1982-1983 SENATE DOCUMENT #14 IDC DOCUMENT #1 POLICY STATEMENT-STUDENT EVALUATION OF TEACHER EFFECTIVENESS Course/Faculty evaluations are to be administered in a minimum of (50%) of all courses taught by full-time teaching faculty each semester of the regular academic year. Part-time faculty must have evaluations administered in all courses they teach. The evaluation instruments are to be administered in class by a student who is to return the instruments to the appropriate department secretary or program secretary for disposition and analysis. The faculty member being evaluated is to be absent while the evaluation is being conducted. Each department (or program) faculty is to develop an instrument appropriate for its program including a common core of questions provided by IDC in consultation with Dr. Hengstler and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. The results of the instrument should be reported in ranking scale of 1 to 5, 5 being superior performance. Supplemental questions are to be approved by the Department (Program) Chairman (Director). While the evaluation results become part of the data reviewed for personnel decisions; the main purpose of the student evaluation is the improvement of teaching. Therefore, the faculty member being evaluated is to receive a copy of the evaluation results. This policy is to be effective upon approval by the UNCA Faculty Senate and the Chancellor of the Institution. RATIONALE: This is an attempt to allow program and departmental diversity where it is judged appropriate, e.g., laboratory classes, performance classes, etc. The approval of core questions by the IDC in consultation with the Director of Institutional Research and the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs provides for a uniform core in all instruments which would attempt to measure those characteristics judged essential in reviewing personnel recommendations. The significance of student evaluation of faculty is often blown out of proportion. It is but one element in the peer review, recommendation, and decision process. This proposal attempts to provide for an efficient, effective, and generally acceptable mechanism for implementation. Details of Page 2 guidelines for scoring, analysis, and presentation of data is to be worked out by the IDC in consultation with the Director of Institutional Research and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Departments and individual faculty can utilize the data for both the improvement of teaching at UNCA and provisions of input on teaching effectiveness for personnel decisions.