THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE Faculty Senate Minutes January 29, 1979 The Faculty Senate met on Thursday, January 29, 1979, at 2:30 pm in RL1, with Dr. Browning, chairman, presiding. Senate Members present: Dr. Boland, Dr. Browning, Dr. Cole, Dr. Dorr, Dr. Gillum, Dr. Hart, Dr. Otti, Dr. Reed, Dr. Remington, Dr. Seitz, Dr. Shoaf, Dr. Stern, Dr. Stevens, Dr. Trullinger, Dr. Wilson. Senate Members absent: Dr. Squibb, Mr. Wengrow. Visitors: Dr. Howard, Dr. Kronus, Mr. McPeters, 2 students. Speaking privileges were extended to visitors. 1. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the December 14, 1978, Senate meeting were approved as published. 2. Report of the Academic Policies Committee - Dr. Trullinger Dr. Trullinger presented and moved adoption of APC Document #8, changes in the grading policy initiated by Dr. Dorr and the Council of Chairmen. Dr. Trullinger said the purpose of the changes was to perfect, to some extent, matters that had caused problems in the past. Dr. Hart seconded the motion. Dr. Cole questioned the last phrase of the last sentence in the first paragraph ("and by the chairman whose approval is necessary.") He said that he objected to this as a department chairman and faculty member, that it appeared to be "busy work," and he felt the faculty member concerned would be in a better position to make this decision. Dr. Cole moved to amend the motion by striking out the last phrase of the last sentence in the first paragraph. Dr. Shoaf seconded the motion. There was discussion. It was pointed out that there needed to be someone to keep a check on I grades, that there seemed to be a pattern of a large number of I grades given by the same faculty, term after term, and that this process would provide a better solution to this matter. Also, the chairman's role would not be so much to approve or reject as it would be to insure that the policy was followed. The question was called and a vote taken on Dr. Cole's motion to amend. There was a tie vote, 6-6. The chairman voted in favor of the motion making the vote as follows: in favor - 7; opposed - 6. The motion carried. Editorial changes were made to Document #8 as follows: on page 1, the first paragraph, the first sentence, the word "grade" was changed to "designation". In the second paragraph, the last sentence, the word "grants" was changed to "financial aid". The motion to adopt APC Document #8 as amended, passed unanimously. APC Documents #9 (changes in the Economics curriculum), #10 (changes in the Biology curriculum), #11 (changes in the Philosophy curriculum), and #12 (changes in the Management curriculum) were all passed unanimously. Dr. Trullinger called attention to a memo distributed by Dr. Otti giving results of a student opinion survey regarding the term vs. semester system. He said the memorandum was for information purposes only and would be discussed at the next Senate meeting. Dr. Trullinger also said that APC was scheduled to meet on Friday, February 2, at 3:30 pm to take care of catalog changes and that any department that had not sent in proposals for changes needed to do so by January 30. 3. Report from Faculty Welfare Committee - Dr. Wilson First, Dr. Wilson said he wanted to inform the Senate that if anyone mailed a letter and sent it through the campus post office and neglected to have a return address on it the letter would be opened by someone in the Maintenance Department. He said a memo to this effect was sent out sometime back but he was not able to obtain a copy of it. The Executive Committee discussed this matter and it was left with Dr. Dorr to look into the matter further. Second, Dr. Wilson said the Faculty Welfare Committee was considering the possibility of a sick leave policy for faculty (EPA employees). At the present time there is no University wide sick leave policy. He said that if anyone had any comments or suggestions regarding this matter the Faculty Welfare Committee would appreciate hearing them. Dr. Remington commented that this matter had been brought up from time to time at the University Faculty Assembly meetings and that Dr. Friday had stated the current policy was for the benefit of the faculty and that he would be against changing it. Dr. Remington felt that Dr. Friday would be happy to respond to any questions on the matter. 3.5 Report of the Institutional Development Committee - Dr. Cole Dr. Cole said the Board of Governors had responded to our request for revisions to the long-range plan. Our request for a program in Environmental Studies was approved and we are authorized to proceed with planning for the program. Our approval to plan for a program in Atmospheric Sciences and Meterology was reconfirmed. These are both B.A. degrees. Our request for a program in Reading Education was not approved but authorization to request new degree program tracks, within an existing department, was approved. Other programs not approved were: Masters in Business Management Administration, Masters in Community Psychology, and Bachelors in Computer Information Sciences. There was general discussion. 4. Student Government Representatives Attending Faculty Senate Meetings Dr. Browning explained that Mr. Clyde McPeters, President of Student Government, had called him a week or so ago, after having conversation with Dr. Dorr about student observers at Faculty Senate meetings, requesting the Faculty Senate to register an opinion as to whether or not students would be welcome at Senate meetings. The Executive Committee has discussed the matter and its response was that students would be welcome as observers and that speaking privileges were usually extended to visitors. He pointed out that there might be times when the Senate was discussing confidential matters and non-members would not be able to attend. Dr. Browning called on Mr. McPeters. Mr. McPeters said this issue had been in the minds of students for quite some time. He said he had talked with both Dr. Dorr and Dr. Iovacchini and they had confirmed that it was a good idea but they could not make the decision. Student Government feels it is very essential to have some type of student representation in the Faculty Senate meetings. Mr. McPeters said he felt the Student Government was very valuable to any college or university and SG would like to appoint a special representative to the Faculty Senate. He said he realized there might be times when the Senate would not want a student present but he did not feel this would be the case if a special representative was appointed. There was discussion. It was decided that Senate minutes and published agendas would be sent to the President of the Student Government and the editor of the Ridgerunner. Also, students will be welcome to observe the affairs of the Faculty Senate, excluding executive sessions, and assuming the Senate so grants, to participate in discussions. 5. Statement Concerning UNC-A/WCU Evening Classes for 1979-80 Dr. Browning announced that the Joint Planning Committee was still making progress. One of the most recent agreements is a joint and unified evening program. The two evening programs will have a common registration and schedule, take the same vacations, and hopefully, in the future, have a joint fee structure. This would in no way effect the status of UNC-A students and would have no bearing on registration. Revised schedules should be submitted by February 15. 6. Old or New Business Dr. Browning announced that Mr. Coyle, chairman of the ad hoc Committee on Faculty Grievance Policy and Procedures, would have a report for the Senate at its March 22 meeting. Effective at the end of the APC report at the February 9 Senate meeting Dr. Trullinger will resign as APC chairman and as a member of the Faculty Senate. At that time a new first Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Academic Policies Committee will be elected. Dr. Browning thanked Dr. Trullinger for his invaluable service to the Senate, both this year and in past years. Dr. Browning announced that beginning the week of January 29 the Campus Planning Committee would be starting its work on long-range planning. There are three sub-committees: Committee on Education, Committee on Student Services, and Committee on Community Relations. There will be a general faculty meeting on Thursday, February 1, at 3:30 to discuss this. The next Senate meeting was set for Friday, February 9. An Executive Committee meeting was called for Wednesday, January 31, at 12:30 pm to set the agenda for the Senate meeting. The meeting adjourned at 4:10 pm. APPROVED: Jack Wilson Jacquelyn Peterson Faculty Senate Secretary Secretary