Senate Document Number 0801F
Date of Senate Approval 12/06/01
EC 1: Resolution to authorize a Task Force on Faculty Work Load
On November 8, 2001, the Faculty Senate approved a motion:
"That the Senate appoint a Task Force to investigate the possibilities of developing a 9-9 load at UNCA."
The Task Force is charged to:
1. Develop a small number of possible scenarios which would enable UNCA to move systematically to a teaching load of approximately nine hours per semester.
2. Examine the challenges and opportunities associated with the implementation of each scenario.
3. Develop a final report and present it to the Faculty Senate at its meeting on Thursday, April 11th.
The Task Force consists of the following individuals:
Lothar Dohse Mathematics
Natural Science
Gregg Kormanik Biology
Social Sciences
Lisa Friedenberg Psychology
Joe Sulock Economics
Sheryl Sawin Literature
Duane Davis Philosophy
Archer Gravely - ex officio