Document Number 5106S
of Senate Approval
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of Faculty Senate Action:
Add DRAM 106, Theatre
Effective Fall 2006
1. Delete: On pg.
96, the entry for DRAM 355, Modern Drama (LIT 355)
Delete: On pg.
157, in the title for LIT 355, the (DRAM 355) cross-listing.
Impact: Dropping DRAM 355 decreases the hours required in
the major by three. Requiring six hours of DRAM 106 offsets this. The net
impact of these two changes is a three-hour increase in the major requirements.
The material covered by DRAM 355 will be offered in DRAM 358, Topics in
Dramatic Literature, Theory, or History.
Dropping this course allows for more flexibility in
Rationale: The current sequence in theatre history requires
four three-hour courses: DRAM 244, 245, 355 and 358. Dropping DRAM 355 as a
requirement will allow students to complete two survey courses in theatre
history and select one focused course in an area of particular interest to the
student. This brings the department into
alignment with National Association of Schools of Theatre recommendations. In
addition, a senior capstone course in drama, currently under development, may
cover some of the material in 355.
2. Add: On 94, new title and course description, DRAM 106, Theatre
106 Theatre Production (1)
Intensive laboratory experience in production and
performance work for Theatre UNCA. Drama majors are required to complete 6 hours of
production for graduation. Drama minors are required to complete 2 hours of
production for graduation. Open only to Drama majors or minors. May be repeated for a total of 6 hours. Permission of
instructor is required. Fall and Spring.
Impact: Adding DRAM 106 will not require additional faculty
or resources, since the production work is already an established component of
the program.
Adding this one-hour course that drama majors must take
six times increases the total number of hours required in the major by six.
Dropping DRAM 355 will offset these hours. The net impact of these two changes
together is that the hours required in the major are increased by three.
Rationale: Adding DRAM 106 will provide a reliable and
equitable system for assessing major competency. Previously majors were required to complete
the production and performance work without receiving academic credit.