THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE FACULTY SENATE Senate Document Number 1093S Date of Senate Approval 3/11/93 Signature of Senate Chair ________________________________ Date ________________ Action of Vice Chancellor: Approval _________________________________________ Date ___________________ Denied _________________________________________ Date ____________________ Reasons for denial and suggested modifications: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Statement of Faculty Senate Action: APC DOCUMENT # 6 "Catalog Changes in Mathematics" EFFECTIVE DATE: Fall 1993 Replace the wording of item III of the requirements for graduation for each program. Specifically: p. 143: (Item III under "Program in (Theoretical) Pure Mathematics") REPLACE: "III.Other departmental requirements - Satisfactory ... ... presentation of one seminar in MATH 380. WITH: "III.Other departmental requirements - Satisfactory performance on a two part comprehensive Mathematics exam and the satisfactory presentation of one seminar in MATH 380. Each of the other three programs require the same modification of item III. p. 144: Replace item III under "Program in the Teaching of Mathematics" p. 144: Replace item III under "Program in Applied Mathematics" p. 144: Replace item III under "Program in Statistics" IMPACT STATEMENT: No direct impact to the University. RATIONALE: The present wording is too specific. The department has reservations about the MFAT exam as the only source of evaluation, and would like to include an inhouse component to the proficiency exam.