THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE Faculty Senate Minutes January 18, 1980 The Faculty Senate met on Friday, January 18, 1980, at 3:15 pm in RL1, with Dr. Richard Reed, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Dr. Braggio, Dr. Coyne, Dr. Dorr, Dr. Friedenberg, Dr. Greenawalt, Dr. Hart, Dr. Highsmith, Dr. Howard, Dr. Johnston, Dr. Otti, Dr. Perry, Dr. Remington, Dr. Reynolds, Dr. Seitz, Dr. Stevens, Dr. Sulock, Mr. Wengrow. Visitors: Dr. Browning, Mrs. Cadle, Dr. Cooper, Dr. Gillum, Dr. Walker, one student. The minutes of the December 12, 1979, meeting were approved as published. The March 14 Senate meeting was rescheduled for March 7. Dr. Highsmith spoke to the Senate regarding proposed changes to the Tenure Document. A lot of the language in the document is the same for all 16 campuses and cannot be changed. One change which experience with the document has demonstrated should be made deals with the final decision on non-reappointment or tenure. At the present time a recommendation for non-reappointment or tenure comes from the department chairman to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. The Vice Chancellor then consults with the Committee of the Tenured Faculty and makes a recommendation to the Chancellor and the Chancelor makes the final decision. UNCA is one of three campuses in the system which has this procedure. The proposed change is that affirmative recommendations will remain as they are. In the case of a negative decision on reappointment or tenure, the recommendation will be made by the department chairman to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the Vice Chancellor will consult with the Tenure Committee and then make the final decision of which he will inform the Chancellor. In this way if there is an appeal the Chancellor will be a part of the appellate process. A second change, which is more of a change of language and clarification than substance, deals with appeals to the Committee on Hearings in the case of a negative decision on reappointment in which the faculty member involved feels the decision has been on impermissable grounds - violation of freedom of speech, discrimination or personal malice. The current document puts the burden of proof upon the faculty member to make a prima facie case that the decision was impermissably based. The change in language would state that it would be a collegial hearing and that the Hearings Committee could request a refutation from the department chairman or the Vice Chairman for Academic Affairs if it felt the evidence was necessary. This change would make it much easier for a non-legal committee to determine whether or not the case should go on. Dr. Highsmith said the changes had already been basically approved by Chapel Hill. He asked that before the document was returned to Page 2 Chapel Hill a faculty committee work with him and Dr. Dorr in reviewing the changes. The current document would still be in effect for any decisions made this year. Faculty Welfare Committee - Dr. Otti Dr. Otti said the FWC would be sending a letter to the Faculty concerning the insurance and annuity matters discussed at the last meeting. She said she had also been working with Jeannie Hyder in trying to locate money for faculty development. There has been some response but it seems that most of the money available would be for specific meetings, research, etc. Institutional Development Committee - Dr. Remington Dr. Remington reported that IDC had not met since the last Senate meeting. Its biggest concern is in getting started on preparation for the SACS Self-Study. Academic Policies Committee - Dr. Hart The following documents were adopted by the Senate: APC Document #9 - Change in the major program in Sociology (revised by Senate). APC Document #14 - A complete revision of the History curriculum. (There was lengthy discussion concerning History 155 and 156 in World Civilization, their relationship to the joint UNCA/WCU program and the duplication of materials covered in these courses and the required Humanities sequence. The document was amended to delete History 155 and 156 from the offerings, the questions of these two courses to be raised at a later time after the concerned parties have had a chance to discuss the matter (concerned parties: History faculty, Joint Planning Committee, Dr. Hart ).) The amendment was passed unanimously. APC Document #15 - Changes in course content and descriptions from the Physics Department. APC Document #16 - The addition of Psychology 218. The meeting adjourned at 4:40 pm. APPROVED: Phyllis Otti Jacquelyn Peterson Faculty Senate Secretary Secretary