Senate Document Number    6010S


Date of Senate Approval      04/08/10


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Statement of Faculty Senate Action:



APC Document 47:                                          Update and Clarification of Incomplete Grade Policy



Effective Date:   Fall 2010



1.       Delete:         On page 36, the entry under Incomplete Grades:


An instructor may give a grade of Incomplete (I) at the student’s request, on the

grounds of some occurrence beyond the student’s control causing him or her to miss final examinations or some other limited amount of work at the end of the semester or term. The request must be made before the end of the last class day and must state the reason in writing or, if necessary, by telephone to be followed up in writing. If the reason is acceptable, the instructor will fill out a Request for Incomplete Grade form stating the reason, the precise work to be made up (not an additional amount of class time), and the date due (no later than four weeks prior to the end of the term immediately following, summer terms not included). The instructor should also assign the grade to be recorded in the event that the student fails to make up the work. The form is to be signed by the instructor, with a copy sent to the student. The original copy of the approved form must then be submitted to the Registrar. If a Change of Grade Form is not submitted to the Registrar to remove the incomplete by the deadline, the default grade specified on the incomplete contract will be posted. Requests for extensions of the completion deadline will not be routinely approved. In the event of extraordinary circumstances, the instructor and student may petition the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for consideration. Students cannot graduate with an outstanding I on their record.


                Add:      On page 36, in place of deleted entry:


              An instructor may give a grade of Incomplete (I) at the student’s request, on the

grounds of some documentable occurrence beyond the student’s control causing him or her to miss final examinations or some other limited amount of work at the end of the semester or term. An incomplete grade must not be used as a substitute for an F when the student’s performance in the course is less than satisfactory or is indicative of failing. An incomplete is only appropriate when the successful completion of the outstanding work missed as a result of the documented occurrence will enable the student to pass the course. Students with an outstanding incomplete grade are not permitted to attend additional class sessions in the following semester to make up coursework.

                                Students must submit a request for an incomplete grade to the instructor before the end of the last class day of the term and must state the reason in writing or, if necessary, by telephone to be followed up in writing. If the reason is acceptable, the instructor will fill out a Request for Incomplete Grade form stating the reason, the precise work to be made up (cannot require an additional amount of class time), and the date due. The instructor must also assign the grade to be recorded in the event that the student fails to make up the work. The form is to be signed by both the instructor and the student, with a copy given to the student. The original copy of the approved form must then be submitted to the Office of the Registrar before final grades are due.

Grades for Incompletes approved for courses taken during the spring or summer are due no later than four weeks prior to the end of the following Fall semester. Grades for Incompletes approved for courses taken during the fall are due no later than four weeks prior to the end of the following Spring semester. Instructors must submit a Change of Grade form before the deadline listed on the incomplete request form. If a Change of Grade form is not submitted to the Office of the Registrar by the deadline, the default grade specified on the incomplete contract will be recorded. If no default grade was assigned, a grade of F will be recorded. Requests to change a grade that has been defaulted must be submitted via a Change of Grade form and must have the Department Chair’s signature. If the instructor is the Department Chair, the appropriate Dean must sign the form. Requests for extensions of the completion deadline will not be routinely approved. In the event of extraordinary circumstances, the instructor and student may petition the Dean of Academic Administration for consideration. Students cannot graduate with an outstanding I on their record.


Impact Statement:

Minimal effect overall. This change to the existing catalog text serves to clarify a process and procedure already in use but not officially written in the catalog. 


Ambiguity in the original catalog entry as to the intent of an incomplete needs to be clarified.  Requests are being received when a student has missed a large amount of work through the semester or isn’t passing the class. The proposed additions to the original catalog statements will also clearly define the process for submitting the change of grade, including the role of the default date and the action to be taken if the default grade is not listed.