University of North Carolina at Asheville
Minutes, May 8, 2003
Members: M. Alm, R. Booker, K. Bramlett, T. Brown, D. James, J. Konz, ML Manns, S. Mills, S. Patch, D. Pierce, B. Reynolds, M. Ruiz, J. Wood; M. Padilla.
Excused: I. Rossell
2002-03 Presiding Chair: Jeff Rackham
Visitors: B. Holmes, P. McClellan, A. Shope.
I. Call to Order
Dr. Jeff Rackham called the meeting to order at 5:45 pm and welcomed new senators and guests.
New Senators are Tracy Brown, Sophie Mills, Dan Pierce, and Mike Ruiz.
Election of Officers
Executive Committee elections were held with the following results:
Chair of the Senate and Chair of the Executive Committee:
Steve Patch
Dr. Rackham turned the floor over to Dr. Patch and the elections continued:
First Vice Chair and Chair of the Academic Policies Committee:
Keith Bramlett
Second Vice Chair and Chair of the Institutional Development Committee and University Planning Council: Irene Rossell
Secretary and Chair of the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee:
Mary Lynn Manns
III. Election of Alternate to replace Michelle Patrick
Dr. Pamela Nickless was elected to replace Michelle Patrick on the Faculty Senate for the
2003-2006 term.
IV. Committee Work-in-Progress
(Vote on Nominees to Standing Committees)
The Senate approved the following FWDC nominations to Standing Committees:
Distinguished Scholars Committee [10.3.1] (SD5500S) term 2003-2005
Paul McDonald
Ann Weber
Minority Affairs Commission [10.3.2] (SD5000S)
Horace Maxile to replace Kendra Johnson (term 2002-2004)
Heon Lee (term 2003-2005)
University Research Council [10.3.5] (SD0981) term 2003-2005
Herman Holt
Tony Capraro
Pat Snoyer
University Teaching Council [10.3.6] (SD1588S) term 2003-2005
Dee James
Alex Huang
Bob Yearout
University Service Council [10.3.7] (SD0700F) term 2003-2005
Kitti Reynolds
Claudel McKenzie
Virginia Derryberry
Graduate Council - MLA [10.4.22] (SD3090S) term 2003-2005
Melissa Burchard
Ken Betsalel
University Foundation Board [10.6.1] term 2003-2005
Sandra Byrd
University Relations Faculty Advisory [10.6.2] (SD0790F) term 2003-2005
Mark Sidelnick
Rick Maas
Sandra Byrd
Intellectual Property [9.4] (SD3402S) term 2003-2006
Leah Mathews
V. Election of Senator to serve as Chair on the Senate Constitutional Revision Task Force
The 2002-03 Senate appointed the following faculty to serve on the Senate Constitution Revision Task
Force (SCRTF):
Pamela Nickless (Professor - Social Science)
Bill Sabo (Professor - Social Science)
Alice Weldon (Associate Professor - Humanities)
Charles James (Associate Professor - Natural Science)
Leigh Atkinson (Assistant Professor - Natural Science)
Mary Anna LaFratta (Assistant Professor - Humanities)
The 2003-04 Senate elected Pamela Nickless to Chair the Task Force and choose to not elect another member to the task force.
Committee Assignment Preferences
Dr. Patch asked senators to submit their committee preferences. Given the late hour, the Executive
Committee will meet on May 12 to set committee assignments.
VII. Adjournment
Dr. Patch adjourned the meeting at 6:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely
Mary Lynn Manns