Senate Document Number 4111S
Date of Senate Approval 04/07/11
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of Faculty Senate Action:
Document 28: Add ART 401, B.A.
Seminar II;
the title of ART 400 to reflect addition of new course;
ART 401 to required courses for B.A. in Studio Art and Teacher Licensure;
ART 400 with 401 as the course that satisfies competency requirements for B.A.
Art students
Date: Fall 2011
1. Delete: On
page 72, the entry for ART 400:
400 B.A.
Seminar (3)
B.A. Seminar is
the capstone studio course for B.A. candidates. The Senior Exhibitions work is completed
with weekly critiques from faculty and peers. Journal, research paper, and oral
defense of work required. An IP grade may be assigned at the discretion of the
instructor. Prerequisite: Completion of
all other B.A. required courses. Fall and Spring.
Add: On page 72, in place of deleted
400, 401 B.A.
Seminar I, II (3, 3)
The capstone
studio courses for B.A. candidates. The senior exhibitions work is completed
with weekly critiques from faculty and peers. Journal, research paper and oral defense
of work is required. ART 400 pre- or corequisite:
completion of all other B.A. required courses. ART 401 prerequisite: ART 400.
Fall and Spring.
Delete: On
page 68 under Bachelor of Arts, in item I:
Required courses in the program—44
hours, including: ART 110, 111, 112, 400
Add: On page 68, in place of deleted
Required courses in the program—47
hours, including: ART 110, 111, 112, and one course from 113 or 114, 400, 401;
Delete: On
page 68 under Art with Teacher Licensure, in item I:
Required courses in the program—53
hours, including: ART 110, 111, 112, 113, 210, 220, 227, 230, 240, 400, 451;
Add: On page 68, in place of deleted
Required courses in the program—56
hours, including: ART 110, 111, 112, 113 or 114 (foundation core), 210, 220,
227, 230, 240, 400, 401, 451
Delete: On
page 68 under Bachelor of Arts, in item III b):
completion of ART 400 demonstrates major, oral and computer competency.
Add: On page 68, in place of deleted
completion of ART 401 demonstrates major, oral and computer competency.
Delete: On page 68 under Art with Teacher Licensure, in item III b):
Successful completion of ART 400
demonstrates major, oral and computer competency.
Add: On page 68, in place of deleted
Successful completion of ART 401
demonstrates major, oral and computer competency.
There will be no impact at this time with
need for additional staffing or studio space/equipment. The Art 400/Art 401 B. A. Seminar sequence
will be modeled after our Art 490/491/492 Senior Exhibitions capstone course
for the B. F. A. degree, which is a co-taught sequence. There will be an increase of 3 credit hours
required for a student to graduate with a B.A. major in studio art, increasing
the number of credit hours within the major from 44 to 47 credit hours.
The addition of a 2nd semester
of B. A. Seminar (401) will also result in an increase of 3 hours required for
graduation in the B.A. major in studio art with teacher licensure program.
Conversations with Mark Sidelnick have indicated that
3 additional hours would be acceptable especially since both 400 & 401
would focus on the development of Undergraduate Research. Also, the Education
Department is proposing that, due to the studio competencies that are now
fulfilled in the Foundations course sequence (Art 110 and 111), all five studio
introductory courses (Art 210, 220, 230, 240, 227) will no longer be
required. Instead the B. A. degree with
Teacher Licensure will require only two of these five courses, resulting in an
overall reduction of hours required for licensure.
This proposal recommends the addition of a
second B.A. Seminar (ART 401) to the requirement for the B.A. major in studio
art. Due to the department’s increased
emphasis on undergraduate research in capstone courses, our students are
finding it problematic to complete in one semester the required number and
quality of cohesive art work intended for the required solo exhibition, along
with a significant research paper and an oral presentation at a UNCA symposium.
Adding a second B. A. Seminar (401) would build on the development of critical
thinking and independent visual research begun in B. A. Seminar 400. Last year,
we added an IP option to the Art 400 capstone course. We are finding that almost ½ of those
enrolled will be requesting this designation in Fall
2010. This is a clear indication that a
second semester of this course is needed in order to provide adequate structure
and guidance for students to successfully complete capstone requirements.
The B. A. Seminar 400 and 401 course
sequence would be set up much like the B. F. A. Senior Exhibitions I, II, and
III (Art 490-492) in that students would meet once a week as a group with a
“lead” teacher (this would rotate each semester) to focus on writing and
research skills. Also, like the Senior
Exhibitions sequence, B.A. students would meet on a weekly basis with faculty
for intensive studio critiques focused on the production of work for the solo
exhibition. In addition to the
exhibition, the culmination of the B. A. Seminar 400 and 401 capstone courses
would be the completion of a research paper and an oral presentation that
potentially make each graduate a candidate for University Research
Scholar. Art 401 will now be the course
in which students satisfy competencies for graduation. For the past two years, a “lead teacher” has
taught Art 400 on a rotational basis.
Art 401 will be co-taught with 400 as a way to avoid requiring
additional personnel—similar to the model used for Art 490/491/492, Senior
Exhibitions capstone course, also taught by one lead faculty member.