University of North Carolina at Asheville


Minutes, December 10, 1998


Senate Members: R. Bowen, W. Bruce, P. Caulfield, R. Dunning, M. Ghidina, G. Kormanik, K. Krumpe, P. McClellan, C. McKenzie, C. Pons, I. Rossell, T. Rizzo, B. Sabo, H. Stern, G. Miller, J. Pitts, P. Reed

Excused: J. Gupton

Visitors: S. Browning, T. Cochran, S. Horvath, M. Latz, B. Sensabaugh, A. Shope, P. Weast


I. Call to Order
Dr. Kormanik called the meeting to order at 3:20 p.m. and welcomed senators and guests.

Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the October 15, 1998 special meeting and the minutes of the November 12, 1998 regular meeting were approved following editorial corrections.

II. Administrative Report
Chancellor Reed's Comments
1998-99 State Funding Allocations
Chancellor Reed distributed a partial summary of UNCA's 1998-99 State Funding Allocations. The document summarized our state funding for the 1998-99 year including salaries, operations, repairs and renovations, and capital allocations. Portions of the document follow:

- Operations budget
Approximately $27.5M was allocated for the Operations budget which provides on-going support for instruction, the library, equipment, all state personnel, day-to-day expenses and some mandated activities. This year's funding includes some mandated reductions and special allocations totaling $56K. The University's additional funding base has increased nearly $1M. In addition, the General Assembly designated $300K in recurring funds and $200K in one-time funds to support the NC State Engineering Program offered in collaboration with UNCA.

- Repairs and Renovations
A total of $1.2M was provided for repairs and renovations; projects that can be included are defined by the Board of Governors. Campus priorities are reviewed by the University Planning Council and approved by the UNCA Board of Trustees. A list of the uses approved for funds in 1998-99 will be forthcoming and will be placed on the website. At a system level, $11M was designated for a Multi-Phase Systemwide Technology Upgrade Project. These funds have yet to be distributed to the constituent universities.

The top campus capital priority, the addition to and renovation of the Highsmith Center, was provided with $1M. At the end of the calendar year, another $2.5M is scheduled to be designated for this project. This will provide a total of $3.5M toward the $12.5M capital need.

A sum of $500K was allocated to refurbish Justice Gymnasium. This award was outside campus priorities but did not diminish other campus allocations.

- Changes to Required 2% Reversion
In the past, the University has been required to revert to the state 2% of state-allocated funds. Last year, we were permitted to keep half of this sum ($224K) to support technology. For 1998-99, we may again apply half (1% or $225,751) to "multi-campus contracts for technology infrastructure development." In addition, the "other half" is to be retained on campus. This effectively eliminates the historical requirement to revert 2%.

- Campus Accommodations to the Legislature Calendar
The unusually long session of the General Assembly necessitated some accommodations through our on-campus allocations of operations monies. From July 1 until November 13, we operated under a continuing resolution, which means we were authorized to continue but did not know what allocations would ultimately be available for operations. To permit the campus to approximate normal function, departments were allocated approximately 90% of past operations dollars.

Last year our operations expenditures excluding personnel, utilities, and library books totaled almost $5,880,000. Considering special purpose designations, this year's operations support is about $4,745,000, about $135K less than last year. We can now make additional on-campus allocations and are in the process of doing so.

UNCA Academic Calendar 1999-2002
Dr. Pitts distributed the Academic Calendars for 1999-2002 and solicited comments on the 2000-2002 calendars. The Chancellor's Council has approved the 1999-2000 calendar. Dr. Pitts asked Dr. Weast to summarize the calendars.

Dr. Weast explained the new pre-registration beginning April 30, 1999, whereby only those students fully admitted and deposited will be allowed to attend. June 25, July 16, and July 30 will be designated for New Fall 1999 Freshmen and transfer student pre-registration. These changes should decrease the number of students attending regular registration by nearly one-half and will give faculty and administrators a clearer enrollment profile. The changes also give University staff time to produce a 1098 form for every student enrolled in accordance with the Taxpayer Relief Act.

Each semester contains the required 75 class dates and summer school will have five and seven week sessions. Dr. Weast discussed efforts being made to comply with the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.

Some senators expressed concern about the changes in the final exam week. Dr. Weast explained that a reading day was added and exams would begin on Thursday when classes begin on a Wednesday. Dr. Pitts reiterated that the Chancellor's Council approved the 1999-2000 calendar. Having put approval on hold made planning subsequent calendars more difficult. Dr. Weast concurred, stating that these dates should have been approved long ago to let students know when the semester starts next fall. Now that we are planning an academic calendar a year in advance and distance learning is now requiring a two year advance calendar, it really makes sense to have a two year in advance calendar.

Discussion returned to final exams, reading days, weekend study groups and orientation dates. Dr. Sabo recalled that the Senate discussed the general guidelines in detail two years ago and last year, and this calendar is significantly different. Ms. McClellan added for the record that there was a previously approved 1999-2000 calendar which had a similar split in the spring semester exam week. It did not have the split in the fall semester exam week. This is a different calendar from the one that was approved last year.

Dr. Weast stated that he met with the Student Affairs staff and they are concerned about students being in the dorms too long. Orientation evaluations show that something negative is occurring. Two things may have caused this; first, the massive amount of effort to register so many students in one day, with students scrambling to fill their schedules at the end of that day. The second problem concerns students coming in too early and not having activities to keep them busy. Dr. Weast stated that he wants pre-registration to be a time when we focus on the students, their academics, and their relationship with faculty. Orientation needs to focus on the culture and the value structure of this campus and what it means to be a student at UNCA.

Dr. Kormanik asked if it would be appropriate for Senators to make comments to the APC who can then pass them along to the Chancellor's Council. Dr. Sabo commented that Dr. Weast discussed improving orientation and registration. What doesn't seem to be driving the academic calendar is the best or most efficient way to structure classes. Dr. Rossell asked if the START advisors would be needed to attend the four pre-registration dates. Dr. Weast replied that individuals advising students during the pre-registration period would not be their assigned advisor. Ms. McClellan asked who would be advising during pre-registration. Dr. Weast stated that Debbie Race, the coordinator of advising, is coordinating a plan to determine who will advise the students. A number of faculty and staff advisors will help in April. Hopefully, faculty who are around will help with advising during the summer.

III. Executive Committee Report
Dr. Gregg Kormanik gave the Executive Committee Report.
Chancellor's Search Committee
The search committee has hired the A. T. Kearney firm to assist in the search for a new chancellor. Dr. Jean Dowdall, a principal of the firm, will work closely with the search committee. There was a lot of debate and consideration about the cost involved, but, in general, we have a relatively short time frame and need to operate as efficiently as possible. Four advertisements will be placed in three higher education trade publications; two ads will appear in The Chronicle of Higher Education, and one ad will appear in Black Issues in Higher Education, as well as in Women in Higher Education.

The Search Committee recently met to coordinate the search procedure. Dr. Kormanik encouraged senators to contact Dr. Dowdall of A. T. Kearney, or Mr. Rob Cranford, if they wish to nominate a candidate. Dr. Stern added that Dr. Dowdall is very impressive; he believes she is a wise choice and will keep the committee on course and on time, which would have been difficult to do otherwise.

Dr. Kormanik stated that Mr. Rob Cranford has added Dwight Mullen to the search committee.

Community Letter from Vice Chancellors Pitts and Iovacchini
Dr. Kormanik referred to the UNCA community letter signed by Vice Chancellors Pitts and Iovacchini concerning reports this fall of several acts of harassment directed at the presence of gays and lesbians in the UNCA community. Copies of the letter were distributed. The letter is a commitment to create a campus climate that is committed to affirming human diversity as an integral aspect of living and learning. The letter also contains a statement of belief. Dr. Kormanik suggested that the Senate endorse this, maybe as a Sense of the Senate, and support the notion of tolerance of differences and beliefs in religion and sexual preference.

Dr. Bruce made a motion that the Faculty Senate express its support of the statement. Dr. Ghidina seconded the motion. Dr. Sabo stated that the statement would be more compelling, more persuasive, if stronger language was used. Dr. Pitts agreed with Dr. Sabo and suggested that the changes be made in a Senate document. Dr. Sabo moved to amend the statement by replacing each instance of the word "should" with the word "must." Dr. Krumpe seconded the motion. Dr. Bruce and Dr. Ghidina accepted the change. Dr. Kormanik suggested that they separate a change in the document with one that the Senate may draft for inclusion in a Catalog or the Handbook. Perhaps the FWDC could modify the statement into a Senate statement. Dr. Pons asked if the Senate had a right to amend a document that was not a Senate document. Dr. Sabo withdrew his motion with the seconder's permission. Dr. Bruce withdrew his original motion as well.

Dr. Sabo then moved that the letter be sent to the FWDC to be resubmitted as an independent statement of the Faculty Senate in January. Dr. Ghidina seconded the motion. This statement will become a parallel Senate document based upon the letter. The motion passed unanimously.

IV. Student Government Association Report
Mr. Stephan Horvath gave the Student Government Association Report.
A freshman senator presented a bill to have the self-serve ice cream machine removed from the cafeteria due to the harmful chemicals that it emits into the atmosphere.

Adjunct Instructor Kevin Frazier has been talking with commuter senator James Carter about removing the distinction between residential and commuter parking to alleviate the confusion that results when public safety tickets residence students who park in lots that aren't marked "not for residence."

A bill was presented to appoint commuter senator James Carter to the Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee for Child Care.

Mr. Horvath referred to an article in The Banner which reported that the Chancellor's Search Committee recently hired a search firm. Many students are disturbed because they believe this money may have been taken from the adjunct budget. They are going to be disappointed that we are using money to hire a private firm to find a chancellor for whom the students have little or no contact with during their career on campus. It is also important that the Chancellor's Search Committee take every effort to approach the students and to let them know the nature of what is going on because the Student Government stands to receive a lot of undeserved heat for this. Student representative Al Donaldson had little say in spending $50K on the search committee. Dr. Kormanik stated that Mr. Donaldson will probably have a clearer schedule next semester to be involved with the deliberations. He should be able to attend more meetings and keep the students informed of what is going on in the search process.

V. Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report:
Dr. Peter Caulfield gave the Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council report.
Recommendations for Departments of Mathematics Self Study
Dr. Caulfield distributed copies of the recommendations resulting from the Department of Mathematics Self-Study for informational purposes.

Relocation Study for Printing Services Department
The UPC was asked to look at a study prepared by the Facilities Planning Department on relocating Printing Services from Zageir Hall to Riverside Drive, leaving a small unit on campus to pick up and drop off materials. The UPC reviewed the report and had a number of questions. After a brief discussion, they originally made the recommendation that they couldn't focus on just this issue, that they needed to focus on the issue of space planning on campus and where all non-academic facilities are located.

Dr. Cochran then gave the UPC a presentation on some of the issues involved and discussed building a butler building. When the Highsmith Center is being renovated, Student Services may move to the butler building. After the Highsmith Center is complete, Student Services and other units would move back into Highsmith. At that time, the butler building could become a facilities plant building. It would be a temporary building that could become a permanent building.

The UPC plans to invite Arthur Foley to speak to them about the long range plan for facilities planning before making recommendations. If the budget projections are accurate, we will be hiring additional faculty and need to have office space for them.

Mr. Dunning questioned where the money would come from to build the butler building. Dr. Pitts replied that money often comes in very specified lines in the state system. In this case, the question is probably focused on the $3.5M that is coming for the Highsmith Center. Mr. Foley is considering how to make use of money that isn't sufficient to build a new building and he can give an informed sense of our options.

Mr. Dunning asked if the legislature would fund the Highsmith Center fully next year if we use the $3.5M. Dr. Pitts was certain that a butler building would cost less than $3.5M.

Dr. Caulfield stated that the UPC/IDC did not make a recommendation whether to accept or reject the study for relocation, but essentially asked for more information. After further discussion it was determined that the recommendation deadline is March 1, 1999. Dr. Ghidina asked if any action would go forward without the recommendation. Dr. Pitts replied that no action had taken place. Dr. Caulfield stated that one concern was what would happen to the space if Printing Services moved.

Second Reading:
The following document was considered for Second Reading:

IDC 1: Proposal to Change Titles and Descriptions of Two Academic Affairs Positions
Dr. Caulfield gave a brief historical background on IDC 1 and outlined concerns raised about the Dean of Curriculum position. Specifically: 1) according to what was described in the Catalog, this was a different job position, not just a change in title; 2) the precise meaning of "part-time" was not clear; 3) a search was not conducted; 4) it would be funded from the 101 budget; and 5) the job description seemed vague as opposed to the job description for the Dean of Faculty position, which was quite specific. That was communicated to the VC and IDC 1 is a new proposal.

IDC 1 deals with some of the above concerns in that the job description is more specific in terms of what the responsibilities of the Dean of Curriculum will be. Although it is not addressed in the document, hopefully, this will not be funded out of the 101 budget. Dr. Pitts stated that when they receive money for administration they intend to use it to restructure the budgets. For ten or more years we've been growing in curriculum demand without receiving any resources from the state system. Dr. Pitts has asked for "operational efficiencies for small institutions" to get an increase, and some of these funds would be specifically earmarked for administration. Dr. Caulfield added that hopefully this would include the director of Teaching and Learning. Although Dr. Pitts did not have any specific figure, he would like to see Honors, First Year Experience, and some Chair responsibilities included in this category. Following a retreat last summer, we prepared a mission equity request documenting how seriously underfunded our entire enterprise is, relative to comparisons within the system. Dr. Caulfield moved that the Senate endorse IDC 1: (Proposal to Change Titles and Descriptions of Two Academic Affairs Positions) as a Sense of the Senate. Dr. Stern seconded the motion.

Dr. Pons asked if the Dean of Faculty would be responsible for the tenure and promotion process. Dr. Pitts replied yes, and asked Dr. Cochran to address this. Dr. Cochran stated that the role would be assisting in the preparation of materials and preparing the dossiers for the Tenure Committee; then the responsibility turns from the Tenure Committee to the Vice Chancellor. The Dean of Faculty would not have a vote and the VCAA would continue to make final decisions regarding tenure and promotion. Dr. Rossell questioned the phrase "...supervises academic credit-generating courses in extension..." in the Dean of Curriculum description and asked for more information on "extension". Dr. Pitts stated that UNCA has done a few things in extension whereby a faculty member literally teaches away from our campus. In the past, this did not require a lot of policy. However, the accreditation system requires that our organization reflect all of our programs and program responsibilities. We have students who have taken a course through distance education. We need to identify the way we consider the academic curriculum and regulations in an organizational way.

The Dean of Curriculum position is a term position which Dr. Pitts will revisit about every three years, at which time it may be the same person or someone else. If we had enough administrative assigned time, Dr. Pitts would like faculty to do internships with one of the Deans as part of their professional development to increase our understanding of how to operate a faculty-run institution. IDC 1 sets up a structure that will be useful ten years from now, or at least could be modified without abrupt discontinuity. It does not increase the size of the administration, but refines it and articulates what it's about.

Dr. Ghidina asked if the position would normally be a half-time position. Dr. Pitts replied yes, unless something came up that would demand more attention. Accreditation visits, for example, would warrant more time for the Dean of Curriculum.

Dr. Pons suggested making an editorial comment about the Dean of Faculty being a resource to individuals coming up for tenure and promotion as this would be useful information to new faculty. Dr. Caulfield stated this is addressed under the charge.

Dr. Pons made a friendly amendment to change the last sentence under After a brief discussion, the last sentence read: "The Dean of Faculty provides administrative support for academic program reviews and faculty hiring, development, and review." Dr. Stern seconded the motion. Dr. Bruce asked Dr. Caulfield if it was the intention that the Dean of Faculty would support the promotion and tenure review process. Dr. Caulfield replied yes, as far as he knew. Dr. Pitts stated that he and Tom both consult with people on this process, such as Jackie Peterson. Dr. Cochran stated that the best word might be "resource" because he helps to interpret policy and to clarify what documentation is needed. He would make sure this information fits into a consistent format before it goes to the Tenure Committee. The Dean of Faculty will provide administrative support. The motion to amend by Dr. Pons passed.

The Senate then considered the document as amended. Dr. Rossell commented that if the appointment required additional hours preparing for accreditation, perhaps "accreditation" should be listed in the job description. The Senate discussed ways this might be inserted. Dr. Caulfield apologized because he needed to leave for his 4:30 pm class, and stated that he had asked to be first on the agenda. For this reason, Dr. Sabo called the question, which Dr. Krumpe seconded. IDC 1 passed as amended by a vote of 12 to 1 and became Senate Document 0898F.

VI. Academic Policies Report
Dr. Bill Sabo reported for the Academic Policies Committee.
First Reading
The following documents were distributed for First Reading:

APC 4: Replace Psychology 220 with Psychology 318

APC 5: Deleting Econ 410, Changes in Finance Concentration, changing Econ 450 and 360. Adding 316.

APC 6: Addition of Special Topics Courses for Health and Fitness

APC 7: New Course Numbers for Abstract Algebra Courses

APC 8: Description of Humanities 214

APC 9: Management: Changes in Course Descriptions, Titles, and Prerequisites for Various Courses

APC 10: Changes in Management Minor Requirements

APC 11: Changes in Oral Competency Requirements for Management

APC 12: Changes to Chemistry 105 and Chemistry Graduate Record Examination Requirement

Dr. Sabo called the Senators attention to APC 8 and APC 12 because they affect general education courses. APC 8 modifies the description of Humanities 214 and is a continuation of a discussion begun last year. APC 12 changes the Chemistry 105 course.

Second Reading
The following document was considered for Second Reading:

APC 3: Guidelines for Reviewing General Education Courses

APC 3 details how the committee will conduct UNCA's review of General Education. It outlines the schedule and expectations for reviewing the general education courses next spring. Item 2 requires that a report be sent to APC before the public discussion of the specific courses and requirement. A supplement to APC 3 was mailed to senators prior to the meeting.

Dr. Sabo moved approval of APC 3. Dr. Pons seconded the motion. Dr. Sabo moved to amend APC 3 by adding the addendum that was mailed to senators on December 1, 1999 to allow sufficient opportunity to examine it. Ms. McKenzie seconded the motion to amend. The motion passed unanimously. APC 3 passed as amended became Senate Document 0998F.

VII. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report
Dr. Marcia Ghidina gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report.
Committee Nominations
- Replacing Tracy Brown on URC
Dr. Ghidina reported that the Senate needed to elect a replacement for Tracy Brown on the University Research Council (URC) as he is serving on the Chancellor's Search Committee and has asked to be removed from the URC. Dr. Ghidina stated that the FWDC nominated Allan Combs as the replacement on the URC. Dr. Bruce seconded the motion. Dr. Ghidina stated that Dr. Combs listed the URC on his committee preference sheet and that Dr. Brown was the only social science representative on the Council. The motion passed.

- Honors Award Committee
Due to illness or health concerns, a member of the Honors Award Committee needs to be replaced. The FWDC has appointed Grant Hardy to serve on the Honors Award Committee for the 1998-2000 term.

Reassigned Time Policy
The Reassigned Time Policy slated for First Reading at this meeting will be distributed during the January meeting.

Second Reading:
The following documents were considered for Second Reading:

FWDC 2: Election Procedures for Post-Tenure Review Committee (Ghidina/Bruce)
FWDC 2 adds the following statement: "Faculty who are scheduled to be reviewed within the next two years will be removed from the ballot." It also deletes a paragraph which referred to a process which was to occur only in the first year of the committee. This period has passed and it is no longer necessary to include this information in the policy. FWDC 2 passed and became Senate Document 1098F.

FWDC 3: Guidelines for the Post-Tenure Review Committee (Ghidina/Krumpe)
FWDC 3 is in response to the Senate's request that FWDC provide guidelines for the Post-Tenure Review Committee in three areas: 1) how to rank faculty in the categories of "superior," "adequate," and "in need of development"; 2) an appropriate award for superior ranking; and 3) the procedure for PTR Committee feedback on the process of review.

Dr. Dunning suggested changing "adequate" to "satisfactory." Dr. Ghidina agreed with the idea of changing the wording and thought there would be support for the change. However, another document was required to change the policy. FWDC 3 is guidelines for the committee. Dr. Pons suggested several editorial changes.

Dr. Sabo made a motion to end the sentence after the word "service" in the last sentence under the Adequate section. Dr. Bruce seconded the motion. The motion passed following discussion. In a friendly amendment, Dr. Pons proposed deleting the words "usually a very" in the second paragraph under In Need of Development. FWDC 3 passed with 1 abstention and became Senate Document 1198F.

Dr. Ghidina stated that the FWDC will propose changing the word "adequate" to "satisfactory" in the Post Tenure Review policy at the January meeting.

VllI. Old Business
There was no Old Business.

IX. New Business
Mr. Dunning discussed the recent web registration shutdown and asked if the problem had been corrected. Ms. Sensabaugh replied that some programming errors have been corrected. She has requested an additional computer which would automatically pick up if there are problems with the other machine.

The Senate discussed the recent pre-registration, when students could access the system to pre-register, and the number of students who preferred having their grades mailed.

X. Adjournment
Dr. Kormanik adjourned the meeting at 4:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely
                                       Marcia Ghidina