University of North Carolina at Asheville FACULTY SENATE MEETING Minutes, September 8, 1994 Senate Members: S. Browning, P. Caulfield, C. Goedsche, D. Howard, C. James, N. Kauffman, B. Larson, P. Laughon, P. McDonald, M. L. Manns, B. Miller, P. Snoyer, K. Whatley, A. White-Carter, B. Yearout, L. Wilson Visitors: T. Cochran, F. Davenport, D. Harmon, S. Mills, B. Sensabaugh, A. Riley, J. Sitton I. Call to Order Dr. Browning welcomed senators and guests and called the meeting to order at 3:22 pm. A. Approval of Minutes: The following minutes were approved as distributed: April 14, 1994, May 5 1994 (3:15 pm) and May 5, 1994 (4:30 pm). II. Administrative Report Dr. Larry Wilson, VCAA, gave the Administration Report. New Registrar Dr. Wilson introduced Ms. Becky Sensabaugh, UNCA's new registrar. Ms. Sensabaugh replaces Dr. Joanne Garrett and Ms. Kristina Brantley. Enrollment Budget and enrollment guidelines from General Administration state that university budgets will be adjusted to actual enrollments rather than to targeted enrollments. GA is acting upon the direction of the General Assembly. Dr. Wilson distributed a handout on UNCA's 1994-95 enrollment and discussed the impact of a budget adjustment. UNCA's annual enrollment target is 2620. The -2% enrollment window allows for a 2568 FTE without any budget adjustment. Fall enrollment is 2591 FTE. With a multi-year average Fall-Spring attrition of 5.2%, UNCA needed 2636 FTE this Fall to have the buffer to absorb the typical enrollment drop between Fall and Spring. UNCA is about 45 FTE short of the safety zone. December graduation applications equal 158; Dr. Wilson projects 135 students will graduate compared with 113 Fall 1993. If these estimates are correct, this will result in an additional 10 FTE to make up in extra graduates this Fall. UNCA could be as much as 55 FTE short in Spring semester. Consequently, the budget reduction due to enrollment shortfall will be about $250K. The faculty salary budget will be reduced by 3.4 faculty positions or $155K. This does not endanger full-time positions this year but does endanger the adjunct budget. UNCA spent $230-240K a semester for adjuncts for the last two or three years. If the full $155K "excess budget" were recalled, UNCA would have $154K for adjuncts for Spring semester, or $80K short. This translates into 45-50 courses typically taught by adjuncts that UNCA will be unable to offer in the Spring (6% of the spring curriculum). Dr. Browning stated that if a change in the budget formula shifted in an extra 4.2 positions and UNCA turned backed 3.4 positions, it sounds like we had more than we had last year. Dr. Browning asked for a clarification. Dr. Wilson stated that UNCA budgeted in one more position. In filling positions, UNCA was not anticipating a budget reduction or a better funding formula. $500K was budgeted for adjuncts and $245K was spent this Fall. Before the recall, UNCA had an annual budget of $318K. Given the change in formula UNCA did not budget in enough for adjuncts, and also filled one too many full-time positions given the budget reduction. UNCA has previously been funded at the formula: 16.4 FTE creates one faculty position. The General Assembly reduced this figure to 16.0. Consequently UNCA received additional money this year that it wasn't anticipating. To reach 2544 FTE Spring 1995, Dr. Wilson encouraged the campus community to work collectively to improve retention, to enrich the evening curriculum, and to improve evening parking around Karpen and Robinson. To accommodate these changes, Dr. Wilson proposed that UNCA seek other funds, reduce or eliminate re-assigned time for Spring semester to retain the 45-50 courses in the curriculum, and increase class sizes to soften the loss of multi-sections that might have normally been taught by adjuncts. The Senate discussed promoting the evening curriculum, tracking evening students and increasing evening parking, as well as parking occupied by Graduate Center students, the impact of the College for Seniors and the Center for Creative Retirement, auditing classes, offering pass/fail courses, the impact of release time in recent years, and meeting with faculty to brainstorm ideas for retention or increased enrollment. Salary Increases UNCA faculty received the following salary increase: one percent across the board, one percent one-time bonus, and five percent merit increase. A summary salary letter will be mailed shortly. Legislative Research Office Dr. Wilson and Chancellor Reed received separate FAX's from the Legislative Research Office requesting an analysis of "what were appropriate quality measures at UNCA." The analysis is due Monday. Conference on Teaching and Learning Dr. Wilson will attend a conference on Teaching and Learning across the system at WCU tomorrow. The conference has been mandated by the General Assembly and is also part of the expansion budget request. UNCA faculty participating in the conference are Peg Downes, Ed Katz, Tucker Cooke, and John Stevens. All of the institutions are sending representatives to discuss those aspects of faculty welfare that relate to teaching. III. Executive Committee Report Dr. Shirley Browning reported for the Executive Committee. Chancellor Reed met with the Executive Committee last week and apologized for not attending the meeting today; she is out of town on a series of meetings with alumni. Chancellor Reed seemed very happy with the tradition UNCA has of forwarding documents to her office or to Dr. Wilson for approval, or for comments if they don't wish to approve the document. Sympathy letter Dr. Browning announced that Richard Reed passed away suddenly about ten days ago. Dr. Reed chaired the Literature department, had been active on the Faculty Senate, and was a major leader of the campus in the 1970's. Dr. Gillum presented a sympathy letter to Mrs. Reed which the Senate unanimously approved on behalf of the faculty. IV. Student Government Report No student representative was present to give a report. V. Academic Policies Report Dr. Bob Yearout reported for the Academic Policies Committee. Status report on ongoing items The APC will consider the following ongoing items during 1994-95: a Minor in Mass Communication; changes in Mass Communication; an issue with the Natural Sciences; the number of courses a student may transfer in for a minor (UNCA has a limit on the major but no limit on the minor); the First Year Experience; and a minor for African American studies. Dr. Yearout met with members of the Student Government Association last summer concerning the Reading Day and is waiting for their response. If time permits APC will look at grade inflation. Guidelines for submission of proposals to APC Dr. Yearout distributed the APC meeting schedule for 1994-95 along with the format for document submission. Guidelines will be sent to department chairs and program directors. VI. Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report Dr. Kathy Whatley gave the Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report. UPC Recommendations re: Expansion Budget Dr. Whatley distributed the UPC recommendations for the 1995-97 Expansion Budget. The amount of money requested in each category is predetermined by the State. Although UNCA may receive "at best" 40% of its requests in the categories of Instruction & Graduation Rates, Library, and Computing, this is an opportunity to plan. The University does not anticipate receiving funds in the Institutional Enhancement category. Negotiations will continue if UNCA receives funds. Dr. Wilson stated that anything UNCA receives under an expansion budget becomes part of the base budget the following year. The categories used were also part of the State guidelines. Status report on 1994-95 agenda items A partial list of items the IDC/UPC will consider during 1994-95 include: SAC monitoring, summer session salaries, status of planning, revisiting the Master Plan, departmental Self Studies for Sociology, Literature and Philosophy, and following-up on the Environmental Studies/EQI Self Study. VII. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report Mary Lynn Manns gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee report. Disability Policy for Faculty The FWDC and a sub-task force met with Chancellor Reed in July concerning the disability policy for faculty. Chancellor Reed was given a copy of the document and the FWDC is waiting for her response. Committee Information Last spring the Senate received an update on the work accomplished by the committee on committees and asked the group to continue with their work. In error, the new committee list omitted Dr. Sabo's name from on the Committee on Committees. Lisa Friedenberg replaces Russ Schmidt on the University Teaching Council. Mr. Schmidt is no longer with the University. NEH Thank you Dr. Howard distributed a thank you letter to individuals who helped make the NEH Challenge Grant a success. After minor changes the Senate passed a motion to send the letter to individuals involved in the project (Snoyer/Whatley). Dr. Wilson agreed to forward the names and addresses to the Senate secretary. VIII. Old Business There was no Old Business. IX. New Business There was no New Business. X. Adjournment Dr. Browning adjourned the meeting at 4:35 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely Mary Lynn Manns