Visitors: S. Browning, L. Dohse, S. Horvath, G. Kimmer, M. Latz, B. Modlin, B. Sensabaugh, A. Shope
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of September 10, 1998 were approved as distributed. The minutes
of October 8, 1998 were approved following an editorial correction.
II. Administrative Report
Dr. Kormanik announced that Chancellor Reed, Dr. Pitts and Dr. Cochran were
out of town. Dr. Cochran asked Dr. Kormanik to give an update on the 1998-99
expansion budget in his absence. Dr. Kormanik will convey this information during the
Executive Committee report.
III. Executive Committee Report
Dr. Gregg Kormanik gave the Executive Committee Report.
Update on 1998-99 Expansion Budget for UNCA
1. Enrollment Changes--Regular Term $129,937
This information was shared with the faculty in August. Enrollment changes brought about 1 FTE faculty position ($50,000 plus fringes), and operating budget for the institution. $14,000 was available for 101. A .5 FTE secretary position was established as was .25 FTE in state funds to replace overhead receipts used for a lab manager. The library received some money and the remainder was for institutional support.
2. Recommended allocations for Libraries $172,834
These funds for the UNCA library are nonrecurring. The Library staff will develop a proposed onetime expenditure of these funds.
3. Support for Information Technology $519,165
These funds are divided into recurring ($118,603) and nonrecurring ($400,562) purposes. The recurring funds are to be used to create information technology support positions. The Computer Center is developing job descriptions.
The remaining nonrecurring funds are divided between academic instruction ($150,000) and academic support ($250,562). The one time appropriation will reimburse the instructional budget (101). We will be able to restore some of the base equipment budgets for academic departments. The Council of Chairs will meet on November 23 to discuss how to distribute these additional funds to the departments. The one time allocation reimburses 101 for the personal computers purchased this Fall for some of the faculty and will enable us to purchase the remaining personal computers needed to make all full-time faculty capable of accessing the Internet. The Computer Center will develop spending plans for the remaining nonrecurring funds. Most of the money is expected to go for the purchase of equipment to support the network infrastructure.
4. Overhead Receipts $7,500
The UNC-General Administration will no longer require the campus to return 10% of the generated overhead receipts. These monies will be retained at the campus level. The University Research Council has submitted a proposal to use these funds to develop an endowment for intramural research grants.
5. Reduction in General Fund Appropriation $20,866
Each institution's continuation budget was reduced by .1%. The Chancellor determined that the reduction would not come from instructional budgets.
6. Reduction as a result of Span of Control Study $35,600
The reduction was discussed earlier in the semester.
Overall, the budget news has been quite positive. Though we have had some reductions, the additional funds should enable the institution to make important strides in information technology.
Chancellor's Search Committee
The Chancellor's Search Committee has held several campus-wide meetings for
students, faculty and staff, and members of the community to gather information on the
search process and to establish various search documents.
The search will cost approximately $75-80K after adjusting for inflation. All monies for the search will come from our campus and donations. The committee is considering whether to hire a search firm at an additional expense of $50K. It plans to interview potential firms and will weigh the cost and benefits of using a search firm before making a decision. Search firms have not been used in recent history. Dr. Browning stated that the last chancellor's search received financial assistance from GA.
Dr. Kormanik outlined the following tentative schedule: 1) place ads and publish the position statement in mid-December; 2) screen candidates by early to mid-February; and, 3) compile a list of the top 15-20 applicants by mid-March. The committee is optimistic that they will have someone in place by July 1.
The discussion returned to the pros and cons of hiring a search firm. The firm would help the committee seek out individuals who would not ordinarily respond to an ad. Although they would provide 15-20 candidates, the search committee would want to examine all of the candidates. Dr. Rossell expressed misgivings about setting a precedent by spending an additional $50K for a search firm in a year with a budget shortfall where faculty have been asked to teach extra courses. Discussion turned to strategies to use other than placing ads in papers and journals, and the importance of nominating individuals and sending letters of inquiry.
Minority Affairs Report to the Senate
Following discussions with representatives of the Minority Affairs Commission
last April, the Senate passed a resolution that the Minority Affairs Commission return to
the Senate in September 1998 with two specific items: 1) the reworking of the charter;
and 2) a plan, with specific steps and a time line for the next two or three years, of
priorities to expand racial diversity on campus.
Dr. Kormanik reminded Heon Lee of this charge and asked that he and Dee James return to the Senate in December or January with an action plan. Diversity is an important issue on our campus and we need to specifically address how we can enhance it for students, faculty, and staff. Dr. Kormanik has asked the secretary to maintain a long-term calendar to remind the Executive Committee of future mandates.
University Relations Annual Report
Vice Chancellor Beverly Modlin gave the University Relations annual report.
Ms. Modlin distributed extra media packets prepared for the Board of Trustees as well as an executive summary of 1997-98 highlights for University Relations. She addressed how University Relations communicates with the university, the impact of Chancellor Reed's departure on the capital campaign, and fundraising.
University Relations offices interface directly with the public to enhance the perception of the University at the national, regional, state and local levels, and to build greater awareness and involvement by a variety of constituencies (the local community, prospective students and employees, media, alumni, and donors.)
Ms. Modlin discussed the following in-house publications: UNCA View Book, UNCA Today, UNCA Tomorrow, and the Fact Sheet. These are effective recruitment tools for faculty, staff, students, and donors. A media packet with samples of recent press coverage was distributed. Dr. Bruce suggested having a student analyze the amount of positive and negative press coverage UNCA received.
University Relations launched its Scholarship Campaign last week with a luncheon for donors and scholarship recipients. The 1999 Scholarship Campaign is called "The Liberal Arts for the Real World."
Ms. Modlin reported that most schools we compare ourselves with academically have an older, more diverse alumni group. While our education rivals any of the finer institutions across the country, our alumni base is relatively young with nearly one-half of our alums graduated in the last ten years. An alumni newsletter was initiated this year and the first Alumni Chapter Forum was held in Greensboro, NC. Dr. Caulfield suggested placing the alumni newsletter on the web.
Ms. Modlin reported that the University will need to revise the capital campaign schedule given Chancellor Reed's departure on June 30th. Campaign consultant Sue Washburn will likely recommend that we extend our gift phase until early next fall before finalizing our goal. However, the Center for Creative Retirement (CCR) recently held a reception as they are progressing toward having their building. The CCR received a $50K gift last week.
Cash contributions of the UNCA Foundation and the University surpassed $1.1M, an increase of 14 percent over the previous year. Commitments for planned gifts exceeded $800K but will not be realized until the future. Since July 1993 more than $6.3M has been received.
The major challenge during 1998-99 will be maintaining the campaign momentum during the transition to a new chancellor. The major initiative during 1998-99 will be introducing the new chancellor statewide and in selected areas outside of NC.
Dr. Kormanik asked what the return rate was on our investments. Ms. Modlin thought the return was 17% but suggested that Dr. Kormanik speak with Mr. Arthur Foley to confirm this. She explained that the Investment Committee of the Foundation spent almost two years looking at their investments. Different portions of the portfolio are now handled by different investment managers. Arthur Anderson is collecting information from the various investment managers, analyzing it, and keeping watch to ensure that they are communicating and investing it according to the strategy of the Foundation.
Dr. Kormanik asked if University Relations was receiving 1 percent of the donations/gifts. Ms. Modlin explained that her office was desperate to come up with a way to fund the campaign. They polled other schools and learned that most were charging a 1 percent administrative fee on their endowments. The Foundation Board also decided to do this. There is a 5 percent payout policy on endowments. The 1 percent administrative fee is in addition to the 5 percent, so it does not take away from the available funding for campus projects.
IV. Student Government Association Report
Mr. Stephan Horvath gave the Student Government Association Report.
Doug Jones has been leading a fight to place a moratorium on student fees.
Student fees have increased 7 percent over the last five years.
The SGA has been discussing the traffic overflow on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but the administration has not been sympathetic with their problem.
Vice President Eric Winters has been talking to administrators in western NC high schools to obtain permission to speak to students about college and student government next semester. They hope to use this as a recruitment tool for UNCA.
Kevin Frazier has submitted a bill to form a Campus Media Commission to hold student publications, such as The Banner and the newly formed Student Government Issues Forum, accountable for their professionalism and content through a grant-making process similar to the Campus Commission.
Doug Jones introduced a bill that would allow UNCA Alumni Association members to audit one three-hour class per academic year free of charge to foster good relations with our alumni.
On November 30th the SGA plans to hold a referendum on the feasibility of a Student Honor Code which holds students accountable for their behavior in the classroom.
Senator Steven Crisp introduced legislation to install surveillance cameras and emergency call boxes in some of the outer parking lots to make students feel safer. The only emergency call box is located in front of Vance Hall. The SGA is also trying to have surveillance devices installed in the overflow parking areas due to poor lighting and the distance from campus.
The Student Senate is forming an ad hoc committee to investigate the possibility of making on-campus child care a reality.
V. Academic Policies Report
Dr. Bill Sabo reported for the Academic Policies Committee.
First Reading
The following document was distributed for First Reading:
APC 3: Guidelines for Reviewing General Education Courses
This is in response to a document passed last September. It outlines the
schedule and expectations for reviewing UNCA's general education courses next
Second Reading
The following documents were considered for Second Reading:
APC 1: Revision of Management Major Declaration Requirements (Add Econ 102 Option) (Sabo\Bowen)
This document allows students to take ECON 102 before ECON 101 or transfer
in the equivalent of ECON 102 without transfer credit for ECON 101. This change will
allow students to alter the order in which they take the required ECON sequence in
Management. This adds no hours to the requirements for a management major. APC
1 passed and became Senate Document 0698F.
APC 2: Policy on Independent Individual Courses (Sabo\Pons)
This document writes into the Catalog our policy regarding independent
individual courses. The statement is a slight variation from what already appears in the
Faculty Handbook. This insertion places it in a more visible and accessible location and
informs students of the procedure. APC 2 passed and became Senate Document
IDC 1: Proposal to Change Titles and Descriptions of Two Academic Affairs Positions
The Academic Affairs Office is requesting a Sense of the Senate vote on this
document. They want to change the formerly Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic
Affairs to Dean of Faculty, and formerly Assistant Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs
to Dean of Curriculum. The UPC discussed the proposal and pointed out that this is
more than a change in titles. It is also a proposal to change descriptions based on prior
Faculty Handbook descriptions, particularly of the Dean of Curriculum. The UPC made
some suggestions and this document is based on their suggestions.
Recommendations from the Department of Biology Self-Study
Dr. Caulfield distributed the UPC recommendations resulting from the
Department of Biology Self-Study for informational purposes. The Self-Study was
conducted last year but was not finalized until recently.
Recommendations from the Department of Mathematics Self-Study
The UPC will distribute their recommendations resulting from the Department of
Self-Study at the December meeting. This was placed on the agenda in error.
Future Agenda Items
The UPC will begin the Department of Physics Self-Study at their next meeting.
They will also discuss the proposal to move Printing Services from Zageir Hall to a new
VII. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report
Dr. Marcia Ghidina gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report.
Changes in Composition of Post-Tenure Review Committee
The composition of the Post-Tenure Review Committee has been changed
because the FWDC did not anticipate that some faculty who were elected will also
come up for review this year.
Jim Petranka and Dee James will serve two year terms (1998-2000).
Lothar Dohse and Lisa Friedenberg will serve one year terms (1998-1999).
Update on Reassigned Time
Dr. Ghidina received the following petition from students regarding reassigned
time. The petition was signed by 460 students and was organized by Athena
"We, the undersigned students, are strongly opposed to any changes in policy that would compromise reassigned time for professors. Reassigned time is essential to maintaining those qualities that define UNCA as a University of excellent caliber. Having reassigned time allows professors the opportunity to prepare for quality lectures and labs and is a vital component in doing research and other special projects with students. Last year 102 students conducted undergraduate research with professors. Of them, 37 were honor students and 27 presented their work at NCUR. Many other students did similar one on one projects with faculty members. For these reasons, we strongly encourage the allotment of reassigned time to all faculty members and feel that its elimination will greatly damage the quality of our education."
Dr. Bruce gave an update on reassigned time. The committee has expanded their working group which now includes Bruce Larson and John Gupton, in addition to three members of the FWDC. They will present a policy to the Council of Chairs and Academic Affairs soon. Dr. Bruce is hopeful that the administration will present their views on administrative reassigned time for Chairs and faculty working on campus-wide projects such as the Honors and Undergraduate Research programs. The FWDC will bring a document to the Faculty Senate in December or January. Following discussion, Dr. Caulfield requested that the Senate have an opportunity to see the FWDC document as it comes out of their working group.
Post-Tenure Review Discussion
Dr. Caulfield referred to the Post-Tenure Review report and stated that senior
faculty in the Literature and Language Department have expressed concern over the
logistics of preparing for their review. Because this is the first review, they will not have
the same amount of time to prepare their review as faculty will have in the future. Dr.
Ghidina stated that this should be passed along to the Post-Tenure Review Committee.
At the same time, it was clear last spring that the review would be instituted this year.
Dr. Caulfield added that faculty weren't notified of their pending review until later. Dr.
Sabo remarked that the committee needs to be sensitive to this, and individuals who
contribute their time to conduct peer reviews need to be recognized for their
contribution. The peer review will involve two different people over two different
classes, who will then have to write the report over the remaining four weeks in the
semester. Dr. Ghidina suggested asking the committee to grant a time extension the
first year. Currently the deadline for the department Chair is in December and the
administrative deadline is in January. Dr. Kormanik asked if there is an intention to
publish a master list of who will be reviewed and when. Dr. Ghidina stated that Dr.
Cochran's office is handling this and suggested that faculty be given a one year notice
before coming up for review. Dr. Dohse is the Chair of the Post-Tenure Review
First Reading:
The following documents were distributed for First Reading:
FWDC 2: Election Procedures for Post-Tenure Review Committee
FWDC 3: Guidelines for the Post-Tenure Review Committee
FWDC 2 adds the statement, "Faculty who are scheduled to be reviewed within the next two years will be removed from the ballot." It also deletes a paragraph which referred only to a process which was to occur in the first year of the committee. This period has passed and it is not necessary to include this information in the policy.
FWDC 3 is in response to the Senate's request that FWDC provide guidelines for the Post-Tenure Review Committee in three areas: 1) how to rank faculty in the categories of "superior," "adequate," and "in need of development"; 2) an appropriate award for superior ranking; and 3) the procedure for PTR Committee feedback on the process of review.
VllI. Old Business
There was no Old Business.
IX. New Business
There was no New Business.
X. Adjournment
Dr. Kormanik adjourned the meeting at 4:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely and Marcia Ghidina