University of North Carolina at Asheville


Minutes, February 11, 1999

Senate Members: R. Bowen, W. Bruce, P. Caulfield, R. Dunning, M. Ghidina, J. Gupton, G. Kormanik, K. Krumpe, C. McKenzie, C. Pons, T. Rizzo, I. Rossell, B. Sabo, H. Stern, G. Miller

Excused: P. McClellan

Visitors: S. Browning, T. Cochran, B. Sensabaugh, A. Shope

I. Call to Order

Dr. Kormanik called the meeting to order at 3:17 p.m. and welcomed senators and guests.

Approval of Minutes
The minutes of January 28, 1999 were approved following an editorial correction.

II. Administrative Report
Dr. Pitts was recuperating from dental surgery and unable to attend. The senators asked Dr. Cochran questions regarding the status of the chancellor's search and funding for campus renovations. The search committee has narrowed the search to twelve candidates.

General Administration has been unsuccessful in obtaining renovation funds from the State. Although $1.2M was appropriated for renovation, UNCA has not received any funds. This is a tight budget year because of substantial payments the State must make to federal retirees. Next Monday the Department Chairs will discuss ways to create space for faculty next fall; this may involve shifting offices into classrooms that are not used frequently.

III. Executive Committee Report
Dr. Gregg Kormanik gave the Executive Committee Report.
Lothar Dohse will be attending a meeting of the Faculty Assembly on post tenure review.

First Reading:
EC 2: Senate Declaration on Diversity
This document is in response to a request from the Senate.

IV. Student Government Association Report
There was no Student Government Association Report.

V. Academic Policies Report
Dr. Bill Sabo reported for the Academic Policies Committee.
First Reading
The following documents were distributed for First Reading:

APC 19: Education Department Modifications for Middle and Secondary Schools, Reading Licensure, Foreign Language, and Admission Requirements

APC 20: Changes in Drama 244, 245, 334; Deletion of 246 and 326; Creation of 434 and 440

APC 21: Changes in Computer Science 107; Creation of 310, 340, and 348

APC 22: Deletion of Psychology Track in Reading Education and Creating Psychology Major with Teacher Licensure

Second Reading:
The following documents were considered for Second Reading:

APC 13: Hist 387: History of Judaism
This course is being funded out of the Jewish Studies Center. APC 13 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 2199S.

APC 14: Humanities Minor Revision
An editorial correction was made to the document. APC 14 passed as corrected by a vote of 12 to 1 and became Senate Document 2299S.

APC 15: New French and German Courses for General Education
APC 15 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 2399S.

APC 16: Career Courses in Health and Fitness
APC 16 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 2499S.

APC 17: Special Topics Courses for Engineering (400 level)
APC 17 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 2599S.

APC 18: Chemistry Research Courses
An editorial correction was made to the document. APC 18 passed unanimously as corrected and became Senate Document 2699S.

VI. Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report:
Dr. Peter Caulfield gave the Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council report.

First Reading:
The following document was distributed for First Reading:

IDC 2: Request for Authorization to Plan a New Degree Program

IDC 2 changes the individual degree program to an interdisciplinary studies program in an attempt to bring coherence to all the individual degree programs that emanate from different departments. Dr. Sandy Malicote directs Interdisciplinary Studies and will now officially become involved in any individual degree programs that are being offered.

There is also a request to plan a new interdisciplinary degree program called Ethics and Social Institutions which originates in a number of departments but is being shepherded by Dr. Jeff Konz in economics. IDC 2 is presented as one proposal but there are two separate degree programs. The senate discussed the flexibility the new degree program would allow in rewarding individual study degrees and the format change necessitated by General Administration's new coding system.

Chemistry Department Self Study
Dr. Caulfield distributed copies of the UPC/IDC's recommendations for the Chemistry Department Self Study for informational purposes.

VII. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report
Dr. Marcia Ghidina gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report.
First Reading
The following documents were distributed for First Reading:

FWDC 7: Distinguished Scholars and Honorary Degree Committee Change

Second Reading:
The following documents were considered for Second Reading:

FWDC 4: Reassigned Time Policy
Dr. Caulfield made a motion to modify the last sentence under paragraph three, page two, as follows: "The VCAA is responsible for a judicious, equitable allocation of reassigned time to Chairs and Program Directors on behalf of UNCA's mission." Dr. Krumpe seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Dr. Kormanik's editorial change was accepted to modify the second sentence on page two, paragraph three, as follows: "These requests will be made to the VCAA prior to planning the schedule."

Dr. Rossell's friendly amendment was accepted to change the word "credit" in the first sentence to "credit/contact hours". FWDC 4 passed unanimously as amended and became Senate Document 2799S.

FWDC 5: Post-Tenure Review Clarification
FWDC 5 seeks to clarify the wording of the document so that faculty will not usually be simultaneously evaluated for promotion and post tenure review. Since such evaluations require extensive time and resources of committees and the VCAA, such duplication should be avoided. An editorial correction was made to the document. FWDC 5 passed unanimously as amended and became Senate Document 2899S.

FWDC 6: Post-Tenure Review Ranking Term Change
FWDC 6 replaces the word "adequate" with "successful" in the Post Tenure Review policy. FWDC 6 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 2999S.

FWDC 7: Senate Recommendations Regarding Reassigned Time Policy and Practices
FWDC 7 recommends: 1) the VCAA consider implementing a reduction in the standard teaching load (24 semester credit hours or their equivalent) expected of Chairs at UNCA; 2) reassigned time for administrative duties not be paid for out of the instructional budget; and 3) the VCAA award Credit Hour Equivalents (CHEs) which carry full teaching load credit for teaching activities outside the classroom such as the supervision of undergraduate research. FWDC 7 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 3099S.

VllI. Old Business
There was no Old Business.

IX. New Business
Chancellor's Staff Advisory Committee
Dr. Bruce suggested that Steve Honeycutt, Chair of the Chancellor's Staff Advisory Committee, be placed on the agenda to speak briefly on staff information. The committee has interesting information, such as the number of staff who have been awarded an upgraded position yet have not received any compensation, and a number of staff who work in more than one job. Dr. Kormanik will contact Mr. Honeycutt.

Proposed Senate Resolution
Dr. Ghidina stated that Dr. Charlotte Goedsche asked that the Senate pass a resolution urging the Buncombe County School Board to remove the American Indian mascot name at Erwin High School. Copies of proposed senate resolution were distributed. Dr. Ghidina moved that the Senate consider Dr. Goedsche's request. Dr. Rizzo seconded the motion. Following discussion, the motion to consider the resolution failed unanimously.

Faculty Reward
Mr. Dunning referred to an E-mail message from Lothar Dohse and questioned how faculty would be rewarded following a post tenure review. Although the University was given a mandate to recognize excellence, how this is done is undetermined. If the reward is monetary, the funds would come out of the salary pool. Dr. Cochran suggested that the Post Tenure Review Committee, the FWDC, and members of academic affairs discuss ways to set up an award structure for these individuals; this group would bring their recommendations to the Senate. The Senate discussed whether a separate Task Force should look at the annual review process and the post tenure review, or whether the FWDC should decide how best to deal with the question.

Dr. Sabo made a motion that the FWDC define the best way to approach the problem of reward and bring their suggestion to the Faculty Senate. Dr. Krumpe seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Staff Input in University Issues/Policies
Dr. Kormanik spoke with the Chancellor yesterday and she mentioned that the staff would like to have more input in University issues and policies, perhaps through the Faculty Senate.

X. Adjournment
Dr. Kormanik adjourned the meeting at 4:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely
                                        Marcia Ghidina