University of North Carolina at Asheville
Minutes, April 11, 2002

Members: K. Bramlett, M. Burchard, F. Davenport, C. Ho, C. James, J. Kuhlman, B. Larson, H. Lee, M. L. Manns, P. Nickless, S. Patch, J. Rackham, A. Weldon, G. Wilson; T. Cochran.

Excused: C. Mitchell.

Visitors: S. Baxley, S. Browning, P. Brunner, B. Cain, L. Dohse, L. Friedenberg, A. Gravely, R. Sensabaugh, A. Shope.

I. Call to Order
Dr. Jeff Rackham called the meeting to order at 3:17 pm and welcomed senators and guests.

II. Announcements
Dr. Rackham announced that he was chairing the meeting in Dr. Mitchell's absence. Dr. Burchard will report for the Academic Policies Committee.

III. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of March 7, 2002 were approved as written.

IV. Administrative Report
Dr. Tom Cochran gave the Administrative Report.
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
Dr. Cochran reported on the recent exit interview with the SACS Visitation Team. UNCA received positive comments from members of the Visitation Team, and only received thirteen formal recommendations from the Compliance Team. SACS also honored UNCA with one Commendation. The Enhancement team gave a verbal report in the exit interview; Dr. Cochran hopes to have the written report for the upcoming Strategic Planning Retreat.

Admissions Update
There has been no substantial change in enrollment data since last month's report. Applications and acceptances have increased slightly over this time last year. In the larger context -- over a three or four year period -- applications have decreased slightly.

The data regarding minority enrollment and African American enrollment continue to be consistent with the last report. The administration has retained a consultant in an effort to increase recruitment for next fall. And, for the first time, some faculty have been actively involved in making telephone calls to prospective students.

Budget Cuts
The administration had to submit to the Governor's office, via the Office of the President, how UNCA would permanently reduce its budget by four percent -- which represents $1,000,000. Included in the cuts were $220,000 in faculty salary monies and $135,000 in operating dollars for the instructional program. The administration will meet with the Council of Chairs next Monday to discuss the impact this will have on next fall's schedule and how to communicate these issues. We have to maintain our current credit hours or we will lose more money. Some pundits worry that cuts could increase to six percent of the budget -- which would represent a $1,500,000 loss to UNCA.

Update on Building Projects
Dr. Shirley Browning distributed a status report on the construction/renovation projects on campus and noted that Mr. Steve Baxley, Director of Facilities Management, was available for questions. These projects will not be affected by recent budget reductions. A copy of the report will be placed on reserve in Ramsey Library.

V. Executive Committee Report
Dr. Jeff Rackham gave the Executive Committee Report.
Report from Task Force on Faculty Work Load
Dr. Lothar Dohse, chair of the Task Force on Faculty Work Load, thanked members Duane Davis, Lisa Friedenberg, Archer Gravely, Gregg Kormanik, Sheryl Sawin and Joe Sulock for their work on the Task Force. In December of 2001 the UNCA Faculty Senate appointed a Task Force to explore possibilities to reduce the faculty workload to a 9 hour per semester teaching load.

He noted that the Task Force does not have a good solution. Dr. Cochran just reported on budget cuts of $1,000,000 to $1,500,000. Dr. Dohse estimated it would require $1,500,000 to hire the faculty necessary to lower the teaching load in each of the two models developed by the Task Force.

Present Situation
According to the report, "UNCA Department Profile 2000 - 2001" published by the Office of Institutional Research, UNCA has 180 (170 FTE or fulltime equivalent) faculty that teach 80% of the courses on campus. In addition, the school employs 120 (43 FTE) adjunct instructors who teach the remaining 20% of the courses. The average teaching load of a faculty member at UNCA is 19.4 contact hours per year, and the average class size is 18.3. Although averages do not reflect the workload of individual faculty, these numbers were used to estimate the amount of resources needed to achieve the goal of an 18 hour teaching load.

Basic Assumptions
The group initially decided on the following two operating assumptions:
1) UNCA faculty is not overstaffed and all reassigned time is granted to offset a member's additional responsibilities. If a workload reduction takes place it should affect all faculty including those whose present workload includes reassigned time.

2) Any plan that is adopted should be implemented across the board with appropriate compensation to those faculty members who will still be teaching above the 3 course per semester load. A phase-in of a reduced teaching load using select groups would raise equity issues and should not be done.

Two models were developed which may be used to reduce the teaching load. The approach of the first model is to reorganize and economize resources. This restructuring includes limiting teaching positions to instructional assignments, and moving all non-instructional staff to another funding source. Additional policies are suggested which reduce low enrollment courses and encourage greater teaching efficiencies. The approach of the second model is to restructure the curriculum so that a standard course is 4 hours long.

Model I: Reorganize and Economize.
Our first task was to determine the scope of our project. Using the assumption that UNCA is not overstaffed, and without changing the reassigned time policy, we determined that 27-28 additional full time faculty were needed to make an 18-hour per year teaching load feasible. To estimate this number two approaches were used. The first was to assign a course reduction to each faculty FTE. This yielded approximately 28 new positions. The second method was to determine the total number of hours presently taught above an 18-hour load by UNCA faculty. This method yielded similar results -- 27 new faculty positions. Since the required funding for 27 new positions exceeds $1,400,000 and the present financial outlook does not include new monies, strategies to economize 27-28 positions are suggested.

Strategies for Achieving our Goal
1. Reducing present allocations of reassigned time for administrative purposes.
Approximately one third (more than 250 credit hours) of UNCA's faculty reassigned time is used for administrative purposes. A review of the use of reassigned time for program directors should be implemented. Presently a policy is in place for granting reassigned time for department chairs by considering size of the department, yet reassigned time for program directors are negotiated on an individual basis. A policy for reassigned time for program directors, coupled with an option that offers a stipend in lieu of reassigned time should offer some savings. (Estimated savings 1-2 positions)

Several administrators are presently being paid from 101 funds (instructional funds). These individuals frequently have a part-time or no teaching assignment. 101 funding should only be used to cover the teaching portion of their assignment. Other sources of funding should be used for the administrative portion of their job. (Estimated savings 3 positions)

Similarly, other groups presently being paid (in part or in whole) out of the 101 budget; directors of centers (Key Center, and Center for Teaching and Learning) and any individuals not directly involved with instruction should be funded from other sources. (Estimated savings 7 positions)

The main problem with these suggestions is that the individuals affected by these changes are performing services to the university and need to be paid. Alternate funding sources may not be available.

2. Discouraging low enrollment courses
Every effort should be made to encourage curriculum efficiency so courses below a certain enrollment do not need to be taught. Especially within larger departments, low enrollment multi-section courses should consolidate. (Reduction needed to achieve an 18-hour teaching load per faculty is 90 courses, or 6% of our present course offerings.)

A possible mechanism to encourage efficiency is to reduce instructional credit for a low enrollment course. (Example for a three-hour course: 6 students - 3 hours credit; 4 students - 2 hours credit; 2 students - 1 hour credit).

A major problem with this suggestion is that smaller departments would be adversely affected. If this policy were implemented, small programs with few majors would need some sort of protection or exemption.

Model II: Curriculum Restructure
Streamlining what we teach can reduce the faculty workload without reducing instructional time. If most courses carried four-hour credits, then a 3 course per semester teaching assignment would be feasible without the need to hire more faculty. Presently the Humanities, low level mathematics courses, and several other courses in various departments -- over 220 sections per year -- carry four credits. This compares to the 1400 sections that are taught at UNCA each year.

The logistics of implementing this model will be difficult, and will require the rethinking of the general education curriculum, as well as the individual major programs. However, the general education program is in the process of being reviewed and reforms could be implemented. A second concern that needs to be addressed, if this option is pursued, is the workloads that may actually increase for some departments. Teaching three 4-hour courses may be more efficient than teaching four 3-hour courses, but the new schedule with longer class periods will be more work than teaching three 3-hour courses.

Final Comment from the Committee's Chair
The purpose of this Task Force was to address faculty concerns over the increasing workload. Many colleagues feel overworked and frustrated at the lack of recognition / rewards for their efforts. Given that it is unlikely that additional resources will be available, efforts should be made to increase work efficiency. The work component that should be addressed first is the campus service workload.

A question arose concerning the average class size in the report compared to the figures in Dr. Mitchell's earlier report -- 18.3 versus 14.950. Dr. Wilson asked if our average class size had increased.

Dr. Gravely explained that Dr. Mitchell used all instructional activities including independent studies. Class size is normally based on lecture-type classes. Dr. Dohse added that faculty who teach independent studies receive a .25 credit hour equivalent per student credit hour for independent studies -- not three hours. Adding them in would distort the picture. Class size is what we teach and what we get credit for.

A question arose concerning the number of positions that could be gained if some administrative duties funded from 101 funds were moved out. The report listed 10 positions and Dr. Mitchell's earlier report listed 20 administrative and coaching positions. Dr. Dohse stated that he included people doing non-instructional work and tallied the hours they taught. Also, certain groups, such as the library, were not included. Mr. Kuhlman noted that the vast majority of librarian positions come from the 151 budget -- 10% or less of their salaries come from 101.

Dr. Nickless asked Dr. Dohse how he calculated the percentage. Dr. Dohse replied that he calculated it on the percentage of the teaching load and he used Dr. Mitchell's model. Dr. Friedenberg noted that there were people in Dr. Mitchell's report whose positions should be funded out of 101 because they were in temporary administrative positions. For example, the self-study editor was listed in Dr. Mitchell's report and was generated in her number of 20 positions. This is a full-time faculty member who will once again be a full-time faculty member. There were several of those that were pulled out because those people -- at the point she wrote her report -- were not full-time faculty, but as of today they are full-time faculty.

Dr. Nickless asked if any people were shifted to administrative salaries. Dr. Friedenberg replied that three positions have been moved -- the Director of the Writing Center, Pat Snoyer, and Peter Kendrick. Those three positions and the temporaries were removed from the list.

Dr. James asked if laboratories were counted in the workload. Dr. Dohse stated that laboratories receive a certain amount of contact hours, but they are not complete courses. Independent study and internships are not included.

Dr. James asked how low enrollment courses would be handled. Dr. Dohse noted that departments that have small courses have to be addressed in any policy. Dr. Friedenberg added that multi-section low enrollment courses are very prevalent. The Task Force found a number of cases where departments had multiple sections of courses with fewer than 6 students in a given semester.

Dr. James recommended the document be accepted and passed to the FWDC. Dr. Nickless seconded the motion. Dr. Nickless stated that FWDC had addressed the campus service workload recommended in the Task Force report. FWDC found two committees that could be eliminated but discovered they were both required by the federal government. The motion passed unanimously. Dr. Rackham thanked Dr. Dohse and other members of the Task Force for their work.

Second Reading:
The following documents were considered for Second Reading:
EC 2: Revision of UNCA Tenure Policies and Regulations.

This document was discussed in detail at the last Senate meeting. EC 2 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 3502S.

EC 3: Tenure Task Force Revisions to Faculty Handbook
Dr. Patch explained that UNCA's Management Flexibility Plan requires that we have a mechanism in place to regularly review tenure policies. He distributed an amendment to EC 3 which would require that a task force be formed every five years to review current reappointment, tenure and promotion policies and to revise them if necessary.

Dr. Nickless noted that in EC 3 the task force would "consist of four individuals, one from each division and an additional current member of the Tenure Committee." She suggested that all four members should have served on the Tenure Committee. Dr. Patch did not believe this should be a requirement. Dr. Friedenberg noted that the Faculty Senate will appoint the task force. Sometimes it is valuable to have input from faculty who are more junior and this verbiage provides flexibility and does not prevent the Senate from putting only tenured faculty members on the task force. Mr. Kuhlman noted for clarification that Dr. Nickless was advocating that the task force members should have served on the Tenure Committee -- not that they be tenured.

Some concern was expressed over reviewing the policy every five years. The Senate accepted as a friendly amendment Dr. Larson's suggestion to review the policy every seven years.

Dr. Wilson asked when the changes would be in effect. Dr. Patch replied that, according to the document, persons hired before these changes become effective would follow previous procedures. However, there is nothing to prevent someone from applying for early promotion. New hires would adhere to these changes. The amendment passed unanimously and the Senate then considered EC 3 as amended. EC 3 passed unanimously as amended and became Senate Document 3602S. The Senate thanked members of the Task Force for their work.

VI. Student Government Association (SGA) Report
Mr. Brian Cain, the newly elected SGA Vice-President, introduced himself and reported that he will officially assume his new duties on April 15. Jennifer Bowen is the newly elected SGA President. He encouraged faculty to visit the SGA office to discuss issues of mutual concern.

VII. Academic Policies Committee Report
Dr. Melissa Burchard gave the Academic Policies Committee Report.
First Reading
The following documents were distributed for First Reading:
APC 32: Addition of Legal Studies Minor.
APC 33: Change in Prerequisite Requirement for POLS 327 and 330.
APC 34: Proposed Change to the Academic Calendar.

Dr. Wilson noted that PHIL 214 was inadvertently omitted in APC 32. Dr. Burchard will look into this before the next meeting.

Dr. Burchard reported that APC 34 presents a "Sense of the APC" for the Senate's consideration. Dr. Rackham explained that APC 34 is scheduled to be considered for second reading in May. However, Dr. Cochran and Dr. Weast informed him that the time frame for making this change effective by Fall 2003 is rapidly approaching. The Registrar's office and Enrollment Services need to know what calendar they will be operating under and have asked the Senate to consider waiving the Comer Rule to discuss and vote on the document today. Dr. Nickless moved that the Senate waive the Comer Rule to consider APC 34. Mr. Kuhlman seconded the motion. Dr. Nickless stated that the Senate has discussed the academic calendar previously and it has been widely discussed on campus. The motion to waive the Comer Rule passed unanimously.

Ms. Gravely announced the faculty responses to changes in the academic calendar:
- 19 faculty members preferred to keep the current exam schedule (Option A.)

- 57 faculty members preferred to have 14 weeks of classes plus a mandatory finals week (Option B.)

- 16 faculty members preferred to have 15 weeks of classes with no designated finals week and no specially designated times for final exams (Option C.)

- 3 faculty members preferred holding a faculty forum to discuss the options.

- SGA returned two responses -- one for Option A and one for Option C.

Dr. Burchard reported that APC discussed the responses and decided it was reasonable to make a recommendation to the Senate, given the clear majority for a particular option. Dr. Patch and Dr. James expressed concern over the possibility of partial weeks in the spring due to inclement weather and suggested adding snow days. Dr. Nickless replied that the VCAA is supposed to consult with the Faculty Senate about the calendar and this could be discussed if Dr. Weast wanted to add a couple of days. APC 34 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 3702S.

VIII. Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report
Dr. Bruce Larson gave the Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report.
Update on UPC Activities
UPC has been working with University administrators in preparation for the April 26 Strategic Planning event to be held at the Arboretum. Participants will be asked to suggest strategies to support attainment of UNCA's seven institutional goals while expressing preferences for the prioritization of those goals. The Chancellor will make the final decisions on goal prioritization.

During the past year UPC has successfully advanced the ethic of "continuous improvement" within the University and will continue in this effort next year.

At its last meeting, UPC began its annual assessment of its function during the year. UPC changed its composition last year so it could have all the vice chancellors at every meeting, thus bringing together the people who are developing planning activities with those who are in a general position to expend budgets and to allocate budgets.

Dr. Larson sent a letter to Chancellor Mullen recommending that UNCA's planning cycle be replaced with a single biennial report. Chancellor Mullen supported the change. Mr. Kuhlman, as Chair of IEC, has distributed materials in relation to the new cycle.

Mr. Bramlett asked to what degree the Enhancement Report would be a part of the planning retreat. Dr. Larson replied that UPC is hoping that the Enhancement Report from the SACS consulting team will provide a foundation for discussion. Every effort is being made to receive the final document from SACS prior to the retreat. If the report is not available, Dr. Larson will create a set of comments from the consulting team's activities to use at the planning session.

Dr. Burchard asked who would be attending the strategic planning retreat. Dr. Larson replied all members of the UPC, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, many of the people who meet with the Chancellor's Cabinet, the Enhancement Chairs, some students, some members of the Board of Trustees, and some members of the community -- about 50 people. Judy Futch from Mars Hill College will facilitate the meeting.

First Reading
The following document was distributed for First Reading:
IDC 5: Change in IEC Composition (Revision of SD4301S).

Mr. Kuhlman explained that in spring of 2001, IDC recommended and the Senate approved changes in the structure of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) to reduce IEC's size and to clarify the advisory nature of the Committee's work. Within the revised structure, the member appointed to IEC from the Senate's Institutional Development Committee was designated chair. Upon reflection it is apparent that assigning the duties of chair to this position creates the possibility, if not the probability, that the chair of IEC would: 1) be someone who has never prepared an effectiveness report and has no working knowledge of UNCA's institutional effectiveness program; and 2) would change frequently, even annually. Given the complex and technical nature of the institutional effectiveness process this could spell eventual disaster for the program. Accordingly, upon the recommendation of IEC the Institutional Development Committee proposed that the Director of Institutional Research be designed as chair of IEC. Other changes in the document are editorial in nature.

IX. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report
Dr. Gordon Wilson gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report.
Nominees for Committee Assignments
FWDC proposed the following nominees for Standing Committees which require approval of the 2002-03 Faculty Senate:

Distinguished Scholars Committee
Peg Downs, Bill Haas

List for Alternate Faculty Conciliator
SGA chooses the Alternate at end of each academic year from a list of Tenured faculty nominated by the Faculty Senate. After one year the Alternate becomes the Conciliator. Keith Ray is the 2002-03 Faculty Conciliator.

4 Senate Alternate Faculty Conciliator nominees
Karen Cole, Marcia Ghidina, Mike Gillum, Jim Pitts

University Research Council
Allan Combs, Duane Davis

University Teaching Council
Dan Millspaugh, Ann Weber

University Service Council
Merritt Moseley, Mark West

Graduate Council - MLA
Randy Booker, Sarah Judson

University Foundation Board
Pat Snoyer

University Relations Advisory
Wayne Kirby (Senate-elected representative to Foundation)
Helen Wykle

Intellectual Property Rights
Faculty on this committee are to serve 3-year staggered terms. In its first year, the members will determine who will serve the one-year, two-year, and three-year terms. (Senate elects 3 for 2002-2005)
        Elizabeth Snyder-Hook, Mike Ruiz, Leah Matthews

Minority Affairs Commission
Kendra Johnson

Academic Appeals Board
The Senate approved the following slate for the faculty-wide election of two members and one alternate for the 2002-2004 term. This election will take place next week.

Chuck Bennett 
Dean Brock
Brian Butler 
Lisa Friedenberg
Leah Mathews 
Jim Petranka
Mark West

Replacing Dr. Rossell on Post Tenure Review
Dr. Nickless reported that Dr. Irene Rossell was elected to the Post Tenure Review Committee (PTRC) and to the Faculty Senate. She consulted with FWDC about seeking permission to be replaced on the PTRC. Although there is no mechanism in place for doing this, FWDC considers this to be a reasonable request. Both Dr. Wilson and Dr. Nickless have served on the Tenure Committee and the Faculty Senate simultaneously and they consider it to be too heavy a service load. There is precedent to do this on the Tenure Committee -- a faculty member resigned from the Tenure Committee to serve on a vice chancellor search committee. However there is no precedent to do this on the PTRC. FWDC is inclined to allow Dr. Rossell to be replaced by whoever is second on the election ballot. Dr. Cochran noted that the practice has been that if someone cannot serve for whatever reason, we go back to the original ballot and take the next highest vote-getter in the appropriate division. The Senate concurred with FWDC's request to replace Dr. Rossell on PTRC.

Election Results
- Committee of Tenured Faculty: New Members Elected for 2002-2004
Social Science: Melissa Himelein
Humanities: Pat Snoyer
Natural Science: David Peifer

- Post Tenure Review Committee: New Members Elected for 2002-2004
Dan Millspaugh, and Irene Rossell's replacement to be announced.

- Faculty Senate: New Members Elected for 2002-2005
Social Sciences: Jeff Konz
Humanities: Dee James
Natural Sciences: Barbara Reynolds
At Large: Randy Booker
At Large: Irene Rossell
2002-2003 Alternates: John Wood, Mary Alm, Bill Miller

- Hearings Committee: New Members Elected for 2002-2004
Social Sciences: Bruce Larson
Humanities: Gordon Wilson
Natural Sciences: Keith Krumpe

- Faculty Grievance Committee: This voting is in progress.

- Academic Appeals Board: This voting will occur next week.

Faculty Salary Report
Dr. Wilson distributed the April 2002 Report on Faculty Salaries at UNCA. The complete report is available at: He noted that many of the surveys are taken every two years, so the data is unchanged since last year's report. However the data is relevant as our students consistently rate UNCA faculty at or near the top on critical measures of teaching effectiveness and quality of instruction compared to other schools in the UNC system. We continue to attract students with very high SAT scores and our average SAT rank was third in the UNC system.

Faculty salaries are revealing. Last year the Senate made a recommendation that the Assistant Professors be given equity adjustments and Dr. Cochran made these adjustments which are reflected in the report. In comparison to our designated peers, UNCA ranks consistently near the bottom on average salary for all faculty ranks. Within the sixteen campus UNC system, UNCA's Assistant and Associate Professor salaries are at or near the bottom. Full professor salaries are below average. Yet our cost of living compared to other schools within the peer group is relatively high. Census data show that the cost of living in Asheville is higher than many metropolitan areas with public universities. General Administration's budgeted average salary per faculty FTE is in the bottom tier.

Dr. Wilson noted that faculty received more than one percent increase only at those schools which had a local tuition increase. For example, Chapel Hill had a 5% increase but they had a local tuition increase and some of those monies were earmarked for faculty salaries. UNCA, remember, did not do that and consequently faculty salaries were at a one percent increase that the State allocated.

FWDC proposed the following Sense of the Senate which will be considered for Second Reading at the May meeting:

• That the FWDC continue to give annual reports on faculty salary;

• That the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor for Administration and Finance, and VCAA in consultation with the Office of the President develop a plan to fund us fully as a Baccalaureate Liberal Arts Institution;

• That the VCAA be thanked for making equity adjustments to the salaries of Assistant Professors this year;

• That future local tuition increases include a portion for faculty salaries; and

• That efforts continue to be made to move those with administrative duties from faculty salary lines.

Dr. Patch asked how the money was allocated from the State to the individual schools. Dr. Cochran stated that the system established three salary tiers over twenty years ago and the ranges cannot be exceeded without permission from the Office of the President. The doctoral/research institutions are allowed a higher salary range; followed by the Master's/Comprehensive I institutions; then the Baccalaureate institutions in the lowest range. Dr. Cochran noted that the entire budget is based on average faculty salary, so it becomes the multiplier for other categories. Our challenge is to make a case to the President and to the General Assembly that our institution should be funded minimally at the master's level because of our special purpose and our focus on teaching. This will be part of the management flexibility package -- to show what it would take to be competitive.

Dr. Nickless expressed thanks to Becky Elkin in Institutional Research for the untold hours of work she devoted to compiling data for the salary report.

X. Old Business
There was no Old Business.

XI. New Business
The Senate discussed ways to recognize their colleagues for the considerable time and effort they put into the SACS self-study and the recent VCAA search.

XII. Adjournment
Dr. Rackham adjourned the meeting at 4:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely
                                     Gordon Wilson
                                        Mary Lynn Manns