University of North Carolina at Asheville FACULTY SENATE MEETING Minutes, October 8, 1992 Senate Members: A. Coyne, F. Davenport, L. Dorr, M. Gillum, C. Goedsche, G. Henderson, D. Lisnerski, B. Miller, D. Mullen, G. Nallan, K. Ray, P. Snoyer, D. Van Engelen, B. Yearout, L. Wilson Excused: P. Nickless Visitors: K. Allen, S. Browning, T. Cochran, J. Garrett, B. Hodges, C. McClary, D. Millspaugh, S. Schuman, T. Uldricks I. Call to Order The 1992-93 Faculty Senate met on Thursday, October 8, 1992, in Karpen Hall - 005. Don Lisnerski, Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:35 pm. Dr. Lisnerski presented the September 10, 1992, minutes for approval. The minutes were approved as distributed. II. Administrative Report Dr. Larry Wilson, VCAA, gave the Administrative Report. Searches New faculty searches were approved this week. UNCA has been asked to project zero enrollment growth for next year so no new faculty positions will be generated. All of the current searches are for vacancies and replacements. New structures have been created to try to improve our likelihood of finding people of color to occupy these positions. Enrollment Enrollment for next semester looks good. Dr. Wilson thanked the departments that made an extra effort to create class times in the evenings and late afternoons. UNCA will have about the same number of adjuncts next semester as last year. UNCA's enrollment target for the year will be within the two percent window or slightly below the window. NEH Today UNCA received notice of a major NEH challenge gift for a Distinguished Professorship. The NEH challenge involves a $250K gift over a three year period with a 3:1 ratio given by UNCA. PEW Unfortunately, UNCA did not receive the PEW Foundation grant. Dr. Wilson thanked faculty involved in both grants. SACS The SACS report has been filed. Family Weekend This is Family Weekend at UNCA; Dr. Wilson hopes everyone can attend the campus gathering. III. Student Government Association Report Kelly Allen reported for the SGA. Blood Drive The SGA Blood Drive exceeded its goal and supplied the Red Cross with 77 pints of blood on September 20th. Dr. Wilson stated that the Red Cross cheered SGA's successful drive. Greenfest November 9th is the scheduled date for Greenfest. Canned Food Drive Efforts are underway to have a canned food drive to benefit the Asheville Food Bank during the Christmas season. Alumni Phone-a-thon The SGA will supply a team to work on the Alumni Phone-a- thon. Run-in-the-Gardens SGA donated $200 towards the Run-in-the-Gardens. UNCA Civitan Parking Raffle The UNCA Civitan Club will hold a parking raffle. Dr. Wilson asked the SGA to contact Dr. Iovacchini regarding constraints. The SGA welcomes comments or suggestions from faculty. IV. Executive Committee Report Dr. Don Lisnerski gave the Executive Committee Report. Teaching Council Dr. Lisnerski stated that Keith Bramlett has asked to be relieved from service on the Teaching Council. After nominations and a brief discussion, the Senate elected Gene Arnold to the Teaching Council. Resolution Dr. Lisnerski presented Executive Document #1: Resolution for consideration. In part, the resolution read: "The Faculty of the University of North Carolina at Asheville formally resolve to support the University in its efforts to increase the diversity of the entire campus community." Dr. Dorr moved approval of the document; Ms. Snoyer seconded the motion. EC #1 passed with one abstention and became Senate Document #0192F. Faculty Assembly Dr. Shirley Browning reported on the Faculty Assembly. Chinese Delegation A visiting Chinese delegation is studying the NC system on how to deal with minority education. President Spangler's Comments With mixed reviews, President Spangler asserted that the NC system was treated well in the last budget session. The institutions were victims of a weak economy. General Assembly Concerns Concerns from the General Assembly Legislature include faculty workload, graduation rates, and retention rates. These issues will be reviewed during the next session of the Legislature. New Budget The new budget will be under discussion with the Board of Governors this month. Salary will be a high priority as well as the library budget, computing, and academic programs. The Assembly suggested an eight percent salary increase; Dr. Browning believed an 8% raise was ludicrous given the current economy. Running for Political Office Conflicts of time and interest regarding faculty running for political office continues to come up. The faculty member can rebut the challenge and in every case the faculty member has been sustained in their efforts. Resolution Passed The Faculty Assembly passed a resolution asking President Spangler to urge the General Assembly to abandon the one year experiment of returning 30% of a retiring faculty member's salary to the State. While it does not effect retirement benefits, it reduces the university's salary pool. There is a fear that the experiment might become permanent. NC State lost $2M on this experiment this year. Persistence Toward Graduation" Dr. Browning reported that handouts on "persistence toward graduation" were discussed. In terms of overall persistence rates, UNCA is 10% below the NC system average but is ahead of the Comprehensive II institutions. UNCA was recognized as a Liberal Arts I institution on the handout. Adjuncts Another handout concerned instructional faculty by contract status (tenure track, off-tenure track, full-time or part-time). UNCA had the highest percentage (38%-40%) of adjunct employees in the system between 1987-1991. Other large adjunct users include: NC Central (mid-30% average), Pembroke State (low-20% range), and WCU (30% in 1991). There was concern that some schools stood out markedly in the use of adjuncts. Dr. Browning believes this will be scrutinized. Members of the Senate questioned whether graduate students were considered in the percentages and whether small class size might also be a consideration. FTE Another concern is the issue of shifting FTE's from 12 to 15 hours. North Carolina is the only state in the southeast who has failed to adopt this criteria and it is getting more difficult to defend. Dr. Wilson stated that some interests would like students to begin at the community college for two years, go to UNCA for two years, and graduate in four years. Dr. Browning stated there were concerns regarding how well students are being advised and if faculty advisors have any incentive to advise students. V. Academic Policies Committee Report Dr. Forest Davenport reported for the Academic Policies Committee. Classics The APC will hold its second meeting on October 15th. Classics will submit responses to APC's recommendations made last year. Change in APC Meeting Location/Time The location and time of APC meetings has been changed to Karpen Hall - 245 at 1:45 pm on Thursdays. VI. Institutional Development Committee Report Dr. Larry Dorr gave the Institutional Development Committee Report. How UPC and IDC Relate Dr. Dorr explained the relationship between UPC and IDC and distributed a handout with sections of the Senate Constitution, the Handbook, and Senate Document #39 from 1982-83. In part, the documents read: The IDC is composed of four members: the Second Vice Chairman of the Senate, who shall chair the committee, and three members appointed by the Executive Committee. The committee shall have concern for policy, planning, and initiatives in the area of institutional development where faculty involvement is proper. The committee shall fulfill this role by membership on the University-wide planning council. The committee shall be responsible for reporting planning activities to the Faculty Senate, with the Senate responding through Senate action where appropriate. The UPC is responsible for the overall critique and review of any and all proposals submitted by specific departments and programs and insures a planning process that is comprehensive. The Council will annually review and critique all program and budget proposals forwarded by the various constituent units. Senate Document #39 reads, in part: The IDC reaffirms its responsibility give a first review to new academic programs and tracks...represents the University Planning Council in its academic program review function...will review proposals with the UPC for advice and comment. Second Reading IDC #1: Duties of the UNCA Graduate Council Dr. Dorr moved acceptance of IDC #1. Dr. Van Engelen seconded the motion. A brief discussion followed concerning the composition and terms of the Council, as well as the workload and advising students. An editorial change was made to divide the document into sections "A" and "B". IDC #1 passed unanimously and became Senate Document #0292F. VII. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Dr. Debra Van Engelen gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee report. Committee Structure The FWDC met and reviewed several items, including the University's committee structure. Committee workload and suggestions from a committee Chair survey received last year were also reviewed. There were few suggestions for changes. The FWDC divided last year's comprehensive document into sections for review. Ex Officio Member on FWDC Dr. Van Engelen reported that there is supposed to be an ex officio member on the FWDC. After a series of calls and investigation, the FWDC discovered that the ex officio member was originally written into the by-laws as a UNC Development Committee representative. That particular committee is separate from the UNC Faculty Assembly and no longer exists, so an ex officio member is not necessary at this time. Excess Liability Insurance Report Dr. Lisnerski explained that last year Dr. Nancy Kauffman agreed to attend a GA conference concerning faculty liability issues; Dr. McClary agreed to help answer Senators' questions. Dr. Cheryl McClary distributed a handout which included Dr. Kauffman's report and her addendum. Last year the Senate had questions concerning liability insurance for labs and field trips. Dr. McClary stated that the key words for coverage under the $100K State Tort Claims Act and the $5M Excess Liability Insurance were - activities within scope and course of employment. On the issue of Labs: a) Professor is always covered as long as activity is within "scope and course" of employment; b) Student is not covered if receiving course credit because student is not agent or employee of state; and c) Work-study student is covered as an employee of state. Regarding field trips: a) Professors are covered as long as activity is within "scope and course" of employment; b) If field trip travel is in state car, activity within "scope and course" covered under state Travelers Insurance, Tort Claims Act, and Excess Liability. If travel in personal car, personal car insurance, and Tort Claims, and Excess Liability; c) If professor allots students "free time" on a field trip, theoretically the professor is not liable for wrongdoing done by or to the student during free time. (NOTE: It is important that student be at least 18 years of age) However, whether they have a legal right or not, some or most parents probably would expect some degree of responsibility from the professor even during the student's free time. Suggestions include: 1) Particularly in large cities, have students go in groups of at least two or three; 2) Have students advise you as to where they intend to go and for how long; 3) Use "Sign Out - Location - Sign In" sheet. You might want to have it posted on your hotel room door, etc.; 4) Have students sign a standard waiver form for field trips. VIII. Old Business Committee List In response to Dr. Henderson's question, Dr. Wilson stated that the committee list originated from the VCAA office and apologized for the delay in mailing out the list. It was necessary to make several changes this year but the list should be mailed out soon. NC Legislative Advisory Budget Commission In response to Dr. Ray's question, Chancellor Schuman stated that the only feedback he had received from the NC Legislative Advisory Budget Commission was that they "had a good time and enjoyed the visit." IX. New Business Oxford Program Ms. Snoyer asked the Senators to remind students that applications are available to enroll for classes in the Oxford Program. The Oxford Program is one of the least expensive study abroad programs and is shared with NC State. Financial aid applies to students who sign up for six credit hours. Ms. Snoyer and Dr. Mullen are hosting a tea for students and ask that faculty remind students to sign up for this wonderful opportunity. X. Adjournment Dr. Lisnerski adjourned the meeting at 4:45 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely Debra Van Engelen