University of North Carolina at Asheville
Minutes, October 14, 1999

Members: R. Bowen, W. Bruce, P. Caulfield, F. Davenport, R. Dunning, G. Kormanik, K. Krumpe, B. Larson, P. McClellan, C. McKenzie, C. Mitchell, D. Peifer, C. Pons, T. Rizzo, G. Wilson, J. Pitts.

Visitors: S. Browning, T. Cochran, J. Mullen, B. Sensabaugh, A. Shope.

I. Call to Order & Announcements
Dr. Kormanik called the meeting to order at 3:17 pm and welcomed guests and senators. Mr. Wiley Cash was unable to attend the meeting due to another commitment.

II. Approval of minutes
The minutes of September 2, 1999 and September 9, 1999 were approved as written.

III. Administrative Report
Vice Chancellor Jim Pitts gave the Administration Report. He announced that Sandra Malicote and Shirley Browning were co-Directors of the SACS Self-Study Executive Committee. Other members of the committee will be announced via E-mail.

IV. Executive Committee Report
Dr. Gregg Kormanik gave the Executive Committee Report. 
Dr. Shirley Browning recently approached Dr. Kormanik about the need to appoint a liaison from the Faculty Senate to serve on the Executive Committee of the SACS self study. The Senate elected Dr. Bruce Larson to serve in this capacity.

V. Student Government Association Report
Dr. Kormanik will contact Mr. Wiley Cash to inquire about the status of the academic integrity/honor code document.

VI. Academic Policies Report
Ms. Claudel McKenzie reported for the Academic Policies Committee. 
The APC has reviewed the library research and mathematics courses that satisfy UNCA's general education requirements. Art courses satisfying the general education requirement will be reviewed in two weeks; materials pertaining to the art review will be placed on reserve.

VII. Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report
Dr. Peter Caulfield gave the Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council report.
First Reading
The following documents were distributed for First Reading:
IDC 2: Proposal to Establish an Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC).

IDC 3: Proposal to Modify the Existing Composition and Duties of UPC (Revision of SD0593F).

Dr. Caulfield distributed SD0593F. Ms. McClellan recently discovered the existing description of UPC in the Faculty Handbook is out of date. It was superseded by SD0593F which was passed after the last Handbook revision and has never been incorporated into that document. To bring UPC into compliance with SD0593F would require changing both its composition and its duties. In addition, if the Senate approves IDC 2: Proposal to Establish an Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC), UPC's duties will change as well, as that new Committee would then assume responsibility for all institutional assessment. UPC would then take on a larger role in advising the Faculty Senate and the Chancellor on planning issues, including more systematic reviews of University budget objectives and allocations, duties more in line with its original purpose. IEC would ensure that we are in compliance with SACS in all areas of the university in terms of assessment and follow up to that assessment; this is a more efficient way to conduct that process than we currently have through UPC. If the Senate adopts IDC 2, it will necessitate a major recomposition of UPC and its duties. IDC 3 modifies the existing composition and duties of UPC and is a revision of SD0593F. Dr. Caulfield suggested that senators review IDC 3 and SD0593F together.

Dr. Mitchell noted the low faculty membership on IEC. Dr. Caulfield explained that two members of IDC will also serve on the IEC, in addition to three Department chairs and a variety of administrators. Furthermore, the IEC makes recommendations through the UPC to the Chancellor, appropriate Vice Chancellors, and the Faculty Senate. Under the proposal, the faculty membership on UPC would increase from six to eight, making faculty in the majority.

Dr. Krumpe asked if the IEC was a subcommittee of UPC. Dr. Caulfield explained that the IEC is a new body, not a subcommittee of UPC. If approved, the IEC would be composed of the following 13 members: Dean of Curriculum, Director of Institutional Research, two members of the UPC (at least one of which must be a member of the IDC), three Department chairs (one from each division), one member of the Chancellor's Staff Advisory Committee, one student (appointed by SGA), and an administrator from each of the following divisions: university relations, academic affairs, student affairs, and financial affairs. The Chair of the IEC must be a member of the IDC.

Maintaining the Faculty Handbook
Dr. Kormanik asked Dr. Pitts what mechanisms were in place to maintain the Faculty Handbook as problems arise when changes are made but not implemented. Dr. Pitts stated that Academic Affairs implements the changes. He suggested meeting with the FWDC to consider any lapses that may have occurred. Dr. Kormanik recommended having the Handbook on a searchable disk. Dr. Cochran stated that Academic Affairs is in the process of putting the Handbook on the web and he anticipates having an updated copy everyone can access by year's end. A homepage is currently under construction and Jackie Peterson will spearhead the project.

VIII. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report
Dr. William Bruce gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report.
Post Tenure Review Election Results
Dr. Bruce reported that Dr. Rick Chess was elected to fill the one-year term 1999-2000 on the Post Tenure Review Committee. Of 162 ballots distributed, 111 were returned, a 68 percent voting rate. The Committee members are: Jim Petranka (chair), Pam Laughon, Tucker Cooke, and Rick Chess.

Voting Rights for Phased Retirement Faculty
Faculty who enter Phased Retirement negotiate a plan for three years of ½-time work. They relinquish academic tenure but retain their professorial status and retain "...the full range of responsibilities, rights and benefits associated with it, except for tenured status." They "...have the same academic freedoms and responsibilities as other faculty members..." and "...are expected to maintain high levels of commitment to their institution." (Summary of the University of North Carolina Phased Retirement Program, p.3). However, the Constitution of the UNCA Faculty Senate, last revised in 1982, indicates that full-time status is required for voting in faculty elections.

The FWDC proposed making a small amendment to the Senate Constitution to resolve this conflict of documents and provide for the retention of voting rights by Phased Retirement faculty. Dr. Larson moved that the FWDC proceed to amend the Faculty Senate Constitution to resolve the dilemma. Dr. Pons seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Teaching-Only Faculty
Dr. Bruce referred to a memo the Executive Committee sent to Dr. Pitts and Dr. Cochran concerning "Teaching Only" faculty appointments. The FWDC met with Dr. Cochran who provided information on the circumstances and reasoning behind the Teaching Only positions. Dr. Bruce invited Dean Cochran to share this information with the Senators and respond to their questions.

Dr. Cochran gave a synopsis of how Academic Affairs arrived at the creation of the "Teaching Only" positions. In part, the administration opted to take a conservative approach to budget uncertainties and allocated funds to fill five of the anticipated fourteen faculty positions with tenure track faculty. The Teaching Only positions were created to reduce our reliance on part-time adjunct faculty and to pay our part-time instructors a better wage along with benefits. The positions were created as a temporary one-time arrangement to ensure maximized use of our funds. Now we need to decide what to do with these types of positions. This has also called into question other issues about the status of the "Lecturer" position. Dr. Cochran has meet with the FWDC and the Council of Chairs regarding the best long term course of action to take. One consistent comment he has heard is that faculty teaching with no other responsibilities is not a preferred arrangement. Dr. Mitchell suggested Dr. Cochran meet with the Tenure Committee regarding these issues as they review contract renewals.

The Senate discussed the dilemma of having two groups of people under the same title with different expectations. The existing Lecturers have teaching, scholarship and service responsibilities; yet there are new Lecturers (Teaching Only) without scholarship or service responsibilities. On the one hand, if the Teaching Only Lecturer positions disappear, we would still need the individuals as adjuncts. On the other hand, we need to consider issues of equity and fairness, national searches, and finding the very best people. There is also the question of how long should a position be filled by one individual. Initially Lecturers have one-year contracts. After three consecutive years, they can have multi-year contracts. This also raises the issue of voting and committee work. The "Teaching Only" Lecturers are eligible to vote -- they have academic rank, their main responsibility is teaching and their contracts indicate they are full-time. They are eligible to vote and be elected to these positions but they have no service responsibilities by mandate. These are thorny issues that need to be worked out soon. Dr. Cochran anticipates having a solution to these issues by the end of the semester. Faculty are encouraged to send suggestions to FWDC -- what these positions should be called, philosophically whether or not we should continue them, and what is an appropriate level.

Extended Illness and Serious Disability for Faculty, Family & Medical Leave
Dr. Rizzo reported that the FWDC is considering revising our policy on Extended Illness and Serious Disability (SD2495S passed in March, 1995), to resemble UNC-Charlotte's policy. UNC-C has the most comprehensive and generous policy in the system which allows 12 weeks or one full semester paid leave for serious illness or family necessity. To view UNC-Charlotte's family and medical leave policies, go to these web addresses:

Committee Changes
Dr. Bruce's handout outlined various committee assignment adjustments:

- Steve Honeycutt - onto University Planning Council - appointed by Chancellor.

- Laura Facciponti - onto Cultural & Special Events, off of Campus Commission.

- Bryan Sinclair - onto Campus Commission, off of Cultural & Special Events.

- Virginia Derryberry - onto Undergraduate Research Program Advisory Council.

- Elmoiz Abunura - list on Africana Studies Advisory Council as Coordinator.

- Tracey Rizzo - faculty Senate liaison to Chancellors Staff Advisory Council.

- Dwight Mullen - relinquishing Faculty Conciliator role to lead the Diversity effort.

- Cheryl McClary - from Alternate Conciliator to Conciliator. The Senate will need to nominate a slate of four individuals to forward to the SGA. The SGA will select one to serve as Alternate Conciliator.

- Comments from Chancellor Mullen
Chancellor Mullen addressed elevating the honorary degree process on campus and will work with the Board in this endeavor. He hopes over the next several commencements to have five-to-six significant honorary degree recipients from across disciplines, academic life, and from all walks in life in general. They will represent the excellence this institution stands for and will join us the day before for dinner and to celebrate excellence on campus in a new way.

IX. Old Business
There was no Old Business.

X. New Business
- Budget Reversion
Mr. Bowen requested a budget update given the devastation caused by Hurricane Floyd to the eastern part of the state. Dr. Cochran reported there would be a one percent budget reversion to the State to help alleviate the destruction caused by the hurricane. This will limit technology initiatives. There was also a freeze on capital appropriations but we didn't have any other than the Highsmith Center project.

XI. Adjourn
Dr. Kormanik adjourned the meeting at 4:25 pm.

Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely
                                       William Bruce