University of North Carolina at Asheville


Minutes, May 6, 1999 - 3:15 pm meeting

Senate Members: R. Bowen, W. Bruce, P. Caulfield, R. Dunning, M. Ghidina, J. Gupton, G. Kormanik, K. Krumpe, P. McClellan, C. McKenzie, C. Pons, T. Rizzo, B. Sabo, H. Stern, J. Pitts, G. Miller

Excused: I. Rossell

Visitors: S. Browning, M. Burchard, W. Cash, T. Cochran, F. Davenport, N. East, D. James, B. Larson, C. Mitchell, B. Modlin, A. Omer, D. Peifer, B. Sensabaugh, A. Shope, G. Wilson

I. Call to Order

Dr. Kormanik called the meeting to order at 3:20 p.m. and welcomed senators and guests to the final meeting of the 1998-1999 Faculty Senate. Irene Rossell is on maternity leave.

The minutes of the April 8, 1999 meeting will be considered next fall.

II. Administrative Report
Development Report

Vice Chancellor Beverly Modlin reported on fundraising, the Capital Campaign, and the transition of chancellors. The Scholarship drive raised $242K, exceeding their goal by $17K. The University Campaign and the Center for Creative Retirement (CCR) Campaign are being run concurrently. Based on the consultant's recommendation, the tentative goal for the University Campaign is $8M; the CCR goal is $3M.

As expected, fundraising has stalled during the transition of chancellors. UNCA has received $1.6M in real money through fundraising this year. Chancellor Reed is largely responsible for these gifts and the university owes her a great deal of gratitude.

Ms. Modlin highlighted the formal announcement of Jim Mullen and the newspaper pronouncement: "New Chancellor to Fill College Coffers." While President Broad supports UNCA's special niche and size, she expects the institution to increase its fundraising substantially.

Ms. Modlin praised Jan Harrow, University Relation's half-time Planned Giving officer. Last fiscal year Ms. Harrow obtained commitments of over $800K in bequests. She also obtained bequests from fifteen individuals since January, of which six total $392K.

Julie Heinitsh was recently hired as the senior development officer to coordinate annual fund activities and special events; she will also assist Ms. Modlin and Alex Comfort. Ms. Heinitsh was previously the director of major gifts at Brevard College. Her salary is being paid from the one percent administrative fee on endowed funds in the Foundation. The administrative fee policy has not been popular with some individuals, including some donors. The Investment Committee revisited the policy and concluded that this is the only way to have sufficient money to support development.

Report from Chancellor Reed
Dr. Pitts distributed Chancellor Reed's report on "Comments on Five Years at UNCA" that looks at important indicators of change over the last five years. An important change occurred when the UNC system developed a new funding formula and we were able to secure a monetary acknowledgment of our mission and size to be awarded annually.

Development & 10-Year Capital Plan - Schedule Alert
Dr. Pitts distributed copies of a letter from Eva Klein and Associates (EKA), alerting all campuses of the need to expedite the UNC request for prioritization of the 10-Year Capital Plan. The General Assembly is beginning to discuss UNC's Capital Plan finances and they must review both the adjusted total dollars of need and the needs for each institution. Following GA's assessment of the schedule, the Plan must be completed by the end of May. This will allow time for its review and adoption at the June 11th Board of Governor's meeting, followed by immediate submission to the General Assembly. When the report arrives, the UPC will need to review the Plan and determine whether it fits our needs or not. There is absolutely no leeway on the May 27th deadline to return our comments, proposed changes, or resolution of questions/anomalies to EKA.

III. Executive Committee Report
Dr. Gregg Kormanik gave the Executive Committee Report.
The SACS Study Model Choices report was shifted to "New Business" to give new senators an opportunity to hear the report.

IV. Student Government Association Report
Wiley Cash reported for the Student Government Association.

Mr. Wiley Cash, the new SGA President, introduced himself and stated that he looked forward to working with the Faculty Senate next year.

V. Academic Policies Report
Dr. Bill Sabo reported for the Academic Policies Committee.
First Reading
The following document was distributed for First Reading:

APC 35: Removing Restriction on Converting a Minor into a Major.

Second Reading:
The following documents were considered for Second Reading:

APC 29: Environmental Studies: AP Credit, 450, 381, 384, 490, 495 and Description of Track in General Environmental Studies.
Editorial corrections were made to the document. APC 29 passed unanimously as amended and became Senate Document 4799S.

APC 30 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 4899S.

APC 31: Replacing "Program" and "Track" Titles according to CIP guidelines.
These changes were mandated by the University of North Carolina's changing its degree identification codes from the old HEGIS system to the more widely used Classification of Instruction Program (CIP). These changes bring UNCA's catalog in line with the new system. APC 31 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 4999S.

APC 32: Repetition of Variable Credit Courses.
APC 32 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 5099S.

APC 33: Deletion of Courses Mandated by the Sunset Policy.
Dr. Sabo distributed a shorter version of APC 33 because several departments requested that the Senate not sunset some courses. Courses that have not been taught for five years are automatically deleted from the catalog unless departments submit a request and explanation of why the course should not be deleted. APC 33 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 5199S.

Dr. Sabo thanked his colleagues on the APC and Alicia Shope and Becky Sensabaugh from enrollment services for the work they accomplished this year.

Dr. Kormanik acknowledged Dr. Sabo's leadership role as APC Chair this year.

VI. Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report:
Dr. Peter Caulfield gave the Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council report.
Second Reading:
The following document was considered for Second Reading:

IDC 5: UPC Response to Minority Affairs Commission Proposal.
Several changes were made to IDC 5. A friendly amendment was made on page one, paragraph one, (3) to read as follows: "3) Increase the number of competitive and need-based scholarships to help recruit a student body to UNCA which more accurately reflects the current demographics of North Carolina."

An editorial correction was made on page one, paragraph two, to read: "UPC recommends...the Director of the Office of Minority and Diversity Affairs...". An editorial correction was made on page two, to delete: "...(or perhaps twice a year)".

The Senate discussed the recommendation that the Director teach one or two classes a year. The position will be funded through academic affairs administration when funding becomes available. Faculty rank would depend upon the person's previous experience.

Dr. Pons made a motion to delete "...teach one or two classes a year, either in the First-Year Experience, humanities or other interdisciplinary program." The motion was seconded by Dr. Caulfield. Following discussion, the motion was withdrawn.

Dr. Ghidina made a motion to insert the word "may" after the word "she" to the sentence under discussion. Dr. Bruce seconded the motion. The sentence would read, in part, "We recommend...that he or she may teach one or two classes a year, either in the First-Year Experience, humanities or other interdisciplinary programs." The motion passed.

Dr. Ghidina expressed support for the major impetus to improve diversity of African American students, staff and faculty, and thought it was important that we include other populations to ensure "diversity in all appropriate areas." Dr. James responded that historically the effort to improve African American student, teacher, and staff recruitment and retention was diluted when the efforts became more widely defined. Dr. Caulfield believed the editorial changes made to section 3 clarified this issue and broadened the scope of its goals.

The Senate discussed who the Director would report to and the pros and cons of reporting to the chancellor. The Director will be a full member of the administrative cabinet with broad-based authority. IDC 5 passed unanimously as amended and became Senate Document 5299S.

1999-2000 Expansion Budget-General Institutional Support Recommendations
Dr. Caulfield distributed the UPC's 1999-2000 Expansion Budget-General Institutional Support recommendations for informational purposes.

VII. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report
Dr. Marcia Ghidina gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report.

Election Results
- Post Tenure Review Committee
Pam Laughon was elected as the Social Science division representative. Tucker Cooke will serve as the at-large representative.

- Academic Appeals Board
Sarah Bumgarner and Marcia Ghidina will serve the two-year term 1999-2001. Megan Wolfe is the alternate.

Committee Nominations
-University Teaching Council
The Senate elected Joyce Dorr to replace Karen Cole on the University Teaching Council for the one-year term 1999-2000. Dr. Cole served on UTC the last three years and asked to be removed from a second term.

- Faculty Conciliator Alternate
The Faculty Senate approved the following Faculty Conciliator Alternate slate:
Cheryl McClary, Jim Heimbach, and Bryan Sinclair.

The Student Government Association will elect the Alternate from the slate. After serving 1999-2000 as Alternate, the person will serve as Faculty Conciliator in 2000-2001.

Thank You
Dr. Ghidina thanked Tracey Rizzo and William Bruce for their work this year, particularly on reassigned time and elections. Dr. Caulfield expressed his appreciation to the members of the UPC for an incredible amount of work this year.

VllI. Old Business
There was no Old Business.

IX. New Business
SACS Study Model Choices
Dr. Kormanik explained that UNCA has received official notice from SACS that we will have our re-accreditation site visit in Fall 2002. UNCA has the option to request permission from SACS to do an alternative self-study as compared to the traditional self-study.

The Senate discussed the pros and cons of both self-studies. The advantage of the alternative self-study is that the institution can select a topic of its choice which could ultimately improve the university. The alternative self-study still requires full-compliance and documentation. The institution must be in full compliance with SACS criteria, especially the standards on institutional effectiveness, to be eligible for the self-study. If UNCA elects to undergo the alternative self-study, a formal request must be made by May 17 with a full proposal due on October 1.

Dr. Browning suggested having a draft prepared by mid-to-late July for Dr. Mullen to peruse upon his arrival on August 1. He discussed university weaknesses in the last re-accreditation, particularly the standards on institutional effectiveness. Dr. Browning pointed out Dr. Caulfield's UPC report on budget recommendations as an example of what SACS wants to see, namely that final decisions on budget allocations are consistent with our long range plan and mission.

Following a lengthy discussion, Dr. Bruce made a motion that we express by letter our intent to pursue the alternate self-study model. Dr. Ghidina seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Thank You
Dr. Sabo stated that he has always argued and felt that if UNCA faculty, particularly the Senate, is going to have a major impact on the direction of the campus, we need hardworking and committed people to guide us and keep us focused. The Faculty Senate has been extraordinarily lucky to have had just such people chairing it in the past. Everyone in the Senate knows being Senate Chair is ordinarily a tough job with a tremendous amount of responsibility. We're also aware that it was far more demanding this year than it usually is. Speaking for all the senators, Dr. Sabo commended Gregg Kormanik on the tremendous job he has done this year. He presented a gift to Dr. Kormanik and a round of applause followed.

Dr. Kormanik expressed his thanks to all of the Senators for the work they have done, especially out-going senators Marcia Ghidina, John Gupton, Irene Rossell, Bill Sabo, and Henry Stern.

X. Adjournment
Dr. Kormanik adjourned the meeting at 5:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely
                                        Marcia Ghidina
                                        William Bruce