University of North Carolina at Asheville FACULTY SENATE MEETING Minutes, October 13, 1994 Senate Members: S. Browning, P. Caulfield, C. Goedsche, D. Howard, N. Kauffman, B. Larson, P. Laughon, P. McDonald, M. L. Manns, B. Miller, P. Snoyer, K. Whatley, A. White-Carter, B. Yearout, L. Wilson Excused: C. James Visitors: T. Cochran, B. Costenbader, B. Daniels, F. Davenport, M. Guinn, D. Harmon, E. Katz, P. Reed, B. Sensabaugh I. Call to Order Dr. Browning welcomed senators and guests, and extended a special welcome to Chancellor Reed at her first Faculty Senate meeting. The meeting was called to order at 3:20 pm. A. Approval of Minutes: The minutes of September 8, 1994 were approved as distributed (Larson/Snoyer). II. Administrative Report Dr. Larry Wilson, VCAA, gave the Administrative Report. Enrollment Dr. Wilson thanked faculty for enriching the evening curriculum for spring semester and for proposing additional courses. The curriculum will be heavily promoted to attract part-time students. Some adjustments have been made in parking for next semester. UNCA is working with community colleges, and approximately 900 students in good standing who failed to enroll this year and live within 50 miles of the University. Dr. Wilson is guardedly optimistic that UNCA may reach the safe funding level (bottom of the 2% enrollment window) for next semester. Budget Dr. Wilson anticipates receiving clarification on reverting funds at the Academic Officers meeting on October 24th. Adjunct money has been withheld against the possibility of reverting funds if the enrollment target is not met. $21K Received for Faculty Development Dr. Wilson received a letter from Vice President Little announcing that the General Assembly had appropriated $21K for UNCA's faculty development funds. Fourteen institutions received $21K, one institution received $400K, and one institution received $300K. Chairs of the University Teaching Council, Research Council, and the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee will convene to determine the best way to use these funds. Faculty Evaluation The Board of Governors mandated direct observation of classroom teaching as part of faculty evaluation, specifically for new and nontenured faculty. The Chairs and Program Directors agreed to minimal standards which will be extended to faculty who are seeking promotion this year, and plan to make them into broader based standards for the University. To clear up any misunderstanding, Dr. Wilson stated that UNCA is still operating under the guidelines specified by the Faculty Handbook. The Tenure Committee does not require teaching portfolios. FIPSE Dr. Wilson discussed the FIPSE (Fund for the Improvement for Post Secondary Education) guidelines, and two preliminary proposals in progress. The deadline for preliminary proposals is October 18. Questions In response to questions, Dr. Wilson gave the following updates: Due to a glitch in the analysis program, the summary salary letter was not mailed. The letter will be sent to faculty as soon as possible. In response to the FAX UNCA received from the Legislative Research Office requesting an analysis of "what were appropriate quality measures at UNCA," Dr. Wilson learned that General Administration did not receive a copy of the directive from the Legislative Research Office. GA advised Dr. Wilson to respond explicitly to the question of the current assessment for quality; UNCA focused on this very narrow response. Dr. Wilson has asked to be placed on the agenda for the Academic Officers' meeting at GA in two weeks concerning this matter. A small brainstorming group met and Dr. Caroline Miller worked with a number of people in an attempt to increase enrollment for spring semester. Several people submitted suggestions on ways to increase enrollment. Comments from Chancellor Reed Dr. Browning reported that Chancellor Reed had 350 commitments in the nature of events, speeches, meetings, trips, or professional responsibilities in the last three months. Chancellor Reed stated that she has spent a great deal of time off campus with community, service clubs and other groups, and will now focus on talking with members of the search committee, Chairs, and others over the next few months. She also mentioned that the decision to join UNCA was a good one. Board of Trustees' Meeting Chancellor Reed announced that the Board of Trustees will meet next Thursday at 2:00 pm in Owen Conference Center and will immediately go to the Justice Center for the groundbreaking for the recreation/physical education/health promotion building. The BOT will meet in committees during the afternoon. The official meeting is Friday morning with an 8:30 a.m. breakfast in the private dining room. The BOT will then meet in the Steelecase Teleconference Center. With the exception of the executive session, the meetings are open and faculty are welcome. Environmental Assessment of Chestnut Ridge The environmental assessment of the Chestnut Ridge property was contracted to Triangle Environmental Inc. and fieldwork began around the end of September. Chancellor Reed has asked those that are concerned, certainly the Chestnut Ridge Conservancy, to inform UNCA of specific things to look for while the fieldwork is being conducted. UNCA has not yet received their response. Chancellor Reed anticipates receiving the report in November, at which time she will make the report public and give people an opportunity to respond. Chancellor Reed explained three environmental review processes; UNCA is having the full assessment rather than starting with the lower review level. The study will determine if it is necessary to conduct an impact study. III. Executive Committee Report Dr. Shirley Browning reported for the Executive Committee. EC #1: UNCA Teaching Awards Structure Dr. Browning explained the timeline of EC #1: UNCA Teaching Awards Structure, mailed to senators prior to the meeting with a cover memo asking the Senate to consider suspending the "Comer rule" for vote on the document. Dr. Katz, chair of UTC, stated that the proposal is a response to UNC Administrative Memorandum #343, dated April 29, 1994, which appropriated $9,500 to UNCA for teaching awards to be presented annually beginning in the 1994-95 academic year. Each "local" award may range from a minimum of $250 each to a maximum of $2,500 each. The UTC requested an effective date of November 1, 1994 for the establishment of the award structure because the first call for nominations for the system-wide award is scheduled for November 1st. The proposal seeks to establish the award structure only; a separate proposal establishing specific award criteria (e.g., statement of teaching philosophy from nominee, review of teaching materials, etc.) will be forthcoming. Dr. Howard made a motion to waive the Comer Rule in order to debate and possibly vote on the proposal. Dr. Yearout seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Dr. Browning moved approval of EC #1: UNCA Teaching Awards Structure. Dr. McDonald seconded the motion. After a lengthy discussion, editorial changes and friendly amendments were made to the document. Dr. Larson made an amendment that created five awards of $1,750 each for: Excellent Teaching by an Untenured Faculty Member; Excellent Teaching by a Non-full- time Faculty Member; Teaching Excellence in Humanities; Teaching Excellence in Social Sciences; and Teaching Excellence in Natural Sciences. The remaining $750 would be added to the existing Distinguished Teacher Award. The amendment was seconded by Dr. Yearout. After discussion the amendment passed unanimously. EC #1: passed unanimously as amended and became Senate Document #0194F. IV. Student Government Report Beth Daniels reported for the Student Government Association. Ms. Daniels is a sophomore senator, chair of the academic affairs committee, and Pro Tempore of the senate. The SGA held a parking raffle. It also exceeded its Blood Drive goal. SGA is working on Homecoming with Underdog Productions. The Senate passed Gerard Moses' appointments for the University Planning Council and the Campus Commission. Lesa Trey will serve on the UPC for the SGA. The Senate will focus on updating the By-Laws. Ms. Daniels' committee will work on the Reading Day proposal. UNCA's delegates will attend the Association of Student Government in Chapel Hill next weekend. V. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report Mary Lynn Manns gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee report. Disability Policy for Faculty The FWDC and a sub-task force met with Chancellor Reed for a second time to discuss the disability policy for faculty. The FWDC is waiting for her response. First Reading FWDC #1: Professional Responsibilities of UNCA Faculty Ms. Manns stated that GA has required that each campus have a document on professional responsibility in the Faculty Handbook. VI. Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report Dr. Kathy Whatley gave the Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report. Budget Chancellor Reed has taken it as a priority to set up a committee to develop a budget primer so that everyone can understand the budget process, how it works, and the timetable. The UPC wholeheartedly supports this activity and will contribute at least one member to the committee. The UPC has compiled a list of on-going responsibilities that can be passed on from committee to committee. Dr. Cochran has been extremely helpful with this process. The UPC is following up on their budget recommendations to determine if they are being followed, and if not, how UPC can have more input into the process. VII. Academic Policies Report Dr. Bob Yearout reported for the Academic Policies Committee. The APC is meeting and will have several documents for First Reading at the November 10th Senate meeting. VIII. Old Business There was no Old Business. IX. New Business There was no New Business. X. Adjournment Dr. Browning adjourned the meeting at 4:28 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely Mary Lynn Manns