University of North Carolina at Asheville


Minutes, September 10, 1998

Senate Members: R. Bowen, W. Bruce, P. Caulfield, R. Dunning, M. Ghidina, J. Gupton, G. Kormanik, K. Krumpe, P. McClellan, C. McKenzie, C. Pons, I. Rossell, T. Rizzo, B. Sabo, H. Stern, J. Pitts

Excused: M. Ruiz

Visitors: T. Cochran, S. Browning, L. Dohse, S. Horvath, M. Latz, P. McClellan, G. Miller, B. Sensabaugh, A. Shope

I. Call to Order

Dr. Kormanik called the meeting to order at 3:20 p.m. and welcomed senators and guests.

Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the May 7, 1998 3:15 p.m. and 5:15 p.m. meetings were approved as distributed.

II. Administrative Report
Dr. Jim Pitts gave the Administrative Report.
Although UNCA's student headcount has not increased, the full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment has increased 2 percent over last year at this time. This is a significant increase for a small school. Enrollment is 57 FTE above the bottom of the 2 percent enrollment window. Dr. Pitts attributed the increase to the number of students taking full course loads. The official FTE for Fall 1998 is 2,712 compared to 2,660 for Fall 1997. The annualized FTE (fall and spring) will likely be 2,640+.

It appears that UNCA will see significant improvement in resources next year, based on FTEs for this year and last year, and GA's new method of measuring student demand. Instead of the traditional requirement of 12 hours per student FTE, GA is now measuring student credit hours generated. UNCA will benefit from this change as we are generating more semester hours and attracting students who are taking full course loads.

Reassigned Time
Dr. Pitts distributed a memorandum on reassigned time and asked the senators to read the memo before he responded to questions. The memo was sent via E-mail earlier today. There was a brief delay in the meeting while the memo was read.

A summary of the ensuing discussion follows. The University is $150K to $175K short in adjunct funds for Spring 1999. Several factors have encroached on funds usually retained for adjuncts; after considering faculty replacements, off campus scholarly assignments, and personnel shifts due to faculty retirements, the instructional budget was impacted in unanticipated ways. UNCA also spent an additional $50K this fall due to a substantial increase in enrollment. Student demand is approximately 90 courses above those which full-time adjunct faculty are currently scheduled to offer next spring. Dr. Pitts spoke of the importance of students continuing to make progress toward graduation.

After considering activities that could be postponed for a semester, the administration and the Council of Chairs opted to rescind reassignments controlled at the department level. Full-time faculty are being asked to teach full loads in Spring 1999, in an effort to offer the typical spring curriculum. Reassigned time has not been rescinded for Department Chairs and administrators as these responsibilities cannot be postponed, according to Dr. Pitts.

Dr. Pitts explained that approximately 40% of the adjuncts will be affected by this change, either by having reduced teaching loads or by not being on campus at all. As we rapidly reach a full enrollment profile, we must reassess how to regulate reassignment, and assign priorities that fit our resource base.

Although these efforts are intended for Spring 1999 only, the administration is unsure how release time will be managed next year. The Council of Chairs and the Faculty Welfare and Development Committees have been asked to study our reassigned time policy and discuss how to meet student needs with respect to curriculum offerings, budget resources, and the appropriate use of full-time and adjunct teaching resources. Adjuncts currently teach nearly 25% of our curriculum, which everyone agrees is too high. Dr. Pitts agreed with the suggestion that the FWDC needs to consider the impact this will have on faculty being reviewed for tenure and reappointment, as they are expected to have professional activity.

Last year the administration began to gather information to determine where faculty resources are allocated. Although enrollment is stable, the composition is changing rapidly and students are taking more classes. Dr. Phil Weast, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Services, has begun to utilize the SIS information base to profile curriculum needs based upon enrollment patterns. Dr. Weast and Dr. Browning will meet with Department Chairs this fall to discuss curriculum needs. In response to a suggestion that administrative leaders with proven teaching talents consider offering a class, Dr. Pitts replied that it was a good suggestion and had been discussed.

Concern was raised that Dr. Pitts' memo failed to mention the tradition of strong departmental decision-making on campus. Dr. Kormanik read a portion of the Reassigned Time Policy found on pages 47 and 48 of the Faculty Handbook. "Faculty may receive reassigned time from the normal twenty-four-hour-per-year teaching responsibilities to meet alternative professional and administrative responsibilities. Normally Departmental Chairs and Program Directors receive reassigned time for duties associated with their administrative appointments . . . " A senator commented that Dr. Pitts' memo implied centralized decision-making and asked that the FWDC consider whether the Reassigned Time Policy will be centralized or not. A primary focus should be the list of priorities on page 48, and whether these decisions are made at the central level or the departmental level, and under what standards. Dr. Kormanik read from the Faculty Handbook: "The Chair/Director is responsible for developing policies and procedures to fairly allocate the reassigned time and for reporting to the VCAA on its use." Dr. Pitts agreed these were all good points.

III. Executive Committee Report
Dr. Gregg Kormanik gave the Executive Committee Report.
Best Wishes for Heidi Kelley
Dr. Kormanik spoke for the Senate and the faculty, in saying that their thoughts and best wishes were with Heidi Kelley and her family, and that they hope for a speedy recovery from her recent stroke.

Past Senate Actions
Dr. Kormanik explained Chancellor Reed's responses to the following Resolutions passed by the Senate last May:

1) Senate Document 3698S read: "The UNCA Faculty Senate does not support UNCA's filing an intent to establish a MAT degree by the July 1, 1998 deadline." Chancellor Reed responded that no intent was being filed.

2) Senate Document 3598S read: "No adjustments to UNCA's Capital Projects Priority List which displaces classroom building construction or renovation will be made without the recommendation of the Faculty Senate." Chancellor Reed responded that to her knowledge, no one has suggested such an adjustment, and in her view the priorities approved by UPC stand as our list. They have been submitted to the BOG, and moreover the BOG has included $3M in the system's legislative budget request for our classroom building.

3) Senate Document 3198S read: "To honor his long and distinguished service to the University of North Carolina at Asheville and its liberal art mission, the Faculty Senate encourages the Chancellor to name the new classroom being constructed in Ramsey Library in honor of Mel Blowers with ceremony commensurate with his many contributions." Chancellor Reed noted that while she was in full agreement with the movement to honor Mel for his extraordinary service, he directly expressed his wish that the naming not occur to her, library staff, and other faculty.

Chancellor Reed asked the Senate to revisit this action and/or advise her of a way to honor Mel that will be consistent with his wishes. The Senate agreed to consider options and discuss this under New Business.

Resignation of Dr. Ruiz
Dr. Ruiz submitted a letter of resignation to the Senate Executive Committee. The Executive Committee accepted his resignation and is working on a written response.

Dr. Kormanik turned the meeting over to Dr. Ghidina to elect an alternate to fill Dr. Ruiz's position, and noted that while the Senate hasn't been following this practice, alternates are to attend the Senate meetings with "voice without vote."

Dr. Rossell asked why Dr. Ruiz resigned from the Senate. Dr. Kormanik read a portion of Dr. Ruiz's letter of resignation which referred to pressing teaching duties, service commitments and large classes which prevented him from being on the Senate. Dr. Rossell asked if this explanation was acceptable. Dr. Kormanik responded that it was a difficult issue. While the Senate Constitution very definitely prescribes who is eligible, and all tenured faculty are eligible for election, it doesn't say anything about resigning after they have been elected. Dr. Ghidina asked Dr. Kormanik if he wanted to give any sense of what the letter he was working on expressed. Dr. Kormanik indicated that he preferred to wait. Dr. Caulfield understood that, according to the Faculty Handbook, a senator couldn't decline to serve if elected. Dr. Kormanik stated that this is an assumption but the Constitution does not mandate this. A tenured faculty member cannot decline to be placed on the ballot, but the Constitution does not say if elected you have to serve.

Dr. Bruce asked to review the Constitution. Dr. Kormanik read a portion of Article 1: All full-time ranked members whose primary responsibility is teaching and all ranked librarians are eligible for election to the Faculty elections ... Tenured faculty members may not decline election to the Senate or to Senate offices, except as described in ARTICLE II Section 2 ... Dr. Kormanik paraphrased Article II, Section 2, explaining that a faculty member may request one year off, then request two additional years. The precedence has been that if someone is going to be off campus, out of the country, or unable to attend meetings, they need to be removed from the ballot.

Dr. Rossell asked if this was the first time someone had declined who is on campus. Dr. Kormanik replied no, Arnold Wengrow resigned at one time and Peg Downes resigned last year.

Pat McClellan was elected to serve Dr. Ruiz's term on the Faculty Senate.

First Second Reading:
The following document was distributed for First Reading:
EC 1: Resolution regarding Post Tenure Review

When the Post Tenure Review policy was adopted by the Faculty Senate in August 1998, the Senate discussed the need to make provisions for reforms and modifications in the policy if the process is to achieve its goals. EC 1 addresses these concerns by directing the FWDC to submit to the Faculty Senate for first reading at its November meeting, the following three items:

1) FWDC will develop guidelines to clearly differentiate the ranking categories listed in Section 3.12.3.

2) FWDC will meet with the VCAA to develop guidelines relating to appropriate awards. (Section 3.12.3. subsection 3.)

3) FWDC will design a procedure through which the PTR committee will make annual reports to FWDC. The purpose of these reports is to allow the PTR committee to comment on Sections 3.12.2 and 3.12.3 of the UNCA Faculty Handbook and allow the committee to make recommendations for revising the procedures to help it make more efficient and effective decisions.

IV. Student Government Association Report
Mr. Stephan Horvath gave the Student Government Report.
The Student Government Association held their goal session at the Kellogg Center this past weekend. A recent article in the Blue Banner reported on the meeting.

V. Academic Policies Report
Dr. Bill Sabo reported for the Academic Policies Committee.
Second Reading
The following documents were considered for second reading:

APC 28 and APC 29 were distributed for First Reading last May.

APC 28: Guidelines for Altering the Titles of Programs of Study Mandated by Conversion to the CIP Coding System (Sabo/Pons)
This document is a result of a mandate from General Administration. The University of North Carolina system is converting from the old HEGIS-based Academic Program Inventory to the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) coding systems. This conversion alters the meaning of terms UNCA has traditionally used to describe different courses of study. The change will standardize terminology across campus and bring our catalog into line with the guidelines established by GA.

The departments were asked to submit their changes to the APC for review by November 1, 1998. A department which is authorized to offer a "track" and wishes to retain that wording will also notify APC of their decision. APC 28 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 0298F.

APC 29: General Education Review (Sabo/Rossell)
This document institutes another General Education review. It reads: "The Academic Policies Committee will establish guidelines for a university-wide assessment of UNCA's General Education requirements. These guidelines will be introduced to the Faculty Senate in October 1998."

Dr. Sabo moved to amend the document by changing the month from "October" to "November." Ms. McKenzie seconded the motion, which passed. APC 29 passed unanimously as amended and became Senate Document 0398F.

VI. Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report:
Dr. Peter Caulfield gave the Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council report.

The University Planning Council has not had a full committee until today when Ms. McClellan was elected to replace Dr. Ruiz. The group can now coordinate schedules and begin meeting.

Dr. Caulfield and Dr. Gravely set a tentative schedule, which includes an overview of the year's work, especially the self studies in the Physics, Chemistry and Computer Science departments. They hope to begin discussion on Distance and Extension Learning, and on enrollment projections.

The Mathematics Department Self Study was not finalized last year due to scheduling conflicts. The current UPC will make recommendations to the Mathematics Department.

Dr. Gravely will present the new aspects of the funding model to the UPC and discuss several survey results.

Dr. Kormanik asked if Dr. Pitts' request to discuss the proposal to change titles of two Academic Affairs positions was on the agenda. Dr. Caulfield indicated he would add it to the agenda.

VII. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report
Dr. Marcia Ghidina gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report.
Committee Announcements
Dr. Bob Yearout will replace Dr. Heidi Kelley on the Tenure Committee.

Dr. William Bruce has agreed to be the faculty liaison to the Chancellor's Staff Advisory Committee.

The Post Tenure Review Committee election will be held next week. Dr. Ghidina encouraged senators to inform faculty about the importance of the committee.

Election Research Report
After reporting on this issue last spring, Dr. Bruce analyzed additional election data for 1996-98. His concern was directed toward enhancing faculty leadership on campus; the Faculty Senate is a place where leadership can sometimes develop and be expressed. It is important to elect faculty who are interested in serving on the Senate, who have the energy and enthusiasm to serve, and who have a broad base of support in the faculty. This is a first look at the base of support of the faculty for 1996-98. He asked if the Senate wanted the FWDC to continue to work on ways of improving faculty participation and eventually having more faculty voting for those elected.

Dr. Bruce remarked that if colleagues feel they don't have an influence on the Senate election, they may feel the Senate doesn't matter, and that probably isn't good for the health of the faculty. Dr. Caulfield stated that when new faculty receive an election ballot, they normally don't know many faculty on campus; it takes six or seven years of working on committees before faculty know three or four people in each division. On the other hand, the new faculty may vote because they feel more of a sense of responsibility and are not jaded. They then vote for one person from their department and the results are skewed.

There is also the informal way of promoting slates. If twenty faculty coalesce around one slate, they will be elected. And maybe 100 people aren't voting for that slate. Dr. Rossell agreed with Dr. Caulfield's point that many faculty are discouraged because of the slates, and added that it would be helpful to know who is interested in serving. Dr. Sabo remarked that it may be time to revisit how we look at representation. Dr. Gupton added that some universities have one representative from each department. Another suggestion was to have a two-phased process, one to determine interest and another phase to vote among this group. Dr. Kormanik asked the FWDC to consider ways to increase voter participation. In the short term, he suggested that the FWDC increase the turnaround time for Senate ballots.

VllI. Old Business
Dr. Sabo asked Dr. Kormanik to read the previous resolution regarding Mel Blowers' contributions on campus. The resolution was then amended to read as follows:

"To honor his long and distinguished service to the University of North Carolina at Asheville and its liberal arts mission, the Faculty Senate encourages the Chancellor to consult with the library staff to determine an appropriate way to recognize Mel Blowers' many contributions."

Dr. Sabo moved to approve the resolution which was seconded by Ms. McClellan. The resolution passed unanimously and became Senate Document 0498F.

IX. New Business
Ms. Pat McClellan will replace Dr. Ruiz on IDC/UPC.

X. Adjournment
Dr. Kormanik adjourned the meeting at 4:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely
                                       Marcia Ghidina