University of North Carolina at Asheville
Minutes, December 2, 1999

Members: R. Bowen, W. Bruce, P. Caulfield, F. Davenport, R. Dunning, G. Kormanik, K. Krumpe, B. Larson, P. McClellan, C. McKenzie, C. Mitchell, D. Peifer, T. Rizzo, G. Wilson, J. Pitts. 

Excused: C. Pons.

Visitors: M. Alms, S. Browning, W. Cash, T. Cochran, S. Gale, E. Katz, J. Mullen, L. Nelms, B. Sensabaugh, A. Shope.

I. Call to Order and Announcements
Dr. Kormanik called the meeting to order at 3:15 pm and welcomed visitors and senators.

II. Announcements
The end-of-semester Faculty meeting scheduled on December 8th at 3:15 pm in the Owen Conference Center will focus on December graduates.

III. Approval of minutes
The minutes of November 11, 1999, were approved following a friendly amendment.

IV. Administrative Report
Comments from Chancellor Mullen
UNCA Use of Gallery Space Downtown
Chancellor Mullen clarified a Banner article on the idea of establishing a presence in the Asheville downtown area to relieve our gallery space problems and increase our visibility in the community. He emphasized that this endeavor would require private giving as funds will not be drawn from campus resources.

The UPC, the Chancellor's Staff Advisory Committee, and the SGA President will review our budget process to determine ways to increase resources in critical areas, such as undergraduate research and student activities. This group will also consider recommendations made by the Diversity, Community Partnership, and Retention committees.

Athletic Director Resigned
Tom Hunnicutt recently announced his resignation as athletic director. Chancellor Mullen plans to bring in an outside consultant to study the athletic organization. Faculty will need to be engaged in the search process.

Director of Special Projects
Pat Snoyer has been appointed to a limited-term assignment as Director of Special Projects for the campus effective January 2000 through the 2000-2001 academic year. She will assume her new responsibilities on a .75 basis, retaining a .25 responsibility within the Drama department. During this period of administrative service Pat will direct her energy and imagination to guide UNCA's commencements, convocations, development and capital campaign events, as well as Chancellor Mullen's installation.

Dr. Pitts reported that applications for Spring 2000 have increased over last year at this time. The increase may be due to increased visibility, web access to applications, and the initiative to change the deadline for considering scholarships.

V. Executive Committee Report
Dr. Gregg Kormanik gave the Executive Committee Report.
Ad Hoc Committee on the Grading Scale
The Executive Committee established an Ad Hoc Committee to evaluate the current grading scheme, considering whether additional categories including "+" and "-" would be beneficial to both students and faculty for evaluative purposes. They will also consider how any proposed changes might affect awarding of Honors. A number of faculty favored this change in an E-mail survey initiated by Volker Frank and Mark Gibney.

The FWDC agreed on the following committee format:

2 members from Academic Policies Committee, appointed by APC Chair. At least 1 should be an ongoing 2000-2001 Senate member.

1 Faculty member at large, appointed by Senate Chair.

Registrar or Designee, ex-officio, non-voting.

Chair should be an APC member.

The APC Chair and Senate Chair should confer so that faculty appointed represent the three academic divisions.

SACS Alternate Self-Study and General Education Review
Dr. Sherry Gale and Dr. Ed Katz reported on the SACS Alternate Self-Study and UNCA's General Education Review.

Dr. Gale outlined the two structures for the Self-Study -- the Compliance Portion and the Enhancement Portion. The Compliance Portion of the self-study will demonstrate that UNCA deserves to have its accreditation "reaffirmed" by SACS. The Enhancement portion of the self-study will examine our enhancement focus, the development of students. Nearly 100-150 faculty, staff, and students will be involved in the enhancement portion of the study. Dr. Gale demonstrated with flow charts how the two self-study structures will fit into the SACS review.

Dr. Katz reported that the General Education Review Committee will begin by participating in the SACS review and its discussions of general education in the context of student development. It will consider carefully the APC's findings on and recommendations regarding our current general-education curriculum. It will consider the reports made by the Chancellor's task forces. Then, reviewing our program on the basis of these extensive resources -- and responding to the interests, needs, and values of our faculty from across the divisions -- the committee will prepare a revision of the general-education curriculum, one that answers to the changing conditions faced by students, faculty, and the community. At the end of this process, the committee will forward its plan to the APC and to the Senate. The Senate and APC are then charged with acting on the plan. The revised curriculum, if approved, is then forwarded to the VCAA for implementation. All stages of the review process are faculty-driven.

Faculty Assembly Report
This report was postponed until later in the meeting.

VI. Student Government Association Report
Mr. Wiley Cash reported for the Student Government Association.
Faculty Conciliator
The Student Government Association elected Jim Heimbach to serve as Faculty Conciliator for 1999-2000. After serving 1999-2000 as Alternate, Keith Ray will serve as Faculty Conciliator in 2000-2001.

Honor Code
Mr. Cash encouraged faculty to endorse the Honor Code bill recently passed by SGA and supported by Chancellor Mullen. The bill will be forwarded to APC for consideration. The Honor Committee will be formed next semester with the expectation that the Code will be used in the classroom next fall.

The Senate discussed the composition of the Honor Committee, the Academic Honesty Policy, the types of complaints the committee will address, and penalties imposed. The Honor Committee would not replace the Academic Appeals Board. Dr. Wilson thanked the SGA for their work on this very difficult, complex issue.

VII. Academic Policies Report
Ms. Claudel McKenzie reported for the Academic Policies Committee.
First Reading
The following documents were distributed for First Reading:
APC 1: Incorporation of CLAS 495 (Senior Research Thesis) as Mandatory part of the Classics Major and Revision of Course Descriptions.

APC 2: New Minor in the Dept. of Literature & Language: Minor in Creative Writing. APC 3: Arts Lab Changes.

APC 4: Changing Course Description in SOC 225, Deleting SOC 450, and Adding SOC 310.

Although APC 2 was distributed for First Reading, it is also being referred to UPC. At the last Senate meeting IDC 3 was amended to say that one of the duties of UPC would be to evaluate proposals for new minors. If the UPC finds that the new minor will not have any serious resource implications and is in line with our mission then APC will consider it for Second Reading at the next Senate meeting.

VIII. Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report
Dr. Peter Caulfield gave the Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council report.
Proposal for the creation of a Dance Minor
The UPC received a proposal to create a Dance Minor at UNCA. The UPC met with Keith Ray and Connie Schrader in Health and Fitness to discuss concerns and ultimately determined it was a good fit with our mission, would have minimal resource impact and would generate new financial resources. The Dance Minor will be forwarded to APC for consideration.

Implementation of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC)
The UPC discussed implementation of the new Institutional Effectiveness Committee. Pat McClellan has agreed to serve as IEC Chair. The committee will make recommendations to the UPC.

Perceptions of Administrative Office Survey
Archer Gravely proposed to UPC that the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor offices not be listed on the Perceptions of Administrative Office Survey scheduled for Spring 2000 and that instead we establish a campus-wide individual assessment procedure for these offices. The UPC did not endorse the removal of the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor offices from the survey but did endorse the idea of developing an individualized campus-based assessment of these offices in addition to the survey. The UPC wants the campus community to get the broad scope of how these groups are perceived.

Graduating Senior Survey Results
The UPC discussed how the statistical data on the Graduating Senior Survey impacts the way we look at planning issues and whether we should also look at our peer institutions -- not included in the survey. The survey measures student satisfaction in: quality of instruction, advising in the major, academic support services, knowledge, skills and personal growth, student support services and administrative services.

Long Term Strategic Budget Planning
After the UPC meeting Chancellor Mullen invited Dr. Caulfield to sit in on the Chancellor's cabinet when they were specifically addressing long term strategic budget planning issues. Dr. Caulfield's reports will filter down from UPC to the Senate.

Question regarding the APC and Establishing Minors
Dr. Caulfield clarified that IDC will consider all Proposals for Minors regardless of whether they originate from a new program or from an existing programs.

IX. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report
Dr. William Bruce gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report.
Upcoming Elections
The following election ballots will be distributed next week:

1) Elect a Replacement member from the Humanities to The Committee of Tenured Faculty to replace Professor Pat Snoyer. She is accepting a special assignment from Chancellor Mullen for the Spring semester which will reduce her teaching load below that required for Tenure Committee service. We cannot replace her with the runner-up on the ballot which elected her, because the runner-up was later elected to a committee -- the Hearings Committee - which cannot share membership with the Tenure Committee. Hence the special election.

2) For medical reasons Dr. Cheryl McClary is unable to finish her Hearings Committee service. Two people tied for the runner-up position on the ballot which elected her -- Alan Hantz and Jeanne McGlinn. The person elected will complete Dr. McClary's 1999-2001 term on the Hearings Committee.

3) A ballot to amend the Senate Constitution to affirm voting rights for faculty in phased retirement and to be in line with policies of the statewide UNC Phased Retirement Program which UNCA has approved. At least half of the faculty must vote for this election to be valid.

Added Faculty Members for the UPC
The FWDC is seeking two faculty to nominate for membership to the newly expanded UPC. 

Interviewing Candidates for Faculty Positions: Faculty Senator Interview Can Replace FWDC Interview
The Senate discussed whether the Faculty Candidate Interviews which are currently required with an FWDC member should be continued, given that Human Resources now meets with each candidate to explain Benefits, and given that some 50 candidates will be coming to campus this Spring. The Senate discussed replacing the FWDC interview with an interview with any member of the Faculty Senate. Such a Senator interview could focus on opportunities for participation in faculty governance and other service at UNCA, and provide an outside interview for Departments that value one as part of their recruiting.

Dr. Larson moved the following Sense of the Senate: "That all members of the Faculty Senate be empowered to visit with the candidates for a faculty position at UNCA." Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously and became Senate document 1099F.

Faculty Assembly Report
Linda Nelms gave the Faculty Assembly report. Information referred to in the report are on reserve in Ramsey Library under Faculty Assembly.

President Broad's topic at the Faculty Assembly on November 18th was on the "UNC Faculty Salary Study Workshop." Arguments are being made to bring faculty salaries in line with comparable institutions. Nine of the 16 campuses have a significant salary disparity between the campus and its peer institutions. UNCA is 5th on the list as needing additional funds, following UNC-CH, UNC-C, UNC-G and NC State.

The Faculty Assembly discussed the comparison of Fall 1998 - Fall 1999 total headcount along with the anticipated growth. Seven campuses are expected to absorb this large growth. UNCA is in competition with NC State for the smallest percentage growth expected over the next nine years.

Of more concern is a report on the distribution of UNCA faculty by full-time and part-time and tenure status over a ten-year span. The good news is we are holding our own but we are still not where we want to be. UNCA is the only baccalaureate liberal arts university and college I in the state system, with 56% full-time faculty, 44% part-time faculty, 31% tenured, 16% on tenure track, and 53% on nontenure track.

Dr. Larson noted that UPC has an opportunity to be more involved in the budget process and it would be useful to have the Faculty Assembly's annual report on budget process comparison information when they begin their deliberations. Ms. Nelms will forward this information to Dr. Larson.

X. Old Business
Resolving Use of Teaching-Only Positions
Dr. Cochran distributed a proposal for resolving the use of "teaching only" positions. The term "teaching only" will be discontinued and these positions will be treated as Lecturer positions. The various committees and governing bodies involved in the process approved the proposal and determined that we treat these positions as we would any lecturer position with all the appropriate expectations of the category.

Academic Affairs proposes that all requests for new lecturer positions go through the Council of Chairs just as the current request process for new and replacement positions. A chair may request a one-year lecturer position in the same manner in which tenure track positions are requested. Such requests would be made typically in the spring of each academic year for the following year.

Academic Affairs proposes that chairs/program directors submit a "Request to Retain" form for any lecturer position a year prior to the end of the contract. In the case of one-year appointments, the request will be made in the second semester of the contract. The "request to retain" would be reviewed by the Council of Chairs along with new and replacement position requests. Once a second one-year contract is issued the Tenure Committee will review the position early in the spring semester of that year. Their recommendation would be either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. The Vice Chancellor would determine if an additional contract would be offered.

XI. New Business
Council of Chairs Revision
Dr. Larson spoke briefly about the Report from the Ad Hoc Committee of Department Chairs and Program Directors. The Committee-- consisting of Drs. Lisa Friedenberg, Bruce Larson, Pamela Nickless, Scott Walters, and Gordon Wilson--were elected by the Chairs and Program Directors to "examine the interaction of the Chairs and Program Directors, Council of Chairs, and Academic Affairs and make concrete suggestions back to the Chairs and Program Directors concerning ways to improve the flow of information between each group." They have completed their work and there will be a discussion of their Report at the next meeting of Department Chairs and Program Directors, to be held on Monday, December 6 at 3:30 in CH 230. Members of the Senate were invited to attend.

Identification Camera
Rebecca Sensabaugh reported on the University's new digital identification system, the myriad uses of "smart" cards, and funding options.

XII. Adjourn
Dr. Kormanik adjourned the meeting at 5:28 pm.

Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely
                                        William Bruce