University of North Carolina at Asheville FACULTY SENATE MEETING Minutes, September 10, 1992 Senate Members: A. Coyne, F. Davenport, L. Dorr, C. Goedsche, G. Henderson, D. Lisnerski, B. Miller, D. Mullen, P. Nickless, K. Ray, P. Snoyer, D. Van Engelen, B. Yearout Excused: M. Gillum, J. Rackham Visitors: T. Cochran, B. Hodges, M.L. Manns, D. Millspaugh, G. Nallan, B. Sabo, S. Schuman, J. White I. Call to Order The 1992-93 Faculty Senate met on Thursday, September 10, 1992, in Karpen Hall - 005. Don Lisnerski, Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:35 pm. Dr. Lisnerski presented the May 7, 1992, 3:30 pm and 4:15 pm minutes for approval. The minutes were approved as distributed. Dr. Lisnerski read the following election results into the May 7, 1992 minutes: - Tenure Committee: P. Nickless, A. Wengrow, B. Wilson - Hearings Committee: J. Daugherty, I. Grams, J. Sulock II. Administrative Report Chancellor Schuman gave the Administrative Report in Dr. Wilson's absence. NC Legislative Advisory Budget Commission The NC Legislative Advisory Budget Commission will visit UNCA next week to assess the University's budgetary needs. Dr. Schuman will give a presentation and a tour of the old section of Ramsey Library and Justice Gymnasium to underscore the need for renovation funds. Dr. Schuman also plans to address the massive renovation needs of Carmichael and Rhodes Halls. SACS Update Dr. Cochran reported that a committee formed last spring has responded to 20 of the 24 SACS recommendations. The recommendations currently under consideration deal primarily with assessment and planning. No Senate action is necessary at this time. Information will be forthcoming to the Senate and a draft will be made available to the SACS committee chairs. SGA Report - No report. Habitat for Humanity Dr. Sabo announced that a UNCA chapter of Habitat for Humanity has just been chartered. UNCA will build a home during the week of September 21st and the entire UNCA community is invited to work on the project. No experience is necessary. Additional information will be mailed out on Monday. Parking Crisis Dr. Sabo had to leave the Senate meeting for a 4:00 pm emergency meeting of the Parking Committee. Dr. Sabo stated that Zageir Hall had lost more than one-half of the faculty/staff parking spaces and requested Senate input regarding parking around other buildings on campus. Dr. Schuman stated that parking should improve in the short term next week; the new parking lot located between Owen and Belk Theatre will add 100 spaces for faculty/staff. The University has negotiated free use of the parking lot by the Baptist Church on Weaverville and Broadway. There is also the possibility of changing some of the spaces around the Humanities Lecture Hall from faculty to student parking. The Parking Committee will also consider reallocating some of the parking spaces around Zageir. Dr. Schuman has asked the Ecology Club and Gary Miller to study a proposed parking site beside the new Justice Gymnasium for possible environmental damage. It may be possible to clear and gravel the area for another 100 parking spaces. III. Executive Committee Report Dr. Don Lisnerski gave the Executive Committee Report. Senator Replacement The Senate elected alternate Gary Nallan to replace Jeff Rackham for the 1992-93 academic year. Dr. Rackham will be leaving later this month on a Fulbright Fellowship to Macedonia. IDC Chair Replacement The Senate elected Larry Dorr to replace Jeff Rackham as Second Vice Chair and IDC Chair. Dr. Nallan will serve on the IDC. IV. Academic Policies Committee Report Dr. Forest Davenport did not have an APC report to give at this time. V. Institutional Development Committee Report Dr. Lisnerski gave the Institutional Development Committee report in Dr. Rackham's absence. Second Reading IDC #1: Duties of the UNCA Graduate Council This document was distributed for first reading on May 7, 1992. Dr. Dorr made a motion to table the document until the next Senate meeting so that Dr. Ted Uldricks could respond to questions. Dr. Henderson seconded the motion, which passed. Dr. Cochran suggested that mechanisms be included in the document to monitor the cross listing of courses. VI. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Dr. Debra Van Engelen gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee report. Carry Over Items Two items of business were carried over from last year's FWDC: Dr. Cheryl McClary's liability insurance report scheduled for this fall, and the Executive Document concerning the committee structure on campus. Dr. McClary's report has been postponed and will be rescheduled at her convenience. The FWDC will be reviewing the committee structure and the proposed revisions in Senate Executive Committee document #1 from last year. Professional Development Conference Last summer Keith Bramlett, Larry Wilson, and Debra Van Engelen attended a Professional Development Conference presented by UNC General Administration at Chapel Hill. She mentioned the results of a survey of all faculty made by the UNC Faculty Assembly regarding out-of-pocket costs for professional development. UNCA faculty came out better than most schools in terms of expenses incurred toward faculty development. However, the response rate was very low. VII. Old Business There was no Old Business. VIII. New Business The Senate considered changing the location of Senate meetings to various locations on campus. After discussion, it was concluded that Karpen - 005 was the most practical place to meet at this time. IX. Adjournment Dr. Lisnerski adjourned the meeting at 4:25 pm. The next Senate meeting will be held on October 8, 1992 at 3:30 pm, Karpen -005. Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely Debra Van Engelen