University of North Carolina at Asheville FACULTY SENATE MEETING Minutes, May 6, 1993 - 3:30 pm Senate Members: A. Coyne, F. Davenport, M. Gillum, C. Goedsche, G. Henderson, D. Lisnerski, B. Miller, D. Mullen, G. Nallan, P. Nickless, K. Ray, P. Snoyer, D. Van Engelen, B. Yearout, L. Wilson Excused: L. Dorr Visitors: S. Browning, N. Kauffman, M.L. Manns, P. McDonald, A. Wengrow I. Call to Order The 1992-93 Faculty Senate met on Thursday, May 6, 1993, in Karpen Hall 005. Dr. Lisnerski called the meeting to order at 3:35 pm. II. Executive Committee Report There was no Executive Committee Report. III. Student Government Association Report There was no Student Government report. IV. Academic Policies Committee Report Dr. Forest Davenport reported for the Academic Policies Committee. Dr. Davenport distributed the Report on General Education Review: 1992-1993 for information to the Senate. The APC examined three components of UNCA's General Education Program -- Language, Health & Fitness, and Arts. The review of the ARTS 310 course and Arts Lab courses took place too late in the semester for APC to report back to the Senate this year. APC will present its report on this requirement in the Fall of 1993. The 1993-1994 APC will review courses satisfying the general education requirements in Mathematics and in the Natural Sciences. V. Institutional Development Committee Report Dr. Lisnerski stated that Dr. Larry Dorr was ill and there was no Institutional Development Committee Report. VI. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Dr. Debra Van Engelen gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee report. - Third Reading Dr. Van Engelen summarized BASF's leave of absence policy as requested by the Senate. Dr. Wilson stated he had requested legal feedback on FWDC #4 from GA but had not received a response at this time. Dr. Van Engelen moved approval of FWDC #4: Policy on Extended Illness and Disability for Faculty of the University of North Carolina at Asheville. Dr. Goedsche seconded the motion. FWDC #4 passed unanimously and became Senate Document #2593S. Field Trip Release Form Dr. Ray reported for Dr. Cheryl McClary that General Administration had approved her field trip release form. Copies of the form can be printed in Dr. McClary's office. VII. Administrative Report Larry Wilson, VCAA, gave the Administrative report. Enrollment Compared to last year at this time, the number of returning students has increased slightly while applications for new students and Freshman have increased ten percent. Surprisingly, there has been a 40% increase in the number of deposits received this year compared to last year, many of which are housing deposits. This could be a problem as UNCA guarantees housing for any new student who makes a deposit by May 1. Applications for Transfer students have increased 6% compared to last year but acceptances are slightly lower. Minority acceptances and deposits are running well ahead of last year. In terms of applications, the big increase has been in out-of- state students. UNCA will likely exceed the 18% limit for out- of-state students. Retention Rates In response to Dr. Gillum's question, Dr. Wilson stated that retention rates improved slightly from last fall to spring compared to a year ago; more information will be available in the fall. From last spring to fall, retention rates improved nearly 6% compared to the previous year. Dr. Wilson attributed the improvement to the START program and the African American Colloquium. Closed Courses There are currently 81 closed courses for next fall. HUM 414 has a waiting list of 89 students; ARTS 310 has a waiting list of 97 students. Dr. Wilson did not know if adjunct money would be available for additional sections. NEH It appears certain that UNCA will meet the institutional match of $100K by July 1 toward Phrase I of the NEH Professorship. In the three year funding period UNCA will raise $750K and the NEH will provide $250K. Dr. Mullen stated that several fundraising projects were underway with the NEH, Athletics and possibly a Capital Campaign, and asked how these would be coordinated. Dr. Wilson stated that Beverly Modlin is the coordinating point for any nonstate fundraising other than academic grant type proposals. Beverly Modlin and Tom Hunnicutt will coordinate donations while the Chancellor is the central point of coordination and arbitration. Capital Campaign Dr. Wilson stated that Arnold Wengrow, Don Lisnerski, Don Harris, Chancellor Schuman, Beverly Modlin, and the Trustees met with two potential fundraising firms to discuss their involvement in helping UNCA plan for a Capital Campaign. Consultants generally conduct a feasibility study in the community to ascertain if the goal is realistic. Although the figure is not firm, the Capital Campaign could be $4-5M. VIII. Old Business Dr. Bob Yearout gave the Athletic Report. - Bulldog In response to Dr. Goedsche's question at the last Senate meeting, Dr. Yearout stated that UNCA's mascot is officially designated "Bulldog" and the term "lady bulldog" is a media term. The NCAA policy is that there is no distinction with female and male as far as sports designation. - Scheduling Scheduling is currently being formulated to match the school calendar. A major concern is the Big South Conference and baseball in particular. Dr. Yearout stated that the Athletic Committee needs to be very involved in scheduling and monitoring scheduling. Athletic Director Tom Hunnicutt is creating a schedule and budget for the next 36 months; although revisions will be made, this will eliminate potential crises. IX. New Business The Senate re-organization meeting will be held today at 4:00 pm. Dr. Lisnerski thanked Forest Davenport, Larry Dorr, Debra Van Engelen, and Sandra Gravely for their work on the Senate this year. The Senate gave a round of applause. X. Adjournment Dr. Lisnerski adjourned the meeting at 4:05 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely Debra Van Engelen