University of North Carolina at Asheville


Minutes, January 23, 1997 - 3:15 p.m.

Members: T. Dohse, M. Ghidina, G. Henderson, E. Katz, K. Moorhead, B. Larson, P. Laughon, P. McClellan, I. Rossell, B. Sabo, H. Stern, R. Tynes, A. Wengrow, K. Whatley, A. White-Carter, J. Pitts

Visitors: M. Baker, S. Browning, B. Sensabaugh, A. Shope, T. Uldricks

I. Call to Order
Dr. Larson welcomed senators and guests and called the meeting to order at 3:15 p.m..

Approval of Minutes
The minutes of December 5, 1996 were presented for approval. The minutes were approved as written (Henderson/Whatley).

II. Administrative Report
VCAA Jim Pitts gave the Administrative Report.
Preliminary enrollment figures indicate that UNCA was outside the two percent enrollment window by thirty-three FTE. This shortage could affect two faculty positions. Faculty will receive an update when enrollment figures are complete. Enrollment did not decline from fall to spring semester.

Community of Science (COS)
Dr. Pitts urged faculty to register with the Community of Science (COS) through Ms. Elaine Fox. Ms. Fox will notify COS faculty when grants are announced in their areas of expertise.

Excellence in Teaching Award Deadline
Dr. Pitts learned today that the deadline for submitting nominations to General Administration for the Board of Governor's Excellence in Teaching Award is February 1st, not March 1st as was originally assumed. In a phone call to GA he was told this deadline is non-negotiable as The Board of Governors will take formal action on February 13 with the information scheduled to be released to the media on February 14, 1997.

III. Executive Committee Report
Dr. Larson gave the Executive Committee report.
Post Tenure Review
Dr. Peter Petschauer, Chair of the UNC Faculty Assembly, was unable to attend the meeting as planned. As a member of the Post Tenure Review (PTR) Committee, Dr. Shirley Browning shared information on the Post Tenure Review process. The deadlines remain in place; Dr. Browning anticipates that the Board of Governors will direct President Spangler or his successor to send directives on PTR to each campus. In 1997 each campus will be asked to develop their own PTR process within established parameters. The process should be in place by Fall 1998.

The PTR Committee is considering the consequences of the Post Tenure Review and the relationship between any recommendation in the document and the current statements in the Code. The Code outlines permissible grounds for dismissal and is very clear on what is permissible, impermissible and due process.

Twenty-seven states currently have a PTR process underway and approximately ten states are considering the issue. Georgia, Florida, and Virginia have systems on PTR. Dr. Browning emphasized that a study revealed that there has never been a legal case of dismissal due to the Post Tenure Review in the United States.

Dr. Larson reported that the Executive Committee has discussed the need to proceed with work on PTR, perhaps as early as this summer, with the objective of having a policy in place and through the Senate next year.

IV. Student Government Report
There was no Student Government Association Report.

V. Academic Policies Report Dr. Pam Laughon reported for the Academic Policies Committee.
Second Reading:
The following documents were considered for Second Reading:

APC 9: Catalog Change in Environmental Sciences (Laughon/Sabo)
ENVR 334 has always been required for a track in natural resource management. Its elimination during the last catalog change was an oversight. APC 9 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 1197S.

APC 10: Catalog Changes in Sociology (Laughon/Henderson)
This document changes a course title and description to more accurately reflect the intent and content of the course; adds a course to give students an opportunity to look at organizations from the sociological perspective; divides the current senior capstone course into two courses, one required and one elective. Students can demonstrate and integrate their sociological and anthropological understanding and abilities in the senior research course. APC 10 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 1297S.

APC 11: Catalog Changes in MLA Program (Laughon/Sabo)
This document reduces the number of transfer credit hours and requires students to take more UNCA MLA courses. This should improve enrollment, program coherence and program quality. This document also allows students more time to complete their MLA degree requirements. APC 11 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 1397S.

APC 12: Deletion of Minor in Education without Licensure (Laughon/McClellan)
This document deletes the Minor in Education without Licensure. APC 12 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 1497S.

APC 13: Catalog Changes in Computer Science (Laughon/White-Carter)
This document changes the course description of CSCI 201; cross-lists MATH 341 as CSCI 380 and allows CSCI majors to count the course as three of the "9 additional hours in CSCI at the 300 level or above" required in the degree requirement of the major. APC 13 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 1597S.

VI. Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report
Dr. Kathy Whatley gave the Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report.
Board of Trustees Planning Retreat
Dr. Whatley reported that the Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, other administrative officers, and the University Planning Council which includes faculty, staff, and students, met with members of the Board of Trustees on November 14, 1996, for an all-day retreat on UNCA's planning process. Also participating was the president of the UNCA Foundation. Working in small sub-groups, the group considered how each of UNCA's Guiding Concepts offers opportunities, constraints, and implications for planning. A summary of each sub-group's report at the end of the retreat was distributed to Senators and placed on reserve in Ramsey Library.

All-Campus Planning Retreat
Dr. Whatley reported that over ninety faculty, staff, administrators, and students met with members of the University Planning Council on January 10, 1997, for an all-day retreat on UNCA's planning for the next two years. Working in small groups, the assembly developed a list of important issues facing UNCA and strategies and tasks for handling each issue. A report summary was distributed to Senators and placed on reserve in Ramsey Library. At the end of the retreat, participants were asked to vote for strategies and/or tasks which should receive highest priority. Each participant was given three votes. The results are included in the summary, along with the number of votes a particular strategy/task received. This input will be used by UPC for planning purposes; Dr. Whatley encouraged faculty comments and suggestions.

Enrollment Management Task Force
Dr. Whatley reported that the Enrollment Management Task Force met weekly during fall semester and its recommendations will also become part of the planning process. Dr. Caroline Miller informed Dr. Whatley that this year's retention from the first to the second year for Freshman was over 95 percent. Some of the Task Force recommendations have already been implemented. Retention has also improved for Transfer students.

VII. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report
Ms. Anita White-Carter gave the Faculty Welfare & Development Committee Report.
Second Reading:
The following document was considered for Second Reading:

FWDC 3: Guidelines for Children in the Workplace (White-Carter/Ghidina)
After a brief history of the document, Senators discussed the issue of fairness between faculty and SPA employees. In a friendly amendment, the second sentence under Guidelines was reworded as follows: "Young children are not to be left unsupervised in public areas (lounges, student center, library, etc..), nor are they to be left in the care of university staff." FWDC 3 passed unanimously as amended and became Senate Document 1697S.

VIII. Old Business
There was no Old Business.

IX. New Business
Dr. Larson advised Senators to consider the planning recommendations and to send comments or suggestions to Dr. Whatley.

X. Adjournment
Dr. Larson adjourned the meeting at 3:55 p.m..

Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely
                                        Anita White-Carter