Governor's approved three degree programs for planning, one of which may come
before the Faculty Senate this year. The other two programs will probably come to the Senate next Fall or
V. Executive Committee Report
Dr. Gregg Kormanik gave the Executive Committee Report.
Dr. Kormanik recommended a general campus discussion on the implications of the FIPSE
proposal as it deals with teaching and the delivery of classroom information.
Committee Activities
The Executive Committee received a draft proposal from the Minority Affairs Commission dealing
with the activities of the Commission and how it will work with the Chancellor's diversity initiatives, task
forces, and the new Minority and Diversity Affairs Office. The proposal has been forwarded to the FWDC.
The Minority Affairs Commission plans to conduct a climate study this spring.
Dr. Kormanik reported on the need to have a mechanism in place to ensure that committees on campus understand their charge and that the duties are carried out. He was recently notified by the Development Office that the Highsmith Distinguished Scholarship has not been awarded for over five years. The FWDC will consider ways to resolve this.
Guidelines for Peer Review
The Center for Teaching and Learning has posted guidelines for peer review of teaching
produced by Dr. Cathy Pons and Dr. Lisa Friedenberg during establishment of post tenure review
procedures. The document has not been passed or endorsed by the Senate. However, as a campus we
are considering peer guidelines, so the Senate may ask what role it can play in this endeavor.
VI. Student Government Association Report
There was no Student Government Association report.
VII. Academic Policies Report
Ms. Claudel McKenzie reported for the Academic Policies Committee.
The APC will review the Humanities courses which satisfy UNCA's General Education
requirements on February 17.
First Reading
The following documents were distributed for First Reading:
APC 32: Addition of SOC 357, 410, and 446.
APC 33: Change in Prerequisite for MGMT 458 and Course Offering Time for ACCT 317.
APC 34: Changes in Photography Curriculum.
APC 35: Changes in Numbering for SPAN 470 and SPAN 480.
APC 36: Adding First-Year Experience Program to "Other Special Academic Opportunities" Section of the Catalog.
APC 37: Adding Minor in Dance.
APC 38: Change in Course Description for ARTS 315 and Cross Listing ARTS 315 as DAN 315.
APC 39: Changing Opening Narrative for Health and Fitness.
APC 40: Changing Dance Courses from HF to DAN and Other Related Changes.
APC 41: Change in Course Description for HF 120; Addition of HF 130 and 131.
APC 42: Addition of IST 263 African American Colloquium.
APC 43: Deletion of SOC 315, 322, 325 and 352.
Second Reading
The following documents were considered for Second Reading:
APC 5: Deletion of LANG 100 and Addition of LANG 103.
APC 5 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 1100S.
APC 6: Addition of ENGR Course Descriptions under ENGR catalog listing.
This document adds new ENGR courses under distance education courses in the UNCA
Catalog. The courses originating from NC State are required for the Bachelor of Science in
Engineering - Mechatronics Concentration degree.
Dr. Mitchell stated that currently, if a student takes these courses and changes his mind about Mechatronics and becomes a UNCA major, these courses will not count as electives toward graduate credit at UNCA. She believes this is wrong, since the courses are listed in our catalog. Dr. Phil Weast is going to attempt to negotiate something with NC State about this issue. Ms. Becky Sensabaugh stated that UNCA does not accept courses that we do not teach as transfer. Dr. Krumpe stated that this is a UNCA issue -- not a NC State issue. Our current policy is not to accept transfer credit for courses that we do not teach. There is nothing that precludes UNCA from changing that policy.
Dr. Mitchell moved to table APC 6 pending further discussion. Dr. Wilson seconded the motion. Dr. Caulfield asked why the classes are placed in the catalog if we don't give credit for them; UNCA has a contractual agreement with Western Carolina University and those courses aren't listed in our catalog. Dr. Browning noted that the 2+2 Engineering agreement is a joint program between the two institutions and our faculty teach courses in this program. Dr. Bruce called the question. The motion to table APC 6 passed by a vote of 6 to 5 with one abstention.
APC 7: Chemistry: Reclassification of the current BA and BS degree requirements as
a "Concentration in Chemistry" within the BA and BS degrees.
APC 7 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 1200S.
APC 8: Creation of a Biochemistry Concentration within the BS Degree in Chemistry.
APC 8 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 1300S.
APC 10: Chemistry: Changes to the narrative that will describe the department and its
programs more accurately.
APC 10 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 1500S.
APC 11: Chemistry: Changes to "other departmental requirements" for all
currently listed degree options.
APC 11 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 1600S.
APC 13: Introduction of Formal Laboratory Section in CSCI 202.
APC 13 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 1800S.
APC 14: Change in CSCI competency statement; course description for CSCI 462.
APC 14 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 1900S.
APC 15: Catalog Change in the Prerequisite for PHYS 231.
APC 15 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 2000S.
APC 16: Clarifying the requirement of 60 hours after attending a 2-yr school.
APC 16 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 2100S.
APC 17: New Prerequisites for Mass Communication Core Courses.
APC 17 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 2200S.
APC 18: Additions, Deletions, and Changes in Course Descriptions (MGMT,
APC 18 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 2300S.
APC 19: Changes in Economics Concentration Requirements; Addition of ECON 380 and ECON 480.
APC 19 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 2400S.
APC 20: Reduction of Hours in Economics Minor.
APC 20 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 2500S.
APC 21: Economics: Addition of Concentration in International Economics.
APC 21 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 2600S.
APC 22: Changing title of HIST 151, 152; revised descriptions for HIST 380, 381;
addition of HIST 383.
APC 22 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 2700S.
APC 23: Addition of HIST 301 and 302.
APC 23 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 2800S.
APC 24: Licensure in Social Studies.
APC 24 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 2900S.
APC 25: Political Science: Addition of 335, 353, 387, and 388, and changes in credit
hours for 390 and 490, and Adjustments to Teacher Licensure and Political
Economy Emphases.
APC 25 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 3000S.
APC 26: Changes in Declaration of Major, General Requirements for Majors (MGMT,
IEM, & ACCT), Concentrations (MGMT & ACCT), and Minor Course Work
APC 26 passed 11 to 1 and became Senate Document 3100S.
APC 27: Courses in Multimedia Arts and Science Major.
APC 27 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 3200S.
APC 28: Cross listing MMAS 121 as CSCI 121; cross listing MMAS 310 as CSCI 310;
and cross listing MMAS 410 as CSCI 410.
APC 28 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 3300S.
APC 29: Cross listing MMAS 151 as MCOM 151.
An editorial correction was made to the document.
APC 29 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 3400S.
APC 30: Addition of CSCI 115, Software Tools for Engineers.
APC 30 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 3500S.
APC 31: Mathematics: Addition of a professional internship; deletion of mathematics minor for teachers.
APC 31 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 3600S.
VIII. Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council
Dr. Peter Caulfield gave the Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council
The Distance Education Philosophy Statement
The UPC recommended several editorial changes to the Distance Education Philosophy
statement which Dr. Caulfield will present to the committee. The UPC felt strongly that the statement
should not be placed in the Catalog as it is not a document for students.
The Enrollment Report
Dr. Caulfield distributed the Spring 2000 Enrollment Report prepared by Institutional Research
and highlighted key points of the report. The FTE remained constant from Spring 1999 to Spring 2000.
During the same period there was a significant increase (1,961) in student credit hours generated. Black
student enrollment dropped by 24 students from 114 last Spring to 90 students for the current semester.
Overall, minority student enrollments are down this Spring by 11% compared to Spring 1999. Efforts are
underway to change these numbers which were due in part to staffing changes. The Admissions Office
and Enrollment Services is aggressively pursuing these issues. Enrollment of Native American Indians
increased during this period.
UNCA is within the enrollment funding window for the 1999-2000 academic year. Following questions regarding the percentages of change, Dr. Caulfield indicated he would meet with Dr. Gravely and report back to the Senate.
Dr. Caulfield explained the New Student Credit Hour funding model and Institutional Research's projections for 2000-2001. The UPC will recommend how to divide the funding among the four Vice Chancellors' areas.
UPC and IEC Membership
The new UPC members are as follows: Mr. Steve Baxley representing Financial Affairs; Ms.
Martha Smith representing University Relations; Dr. Bert Holmes and Mr. Jim Kuhlman are the new
faculty members.
The UPC discussed the implementation of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee and the potential problem when department chairs/program directors are elected to serve on IEC and their IEC membership term exceeds their service as a chair/program director. After consideration, the UPC determined that said individuals will be replaced on the IEC when this occurs.
IX. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report
Dr. William Bruce gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report.
In the special election to replace Dr. Bob Yearout on the Committee of Tenured Faculty for the
balance of his 1998-2000 term, Professor Lisa Friedenberg was elected. No runner-up was available to
fill this spot since Dr. Yearout himself was the runner-up in the Spring 1998 balloting.
Faculty-wide elections will begin later this month for the Tenure, Hearings, Grievance, and Post-tenure Review Committees, the Faculty Senate, and for a UNCA delegate to the UNC system Faculty Assembly. Dr. Bruce noted new safeguards being implemented to ensure the accuracy of the ballots.
Senate Election to Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC)
The Institutional Effectiveness Committee charter provides openings for three faculty members
who are either Chairs of Departments or Program Directors. One must come from each broad academic
division -- Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. The FWDC nominated and the Senate
elected the following faculty to serve on the Institutional Effectiveness Committee: Ted Uldricks, Director,
MLA Program; Alex Huang, Chair-Atmospheric Science; and Lisa Friedenberg, Chair-Psychology.
First Reading
The following documents were distributed for First Reading:
FWDC 1: Amendments to Policy on Extended Illness and Serious Disability for Faculty of UNCA (revision of SD2495S)
FWDC 2: Change in Membership of the UNCA Executive Commission for Minority Affairs (revision of SD0286)
Editorial corrections were made to FWDC 1.
Information -- Work in Progress
- Benefits for Domestic Partners of UNCA Faculty
In response to a request from a faculty member, the FWDC looked into benefits for domestic
partners of UNCA faculty members. FWDC met with Shirley Wilson, director of Human Resources, and
with Don Lisnerski, Professor of Management who specializes in Health Care Management and who is
also the UNCA Representative to the statewide UNC Faculty Welfare Committee. FWDC learned that
UNCA affords benefits to domestic partners of faculty members in the local-decision benefits, such as use
of the recreational and athletic facilities. In the important matter of health care benefits, the plan that
covers UNC system faculty is the one covering all State employees. This plan, written by the State
Legislature, cannot be changed without legislative action. FWDC supports the UNCA administration in
providing local-decision benefits to domestic partners of UNCA faculty members, and supports efforts to
extend this policy to health care benefits. Don Lisnerski will be providing the Senate a report on related
developments across the UNC system.
- A Service Sabbatical Year Emphasizing Teaching and Scholarship
FWDC is exploring a proposal suggested by Professor Peg Downes and others that UNCA
provide a "Teaching-Scholarship Year" once every seven years to a modest number of faculty members
who have been heavily involved in university service. FWDC invite comments and suggestions on this
draft concept.
X. Old Business
There was no Old Business.
XI. New Business
There was no New Business.
XII. Adjourn
Dr. Kormanik adjourned the meeting at 4:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely
William Bruce