University of North Carolina at Asheville


Minutes, September 8, 2011



Members:     R. Berls, R. Bowen, M. Burchard, G. Ettari, V. Frank, E. Gant, B. Hook, G. Kormanik, T. Meigs,

                        K. Moorhead, G. Nallan, K. Reynolds, R. Roig, N. Ruppert, B. Schaffer, S. Subramaniam;

                        J. Fernandes.


Excused:        G. Boudreaux, S. Mills. 


Visitors:          G. Ashburn, R. Binderwald, S. Capone, L. Friedenberg, A. Gravely, B. Judge, L. Langrall, E. Katz,

                        J. Konz, K. Krumpe, A. Lanou, B. Larson, P. McClellan, P. Mitchell, R. Pente, R. Ridenour, A. Shope.



I.         Call to Order and Announcements

            Dr. Volker Frank called the meeting to order at 3:16 pm and welcomed senators and guests.


II.        Approval of minutes:

            The minutes of April 7, 2011, April 28, 2011 (3:15pm), and April 28, 2011 (4:30pm) were approved with two editorial corrections. 


III.       Executive Committee Report

            Dr. Frank reported for the Executive Committee.

            Standing Rules and Rules of Order

            The Standing Rules and Rules of Order remained the same as in 2010-11.  The Standing Rules and Rules of Order passed without dissent and became SD0211F.

            Major challenges of 2011/2012 academic year (not in order of priority) include:

1) Look into the large number of faculty committees.  A good number of committees have not submitted annual reports, which brings up the question if they had any significant work during AY 2010-11. They may very well have had a lot of work, but we need to look into this.  Reports are windows into faculty activity and if there is important material, we need to look at that.  In some cases we may have to clarify domains, combine committees, and perhaps even clarify the Faculty Handbook. The large number of committees also speaks to faculty work load issues.


2) Senate will also look at the review of tenure and promotions report.  FWDC will look at that very carefully.  This report reflects sentiments and experiences of our faculty.  We need to find ways and means to integrate the findings of this report into our understanding of the work we do here, the kind of faculty we wish to attract, promote, and develop. How we understand our work here also affects the kind of student we (want to) produce.


3) Curriculum Review Task Force. This is ongoing work and a lot has been done since we started.  Any faculty interested in finding out where we are can contact Jane Fernandes or myself, as well as our point persons (Konz, McClellan, Dunsmore, Gibney, Bahls).


1-3 above constitute important business of Senate, and the outcome of this work will have relevant consequences for all faculty.  1-3 also constitute an important example of shared governance.


4) Senate needs to continue its support of our attempts to diversify our University.  For that purpose, we will continue to work with the Diversity Action Council (DAC).  They will come to Senate this year and we will visit them.


5) Senate needs to take a look at partner benefits, including tuition support.  It is a part of faculty welfare and we need to keep working on these issues.  This is not a UNCA issue alone, but a system wide issue.  Senate could work with DAC and other campus groups on this.


6)  Faculty also needs to take a closer look at faculty-staff relations.  Even though our Senate constitution mentions (article II, section 1, line q) “maintain and promote the welfare of all members of the University community”, the nature of this relationship is unclear, and too often, there is “fluff”. For example, this past year, when some staff lost their work, faculty reacted in protest.  This is a sign of solidarity and does indeed address the above cited line.  However, when staff invite faculty to come and hear their concern, or when staff and faculty representatives organize information meetings about staff issues, few if any faculty show interest.  Among other questions, we need to ask:  where can this relationship go?  What are limits - legal, practical, etc – to this relationship?  For example, are there opportunities to do work together (internships, undergraduate research)?


7) Similar to our need to get a clearer understanding of our relationship with staff, we need to work closer with the UNC Faculty Assembly.  Incoming president Ross as well as incoming VP for Academic Affairs Ortega have sent signals that they are interested in exploring the relationship (and improving communication) with GA.  For that to happen, communication between our campuses must improve, and here our faculty representatives to the Assembly play an important role.  Strengthening the Assembly has a lot of potential, including point 5) benefits for UNC employees.


8) We must make sure that we get SACS approval.  Senate will continue to support our colleagues who work on this.


9) We look forward to working with our colleagues in administration on these and other issues.


            Faculty Senate Representative on SGA

            Dr. Subramaniam agreed to serve as the Faculty Senate representative on SGA.  SGA meets on Wednesday’s at 9:00pm.  Mr. Berls and Dr. Frank will attend in Dr. Subramaniam’s absence.


IV.       Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report

            Mr. Rob Bowen reported for the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee.

            FWDC has met twice and has several items on its agenda:  review committee annual reports, membership, and restructure some committees.  FWDC will review the on-line evaluations, benefits and tuition, and updating the Faculty Handbook.   The administration and the Faculty Senate will discuss the Tenure and Review report. 


            Committee assignments (follow-up from 04/28/11)

The Senate approved the following committee assignments: 


                Minority Affairs Commission (SD4606S) (SD5000S)


                                2010-13:               Katherine Min      (replaces Phillip Delacruz)


University Research Council (URC) (SD1209S; SD7808S)

2010-12:               Jeanne McGlinn   (replaces Jeff Foreman)       EDUC

University Teaching Council (UTC)

                                2011-12:               Robert Bowen      FWDC Representative

ILS Intensive Subcommittees (SD6309S; SD8307S, SD0105F; SD0304F; SD0703F)

ILS Writing Intensive
2011-15:               David Hopes          (replaces Amanda Wray)                                   

                                ILS Colloquium
                                2011-15:               Constance Schrader (replaces Ana Teixeira)  

University Relations Faculty Advisory (SD5407S)

2011-13:               Curtis Cloninger  (replaces Susan Reiser)        Natural Sciences

Intellectual Property Committee  (See Section 9.4)  (SD1105S) (SD3402S)

                                2011-14:               Elena Adell            (replaces Virginia Derryberry)             Humanities

Textbook Committee (SD3508S)

2010-12:               Cathy Pons            (replaces Ronald Sousa)                      Humanities

Faculty Scholarship and Service Awards Committee (SD7708S)

               2011-13:                Brian Hook            FWDC Representative

Distinguished Scholars Committee  (SD0708F) (SD5500S)


                                2011-13:               Bert Holmes          (replaces Marcia Ghidina)         

V.        Institutional Development Committee / University Planning Council Reports

            Dr. Kevin Moorhead reported for Institutional Development Committee and University Planning Council.

            Report on University Planning Council meeting – August 26, 2011

            Dr. Moorhead reported on three agenda items:

           The first agenda item was a budget update by the Chancellor, presented in context of our new financial landscape.  Last year we planned for a budget reduction of 10%.  Our actual budget reduction was 11.8%, but the supplemental tuition increase made up the difference.  The Chancellor reviewed many of decisions made last year in relation to UPC‘s Strategy for 2011-13 Resource Allocation document.  Recent changes in the financial practices of the Office of State Management and Budget have created a reality where the 11.8% reduction is closer to 15%.  The University was not allowed to carry over money and as a result, financial commitments made last year must be met with our existing 2011/2012 budget.  Accounts were swept for available cash at the end of the fiscal year which resulted in the loss of almost $1,000,000.  The upcoming year will be very austere.  The University did not receive any Repair and Renovation funding last year and we do not know if any will be available this year. 

           The Chancellor provided an update on other planning issues, including the decision to outsource the bookstore and how the Rhoades Property will be used for the next three to five years.  There may be an opportunity for UNC Asheville to acquire the MAHEC property on W.T. Weaver Boulevard and the abandoned Health Adventure property on Broadway. 

           A list of budgetary decisions made in 2010/2011 can be found in the minutes of the August 26, 2011 UPC meeting.

           The second agenda item was an introduction of Mr. Don Gray as the interim Director of the UNC Asheville Foundation.  Mr. Gray will be at UNC Asheville for 6 to 12 months.  He will help the university search for a permanent Vice Chancellor for Development.  Mr. Gray has expertise in training people to conduct fundraising and one of his goals is to provide that training to faculty and others to develop a culture where everyone at the university is part of the development team.

           The final agenda item was a group discussion on possible topics for the UPC to consider as part of our work for the upcoming academic year.


           Dr. Meigs added that UPC met with branding consultants over the summer and were shown several layouts and types of media videos.  One consideration is a 30-second commercial that will show during the nationally televised basketball against UNC Chapel Hill.    

           Dr. Roig asked if faculty were involved in the decision to outsource the Bookstore.  Was it discussed at UPC?

o  Dr. Moorhead said faculty were not involved in the decision.  There was some discussion about potential ways to deal with budget issues at UPC last year.   Senators on UPC could not recall a discussion on outsourcing the Bookstore. 

N.B. Some of the wording of this report is taken from the minutes of the UPC meeting.  The complete minutes are available:

            Report on Institutional Development Committee meeting – August 30, 2011

           The IDC planning meeting for the upcoming academic year was held on August 30, 2011.  Faculty members of IDC developed a list of topics and issues that we will discuss.  The next meeting on September 22 will focus on university assessment of student learning (current framework, future trends, and faculty concerns) with our guests Lisa Friedenberg and Jessica Dunsmore.  


VI.       Academic Policies Committee Reports

            Mr. Rob Berls reported for the Academic Policies Committee.

            APC representative on ILSOC

            Mr. Berls agreed to serve as the APC representative on the ILS Oversight Committee.

            First Reading

            The following documents were available for first reading:

APC 1:      Proposal to allow double major in Anthropology & Sociology

            APC 2:      Proposal to amend Class Attendance Policy (Revision of SD0510F) (Handbook 


A sentence was amended in APC 2.  As per North Carolina legislation, students may also be given up to two days excused absence per semester for religious observance.”  was amended as follows:  “As per North Carolina legislation, students must be given up to two days excused absence per semester for religious observance. “ 


Second Reading

The following document was considered for second reading:

APC 90:   2013-14 and 2014-15 Academic Calendar

            At the request of Dean Krumpe (a member of the calendar committee), Mr. Berls made a motion to consider only the 2013-14 academic calendar today and return the 2014-15 academic calendar to APC.  Dr. Bowen seconded the motion which passed. 

            Dean Krumpe discussed our contract with Chartwell’s dining services and General Administration’s mandate to have 75 scheduled learning days per semester (including final exams).  At certain times in the sequence of years, as in the 2013-14 calendar, commencement is slated for December 21.  The largest implication is that staff in the registrar’s office will likely work through December 24 when the university is technically closed.  Based on input from faculty on the committee, the calendar was structured so there is at least a week of learning when the university returns from Thanksgiving break.  A number of constituencies on campus would like the calendar to be pushed forward a week: classes would start a week earlier, there would be a reading day when returning from Thanksgiving and then final exams would start.  By returning the 2014-15 calendar to APC and the calendar committee, they will see if there are better ways to solve this in the future. 

            Dr. Moorhead made suggestions:  make Labor Day a learning day and having the reading day on the weekend; have final grades for seniors due on Friday and commencement on Sunday afternoon/evening the weekend before.   

            Dean Krumpe said we have held classes on Labor Day in the past.  A few years ago when we went to a Monday – Friday final exam period our students were severely penalized because many of the faculty have moved away from final exams and have moved to papers, projects and presentations.  The students have found that the weekend that separates the final exam period into two sections gives them an opportunity to study for exams, work on papers, projects and presentations, and then come back and take final exams. 

            SGA President Bindewald addressed the conflict students face:  to work on projects when they must travel during the holiday.  Students who work need a non-weekend reading day. 

            Mr. Berls said there is not enough time to have commencement the weekend before.  Dean Krumpe said unlike other institutions, our students receive their diploma when they walk across the stage; this has scheduling implications.   

            Dr. Frank said when contemplating the opening and closing dates for university events to consider what dates would ensure greater faculty participation.  

            Mr. Berls moved to approve APC 90 for the 2013-14 academic calendar.  Dr. Bowen seconded the motion. 

            Dr. Burchard questioned why we were moving to approve the calendar without fixing the December 21 commencement. 

            Dr. Krumpe said the problem exists on both the 2013-14 and the 2014-15 calendar.  He asked that the Senate remove the 2014-15 calendar to try to find a solution that works; they would then return and amend the 2013-14 calendar.  The university made a decision for planning purposes to have three approved calendars at any given time.   That is why the 2013-14 calendar is being pushed forward – to have three approved calendars. 

            Dr. Burchard asked if we approve the calendar, what are we saying?

            Mr. Berls said we are saying that if a solution can be found we can come back and amend it.  If a solution cannot be found we have the calendar ready to go. 

            Mr. Berls and Dr. Bowen withdrew the motion to vote on the 2013-14 calendar at this time. 

            Mr. Berls said given the concerns expressed, he suggested APC amend the calendar and bring it back to the Senate for first reading.  Dean Krumpe said he did not believe they would arrive at a solution and return the calendar to the Senate.  This is based on two constituents: commentary from faculty and from students.

            Dr. Frank said by sending the calendar back, both bodies will know there is some urgency to amend the calendar with something that Senate can approve. 

            Dean Krumpe said people recognize the need for the university to be able to plan – that is why we are saying the 2013-14 calendar is not ideal but it is the best that the calendar committee and APC could come up with right now.  He is willing to work on it, but he is not optimistic that it will change without significant cultural changes on this campus. 

            Mr. Berls said APC considered this at length and he did not believe APC would be able to solve this at this time. 

            Dr. Moorhead said he knows it sounds great that we are the only institution that hands students their diploma, but we could graduate this group of students without the diploma.  December 21 is so close to Christmas and many families have plans. 

            Ms. McClellan said this would be a major culture shift and that will be a broad conversation.  We can deal with commencement on December 21 if we receive grades from everyone within 24-36 hours after exams are given.   

            Dr. Burchard said we have only had large December graduations for three or four years.  We are capable of culture change if that is how we are going to describe the problem.  The most concern is that we are asking people to give up their holiday time in order to process things so that we can say something about ourselves.  It would be better to say about ourselves that we value our staff and their work so highly that we make sure that they get what they need and not expect them to take on an extra burden because of calendar fluctuations. 

            Dr. Meigs said a year or two ago, during a snow storm the ceremony was delayed until May and diplomas were mailed to students.  It can be done.

            Dr. Reynolds moved to approve the 2013-14 academic calendar in APC 90.  Dr. Hook seconded the motion. 

            Dr. Burchard called the question.  APC 90 as amended failed by a vote of 7 to 8. 

            APC workshops

            APC will host three workshops on September 12, 19, and 26 at 10:00am in New Hall-121 to help departments who plan to submit proposals to APC.          


VII.     Administrative Reports 

            Academic Affairs

            Peer Selection Recommendations 

            Dr. Archer Gravely reported that we established our first UNC-General Administration approved peer group in 1999.  The peer group was updated in 2004 and most recently in 2007.  Until recently there was no consequence to picking overly aspirational peers.  Peer Institutions are now used to benchmark faculty salaries with the UNC system goal of being at the 80th percentile, tuition and fees, and various performance funding measures such as retention/graduation rates and degrees awarded per 100 FTE.  It is no longer to our advantage to have overly aspirational peers.  For the current peer selection process we have to identify 16-18 peers, private schools are discouraged and must be justified and we are limited to 20 percent of peers rated as aspirational.  Provost Fernandes formed a peer selection committee in May and the group identified the important enrollment, financial, faculty, and institutional characteristics that should be used to identify our peers.  The report provides the committee members, selection process, and a comparison of our 2007 peers with the proposed 2011 peer recommendations.  Senior staff reviewed the committee’s work and made a couple of changes.

            SACS report

            Dr. Bruce Larson announced that we have met the deadline for the submission of UNC Asheville’s SACS Commission on Colleges compliance certification materials.  The Senate gave a round of applause.  Hundreds of faculty, staff, students, and community members have done much, directly and indirectly, to get us to this point. 

            Many thanks to SACS Document Group members: Eileen Crowe (SACS Editor), Jessica Dunsmore (Director of Institutional Effectiveness), Annis Lytle (SACS Reaffirmation Assistant), and Louis Toms (SACS Data Manager).  Eileen Crowe provided consistent, repeated, and precise editing of multiple drafts.  Jessica Dunsmore provided an insider's knowledge of SACS that was indispensable.  Annis Lytle kept everyone informed and coordinated the activities of all concerned.  Louis Toms was the person who received, distributed, and assembled multiple drafts of hundreds of compliance documents and singlehandedly assembled the final compliance certification materials.

            Many thanks, as well, to SACS Working Group members: Jessica Dunsmore, Jane Fernandes (Provost and VCAA), Lisa Friedenberg (Director of Academic Assessment), Amy Lanou (QEP Assistant Chair), Mary Lynn Manns (QEP Chair), Susan Reiser (QEP Researcher), Nancy Yeager (Director of Student Affairs Planning and Assessment), and Regina Pente (Translator) .   He thanked SACS Executive Committee members Ben Judge and Zarian Bowers and Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees Nathan Ramsey. 

            In November, the University will receive a response to our submission. 

            The Senate gave a round of applause to Dr. Larson for his role in the completion of this milestone.

            QEP report

            Dr. Amy Lanou said the draft QEP document prepared over the summer based on information received last year was sent to faculty today.  Faculty now have access to the draft document and links to provide feedback.  

            Student Government

            Highlights of SGA President Renee Binderwald’s report:

   Ryan Ridenour will be the liaison for the Faculty Senate this year. 

   Freshmen elections went into a run off.

   SGA is preparing for its retreat.

   SGA is hosting and sponsoring student Olympics for well-a-bration with events that cover physical, mental and social wellness.

   SGA is working with ASG for national advocacy efforts for all of the UNC schools, lobbying for pell grants and research funding.


VIII.    Old Business

            Non-departmental Specialty Funds

            Dr. Ted Meigs distributed an update on the Non-departmental Specialty Funds with thanks to Julie Heinitsh and Claudel McKenzie :


            Highsmith Visiting Scholar Fund 995151

            Endowment value as of Feb 2011: $76,557 ($78,362 as of June 30, 2011)

            Person responsible: Jane Fernandes

            Amount available for fiscal year 2011: $3,659.20

            Amount spent in fiscal year 2011: -0-

            Amount available for fiscal year 2012: $3,549


            Ruth and Leon Feldman Professor Fund 995144

            Endowment value as of Feb 2011: $72,593 ($72,017 as of June 30, 2011)

            Person responsible: Jane Fernandes

            Amount available for fiscal year 2011: $3,932.38

            Amount spent in fiscal year 2011: $2,400

            Amount available for fiscal year 2012: $3,634


            * # Ruth Feldman Outstanding Scholar Award 995001

            Endowment value as of Feb 2011 $45,705 ($44,833 as of June 30, 2011)

            Person responsible: Beth Bartlett

            Amount available in fiscal year 0211: $2,338.79

            Amount spent in fiscal year 2011: -0-

            Amount available for fiscal year 2012: $2,198


            Ruth and Leon Feldman Endowment Fund 995105

            Endowment value as of Feb 2011: $32,844 ($33,782 as of June 30, 2011)

            Person responsible: Beth Bartlett

            Amount available in fiscal year 2011: $1,901.36

            Amount spent in fiscal year 2011: $1,901

            Amount available for fiscal year 2012: $1,745


            UNC Asheville Foundation Adjunct Faculty Fund 994126  Note: this is not endowed.

            Person responsible: Jeffrey Konz

            Fund balance: $5,992 ($6,022 as of June 30, 2011)


            The funds remaining at the end of the fiscal year in the UNC Asheville Foundation

            Adjunct Faculty Fund 994126 automatically carry forward and are available the next year.


            The other four funds are endowment funds, and the income from the endowment each year is available for spending.  Any amount remaining in the current year's income account will be added to the principal at the end of the fiscal year -- with the following exception.  The person responsible for the fund can request (in early May) that all or some portion of those funds be carried over to the following year.  Funds that are carried forward will not show in next year's income amount, but they will be available for spending.

            * Feldman Outstanding Scholar Award is typically spent at this time of the year (April 2011).

            # Feldman Outstanding Scholar Award is awarded by the History department.

            † Ruth and Leon Feldman Endowment Fund is a scholarship awarded by the Financial Aid office.


IX.       New Business

            President Ross’s inauguration

            Dr. Frank is unable to attend President Ross’s inauguration and extended his invitation to any senator who can attend the event on October 6, 2011 at 10:00am.

            Request to go into closed session

            Mr. Rob Bowen made a motion that the Senate go into closed meeting.  Under the Sunshine Law the Senate has to be open but we can close the meeting to discuss personnel issues.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Berls and passed unanimously. 

            Request to go into open session

            Mr. Bowen made a motion to return to an open meeting.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Berls and passed.


X.        Adjourn

            Dr. Frank adjourned the meeting at 5:52pm.


Respectfully submitted by:    Sandra Gravely

                                                    Executive Committee