Date of Senate Approval 03/06/03
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Statement of Faculty Senate Action:
APC Document 56: Curriculum changes in Spanish affecting the mission statement and
requirements for the major and minor;
changes to course descriptions for
SPAN 310, 320, 330, 332; deletion of SPAN 325, 340, 415, 425, 435, 445, 480, 485;
addition of SPAN 300, 400, 410, 482, 495.
Delete: On pg 199, the first two introductory paragraphs:
Add: On pg 199, in place of deleted entry:
Within the Department of Foreign Languages, the Spanish major provides opportunities to study the language, literatures and cultures of Spanish-speaking lands in the broader context of the liberal arts. Students in the program are expected to use Spanish to communicate and interact intellectually within local or global contexts. The Department encourages international study. Agreements between UNCA and universities in countries such as Ecuador, Mexico and Spain make study abroad affordable and easy to arrange.
This description of the major fits better within the mission and goals of the DFL and the university,
stressing the strengths of Spanish as a liberal arts major.
Delete: On pg 200, the entry for SPAN 325
Add: On pg 200, new course number, title and description, SPAN 300:
300 Oral Skills (3)
Extensive practice in oral skills: listening comprehension, pronunciation and conversation. Students make use of various media to develop listening and speaking skills. Emphasis on laboratory exercises, oral presentations. Prerequisite: SPAN 220 or equivalent. Fall and Spring.
No impact on staffing.
This course will help majors develop a high level of oral proficiency early in their major studies;
this will facilitate their upper division course work as well as any study abroad they undertake. We number the
course 300 with the idea that it will serve as a means of recruiting minors and majors.
Delete: On pg 200, the entry for SPAN 310, 320
Add: On pg 200, in place of deleted entry:
310, 320 Composition and Introduction to Literature I, II (3,3)
Development of accuracy and fluency in written Spanish as well as critical reading skills through systematic structural review and the study of prose non-fiction and literature. Prerequisite: SPAN 220 or equivalent. Fall and Spring.
No impact on resources, since this is a reformulation of the course description and content.
The new description reflects the move of the oral component to a new course, SPAN 300, and the
incorporation of literature in the advanced writing courses. This provides a context and models for student
writing and prepares students better for advanced coursework in literature.
Delete: On pg 201, entry for SPAN 335
Delete: On pg 201, course title and description for SPAN 330
Add: On pg 201, new course title and description:
Survey of Spanish Civilization and Literature (3)
A survey of the development of Spanish literature and civilization in the context of historical developments from the beginnings through the 18th century as seen through artistic and intellectual achievements, religious, social and political institutions, customs and traditions reflected in literary texts. Prerequisite: SPAN 310. Every year.
No impact on resources.
Integrating the study of civilization with the study of literature allows for a more coherent approach
to the study of both areas. The study of Hispanic cultures thus becomes an integral part of the curriculum.
Delete: On pg 201, course title and description for SPAN 332
Add: On pg 201, new course title and description:
332 Survey of Spanish-American Civilization and Literature (3)
A survey of the development of Spanish-American literature and civilization in the context of historical developments from the period of colonization to the present, as seen through artistic and intellectual achievements, religious, social and political institutions, customs and traditions reflected in literary texts. Prerequisite: SPAN 310. Every year.
No impact on resources.
Integrating the study of civilization with the study of literature allows for a more coherent approach
to the study of both areas. The study of Hispanic cultures thus becomes an integral part of the curriculum.
Delete: On pg 201, entry for SPAN 340
Add: On pg 201, new course number, title and description, SPAN 400
The Spanish Language (3)
The development of the Spanish language and its expansion: overview of the evolution of Spanish, the present-day standard language system, regional and social variation. No credit awarded to students with prior credit for SPAN 340. Prerequisites: SPAN 310, 320. Every year.
No impact on resources.
Moves this requirement for teacher licensure candidates to a more appropriate level for the study
of language evolution and variation.
Add: On pg 201, new entry for SPAN 410
410 Hispanic Film (3)
Provides an introduction to the theory and history of Hispanic cinema and integrates sociological and artistic interpretations of Spanish and Latin American films. Content may vary. Prerequisites: SPAN 310, 320. Every other year.
No impact on staffing. This course will serve as a 400 level elective for majors and minors.
This course has been offered twice as a special topics course and has always been filled beyond
capacity. A course in film corresponds to the interests of our students and the expertise of our staff.
Delete: On pg 201, entries for SPAN 435, 445
Add: On pg. 201, new course number, title and description for SPAN 482
482 Spanish Civilization and Literature of the 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries (3)
A survey of the development of Spanish literature and civilization in the context of historical developments from the 19th century to the present, as seen through the artistic and intellectual achievements, religious, social and political institutions, customs and traditions reflected in literary texts. Prerequisites: SPAN 310, 320. Every year.
Delete: On pg 201, entries for SPAN 415, 425, 480
Add: On pg 201, new course number, title and description for SPAN 495
495 Hispanic Studies (3)
Topics in linguistics, cultural studies, or the study of Peninsular or Spanish-American literature, including various periods, genres, and themes. May be taken up to three times for credit. Prerequisites: SPAN 310, 320. Every year.
Will allow for a more regular rotation of courses and eliminate the problem of sunsetting.
The curriculum as currently formulated includes a number of courses that are not offered on a
regular basis. This reformulation will allow for the development of a variety of upper level course offerings that
match student interest and faculty expertise without the locking the curriculum into a large number of courses.
This reduces the overall curriculum to manageable size, as illustrated by the sample rotation schedule below:
300 300
310 310
320 320
330 332
400 440
495 482 (plus 410, 499, ST as needed)
A review of the past three years of course offerings shows that the Spanish section has consistently offered six courses at the 300 and 400 level, enrolling anywhere from five to twenty-three students. This suggests that the proposed rotation schedule would meet the demand for upper level courses. It should be added that as more of our students complete study abroad programs, we need fewer courses. Thus we move from a total of 15 courses at the 300-400 level, to a total of 10 courses (plus 499 and ST).
Delete: On pg 201, entry for SPAN 485
Delete: On pg 200, under Major in Spanish, section IV:
IV. Special departmental requirementsCSPAN 485 (the Proseminar) constitutes the demonstration of oral competency and is the exit course for the major in Spanish.
Add: On pg 200, in place of deleted entry:
IV. Special department requirementsCOral competency: oral competency will be evaluated at the end of SPAN 300. Capstone project: competency in Spanish will be demonstrated by a capstone project consisting of research plus oral and written presentations on Spanish language, literature or civilization, to be carried out in one of the 400-level courses, as approved by the Department chair. Students must demonstrate satisfactory oral competency before undertaking the capstone project. Computer competency: students demonstrate computer competency through satisfactory completion of the capstone project.
This proposal reformulates departmental requirements and allows the Department to meet a SACS
requirement as outlined below. It will have no impact on resources.
This reformulation moves the oral competency requirement earlier in the course of study, which
should benefit students. The proseminar requirement is an essential component of the major in Spanish. For
the past few semesters we have increasingly individualized the capstone experience to better accommodate
and reflect student interests. We have contextualized the capstone project in the 400 level courses and have
seen through experience that this works better for all students involved, those completing the project and the
others enrolled in the course, who have an enriched experience. Allowing students to complete the
proseminar using any course at the 400 level provides more flexibility in the program. Finally, the criteria of
the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools require a demonstration of computer competency of every
degree candidate. The possession of computer skills is a necessary dimension of contemporary life. The
computer competencies assessed in the capstone course B research skills, word processing, and
presentation software B are arguably most relevant for a foreign language major.
Delete: On pg 200, under Major in Spanish, section I:
I. Required courses in the majorC27 hours in courses numbered 300 or above. Of these, three courses must be numbered 400 or above. Required: SPAN 310, 320, 440, 485.
Add: On pg 200, in place of deleted entry:
I. Required courses in the majorC27 hours including SPAN 300, 310, 320, 330, 332, 482; 3 additional hours at 300-400 level; 6 additional hours at the 400-level.
No impact on staffing, since the number of required hours remains the same.
In order to gradually develop student competencies in language, culture and literature in keeping
with national trends and standards, we add courses in literature and oral skills development to the existing
major requirements.
Delete: On pg 200, the final sentence of the entry under Spanish with Teacher Licensure.
Add: On pg 200, under Spanish with Teacher Licensure, at the end:
Students who intend to obtain teacher licensure in Spanish are also required to include SPAN 400 in their major/minor programs.
Maintains the same licensure requirements, with new course numbering. No impact on resources.
Licensure candidates have the same preparation as all majors, including work in literature and
culture as well as skills development. Additionally, prospective teachers are required to complete a course on
the historical development of the language as well as regional and social variation.
Delete: On pg 200, the entry under Minor in Spanish
Add: On pg 200, a new entry under Minor in Spanish
18 hours in courses numbered 300 or above. Required: SPAN 300, 310, 320; 330 or 332; 6 additional hours of electives, with at least 3 hours at the 400 level.
No impact on resources.
The new minor requirements include the study of language, literature and civilization at the 300
and 400 level, making for a more rigorous minor that is consonant with national standards.