1982-1983 SENATE DOCUMENT #35 APC DOCUMENT #32 ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES AS A NATURAL SCIENCE REQUIREMENT Proposal: Include Atmospheric Science 105 and 105.LI "Introduction to Meterology" and Atmospheric Science 115 and 115.LI "Introduction to Climatology" as a two course sequence fulfilling the Natural Science requirement. Rationale: These two courses provide the general student with a background in the sciences of meterology and climatology. The Introductory Meteorology course deals with the elements of weather such as temperature, precipitation, etc., the measurement of these elements, the weather systems from hemispheric to mesoscale which produce the surface weather and the basic principles of weather forecasting. The Introductory Climatology course builds on the material presented in Introductory Meterology. The elements of weather in the long term become the elements of climate. Climatic controls include many meteorological factors but other influences such as topography, long term air-sea interactions, etc. must be allowed for. Other topics covered in this course include climatic classification, climatic zones of the world, and theories of climatic change. Besides general knowledge in science, the lab sections of these courses provide practical experience with scientific methods. Instrumentation and measurement are demonstrated. Lab assignments include map analysis and determination of climatic type from basic observational data. Students have access to the fully equipped Meteorology Lab and the campus Weather Station. Besides gaining an insight into the workings of weather and climate, students will learn much practical information which will help them make the weather--related decisions that occur daily.