1981-1982 Senate Document #29 APC Document #25 (Revised) UNC-Asheville Student Academic Grievance Procedure A. PURPOSE The purpose of the student grievance procedure is to provide each student enrolled at the University of North Carolina at Asheville with a standardized, formal process for seeking a resolution when, in his judgment, he has been treated unfairly or improperly in an academic matter by a faculty member of this University. B. DEFINITIONS Unfair or improper treatment of a student by a faculty member is defined to be 1. The instructor's failure to abide by state university policies, or failure to abide by written or stated course policies in such a way as to adversely affect the student's academic standing; 2. abusive or improper conduct on the part of the instructor that clearly has an adverse affect on the student's academic standing 3. the instructor's unfounded charge of academic dishonesty, cheating, plagiarism or presenting false information; and or 4. the instructor's prejudiced or capricious grading practices. C. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE STEP 1 If a student believes that he or she has been treated unfairly or improperly by a faculty member, a conference must be scheduled with the instructor to discuss the matter. The student must explain his or her position to the instructor and attempt to understand the justification for the instructor's actions. The purpose of this meeting is to attempt to reach a mutual understanding of the student's situation and the instructor's actions and to resolve all differences in an informal, cooperative manner. Step 2 If, because of the circumstances of the grievance, it is impractical to consult with the instructor, or if the student is unsatisfied with the results of Step 1, the student should seek the assistance of the Faculty Conciliator. The Conciliator's role is to guide the student through the remaining steps. Page 2 Step 3 Within five class days *after the initial meeting with the student, the Conciliator must then meet with the instructor and the instructor's chairperson in order to seek an amicable solution. If, when the Conciliator reports to the student the substance of the meeting, the student is still dissatisfied, he may then wish to proceed to Step 4 and file a formal grievance. Step 4 To file a grievance, the student must obtain a grievance petition from the Conciliator. The petition must specify the date of the incident and detail the student's grievance against the instructor. The student must then file the petition with the Conciliator. This filing must occur within 20 class days of the incident or of the time a student could reasonably be expected to know of the incident. In cases of doubt concerning the application of the time limit, the Conciliator will decide. Failure to meet this deadline forfeits the right of appeal. The Conciliator must then immediately forward a copy of the petition to the instructor, to the instructor's department chairman, and the chairman of the Academic Appeals Board. Step 5 The chairman of the Academic Appeals Board shall convene a meeting of the Board no sooner than five class days nor longer than ten class days after receipt of the Grievance Petition. In a closed hearing, the student shall present his grievance, along with relevant supporting evidence and pertinent arguments. He may only address issues that are described in the Grievance Petition. The instructor shall be given an opportunity to respond to the charges. The votes of two faculty members and two student members that are in concurrence with the student's position shall be required in order for the grievance to be found valid. Step 6 If a grievance is unfounded the Appeals Board shall provide written notification of that fact to the student, the faculty member, and the departmental chairman. If a grievance is deemed valid, the Board shall forward a written account of its deliberations, including its recommendations for redress, to the student, the faculty member, the department chairman, and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. The chairman of the Appeals Board, after consultation with the VCAA, shall convene a meeting of himself, the VCAA, the Page 3 Conciliator, and the faculty member to discuss the matter and suggest strategies for resolving the grievance. D. THE FACULTY CONCILIATOR The Faculty Conciliator will be chosen by the Student Government from a list of four names of the full-time teaching faculty submitted by the Faculty Senate. The Student Government will also select one of the nominees to serve as alternate should the circumstances of a specific situation make the involvement of the Conciliator impractical. Both persons will serve a one year term. The Faculty Conciliator shall be an ex officio, non-voting member of the Academic Appeals Board. E. ACADEMIC APPEALS BOARD The Academic Appeals Board shall be composed of four faculty members and one alternate, elected at large by the faculty from a list of no fewer than seven nominees provided by the Faculty Senate; three students plus one alternate (elected by the Student Government), and the Faculty Conciliator. All Board Members shall serve for one year, and they may be reelected to serve consecutive terms. A chairman and a secretary of the Appeals Board shall be elected from and by the faculty members on the Board. A quorum shall consist of five members, including no fewer than two students. Appeals Board members are necessarily excluded from deliberations in which 1. the Board member is related to one of the two principals, 2. the Board member is a departmental colleague of one of the principals, 3. the Board member is currently enrolled in a course taught by one of the principles, 4. the Board member is one of the two principles involved. All questions of scheduling and satisfying deadlines shall be adjudicated by the chairman of the Academic Appeals Board. All records of the Appeals Board's deliberations shall be kept in a file maintained and preserved by the chairman of the Appeals Board. Page 4 * A class day is any day in which the University is in session according to the academic fall-spring calender. If the student is unable to file a grievance due to the end of classes for the summer, the student must notify the Conciliator in writing within 20 days of his intention to file when classes resume in the fall. Page 5 UNC-ASHEVILLE GRIEVANCE PETITION In order for a student to obtain a hearing of the Academic Appeals Board under the STUDENT ACADEMIC GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE, this petition must be filed with the Faculty Conciliator within 20 class days* of the student's conference with his instructor (described in Step 1 of the PROCEDURE). Failure to meet this deadline invalidates the student's claim. NAME OF STUDENT:  NAME OF INSTRUCTOR:  DEPARTMENT   Please describe, in detail, your grievance against the faculty member named above. In accordance with the UNC-Asheville STUDENT ACADEMIC GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE, only the issues described below, and evidence directly relevant to them, may be introduced at the Academic Appeals Board hearing. Please read the PROCEDURE, and if you have any questions, seek the assistance of the Faculty Conciliator. DATE OF INCIDENT:  DESCRIPTION OF INCIDENT (ATTACH ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION, IF DESIRED): I vertify that all of the information described above is accurate.     Student's Signature Date DATE OF MEETING WITH INSTRUCTOR:  DATE OF NOTIFICATION OF ACADEMIC APPEALS BOARD   * A class day is any day in which the University is in session according to the academic fall-spring calender. If the student is unable to file a grievance due to the end of classes for the summer, the student must notify the Conciliator in writing within 20 days of his intention to file when classes resume in the fall.