University of North Carolina at Asheville
Minutes, January 20, 2000

Members: R. Bowen, W. Bruce, P. Caulfield, F. Davenport, R. Dunning, G. Kormanik, K. Krumpe, B. Larson, P. McClellan, C. McKenzie, C. Mitchell, D. Peifer, T. Rizzo, G. Wilson.

Excused: C. Pons.

Visitors: S. Browning, R. Chess, T. Cochran, C. Ho, J. Mullen, B. Sensabaugh, A. Shope.

I. Call to Order and Announcements
Dr. Kormanik called the meeting to order at 3:18 pm and welcomed visitors and senators.

II. Announcements
There were no announcements.

III. Administrative Report
Dr. Kormanik announced that Vice Chancellor Pitts was out of town. The administrative report was postponed until later in the meeting.

IV. Executive Committee Report
Dr. Gregg Kormanik gave the Executive Committee Report.
Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Grading Policy
Dr. Kormanik distributed a memorandum establishing the Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Grading Policy. Due to faculty interest in the manner by which grades are established and awarded, the Executive Committee appointed the following members to the committee: F. Davenport, R. Bowen (both APC members); M. Ruiz, A. Combs, and R. Sensabaugh, Registrar (ex officio). The Committee will evaluate the current grading scheme, considering whether additional categories including "+" and "-" would be beneficial to both students and faculty for evaluative purposes. They will also consider how any proposed changes might affect awarding of Honors. Recommendations will be made to the Executive Committee by September of 2000. The committee should solicit and consider comments from faculty and staff as well as from the Honors Committee.

Senate Meetings
Dr. Kormanik announced that the Faculty Senate will not meet if the University is closed due to inclement weather. Meetings will begin at 3:30 pm if the University is following the Alternate Late-Start Schedule.

V. Administrative Report
Dr. Tom Cochran reported that the Board of Governors approved the University's "requests to plan" an Interdisciplinary Degree Program in Public Health Education and a Sports Medicine program. Sports Medicine is not an acceptable title under the nomenclature and will be renamed accordingly. The University will initiate procedures to formally "request to establish" the programs.

Commencement Schedule
Changes in the commencement schedule were announced yesterday at the Board of Trustees meeting. Commencement will be held 11:00 am on Saturday, May 13, 2000. A special event will be held Friday evening for individuals receiving honorary degrees. The rehearsal breakfast will continue to be held Friday morning and other events will take place Saturday morning.

VI. Student Government Association Report
There was no report.

VII. Academic Policies Report
Ms. Claudel McKenzie reported for the Academic Policies Committee.
First Reading
The following documents were distributed for First Reading:
APC 5: Deletion of LANG 100 and Addition of LANG 103.

APC 6: Addition of ENGR Course Descriptions under ENGR catalog listing.

APC 7: Chemistry: Reclassification of the current BA and BS degree requirements as a "Concentration in Chemistry" within the BA and BS degrees.

APC 8: Creation of a Biochemistry Concentration within the BS Degree in Chemistry.

APC 9: Creation of a Biochemistry Concentration within the BA Degree in Chemistry.

APC 10: Chemistry: Changes to the narrative that will describe the department and its programs more accurately.

APC 11: Chemistry: Changes to "other departmental requirements" for all currently listed degree options.

APC 12: New Course: LIT 365/CLAS 365, Introduction to the Hebrew Bible.

APC 13: Introduction of Formal Laboratory Section in CSCI 202.

APC 14: Change in CSCI competency statement; course description for CSCI 462.

APC 15: Catalog Change in the Prerequisite for PHYS 231.

APC 16: Clarifying the requirement of 60 hours after attending a 2-yr school.

APC 17: New Prerequisites for Mass Communication Core Courses.

APC 18: Additions, Deletions, and Changes in Course Descriptions (MGMT, IEM, & ACCT).

APC 19: Changes in Economics Concentration Requirements; Addition of ECON 380 and ECON 480.

APC 20: Reduction of Hours in Economics Minor.

APC 21: Economics: Addition of Concentration in International Economics.

APC 22: Changing title of HIST 151, 152; revised descriptions for HIST 380, 381; addition of HIST 383.

APC 23: Addition of HIST 301 and 302.

APC 24: Licensure in Social Studies.

APC 25: Political Science: Addition of 335, 353, 387, and 388, and changes in credit hours for 390 and 490, and Adjustments to Teacher Licensure and Political Economy Emphases.

APC 26: Changes in Declaration of Major, General Requirements for Majors (MGMT, IEM, & ACCT), Concentrations (MGMT & ACCT), and Minor Course Work (MGMT).

APC 27: Courses in Multimedia Arts and Science Major.

APC 28: Cross listing MMAS 121 as CSCI 121; cross listing MMAS 310 as CSCI 310; and cross listing MMAS 410 as CSCI 410.

APC 29: Cross listing MMAS 151 as MCOM 151.

APC 30: Addition of CSCI 115, Software Tools for Engineers.

APC 31: Mathematics: Addition of a professional internship; deletion of mathematics minor for teachers.

Second Reading
The following documents were considered for Second Reading:
APC 1: Incorporation of CLAS 495 (Senior Research Thesis) as Mandatory part of the Classics Major and Revision of Course Descriptions.
APC 1 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 0500S.

APC 2: New Minor in the Dept. of Literature & Language: Minor in Creative Writing.
Dr. Mitchell expressed concern over the lack of diversity in the literature readings. Dr. Chess stated that he checked the syllabi of a number of faculty and they had gone to great lengths to diversify the readings. The Norton Anthology is the core text for the class with a lot of women and African American writers. Everyone who teaches survey classes supplements the anthology with additional texts from women and African Americans; this is consistent across the literature department. Dr. Ho added that she conducted an informal diversity survey of the literature classes using male/female, international and race as three ways to diversify the readings; she was encouraged by how much effort people in the department were making. APC 2 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 0600S.

APC 3: Arts Lab Changes.
APC 3 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 0700S.

APC 4: Changing Course Description in SOC 225, Deleting SOC 450, and Adding SOC 310.
APC 4 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 0800S.

VIII. Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report:
Dr. Peter Caulfield gave the Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council report.
New Faculty Members on UPC
As a result of having passed the revision of UPC's duties and membership, UPC now has two new faculty members -- Bert Holmes and Jim Kuhlman.

Minor in Creative Writing
UPC discussed the proposal to establish a new minor in Creative Writing. There were no budget or mission issues involved in the proposal and it was forwarded to APC for consideration.

UPC meeting with Chancellor Mullen
Chancellor Mullen met with UPC for the first time and discussed how he would like to work with the committee. He brought the UPC up to date on a number of new initiatives. Chancellor Mullen wants the UPC to be fully engaged and involved in budget issues. He invited Dr. Caulfield to sit in on the Chancellor's cabinet when budget issues are discussed.

He gave an update on establishing a presence in the Asheville downtown area to relieve our current space problems and increase our visibility in the community. He emphasized that we will use Foundation or other private funds and not campus resources to support UNCA's presence downtown.

Chancellor Mullen is interested in establishing a youth/first intergenerational center on campus. Again, this would require private funding.

In response to Dr. Wilson's question on the status of UNCA's capital projects, Chancellor Mullen indicated that nothing is likely to happen this year but our two major priorities are the renovation of the Highsmith Center and a new science building.

Chancellor Mullen noted that a number of campuses are proposing tuition increases and he discussed reasons why UNCA should not pursue this at this time.

Proposed Distance Education Philosophy Statement
The UPC considered the proposed Distance Education Philosophy statement and had a number of questions regarding its wording. UPC will reconsider a revision of the document at its next meeting on February 3.

Change in Institutional Effectiveness Committee Membership
Since the implementation of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee, questions have been raised over whether program directors could serve in slots designated for department chairs. The UPC agreed to modify the existing document to include program directors.

Dr. Caulfield moved to modify Senate Document SD0399F to include "or program directors" in its membership description on page two, as follows:

Academic department chairs or program directors (three, one each from Humanities, Natural Science, Social Science; recommended by FWDC to the Senate and the Senate elects).

Dr. Larson seconded the motion which passed unanimously. The revised Institutional Effectiveness Committee document became Senate Document 0900S.

Perceptions of Administrative Office Survey
The UPC discussed privacy issues involved in the Perceptions of Administrative Office survey, as well as personnel, morale, and effectiveness issues. A compromise might be reached where the survey results are not published university-wide, but would be provided to the UPC or the Institutional Effectiveness Committee and to the Chancellor.

IX. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report
Dr. William Bruce gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report.
Committee of Tenured Faculty Elections
Professor Dee James was recently elected to the Committee of Tenured Faculty as a replacement member from the Humanities to serve the 1999-2001 term.

Professor Bob Yearout left the Committee of the Tenured Faculty in early January for medical reasons. Thus a ballot to elect a replacement member from the Social Sciences to serve the balance of his 1998-2000 term is forthcoming.

Institutional Effectiveness Committee Membership
Dr. Bruce indicated it may be difficult to recruit three department chairs to serve on the Institutional Effectiveness Committee. He sent out a memo requesting nominations and it was the first zero-response rate he has received. The Senate discussed whether or not the committee membership should be more broad to include senior faculty or former chairs.

Comments from Chancellor Mullen
Chancellor Mullen discussed the upcoming search process for an Athletic Director and the importance of faculty, student, and community involvement. Gene Corrigan, who is advising the Chancellor in matters related to the Athletic Department, is being paid by a private donor, and not from University funds.

X. Old Business
It was decided that Forest Davenport will call the first meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee on Grading Policy.

XI. New Business
There was no New Business.

XII. Adjourn
Dr. Kormanik adjourned the meeting at 4:08 pm.

Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely
                                        William Bruce