University of North Carolina at Asheville
Minutes, November
10, 2005 – 3:15pm
Members: L. Atkinson, G. Boudreaux, B. Butler,
L. Cornett, B. Hook, P. Downes, H. Holt,
S. Judson, B. Larson, D. Lisnerski, C.
McKenzie, S. Mills, G. Nallan, P. Nickless,
M. Ruiz, S. Walters, J. Wood.
Excused: K.
Visitors: M.
Alm, S. Byrd, D. Eggers, D. Forbes, L. Friedenberg, E. Katz, E. Little, A.
B. Spellman, K. Whatley.
I. Call to
Pamela Nickless called the meeting to order at 3:20pm and welcomed Senators and guests.
II. Approval
of minutes
minutes of October
20, 2005, were approved as written.
The agenda
was modified.
IV. Executive
Committee Report
Sandra Byrd, Associate Director of
the Asheville Graduate Center, distributed two handouts. Dr. Byrd reported that the Asheville Graduate
Center (AGC), established on the UNCA campus and operated by the Office of the
President since 1984, is now being administered by UNCA’s
Office of the Provost. UNCA has the
primary responsibility for selecting and facilitating the availability of
graduate programs at the AGC. This will
allow the Center to be more responsive to the unique educational and economics
needs of western NC.
For the 2005-06 academic year, the AGC will continue to offer a Master’s program in
Social Work from UNC-CH and five tracks in NCSU’s
Master’s program in Engineering. WCU
will continue to offer graduate programs out of its four colleges (Applied
Sciences, Art and Sciences, Business, and Education and Allied
Professions). Graduate enrollment for WCU’s classes held on the UNCA campus has decreased for two
consecutive years, primarily due to the number of courses offered online. Administration of UNCA’s
Masters of Liberal Arts is being reorganized.
The NCSU Adult Education doctoral
program has discontinued offering the degree in Asheville and has moved the next cohort to
UNCC. The eight students who began their
studies at UNCA are completing their degree on the NCSU campus.
UNCG decided to discontinue offering
the Master’s program in Library Science and Information Studies in
Asheville in August 2005. After negotiations and assessment of needs,
UNCG will resume the program in 2006-07.
The 2005-06 academic year is one of planning and implementation. One of the first steps is to survey
Asheville and the region to determine how
well current programs are serving the need for graduate education, and whether
to continue and/or expand offerings to support such needs. Next, the AGC will conduct needs assessments
to identify new programs that should be offered within the context of regional
economic development and the liberal arts mission of UNCA. These programs may be developed by the UNCA academic
and administrative community or may be offered by sister institutions on our
campus. New programs will go through the
established program approval process.
The recommendations of the Task Force on Enrollment Growth will also
guide future growth of the AGC.
Programs currently under development
or consideration include the following:
- Mass Communication Masters
- Environmental/Atmospheric
Science (NCSU)
- Computer Science (either UNCA
or another university system school)
- Professional Certifications
(UNCA Continuing Education)
- Distance Education: Education class for lateral entries;
Teacher Cadet class for Cherokee.
UNCA’s chief financial officers have
worked to resolve the fiscal inequities that existed prior to the
administration of the Center being shifted to UNCA. In particular, Bill Styres
has worked to ensure a more
funding agreement with WCU.
Dr. Byrd attended a meeting of the Professional Science
Masters Sloan Advisory Committee in Chapel Hills this week on behalf of
AVC Kathy Whatley, who is a member of
this group that serves as a BOG for the Sloan Grant. According to the Committee’s report, the
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has chosen The University of North Carolina (over
California, New York, and other university systems) for
a grant award of $329,000 to help in the development and implementation of
professional science master’s degree programs (PSMs). PSMs are two year
degree programs that deepen the knowledge of the student in natural sciences or
mathematics at the same time integrating training in management, law,
information technology, and other professional skills. The rational for this degree is to provide
the student with alternative career pathways in science and mathematics that
lead to jobs outside academia while providing knowledge based industries with
an interdisciplinary trained workforce.
PSM programs are proactive in addressing forthcoming legislation that
will mandate that UNC more closely align education with needs of industry. Rather than having legislation determining
curriculum, the PSM initiative places decision-making in the hands of
universities. Students who are currently
enrolled in PSM programs enter from a BS/BA in the sciences, with some students
also having been in the industry workforce for 2+ years. The website is: UNC Systemwide PSM Program
A query raised at the meeting was whether UNCA and
Atmospheric Sciences would be interested in a PSM (National Climatic Data Center, BAMS, HUB
Project Cluster of Technology). The HUB
project, recently passed by the Buncombe County Commissions, has a technology
focus. Asheville is the center for the
National Climatic Center and other industries may be
interested in coming to Asheville if we have advanced degrees in
atmospheric sciences and the environment.
However, Dr. Byrd reported that Alex Huang is not interested in pursuing a PSM
at this time.
Dr. Byrd stated that the MLA was part of the AGC until she
became associated with the Center on August 1, 2005.
The Provost advised her that AVC Spellman is taking charge of the
MLA. It may come back to the AGC but it
is currently no longer part of AGC’s purview.
Administrative Report
Bill Spellman reported in Dr. Padilla’s absence.
on MLA
Spellman reminded Senators that this spring Ted Uldricks
finished a 17-year tenure as Director of the MLA program and Christie Aull finished a 17-year tenure as the Administrative
Assistant for the MLA program. Melissa Burchard was appointed the new Director of MLA to serve a
three year term. Dr. Burchard
had family leave in the spring and was on off-campus scholarly assignment in
the fall. Dr. Padilla asked him to serve
in an interim capacity until Dr. Burchard’s return in
Spellman has taken this time to review and have a fresh look at the MLA. A two-day retreat was held in June with
members of the Graduate Council and faculty members who were available and had
taught in the MLA. Three principle challenges
emerged from the retreat: length of time
to graduate, faculty workload, and the preponderance of cross-listed
courses. These issues are addressed in
APC 3 and
distributed for first reading today. The
substantive changes follow:
- Reduces the total credit hours from 36
hours to 30 hours.
- Reduces the time to complete the MLA
degree to no more than seven years.
- Streamlines the curriculum by eliminating
three of the 600 level series courses.
- Reduces the proliferation of tutorials to
insure that students participate in seminar experiences with other MLA
students. Students may take two
- Changes capstone requirements by
eliminating the thesis option and adding a six-hour, one-year senior
capstone seminar.
- In the fall, students take MLA 670 which
will focus on the development of a capstone project in consultation with
fellow students.
- The capstone project, MLA 680, will be
completed the following spring semester; thus a cohort of students will
pass through a two semester senior experience. MLA 680 will require close cooperation
between individual project directors and the instructor of the MLA 680
seminar. Students completing the
MLA program will be required to complete this project instead of choosing
either a traditional project or thesis.
Students should complete their capstone project as part of a wider
scholarly community. The seminar
format will create this community, allowing for peer critiques and feedback
from three faculty members.
Dr. Spellman noted that one
criticism has been that if students do not finish the project capstone seminar
with a satisfactory (grading is S/U), there are no in-progress grades, no
continuations. Students must return to
the project seminar the following spring semester. He acknowledged that this might be a flaw in
the proposal.
Proposed summer residential MLA Program
Spellman explained that former Chancellor Mullen, and Arch Montgomery, head of
the Asheville
School, worked
closely to find a way to better partner.
After working with colleagues at the
School, the MLA
Graduate Council has proposed to develop a summer residential MLA program. The program would be available to our
currently matriculating students, but the target audience would be young men and
women teaching at private secondary schools in the southeast. The State Office of Public Instruction does
not recognize the MLA in terms of the salary step between the baccalaureate
degree and the master degree but the private schools do not care – they want
their faculty to have master degrees.
Bread Loaf School of English at UNCA
a selective private liberal arts college in Vermont, will open a
regional campus of their summer “Bread Loaf School of English” at UNCA in late
June 2006. Founded in 1920, Bread Loaf
offers the M.A. in English over the course of five summers. In addition to the main campus in the Green
Mountains of Vermont, Bread Loaf has established campuses at
St. John’s
in Santa Fe,
of Alaska Southeast
in Juneau,
and now UNCA. There will be between 50-70 students and six faculty
at the Asheville
campus between 26 June and 2 August.
Chess has been hired to teach in their
program next summer.
III. Return to Executive Committee Report.
New Affirmative Action Officer
Nickless reported that Don Locke, who is the Director of Diversity and
Multicultural Affairs, is the new affirmative action officer for the
university. In the past the Director of
Human Resources has served in this capacity.
This change was announced at the Board of Trustees meeting this
Chancellor Ponder
Ponder is going to speak to the Faculty Senate on December 1, 2005. She will be first on the agenda. More specific information will be on the
V. Student
Government Association Report
Erica Little reported for the Student Government
As reported previously, the
SGA passed a resolution concerning
textbooks. They are requesting that departments use paperback books whenever
possible to reduce financial strain on students and to bring in more students
to the Bookstore in order to increase scholarship funds for in-coming Freshmen. Members of
the SGA are talking to Department Chairs
with the goal of implementing this change by Fall
SGA is also researching the feasibility
of a complementary bill for a rental policy on textbooks where students would
rent books required by each department.
SGA attended an AASG meeting last
weekend with representatives from all 16 universities in the UNC system. The meeting generated a lot of good ideas,
such as a leadership program for Freshmen.
VI. Institutional
Development Committee Report
Bruce Larson reported for the Institutional
Development Committee.
on Master Programs
IDC met once since the last Faculty
Senate meeting and devoted the entire meeting to general discussions about
master programs at UNCA, specifically on becoming clear about how we want to
proceed. IDC will engage in
information-gathering processes this semester.
IDC will ask for input on some guided questions via email which will be
consolidated to structure the discussion somewhat. A campus-wide forum will then be held to talk
about the input collected and to gather additional information. The objective is to create a set of questions
that will be helpful in guiding our thinking about the establishment of master
programs at UNCA. IDC has received two
proposals that it will look at early next spring.
VII. Faculty
Welfare and Development Committee Report
Don Lisnerski
reported for the Faculty Welfare and
Development Committee.
The following documents were
distributed for First Reading:
FWDC 4: Proposal to Revise
the Africana Studies Advisory Council
(revision of SD1794S; Faculty Handbook
FWDC 5: Proposal to Change Membership on Teaching
Fellows Advisory Council
(revision of SD8303S; Faculty Handbook
The following document was
considered for Second Reading:
FWDC 2: Proposal to Revise Membership on the
International Programs Advisory Committee
(revision of
SD6803S; Handbook 10.4.12).
FWDC 2 passed unanimously and
became Senate Document 0305F.
VIII. Academic Policies Committee
Gary Nallan reported for the
Academic Policies Committee.
APC met twice since the October 20th
Senate meeting.
First Reading: [Approved Unanimously by
The following documents were
distributed for First Reading:
APC 1: Change of Program
Requirements for Reading Licensure (K-12).
APC 2: Change course
number of EDUC 342 to 389. Change
prerequisites for PSYC 328.
APC 3: Changes to MLA
610, 670 and 680. Deletion
of MLA 620, 640, 660, 681, 690, 691.
APC 4: Changes to the
degree requirements for MLA. Change to the process by which students
select a project. Change to the length of time allowed for
completion of the degree.
APC 11: Addition
of Policy on Failure of LSIC 179/379; Addition of Policy on Grade
Replacement for LSIC 179/379.
[Passed APC with a 2-1-3 vote]
APC 9: Change in
Requirements for Declaring a Management Major.
APC 10:
Editorial Change in Major Requirements for Management.
APC Proposals Approved as Minor:
[Senators review these documents via links on the agenda emailed
Dr. Nickless noted that this is the
first APC report on minor proposals. She asked Senators to review the documents to
make sure the changes are editorial and minor.
Senators may ask to discuss the proposals on the Senate floor.
APC 5:
Addition of MCOM 327, 329, 351 and 353.
APC 5 became Senate Document 0405F.
APC 6:
Delete MCOM 343 and 345. Delete
Prerequisite for MCOM 482.
APC 6 became Senate Document 0505F.
APC 7:
Change of ENVR 105 from a 5-credit hour course to a 4-credit hour
APC 7 became Senate Document 0605F.
APC 8:
Editorial Changes Resulting from Reducing ENVR 105 to a 4-credit hour
course. APC 8 became Senate Document 0705F.
APC 12: Change
title for PSCY 308; Change prerequisite for PSYC 344; Change title, description
and prerequisites for PSYC 345; Change course number for PSYC 469.
APC 12 became Senate Document 0805F.
APC has begun discussing academic
dishonesty, cheating, and plagiarism with AVC Pat McClellan. Ms. McClellan has been handling the
procedures for tracking students who have been judged guilty of
dishonesty with a view toward tracking repeat offenders. The consequences are that the Provost can
impose suspensions or dismissals for repeat offenders.
At the same meeting, Keith Krumpe
described the honor code at Allegheny College and implored the
APC to explore having a similar code at
IX. Old
There was no Old Business.
X. New Business
There was
no New Business.
XI. Adjourn
Dr. Nickless adjourned the meeting
at 4:15pm.
Respectfully submitted
by: Sandra Gravely
Don Lisnerski