University of North Carolina at Asheville
Minutes, March 1, 2001

Members: M. Burchard, P. Caulfield, F. Davenport, R. Dunning, C. James, K. Krumpe, J. Kuhlman, B. Larson, H. Lee, P. McClellan, C. Mitchell, P. Nickless, J. Rackham, G. Wilson.

Excused: T. Cochran, D. Van Engelen.

Visitors: R. Sensabaugh, A. Shope.

I. Call to Order
Dr. Caulfield called the meeting to order at 3:16 pm and welcomed visitors and senators.

The administrative report was postponed until April because Dr. Cochran was attending a funeral. Dr. Van Engelen and Dr. Mitchell were attending the NCUR 2001 Symposium. Dr. Mitchell joined the Senate later in the meeting.

II. Announcements
There were no Announcements.

III. Administrative Report
There was no Administrative report.

IV. Executive Committee Report
Dr. Caulfield gave the Executive Committee Report.
VCAA Search Open Discussion
Dr. Caulfield reported that the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate called an open meeting last Tuesday and invited faculty to express their views on whether the university should proceed with plans to search for the position of Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. The Senate will consider this under New Business.

V. Student Government Association Report
There was no Student Government Association Report.

VI. Academic Policies Committee Report
Dr. Keith Krumpe gave the Academic Policies Committee Report.
Second Reading:
The following documents were considered for Second Reading:
Dr. Krumpe moved approval of APC 22 and APC 23.

APC 22: Changes in Teacher Licensure in Sciences.
APC 22 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 2801S.

APC 23: Addition of ENVR 346, Plant Ecology, Changes in course description for 385, changes to concentrations in Ecology and Environmental Biology and Pollution Control.
APC 23 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 2901S.

APC 20: Changes in University Honors Program.
This document increases the number of hours required to graduate with Distinction as a University Scholar, increases the minimum GPA to stay in the honors program, and increases the minimum GPA to graduate with Distinction as a University Scholar. The net effect will be a decrease in the number of participants in the Honors Program because of the higher GPA and the number of courses involved.

The Senate discussed how the increased hours would be detrimental to students in the natural sciences and arts disciplines where honor courses are offered infrequently. Senators were optimistic that the general education review will address this issue next year. The proposed changes will raise the prestige of the program nationally and impacts only new students. An editorial change was made to the document. APC 20 passed as amended with a vote of 11 to 0 with one abstention and became Senate Document 3001S.

APC 24: Changes in Pre-law catalog listing.
This document proposes new language which reflects the growth and development of the University and its programs over the last two decades. The new language de-emphasizes the importance of any particular major to admission to law school and more accurately represents the changing nature of the profession itself. Editorial changes were made to the document. APC 24 passed unanimously as amended and became Senate Document 3101S.

VI. Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report
Dr. Bruce Larson gave the Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report.
Second Reading:
The following document was considered for Second Reading:
IDC 2: Guiding Concepts.

Dr. Larson reported that the Guiding Concepts were last revised in 1996. The revisions are a result of broad input from the campus and numerous discussions at UPC since last fall. The revision is more inclusive of all members of the UNCA community and gives a concise statement to guide the planning activities -- and ultimately the development activities -- of the university.

During discussion Dr. Larson pointed out wording in IDC 2 that was taken from UNCA's humanities program web page, the Catalog, and mission statement. The Senate discussed the mission of a liberal arts education, the Carnegie Classifications, and who would principally use the document. Several editorial changes were made to the document. IDC 2 passed unanimously as amended and became Senate Document 3201S.

Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC)
Ms. McClellan reported that IEC has produced templates and forms to aid departments in writing reports. An extensive help manual is available on-line. She asked if these documents, which are administrative in nature, needed Senate approval. Senators indicated they did not need to formally approve administrative type reports.

IEC is considering a slight reorganization of the committee. If a change is recommended, it will come before the Senate for consideration.

Public Partnerships Mission Statement
At the last UPC meeting Dr. Pitts presented a mission statement for Public Partnerships. UPC will discuss the statement at the March 15 meeting.

Policy for replacing Computers
UPC is considering a computer re-fresh strategy policy for the university. Funding is available to replace laboratory computers for students on a 3-year cycle and to replace staff/faculty computers on a 4-year cycle.

VII. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report
Dr. Gordon Wilson gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report.
Report on Election to Faculty Committee on Hearings and the Faculty Senate
Dr. Wilson distributed handouts concerning recent faculty elections. The data indicates that for the recent election to the Faculty Senate only 42% of eligible faculty voted. In the five previous years about 63%-72% of faculty voted. The Senate discussed possible reasons for the low voter turnout. FWDC is gathering data from other UNC institutions to learn how they conduct their elections. Dr. Wilson will email faculty, asking why they did not vote and for suggestions for improving faculty participation.

Senate Nominees to UNCA Representative to UNC System Faculty Assembly
The Senate approved FWDC's recommendation for nominees to the faculty-wide election of the UNCA Representative to UNC System Faculty Assembly ballot:

Peg Downes
Don Lisnerski
Pat McClellan
Gary Nallan

Senate Nominees to Academic Appeals ballot
The Senate approved FWDC's recommendation for nominees to the faculty-wide election of the Academic Appeals ballot:

Brian Butler
Lothar Dohse
Laura Facciponti
Leah Greden Mathews
Linda Nelms
Barbara Reynolds
Ann Weber

VIII. Old Business
There was no Old Business.

IX. New Business
Faculty Assembly Report
Dr. Caulfield reported that our representatives to the UNC Faculty Assembly have expressed concerns about significant changes being proposed for our state health plan at the faculty assembly meeting. President Broad wanted a unanimous declaration from all the campuses that the proposal is unacceptable. Dr. Caulfield distributed the resolution prepared by Don Lisnerski and Duane Davis.

Dr. Rackham moved to waive the Comer rule. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kuhlman and passed unanimously. Dr. Wilson moved approval of EC 2. Dr. Davenport seconded the motion. Editorial changes were made to the resolution. EC 2 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 3301S. The resolution follows:

EC 2: Resolution to Retain or Improve Existing Health Care Benefits for UNCA Faculty and Staff
Whereas the premium for the State Health Plan is proposed to increase 22% for each employee;

Whereas the deductible and maximum out-of-pocket expenses are proposed to double;

Whereas the amount paid to providers is proposed to be decreased by 20%, most probably resulting in additional employee out-of-pocket expenses;

Whereas an employee earning about $40,000 with a family may be required to pay approximately 20% of his or her income for this "benefit";

Whereas eroding benefits make it exceedingly difficult to retain and recruit high quality faculty and staff;

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Faculty Senate of the University of North Carolina Asheville publicly states their strongest support for the continuous efforts of President Broad to work with the North Carolina Legislature to help maintain and improve the existing benefits for the faculty of the University of North Carolina.

Search for permanent VCAA
Dr. Caulfield reported approximately 12 faculty attended the meeting and various points of view were expressed. Some faculty initially preferred postponing the search until after SACS was completed because of the significant drain on faculty time. Sherry Gale and Michael Gillum from SACS explained that the majority of the work for SACS would be completed in May. The first complete draft will be ready for campus input in mid-August. One exception is that the General Education Review Task Force work will be on-going beyond SACS. The consensus was that there was no overwhelming reason to wait until after SACS was completed to go forward with the search.

The Executive Committee met with Chancellor Mullen yesterday. Gretchen Bataille and President Broad supported the campus going forward with the search and suggested a broader search committee than the Senate originally suggested. Chancellor Mullen asked for faculty discussion concerning whether the campus should go forward with the search or delay it for another year. The Chancellor recognized the importance of the position of VCAA and would want the search committee to give him three finalists from which he would choose the VCAA. The senate agreed that faculty who are heavily involved in the SACS review should not be asked to assume responsibilities for the search.

Mr. Kuhlman was bothered by the campus process for funding the position. UNCA has received no new money for a new vice chancellor position and the cost will come from resources already on campus or from funds from enrollment increases. We quibble over small details while big decisions are made without discussion or consultation, or asking where the more than $100K is coming from. Dr. Caulfield replied that the Executive Committee did not discuss this issue with the chancellor. He assumed Chancellor Mullen discussed how the position will be funded with President Broad and Gretchen Bataille. Dr. Mitchell asked UPC to inquire into the issue of administrative positions being funded from faculty budget lines. It is a larger issue than the vice chancellor position and it is why we have so many adjuncts teaching classes. Dr. Caulfield noted that if we receive $750K in equity funding, the Chancellor's Cabinet intends to use a significant portion to pay for administrators who are now being paid out of faculty budget lines.

Dr. Rackham moved a Sense of the Senate Resolution that "The search for the position of Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs should go forward as soon as is practical." Dr. Burchard seconded the motion. The Sense of the Senate Resolution passed unanimously and became Senate Document 3401S.

Dr. Caulfield will email faculty and invite them to submit names of faculty they would like to see serve on the search committee by April 12. The Senate will choose seven faculty members for the search committee at the April 12 meeting.

The search committee of 15 members, plus one ex-officio member will be made up of:
7 faculty members (not including the chair of the Faculty Senate) chosen by the Faculty Senate.
3 faculty members (including the 2001-2002 chair of the Faculty Senate Chair) appointed by the Chancellor in consultation with the current Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate.
3 administrators chosen by the Chancellor, only one of whom will be at the Vice Chancellor level.
1 trustee chosen by the Chair of the Board of Trustees.
1 student (the President of SGA).
The Director of Human Resources, ex-officio.

The chair of the search committee will be chosen by the Chancellor, in consultation with the current Executive Committee of the Senate, from the nine faculty members, excluding the 2001-2002 Chair of the Faculty Senate. The Chair of the Faculty Senate, once elected, will serve on the search committee, but will not chair the search committee.

X. Adjournment
Dr. Caulfield adjourned the meeting at 5:23 pm.

Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely
                                             Gordon Wilson