University of North Carolina at Asheville
Minutes, May 9, 2002 - 3:15 pm meeting

Members: K. Bramlett, M. Burchard, F. Davenport, C. Ho, C. James, J. Kuhlman, B. Larson, H. Lee, C. Mitchell, S. Patch, J. Rackham, A. Weldon, G. Wilson.

Excused: ML Manns, P. Nickless.

Visitors: M. Alm, J. Bowen, S. Browning, B. Butler, E. Iovacchini, J. Konz, R. Sensabaugh, A. Shope.

I. Call to Order
Dr. Cathy Mitchell called the final meeting of the 2001-2002 Faculty Senate to order at 3:17 pm and welcomed senators and guests.

II. Announcements
Dr. Mitchell thanked members of the Senate for working so hard this year. A round of applause followed.

III. Administrative Report
The administrative report was canceled as Dr. Cochran was attending a Board of Governors' meeting in Chapel Hill.

IV. Executive Committee Report
There was no executive committee report.

V. Student Government Association (SGA) Report
SGA President Jenny Bowen thanked the Senate for its work this year.

Ms. Bowen invited the Faculty Senate to a luncheon on Friday with the SGA and Senators Charles Carter and Robert Carpenter.

VI. Academic Policies Committee Report
Dr. Jeff Rackham gave the Academic Policies Committee Report.
Second Reading
The following documents were considered for Second Reading:
APC 32: Addition of Legal Studies Minor.
APC 33: Change in Prerequisite Requirement for POLS 327 and 330.

APC 32 is similar to the proposal brought before the Senate last year but now has more structure, is more interdisciplinary, and has been broadened to allow more variety in the course offerings. The Senate accepted a friendly amendment to add "PHIL 214: Philosophy of Human Rights". APC 32 passed unanimously as amended and became Senate Document 3802S. Dr. Rackham thanked Dr. Mark Gibney for rewriting the document.

APC 33: Change in Prerequisite Requirement for POLS 327 and 330. APC 33 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 3902S.

VII. Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report
Dr. Bruce Larson gave the Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report.
Second Reading
The following document was considered for Second Reading:
IDC 5: Change in IEC Composition (Revision of SD4301S).

IDC 5 modifies the composition of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) and makes editorial changes. Dr. Larson explained that IEC is in its third year and continues to refine itself. In the process of IEC's deliberations this year, it came to the realization that the people who would be in the Chair's position might not have the background necessary to produce an institutional effectiveness plan. Rather than having the Chair of IEC be a member of the Senate who might not have those abilities, IEC deliberated at length and concluded that the Director of Institutional Research is the best person to serve as the Chair of IEC. The second section of IDC 5 addresses changes that are editorial in nature. IEC 5 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 4002S

Dr. Larson thanked the members of the Senate for the nice way they have treated the members of IDC this year. The Senate's approval of IDC's work is vital. He thanked members of IDC -- Heon Lee who has completed his second year on IDC, and Steve Patch who has completed his first year on IDC. Jim Kuhlman has completed his second year on IDC, has chaired the Institutional Effectiveness Committee, and has led the efforts to develop the indicators for the university. He did valuable work this year.

Update on recent activities
IDC has been involved in budget discussions, has provided three additional opportunities for campus input in relation to the indicators it developed, and also participated in the development of the strategic planning event that took place on April 26. There were about 55 participants at the strategic planning event; it was a valuable and enlightening experience for those in attendance.

At IDC's last meeting it discussed the report of the Visual and Performance Arts Assessment and Planning Committee and determined that additional attention needs to be given to the visual and performance arts at UNCA in the future.

VIII. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report
Dr. Gordon Wilson gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report.
Second Reading:
The following document was considered for Second Reading:
FWDC 5: Sense of the Senate Resolution:

• That the FWDC continue to give annual reports on faculty salary;

• That the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor for Administration and Finance, and VCAA in consultation with the Office of the President develop a plan to fund us fully as a Baccalaureate Liberal Arts Institution;

• That the VCAA be thanked for making equity adjustments to the salaries of Assistant Professors this year;

• That future local tuition increases include a portion for faculty salaries; and

• That efforts continue to be made to move those with administrative duties from faculty salary lines.

The Senate approved Dr. Burchard's friendly amendment to edit the second point as follows: "That the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor for Administration and Finance, and VCAA in consultation with the Office of the President develop a plan during the academic year 2002-2003 to fund us fully as a Baccalaureate Liberal Arts Institution;". FWDC 5 passed unanimously as amended and became Senate Document 4102S.

Election Report
Dr. Wilson distributed an Election Report prepared by Dr. Nickless. Voter turnout for the Committee of Tenured Faculty, Post Tenure Review Committee, and the Faculty Senate has rebounded to normal levels. The drop last year appears to have been primarily caused by the shift to the new electronic ballot system. Dr. Nickless did not find electronic balloting to be particularly time-saving for FWDC. Ballot preparation now involves four groups: FWDC, Academic Affairs, Institutional Research, and the Computer Center. The only significant time saving is in the counting of ballots. The viewing time for ballots does not serve much purpose and needs to be shortened.

Dr. Mitchell asked about the status of the committee reviewing the election system. Dr. Wilson replied that the committee brought a proposal to FWDC that entailed looking at Senate documents. It was not feasible for FWDC to undertake this task with only two meetings remaining. The information will be turned over to the 2002-03 FWDC for consideration.

Dr. Mitchell asked if the committee's proposal is consistent with Dr. Nickless' report. Dr. Wilson replied that it is in some instances but Dr. Nickless had other suggestions that FWDC needs to consider, such as perhaps broadening the composition of the Senate. There are currently three members on FWDC and the workload can be overwhelming. FWDC will pass this information along to the new FWDC Chair.

Election Results
Post Tenure Review Committee: New Members Elected for 2002-2004
2002-2004: Dan Millspaugh, Bill Miller (replaced Irene Rossell)

Faculty Grievance Committee:
2002-2004: Laura Facciponti, Gwen Ashburn, Jim Pitts

Academic Appeals Board:  
2002-2004: Brian Butler, Leah Mathews, (Alternate Lisa Friedenberg)

Nominees for Committee Assignments
The Faculty Senate approved the following slate of nominees for Standing Committees to be forwarded to the 2002-2003 Faculty Senate for consideration at the 4:15 pm organizational meeting today. 

Distinguished Scholars Committee
2002-2004: Peg Downs, Bill Haas

List for Alternate Faculty Conciliator (Senate sends to SGA)
4 Senate Alternate Faculty Conciliator nominees:
Karen Cole, Marcia Ghidina, Mike Gillum, Jim Pitts

University Research Council
2002-2004: Allan Combs, Duane Davis

University Teaching Council
2002-2004: Dan Millspaugh, Ann Weber

University Service Council
2002-2004: Merritt Moseley, Mark West

Graduate Council - MLA
2002-2004: Randy Booker, Sarah Judson

University Foundation Board
2002-2004: Pat Snoyer

University Relations Advisory
2002-2004: Wayne Kirby (Senate-elected representative to Foundation)
                 Helen Wykle

Intellectual Property Rights (SD3402S)
Faculty on this committee are to serve 3-year staggered terms. In its first year, members will determine who will serve the one-year, two-year, and three-year terms of 2002-2005.

Elizabeth Snyder-Hook
Mike Ruiz
Leah Matthews

Minority Affairs Commission
2002-2004: Kendra Johnson

Comments from Dr. Wilson
Dr. Wilson commented on his three years of service on the Senate. As Chair of FWDC, he appreciated the guidance of his colleagues on the Executive Committee and he appreciated the hard work of Cindy Ho and Pamela Nickless throughout this year. And in his capacity of secretary of the Senate, he thanked Sandra Gravely for her hard work in document preparation and keeping the minutes.

IX. Old Business
There was no Old Business.

X. New Business
On behalf of the Faculty Senate, Dr. Rackham thanked Dr. Mitchell and expressed its appreciation to her for the outstanding job she has done this year. A round of applause followed.

XI. Adjournment
Dr. Mitchell announced that the 2002-2003 Faculty Senate organization meeting would commence at 4:15 pm. She adjourned the meeting at 3:45 pm

Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely
                                     Gordon Wilson
                                     Mary Lynn Manns