University of North Carolina at Asheville


Minutes, March 6, 2003

Members: M. Alm, R. Booker, K. Bramlett, M. Burchard, C. James, D. James, J. Konz, J. Kuhlman, H. Lee, ML Manns, S. Patch, J. Rackham, B. Reynolds, I. Rossell, J. Wood; M. Padilla.

Visitors: B. Holmes, K. Krumpe, MA LaFratta, D. Lisnerski, K. Moorhead, C. Pons, D. Race, B. Sensabaugh, A. Shope, B. Spellman, H. Stern, G. Trautmann.

I. Call to Order

Dr. Jeff Rackham called the meeting to order at 3:20 pm and welcomed senators and guests.

II. Approval of Minutes

The minutes of January 30, 2003, and February 10, 2003, were approved as distributed.

The order of business was revised to accommodate visitors with second reading documents before APC.

VI. Academic Policies Committee Report

Dr. Melissa Burchard gave the Academic Policies Committee Report.

Orientation for new Senate members

The Executive Committee plans to implement an orientation for new Senate members. Senators were encouraged to forward suggestions to the Executive Committee. Hopefully this will be helpful to new members.

Second Reading:

The following documents were considered for Second Reading:

Approved by APC Unanimously

APC 47: Demonstration of Computer Competency in Literature and Language

APC 47 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 5303S.

APC 48: Changes to Title/Description of Lang 497: Senior Seminar in Creative Writing

APC 48 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 5403S.

APC 49: Change to Declaration of Humanities Minor

APC 49 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 5503S.

APC 50: Requirements for the German Major and Teacher Licensure

APC 50 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 5603S.

APC 51: Computer Competency for French

APC 51 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 5703S.

APC 52: Prerequisite changes in Psychology

APC 52 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 5803S.

APC 53: Addition of a statement of computer competency to Chemistry degree programs

APC 53 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 5903S.

APC 54: Prerequisite changes for Department of Chemistry courses

APC 54 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 6003S.

APC 56: Curriculum changes in Spanish affecting the mission statement and requirements for the major and minor; changes to course descriptions for SPAN 310, 320, 330, 332; deletion of SPAN 325, 340, 415, 425, 435, 445, 480, 485; addition of SPAN 300, 400, 410, 482, 495.

APC 56 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 6103S.

APC 57: Computer Competency in Mathematics; Changes to Math Licensure Requirements; Elimination of MATH 163 and 164 and the resulting editorial changes; Changes to times offered and prerequisites for MATH 211/212, 215/216, 332; Delete MATH 158 with resulting changes to K-6 licensure

APC 57 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 6203S.

APC 58: Multimedia Arts and Sciences Catalog Changes

APC 58 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 6303S.

APC 59: Changes in Prerequisites for BIOL 210, 211

APC 59 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 6403S.

APC 60: Changes to requirements for Ecology and Environmental Biology

APC 60 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 6503S.

Approved by APC (3-2 Vote)

APC 55: Addition of Chemistry of the Environment Concentration to the BS Degree in Chemistry.

The Senate discussed the interdisciplinarity of the concentration and hours required. Certification is not included within the 59 hours of the major -- three additional hours are required for certification.

Dr. Patch suggested having a separate course in Environmental Chemistry (rather than CHEM 430) so students will know when the course is offered in the catalog. Dr. Holmes intends to offer it as a separate course that will be offered every two or three semesters. Currently three seniors are double-majors and he estimated less than five students a year will fall in this category. Other majors will take the same courses, so there will not be too many low enrollment classes associated with this concentration.

Dr. Konz asked for feedback from Dr. Moorhead. Dr. Moorhead stated that he presented issues to APC that faculty in the department expressed to him. The majority of the ENVR faculty felt that more coursework in environmental studies should be required beyond the minimum of 6 hours. Students in ENVR should have enrollment access to CHEM 430 without the prerequisites being a barrier to their students. (Several students in the Pollution Control concentration will have an interest in the environmental chemistry course). ENVR will lose a few potential majors to chemistry. Coupled with recent changes in the departments of Biology (Ecology) and Economics (Environmental Economics), ENVR may see an accumulated impact as a reduction in majors in Environmental Studies. He added that Dr. Holmes gave him a powerful rationale on a couple of these issues. Environmental Studies cannot possibly offer this type of degree and it fully supports these changes and the increased exposure to an environmental curriculum campus-wide. Dr. Holmes added that regarding certification, the Chemistry department used the standard curriculum recommended by ACS. This was not clear at the APC meeting. APC 55 passed by a vote of 11 to 1 with 2 abstentions and became Senate Document 6603S.

III. Administrative Report

Dr. Mark Padilla gave the Administrative Report

Discussion of AVC4 position

Dr. Padilla was impressed with the progress GERTF has made in designing an architecture that seems to be gaining enough worthwhile consensus to consider adopting. This leads to the question of resources and how such an ambitious program would be implemented. He suggested that the Senate consider using the resource of the AVC-4 position for serial purposes during its lifetime. Because general education is a very integrated program by its nature, he proposed using AVC-4 as a Director for General Education (or AVC for Integrative Studies) for a three or four year period and invited comment back over the next couple of weeks. All of the AVCs will be 3/4 administration and 1/4 faculty, teaching one course per semester.

Following discussion, Dr. Padilla stated that he would pursue this further and return with an organization structure.

Overview of the Office of the President Engineering Feasibility Study

Dr. Padilla reminded senators that last September Dr. Mabe (VP for Planning from Office of the President) requested a cost estimate for expanded engineering programs at UNCA. The legislature has required that the Office of the President assess the feasibility of having engineering programs at UNCA, WCU, and ECU.

On January 30, Dr. Padilla learned that a Feasibility Team consisting of Dr. Mabe and three engineering deans would be on campus on February 24. The Team met with UNCA in the morning and visited WCU in the afternoon. Dr. Padilla convened a taskforce to prepare a PowerPoint presentation. The presentation gave the team an overview of the history of UNCA's association with engineering that goes back to the early 1980s; our mission; engineering programs that currently exist on campus; why UNCA might reasonably be interested in hosting its own engineering programs; infrastructure information; and an estimate of costs, including start-up. To date, he has not received a response concerning the presentation, a timetable, or next steps.

IV. Executive Committee Report

Dr. Jeff Rackham gave the Executive Committee Report.

NCAA Certification

Dr. Patch distributed a summary of the NCAA Certification in Dr. Nallan's absence and reported that UNCA's Athletic program received its certification without conditions from the NCAA. The NCAA has not raised any issues for the University to address. One in fifteen schools received such a positive certification decision.

First Reading:

The following document was distributed for First Reading:

EC 7: Proposal to Revise the Faculty Senate Constitution

Expenditures of Campus Based Tuition Increases

Dr. Alm referred to the Sense of the Senate Resolution passed in February -- requiring the Executive Committee to pursue in more detail how funds have been spent over the last two years -- and asked Dr. Rackham for an update. Dr. Rackham replied that this was still pending but he hoped to report on it soon.

V. Student Government Association Report

There was no Student Government Association Report.

VII. Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report

Mr. Jim Kuhlman reported for the Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council (IDC/UPC).

UPC's 2/20/03 Meeting

Dr. Dwight Mullen, Special Assistant to the Chancellor for Diversity and Minority Affairs, discussed the structural strengths and weaknesses of his office as part of UPC's efforts to map campus diversity efforts. Dr. Mullen noted that his position had been authorized approximately ten years ago but that resources were not available until 1999. In addressing what has not been working, he first observed that difficulties did not result from purposeful obstruction, but rather from the fact that people did not know what to do next. In spite of his having deliberately limited his objectives for the current year, he has been frustrated by:

Personally being stretched too thinly;

Not having time to write grant proposals -- needing help beyond what can be provided by the Office of Sponsored Programs;

The unfulfilled need to talk about diversity goals for entering freshmen, to move from token to significant racial and ethnic diversification to include methods for:

developing numeric targets;

considering life in the residence halls, not just total numbers;

determining why students of color are not graduating in certain departments even though they come to UNCA with an interest in that discipline only to change or drop out;

The need for training sessions and rewards if UNCA is to hold staff to diversity outcomes (i.e. there is nothing in place to back up good intentions);

The need for the person in this position to participate in more faculty searches (he has participated in some but not all) as a means of communicating more effectively the institutions' commitment to diversity to potential faculty;

Summer linkage programs have made financial support commitments to college bound students that UNCA may not be prepared to fulfill.

Dr. Mullen noted that his office has been particularly successful in its role of coordinating activities between and among the several VC areas.

- Possibility of Engineering programs at UNCA

Following-up the discussion on the possibilities of UNCA engineering programs at the previous UPC meeting, the Committee considered and passed by a vote of 9 to 1 the following resolution:

Whereas UNCA has achieved notable and long-standing success in integrating the best of undergraduate education in selected engineering fields with the finest of liberal arts educations; and

Whereas the technological and social needs of Western North Carolina will be well-served by technical professionals informed by the liberal arts perspective and an educated citizenry more in touch with technological realities and opportunities;

Be it therefore resolved that the University Planning Council encourages University administrators to pursue all reasonable opportunities to develop a UNCA engineering program consonant with UNCA's Mission, Guiding Concepts, and Goals, and that the Administration bring back to UPC any formalized plan to introduce more engineering programs, prior to their implementation, for committee evaluation.

UPC's 2/27/03 Meeting

Dr. Patch distributed his subcommittee's recommendations on changes to the UNCA institutional indicators of success and offered introductory comments. He indicated that plans were to discuss the proposed changes in UPC and for the indicators subcommittee to make the proposed changes available to the campus for input before UPC acted on the changes. Recommended changes would then go to the Chancellor for his consideration.

UNCA Chief Research Officer John Stevens reported on two activities in progress:

- Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute (PARI)

The Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute (PARI) is a former federal and military satellite tracking facility equipped with a remarkable array of radio telescopes, the largest east of the Mississippi. The vision of its current owner is to make it into an international astronomical facility. Dr. Stevens' idea is to make PARI a center of the UNC system administered by UNCA. We currently have an office and some involvement. Since the UNC system has made a commitment to attract NASA funding Dr. Stevens is putting together a request for funding. PARI offers excellent opportunities for faculty and undergraduate research as well as links to the K-12 community. It is already possible to manipulate the radio telescopes remotely from computers on campus.

- National Environmental Modeling & Analysis Center (NEMAC)

The National Environmental Modeling & Analysis Center (NEMAC) will result from the confluence of several forces. Congressman Taylor is working to bring funding to WNC that will enhance economic development. One actor in the effort is the non-profit Education & Research Consortium. Its subset, Education & Research Services, is working to bring together the National Climatic Data Center, companies in the private sector (e.g., Barons, packager of Doppler radar products), and the Environmental Modeling Center at the Research Triangle. Several UNC faculty and administrators (e.g., Kevin Moorhead, Alex Huang, Kathy Whatley, David Peifer, and Elaine Fox) have been working on proposals to form NEMAC at UNCA. Congress recently appropriated $5 million to support the collaboration. Plans include hiring a "world class" director. Dr. Stevens pointed out that this is an example of the University's responsibility to develop and share intellectual capital, a task that UNCA remains behind in.

The model of centers offers significant opportunity for UNCA. Centers bring together intellectual capital and community. Some other centers under discussion include: Center for Diversity Education; Center for Disabilities; Center for International Liberal Arts; Southern Highlands Social Science Survey; and NC Solar Center. Two centers that already exist at UNCA are the Environmental Quality Institute and the Mossbauer Effect Data Center.

VIII. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee

Dr. Mary Lynn Manns gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee (FWDC) Report.

Faculty Assembly Report

Dr. Don Lisnerski distributed a handout outlining the highlights of the February 21, 2003, Faculty Assembly meeting.

State Health Plan is negotiating out-of-state PPO with physicians outside the state of NC.

State Health Plan is anticipating a shortfall in excess of $550 million for the 2-year budget. All or most of the following are potential ways of dealing with the deficit:

11% increase in premiums

Deductible increasing from $350 to either $375 or $400

Co-insurance going from the present 80/20 to 70/30

Increase in prescription costs by $5 for other than generic

Reduction in provider reimbursements (can lead to more providers not accepting as payment in full).

Attempt to establish articulation agreement among all campuses (online courses).

Some Scientific Journals are beginning to "censor" the publication of articles containing "sensitive information" (need to be watchful).

Each campus will be asked to determine if is it "diversified." If not, then they need to develop a plan for increasing their diversity.

NC State "situation" is considered an internal matter. However, the Faculty Senate (NC State) adequately exercised the process of Faculty Governance.

Faculty/Teaching workload study conducted this semester. Includes all FT faculty who are tenured or on tenure track.

Beginning Spring 2005 SATs will require an Essay component.

It has been suggested that the President's Office look at the matter of "exceptions to the admissions policy" by the campuses.

There appears to be a decrease in the number of foreign students applying to US schools (potential war and terrorism). Instead there has been an increase in the number of applications to schools in Australia, Canada and England.

Patriot Act I and "Patriot Act II" might require universities to report information on foreign nationals that previously was considered available only by court order.

Draft of the Policy on Serious Illness and Disability has been revised -- comments are being solicited from all Faculty Assembly delegates.

BOG's freeze on tuition increase starting 2003-2004. Over the last 3 years the average tuition increase has been 62% (11% at FSU and 98% at UNCA).

Survey of "senior faculty," those tenured and over 50 years old. This will look at late-career issues: expected retirement, retention, development, post-tenure review, etc. Information can be used to revise procedures, policies and for planning purposes.

BOG is requesting a 6% pay increase for faculty for this year and for next year. The Governor is requesting a 1.6% pay increase.

Election Results:

Committee of Tenured Faculty: Tracey Rizzo, Heidi Kelley, Betsy Wilson.

Post Tenure Review Committee: Gary Nallan, Jeff Konz.

Faculty Senate:

Social Science: Tracy Brown

Natural Science: Mike Ruiz

Humanities: Dan Pierce

At-Large: Michelle Patrick, Sophie Mills

Alternates: Pamela Nickless, Bert Holmes, Elizabeth Snyder Hook.

Nominations for Committee Assignments

The Faculty Senate approved the following slates for faculty-wide election:

- UNC Faculty Assembly Ballot

Gwen Ashburn Peg Downes

Duane Davis Rick Maas

Gary Nallan John Stevens

Lora Holland

- Academic Appeals Board Ballot

Anita White-Carter Dot Sulock

Pam Laughon Charles James

Greg Bushong Megan Wolfe

David Clarke Peter Caulfield

First Reading:

The following documents were distributed for First Reading:

FWDC 1: Proposal to establish the International Programs Advisory Committee as a Standing Committee.

FWDC 2: Proposal to establish the Parking and Traffic Committee as a Standing Committee.

FWDC 3: Proposal to establish the Animal Care and Use Committee as a Standing Committee.

FWDC 4: Proposal to establish the Energy and Safety Committee as a Standing Committee.

FWDC 5: Proposal to establish the Undergraduate Research Programs Advisory Committee as a

Standing Committee.

FWDC 6: Proposal to establish the Cultural and Special Events Committee as a Standing Committee.

FWDC 7: Recommendation to Consider Academic Spouses/Partners in the Appointment of Faculty.

IX. Old Business

There was no Old Business.

X. New Business

Dr. Rackham reported that the Faculty Senate has scheduled a special meeting on April 17 to discuss the general education revision.

XI. Adjourn

Dr. Rackham adjourned the meeting at 5:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted by:    Sandra Gravely
                                           Mary Lynn Manns