University of North Carolina at Asheville
Minutes, March 2, 2004

Members: M. Alm, R. Booker, K. Bramlett, T. Brown, J. Konz, ML Manns, S. Mills, P. Nickless,S. Patch, D. Pierce, K. Reynolds, I. Rossell, M. Ruiz, J. Wood; M. Padilla.

Excused: D. James.

Visitors: Y. Fahmy, T. Glenn, A. Gravely, H. Kelley, E. Katz, D. Peifer, R. Sensabaugh, A. Shope, K. Whatley.

I. Call to Order and Announcements
Dr. Steve Patch called the meeting to order at 3:20 pm and welcomed senators and guests.
There were no Announcements.

II. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of January 22, 2004, were approved as written.

III. Administrative Report
Dr. Padilla gave the Administrative Report.
Academic Affairs is releasing $120K in funds, plus money for computer refresh, to the AVCs to distribute to the departments and for outstanding needs. The AVCs have been working closely with the Chairs and have developed a budget. The funds were withheld for possible budget reversions.

The Board of Governors will meet to resolve the proposed campus-based tuition increase later this month.

Craft Studies Initiatives; Landfill Project, Craft Studies and Cherokee Tribal College
Dr. Padilla has been working on the identified needs of the Art Department for more space in the context of a broader initiative involving Craft Studies and the Cherokee Nation.

1) He has been working with Diane McGee, the Director of the Center for Craft, Creativity, and Design (CCC&D) at the Kellogg Center. They have been working with Buncombe County to develop the closed county landfill as a site for work space dedicated to the study and production of craft. The proposed facility would also accommodate the ceramic and sculpture programs in the Art Department. If successful, the new facility would address the acute space needs in the Art Department. At present, there has been no public announcement of this initiative from the county but prospects are good. Dan Millspaugh will serve as UNCA's liaison on this project.

2) Dr. Padilla, working with the Center for Craft, Creativity, and Design, has secured a $12,500 grant to investigate the possibility of beginning some craft studies courses at UNCA. Dr. Karin Peterson has agreed to head this initiative and she will be soliciting proposals for possible courses over the summer of 2004. CCC&D has also received funding to produce a textbook in craft studies. This text could be piloted at UNCA if the craft studies initiative is successful.

3) The Cherokee Nation is in the process of establishing a two-year Tribal College. The focus of the college will be on Cherokee craft. Drs. Padilla, Friedenberg, and Fox recently visited the Cherokee to explore ways to partner on a broader craft studies initiative. The hope is that this partnership could result in stronger recruitment of Cherokee students at UNCA.

Dr. Alm asked if there had been a movement on campus for getting more gallery space for students to show their work? Dr. Padilla replied that he had worked on this and really did not have an answer to the problem. There are not many universities that require a minor in art to show their work -- it is a big resource.

University Strategies Task Force Update
The University Strategies Task Force had its third meeting yesterday. Some of the issues discussed included:

- how to communicate the value of an Integrative Liberal Studies experience to students, parents, and the community. How can we use the ILS to help sell a UNCA education?

- the need to rewrite the University goals to better reflect what UNCA wants to accomplish.

- how the large increase in high school graduates across North Carolina in the next 15 years might impact UNCA. For example, how might it impact our present enrollment headcount cap of 3500 students? Should we anticipate growing beyond that number --- and if so, how much, and in what ways?

- whether there is a place for a limited number of graduate programs at UNCA, such as small night-based programs that would not compete with undergraduate classes.

IV. Executive Committee Report
Dr. Patch gave the Executive Committee Report.
Rescheduling next Senate meeting
The Executive Committee recommended rescheduling the next Faculty Senate meeting so that APC will have time to finish reviewing its documents. By scheduling the next Senate meeting on March 25th, APC can present its documents for First and Second Reading without waiving the Comer Rule.

Mr. Bramlett moved to postpone the March 4th Senate meeting to March 25th. Dr. Manns seconded the motion, which passed by a vote of 12 to 0 with one abstention.

Report from Senate Constitution Task Force
Dr. Nickless distributed a report that included three documents: the Constitution as it currently exists; a draft Constitution with changes in bold typeface; and an example of Standing Rules and Rules of Order (formerly known as by-laws) from UNC-G.

Dr. Nickless reported on the questionnaire she submitted to the Senate in November about possible changes to the Constitution. Current Senators overwhelmingly preferred simple changes that clarify how we do things now. She also talked to several former Chairs and members of the Executive Committee and they too preferred simple changes.

The Constitution with changes seems to have support. The Task Force corrected sexist language and deleted some things. The list of powers and duties of UNC-G's Constitution was reorganized and edited to reflect what our Senate has been doing. She asked Senators to read them carefully. They are not intended to expand the Senate's duties but to clarify what we already do, or -- according to our documents -- should be doing

The Task Force suggests adding three members to the Senate. FWDC is too small but no one on IDC or APC wanted to give up any of their membership or make the Senate bigger. The number three was picked by calculating that FWDC needed two more members and adding another person to IDC, which would also be useful. It is also easier to elect three more senators, one from each division.

The draft Constitution calls for the creation of Standing Rules and Rules of Order. These are the rules we live by but that may have to be changed from time to time. For example, when the last Constitution was written, we did not have Off Campus Scholarly Assignments. The procedure we have developed to deal with OCSAs and elections would be in the Standing Rules -- not the Constitution. Dr. Nickless asked Senators to also consider amending Article I to allow the Standing Rules to determine the make-up of the Senate ballot. The Task Force has not drafted the Standing Rules and Rules of Order. If the Constitution is changed to allow them, the Task Force can work with the Executive Committee to draft the first Standing Rules.

Dr. Manns noted for the record: 1) development duties are no longer relevant to FWDC because they are already done by UTC, URC and USC; 2) FWDC should have more members because they actually write the documents. When they review documents, they need input from more than three people. Also, more members would allow them to look are more policies that need to be changed and write more documents.

The Senate discussed the logistics of how to proceed. The Senate must have the final version in the hands of the faculty one month prior to a vote. The Constitution has to be voted on by a majority of the faculty and pass by 2/3 of the votes cast. It was agreed that Senators would review the draft and pass their comments on to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will filter the comments to Dr. Nickless around March 15. Dr. Nickless will send a memo to the faculty at large and will bring a more finalized document to the March 25 Senate meeting. On April 8, the Senate will vote on whether or not to recommend the draft. If the Senate does not support the draft, it could reconstitute the Task Force to continue its work.

Report from the Director of Liberal Arts Learning and Disability Services
Dr. Heidi Kelley reported that for the last three years, in addition to being a faculty member, she has been the Director of Liberal Arts Learning and Disability Services, half time. Before, UNCA used to devote a quarter of someone's time to her position. In her Disability Services position, she reports to Carol Schramm (Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs).

Disability is a diversity issue (though sometimes neglected). She serves about 130 students with disabilities. When she took over the position three years ago, she was seeing about 60 students.

In order to be registered with her office, students must have a diagnosis of some disabling condition. The Americans with Disabilities Act defines disability as any impairment that significantly limits a major life activity, for example, walking, hearing, seeing or learning. About 2/3 of the students with disabilities that she sees have diagnoses of learning disabilities or attention disorders (ADD and ADHD).  A major concern for those students who think that they might be learning disabled is getting evaluated. UNCA offers no testing services and, out in the community, the going rate for LD evaluations is $1000. The psychologist needs to spend four or five hours with the student plus more time to write a report.  Thankfully, Maggie Weshner in the Counseling Center identified someone who is willing to evaluate students for $400.

An exciting new opportunity for students with learning disabilities is a computer program called Kurzweil, that lets students scan in their texts or exams, and then, the program reads the text out loud while the students follow the written text on the computer screen. Dr. Kelley was able to purchase five copies. Two are currently installed in the library and in the Zageir Hall computer lab.

A growing number of our students have psychiatric disabilities, for example, bipolar disorder, depression and social anxiety disorders. Hence, most of the students she sees have invisible disabilities; they look "normal" and it might be their greatest impairment (looking normal) because their professors might think there is nothing "wrong" with them.

Dr. Kelley urges all of her new students with psychiatric, learning or attention disabilities to limit their credit hours (usually to twelve and in some cases, even fewer). Unfortunately, some of students she sees are infected with a false sense of confidence. They bite off more then they can chew at first. That is why it is important to have a way out (late withdrawal) for at least the first semester.

The rest of the students registered with her office have visual impairments, various kinds of mobility impairments, or are hard of hearing or deaf. All of the students she sees may suffer from societally imposed stigma. If that is the case, she encourages her students to seek counseling, and/or join the student organization, Equal Access, dedicated to self-advocacy. In past years, Equal Access has sponsored disability studies film festivals and a trip to Washington, DC. Now, Equal Access is planning a Disability Awareness Day and meeting weekly for lunch, as an informal support group.

One of the main issues facing all members of our UNCA community with mobility impairments is access into the buildings on campus. All campus buildings, save Phillips Hall, have elevators. Dr. Kelley has consulted with the architects on the new Zageir Hall, Carmichael Hall, and the Highsmith Center.

In closing, Dr. Kelley reported that having enough handicapped parking spaces for people with legitimate disabilities is a real challenge.

V. Student Government Association Report
Mr. Tarik Glenn had to leave and was unable to give the Student Government Association Report.

VI. Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report
Dr. Irene Rossell reported for the Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council (IDC/UPC).
Center for the Editing of Medieval Latin Philosophical Texts
IDC met several times recently to discuss the role of Centers at UNCA. John Stevens and Gordon Wilson attended one of their meetings, to discuss their proposal to establish an International Center for the Editing of Medieval Latin Philosophical Texts. This Center would be launched with the intent to complete a series of 45 volumes on the work of Henry of Ghent. Dr. Wilson is already coordinating this project, and 15 of the 45 volumes are already in print. Dr. Wilson anticipates that two people besides himself would be involved in research at the Center, and that the Center would require 2-3 additional offices. It will require $4M in endowment money to operate the Center, and they have plans to submit a $1M NEH Challenge Grant that has some provisions for fundraising. After our discussion, IDC voted to endorse a letter to Molly Broad seeking approval to plan for the establishment to this Center. If permission is granted, the planning documents will come back to IDC/UPC, and then to Senate for consideration.

In conjunction with discussing this proposed Center, UPC talked more generally with John Stevens and with Mark Padilla about the recent proliferation of proposed Centers at UNCA. Here is a quick overview:

* PARSEC received approval on August 8

* The EQI was approved on October 2

* The Center for Human Rights was approved on November 17

* NEMAC was approved on January 28

* The Center for Diversity Education is ready to send their letter to OP requesting approval to plan.

All of these Centers will be submitting their planning documents to IDC later this spring and next fall. They discussed issues such as whether the number of Centers at UNCA will get too large to be manageable, whether they will pull too many faculty out of the classroom, and whether UNCA has enough space to accommodate Centers as well as the growing needs of academic departments. They also discussed the resource that Centers can bring to UNCA, such as financial capital, personnel who can work with students, and opportunities for undergraduate involvement. Dr. Padilla suggested that IDC develop some guidelines for Centers at UNCA, for example possibly limiting the number of Centers that can be established, reviewing them regularly, and recommending that they be retired if any of them use more resources than they generate.

IDC has started to meet with all of the vice chancellors to discuss their priorities for next year's expansion budget. Dr. Rossell will submit a summary to the Senate after they have met with all four vice chancellors. So far, they have met with Dr. Padilla to talk about the priorities of Academic Affairs.

First Reading:
Dr. Rossell distributed:
UPC 4: Request to Establish a Joint NCSU-UNCA Bachelor of Science in Engineering with a Concentration in Mechatronics.

Dr. Rossell reported that IDC met last week to review the resource implications of the proposed Engineering program at UNCA. This document passed UPC with a vote of 11-0. This planning document must be received by the Office of the President by March 3. Dr. Rossell moved to waive the Comer Rule so that the Senate can vote on the document today. Dr. Reynolds seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. The document was then considered for Second Reading.

During discussion, Dr. Konz stated that these are NCSU students and UNCA students. As UNCA students, they will take the ILS program we passed a month ago. The ILS program is meant to be integrative in its components, including its clusters, and it is meant to be taken over a course of four years. In the sample curriculum, Appendices A and D, there are problems with the curriculum in those respects. The Humanities program is pushed back until the junior and senior years. Of the sample curriculum, students will have nothing that relates to the UNCA side of the curriculum in their freshman and sophomore years. Dr. Whatley replied that we have flexibility in terms of the sample curriculum that we present to our students once they are enrolled in the program. She was comfortable with our culture at UNCA and working through the curriculum issues.

Dr. Konz added that the proposed cluster, in his opinion, will not pass muster as something that has a significant degree of connectivity across the courses unless ECON 102 is completely transformed. What will happen if ILSOC rejects the cluster? Does NCSU have leverage from us passing this document that we have agreed to this cluster, even if the language indicates it is a sample only? What happens when we suggest that the curriculum be reconfigured so that the humanities are taken earlier in the sequence? His concern is the response from the standpoint of NCSU to curricular changes that would happen through our governance process about our side of the curriculum.

Dr. Whatley stated that she and Dr. Yusef Fahmy have discussed this issue at length. Dr. Fahmy strongly favors moving the first humanities course to the second semester freshman year. The only reason that has not been done on the sample curriculum is that NC State Chancellor Marye Ann Fox had already signed the NC State document and we wanted the two documents going to the Office of the President to look the same for the Board of Governors. The sample curriculum will be readdressed immediately if it passes the BOG. Drs. Whatley and Fahmy agree that it is very important to get the students into the integrative liberal studies program early on. We have said all along that the engineering part was the responsibility of NCSU, and the ILS part is the responsibility of UNCA. Dr. Whatley hopes that before it goes to ILSOC, they will come up with a much better cluster. If ILSOC does not approve the cluster, they will simply have to come up with a different cluster. That is not a question that is up for debate -- the cluster will have to satisfy our requirements to be valid. If it means that students will end up having to take another course, then so be it.

Dr. Alm stated that the proposed plan of study is an engineering two-year program enabling people to transfer to NC State with ease. The integrative liberal arts studies curriculum is important to life at UNCA. The engineering curriculum is important to life at NC State. And that is what worries her. She is happy to hear that this just enables the BOG to see that both schools passed the same proposal and it is not exactly what is going to happen. But this is going to start next August. The curriculum is an Engineering program with some ILS tacked on. If students want to transfer out of the ENGR curriculum and into something else, this curriculum has them taking courses that would not help them earn a degree at UNCA.

Dr. Ruiz agreed that this is a good point and we should look at it. Unfortunately, Engineering has a lot of courses stacked up that are required before you can continue on to the next step. This is a difficult issue but he hoped we will not exclude engineering because the hierarchial courses make it difficult to look like a literature major or a political science major. Regarding the clusters, he had an informal discussion with Dr. Fahmy and discovered that he had a lot of ideas for clusters.

Mr. Bramlett stated that a central concern articulated by different members of APC was a question that, in the absence of catalog copy, -- given that these students will be coming onto our campus -- to what degree will this document be held up as saying this is how it is going to be? At this point, no one has answered this question. APC has been told several times that it is going to be changed, it is going to be flexible. In the absence of catalog copy, to what degree does this become a substantive document -- this was approved and this is what it says? This is a concern that has been articulated repeatedly by APC.

Dr. Wood noted that the ECON class in the model is critical for the students. If we do not have it in a cluster and students have to take it elsewhere, the hours are over 128. Dr. Konz asked if ECON 102 is required by ABET (the accrediting agency for the engineering program). Dr. Fahmy replied no; at NCSU, over the years, it went from being suggested to being required as part of that package. They had hoped we could make it part of the humanities/social science program. It was put on the table early on and was able to be worked in.

Dr. Whatley acknowledged that these were valid concerns and we are trying to serve several purposes -- to incorporate UNCA's ILS curriculum and NCSU's engineering curriculum, while taking into account that we have students that will be 17, 18, 19 years old. Some will be older, but many will be young and they are not sure what they want to major in. The curriculum for the first two semesters is consistent with a lot of physical science/natural science degrees, including computer science and math. If we swap out the ECON course and put in a humanities course in the second semester, it will be like many social science and humanities programs. And the students could stay here and declare other majors and finish up in four years. She wants the students to have maximum flexibility the first year. It would work well to swap the ECON course for a humanities course. She has great faith in the ability of ILSOC and the other folks on campus who are concerned about this to find a way to work the ECON course into a valid cluster. If that can happen, then the curriculum can be completed in 128 hours.

In terms of students coming in the fall, the goal is to get the Mechatronics program transitioned in as quickly as possible. It cannot go faster than the ILS program is going. The reality is that we have a number of students who are taking the current Mechatronics curriculum on a part-time basis and they are going to take a while to cycle through. There are also a number of full-time students already on campus who are in the Mechatronics curriculum and they are going to cycle through. So, just like the ILS program, we have a couple of years of transition before it is up and running to the fullest extent. She anticipates having the catalog copy in place a year from now. That process will have to be specific. The people who are involved in advising these students -- folks from NCSU and UNCA -- are steeped in the philosophy of what we are intending in this program and it is safe to say we can work together and make this work as a guideline, not as a rigid rule, for a year, and by that time we will have the catalog copy.

Dr. Brown stated that it is appropriate at this time and in this venue to seek reassurance about the finances and resources in two respects. 1) There is a complicated delivery system of the curriculum involving the engineering classes. Some ENGR classes are taught here, and there will be two new faculty in engineering that will be housed here and paid with UNCA's salary line. And there is some distance education. He wanted to make sure that the level of state support for this program is likely to continue in the future so that we do not end up having it become a resource drain that compromises our ability to offer the rest of our curriculum. In particular, when we look at the enrollment budget, we want to see that the category four enrollment funding formula is appropriately allocated to whoever is paying for the teaching of classes. 2) The space needs down the road should be on the record. We have both people from NC State here, as well from UNCA. Details on the category four money have not been worked out and we are, in some sense, flying on faith that it will be worked out in a manner that is judicious and fair.

Dr. Whatley responded that Dr. Padilla sent a draft proposal to NCSU this week on how to allocate the state funding. We are very hopeful that because this is a unique program in the system that there will also be a unique funding formula. Dr. Brown indicated that would make him much more comfortable.

Dr. Patch asked if we were not to get the unique funding formula, would it still work without draining resources from the two institutions -- particularly UNCA? Dr. Alm asked if without a unique formula all the category four funding would go to NC State, and categories 1,2,3 would go to us?

Dr. Whatley replied that there are a lot of category three courses. Dr. Gravely noted that we have 100 students here now that are involved in engineering -- either the 2+2 program or Mechatronics. They are here and the program is taking up our space. This will make this a joint program so the graduates do not count as dropouts for us and we will have a more integrated program for them than NC State. There are still a lot of details to work out that will have to be approved by the Office of the President and NC State. We have identified the issues and written a proposal to deal with those housekeeping issues. He tried to set up a situation where students are counted by NC State for distance education and we count them as well because we have our faculty in the classroom -- and yet, there is another faculty member at NC State -- it does not fit the existing model.

Dr. Rossell relayed a colleague's concern -- Will the use of distance education facilities impact other aspects of our campus? Will the facilities be monopolized by the ENGR courses so it limits other departments from using distance education? During discussion, it was explained that there are two facilities on campus. The one located in the library was funded by NCSU for this purpose. There is a second facility in Robinson Hall and it is used for engineering when necessary.

Dr. Padilla asked how much of the Robinson facility will be needed for the distance learning part of the program? Dr. Whatley did not believe it would be used much for the first several years. Dr. Fahmy agreed. Mechatronics exists here now and the engineering core curriculum is unchanged.

Dr. Fahmy noted that in almost all instances the faculty that support NCSU's courses -- rather than UNCA faculty -- are paid by NCSU to work in an adjunct faculty capacity. Dr. Padilla concurred. If we were to hire a faculty member in an existing department with enough credentials to teach 2-3 ABET-credited ENGR courses during the year (it is our faculty member and we are paying the salary) -- who gets the category four money? That is the only question -- those 2-3 courses by that one faculty member. That is what Dr. Brown was speaking to in terms of whether we really have a claim to the category 4 since we are paying the salary. That is not part of the proposal. Every program has questions to be answered and this is routine. If we thought we were not properly credited, the administration would be the first to review the program. Dr. Padilla stated that he has talked about that problem at OP -- that we need to get clarification -- and he was told to go ahead and do the curriculum and the administrative structure, and they will work on this issue. This is a system issue now -- there are now 3-4 joint programs and the Office of the President has to figure it out for the whole system.

Dr. Whatley added that one of the nice things about the proposal is that it gives us a structure for dealing with these questions. We will have an administrative structure in place whose job it is to worry about these questions. It will give us more support for the program and a little more understanding of what has been going on the last seven years.

Dr. Patch noted that most of the resources in the proposal are resources we are already providing, from UNCA's point of view. One difference is the new position of Associate Director of ENGR that will be a UNCA position. What kind of FTE would this position have and where would the funds come from?

Dr. Whatley stated there will be one FTE position (versus ½ time working with the NC State joint program and ½ time working in one of our existing departments) depending upon who we hire. We will request funding for the new position. The legislature granted UNCA $150,000 in one-time money at the beginning of the program. We are hoping that they will supply that on a continuing basis. If they do that, a good bit of that will go toward funding the position.

Dr. Patch asked what will happen if the money is not continued -- would we drop the position or try to find the resources from another area? Dr. Whatley replied that we may have faculty on campus who qualify for the position. We could reassign a current faculty member to fill the position. Dr. Padilla noted that the UPC vote was in knowledge that the FTE might come from UNCA. That was always a part of the resource analysis and the vote was unanimous. He hopes we will get the continuous funds; if not, we would probably have to use an FTE as our major contribution, plus the space, which we have to provide anyway. This proposal does not mean more or less space. The FTE is the major contribution that he would suggest having in order to ensure the program is suffused with UNCA's values as much as possible. That was always part of UPC's consideration.

Dr. Peifer supported the program but expressed concern over the 128 hours and the hidden hours -- for example, foreign language and pre-calculus. We have students who take calculus and then have to go back and take pre-calculus. This could be a lot of hours for some students. Dr. Whatley replied that students are expected to come in with enough foreign language in high school to pass the foreign language competency exam. And they are expected to start in Calculus I. Those are clear expectations included in the recruiting information. They are required if students are to complete this degree in 128 hours. Students who do not meet those requirements are still welcome to enroll, but it will take them longer. They can take courses in summer school. A very dedicated team worked last summer to trim the hours down and this was the absolute minimum they could get.

Mr. Bramlett addressed Dr. Peifer's concern. APC has talked about this at length, and they are operating under the assumption that when APC does catalog copy they will make those statements much clearer so students know the possibility of it taking longer. From APC's point of view, it is not clarified in this document. UPC 4 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 1804S.

VIII. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee
Dr. Mary Lynn Manns gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee (FWDC) Report.
The agenda was modified.
Second Reading:
The following document was considered for Second Reading:
FWDC 6: Establishment of Position Allocation Committee (Revised).

Dr. Manns explained revisions made to FWDC 6 in response to earlier concerns.

Dr. Nickless noted that if the Council of Chairs still exists, someone needs to look at the Faculty Handbook. Dr. Manns replied that another document will be forthcoming to address this issue.

The Senate discussed the asterisk that defines a Chair as a Program Director. Dr. Manns stated that this was true for this document. Some Program Directors do not evaluate faculty and some do. Program Directors who evaluate faculty would be treated as Chairs in this document. Two examples are Multimedia and Humanities. Multimedia is a program but it has faculty attached to it. Humanities has some faculty, but technically they are lecturers in a department. However, we accept that they are directly evaluated by the Humanities Program Director so that person would be treated as a Chair for this purpose. There are 6-7 Program Directors who would not be considered Chairs by this document -- MLA, Women's Studies, International Studies, Africana Studies, IST, Undergraduate Research, and Honors. FWDC 6 passed unanimously as amended and became SD1904S.

Nominees for Upcoming Elections
The Senate approved the following nominees for upcoming elections:
-- Academic Appeals Board Slate
Judy Beck                     Pam Laughon
Don Diefenbach             Sandra Malicote
Eric Gant                      John McClain
Sarah Judson                Gordon Wilson

-- UNC Faculty Assembly Representative Slate
Chuck Bennett             Cathy Mitchell
Peg Downes                Gary Nallan
Lora Holland                Scott Walters
Charles James

First Reading:
The following document was distributed for First Reading:
FWDC 9:  Annual Evaluation of Faculty (with focus on Department Chairs)
 (Revision of Faculty Handbook Section 3.3)

VII. Academic Policies Committee Report
Mr. Keith Bramlett gave the Academic Policies Committee Report.
First Reading:
The following documents were distributed for First Reading:
APC 09:  Changes to Environmental Studies Minor Requirements.
APC 10:  Clarification of Lit major requirements for Concentration in Literature and
Concentration in Creative Writing.
APC 11:  Changing Description for LANG 497: Senior Seminar in Creative Writing.
APC 12:  Adding New Course in PSYC 344.
APC 13:  Changes in frequency of CLAS 104 and CLAS 211.
APC 14:  Advanced Placement Credit in Classics.
APC 15:  Removing General and Research Emphases, and the Concentration in Political Economy;
              Adding Computer Competency Requirements for Political Science with Teacher Licensure.
APC 16:  Change to Middle School Licensure Requirements for Math.
APC 17:  Change description of EDUC 383.
APC 18:  Individual Course Changes within the Drama Department.
APC 19:  Changes in Concentrations in the Drama Department.
APC 20:  Revision of Prerequisites for MUSC 484, 485, 486, 487 and Clarification of ensemble
 requirements for music majors.
APC 21:  Change to four CSCI course-listings and to CSCI AP Exam Requirements.
APC 22:  Adding a new course, CSCI 358, to be cross-listed with MMAS.

IX. Old Business
There was no Old Business.

X. New Business
There was no New Business.

XI. Adjournment
Dr. Patch adjourned the meeting at 5:40pm.

Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely
Mary Lynn Manns