University of North Carolina at Asheville FACULTY SENATE MEETING Minutes, April 9, 1992 Senate Members: A. Coyne, F. Davenport, L. Dorr, M. Gillum, B. Greenawalt, A. Hantz, G. Henderson, D. Lisnerski, C. McClary, D. Mullen, S. Obergfell, P. Nickless, B. Sabo, D. Van Engelen, L. Wilson Absent: J. Rackham Visitors: T. Cochran, A. Comer, M. Fox (SGA), J. Garrett, D. Harmon, G. Kormanik, M. Marshall, A. Prak, S. Schuman, B. Yearout I. Call to Order The 1991-92 Faculty Senate met on Thursday, April 9, 1992, in Karpen Hall - room 005. Alan Hantz, Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:34 pm. II. Minutes Dr. Hantz presented the March 5, 1992, minutes for approval. The minutes were approved as distributed (Sabo\Dorr). III. Administrative Report Dr. Larry Wilson, VCAA, gave the Administrative Report. Enrollment Compared to last year at this time, Freshman applications for Fall 1992 have decreased 6%. Average SAT scores of accepted students is 1058 compared to 1036, and 71% of accepted students are in the top- fifth of their graduating class compared to 68% last year at this time. Dr. Wilson extended thanks to faculty members who participated in the admissions weekends held this semester. Seventeen Teaching Fellows ranked UNCA as their first preference. The average SAT score of the Teaching Fellows is 1180. Dr. Wilson anticipates a maximum of 25 Fellows next year. Transfer applications are down approximately 2% compared to last year at this time; the number of Transfer acceptances has remained constant with last year's figures. Since the last Senate meeting, a UNCA group met with GA in Chapel Hill to discuss the low number of African-Americans at the University and were reminded to find ways to enroll and retain African-Americans students. Thirty African-American students have been accepted for Fall 1992, compared to 26 last year at this time. Dr. Wilson stated that the African-American Colloquium was successful in terms of encouraging students academically and in retaining students. Budget Dr. Wilson had no new information on the bond issue and stated that the General Assembly will convene in a couple of months. Dr. Lisnerski questioned whether community colleges would be included in the $600M bond proposal. Chancellor Schuman stated that the division between community colleges and universities is being pushed at this time, as the University would fare better if considered alone. Faculty Searches Faculty searches in Environmental Studies, Management, and Sociology are still incomplete at this time. SAC Visit SAC representatives will visit UNCA from April 20th - 23rd. Installation of Chancellor Chancellor Schuman will be officially installed on Friday, April 24th. Classes which meet after 12:15 will be canceled for the day. IV. SGA Report Upon invitation by the Executive Committee, Michelle Fox reported for the SGA. Smoking Policy Michelle Fox reported that the smoking policy has been returned for further consideration. Jennifer King and Kevan Frazier will be working with Institutional Research to consider possible smoking areas on campus. The SGA hopes to have a joint Faculty Senate/SGA Bill by Fall 1992, so the SGA can pass the bill with faculty approval. SGA Change The SGA administration will change on April 22nd. V. Executive Committee Report Dr. Hantz gave the Executive Committee Report. Senate Documents Dr. Hantz reported that the VCAA has approved all Senate documents passed so far with the exception of SD1092S: Revision of the UNCA Reappointment, Tenure, Promotion Guidelines for Formal Application. Dr. Wilson approved SD1392S: Changes in Chemistry Program Description with the following comment: "With reservation as 44 hours in a major department is excessive in a liberal arts college." Faculty Assembly Faculty Assembly representatives will meet the weekend of April 25th to structure committees and offices for next year. Faculty Development Workshop Delegates to the newly created Faculty Development Workshop include: Larry Wilson, Keith Bramlett, and Debra Van Engelen. Second Reading Dr. Hantz presented Executive Document #1: Proposed Revisions to the UNCA Committee Structure for second reading. Dr. Hantz stated that two faculty members were present to speak regarding the document. Dr. Nickless stated that Exec. Document #1 made significant changes to several University documents and did not indicate how the documents would fit together. Dr. Nickless moved to table Exec. Document #1. After discussion Dr. Nickless withdrew the motion. Dr. Kormanik commended the Executive Committee for undertaking this task and agreed that committee work needs to be distributed throughout the campus. Dr. Kormanik outlined several problems with the document, stating that many changes addressed in the document required substantive changes to the Constitution. Also, that faculty awards and honors documents have separate charges as well as the duties of the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee and the Institutional Development Committee. Ms. Martha Marshall distributed a handout listing several items to be considered regarding UNCA's committee structure. Ms. Marshall supported Dr. Kormanik and stated that the 250 seats should be spread out instead of consolidated. The present system rewards faculty who work hard by placing them on yet another committee. Ms. Marshall explained the handout and a lengthy discussion ensued. Dr. Lisnerski suggested holding an open forum with faculty before making changes. Dr. Nickless made a motion to refer Executive Document #1 to the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee. Dr. Dorr seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 12 to 1. VI. Academic Policies Committee Report Dr. Bill Sabo reported for the Academic Policies Committee. - First Reading Dr. Sabo distributed the following documents for first reading: APC #24: Minor in International Studies - Second Reading Dr. Sabo moved approval of the following documents: APC #21: Addition of ARTS 310 Lab Courses. This document adds courses that may be substituted for the Laboratory portion of the Arts General Education requirement. Certain special topics courses, approved by the appropriate chair and the Director of the Arts program, may also be designated as satisfying the requirement. An editorial change was made to change the word "music" to "musical." APC #21 passed unanimously and became Senate Document #2292S. APC #22: Addition of Engineering 201. This class will be part of the cooperative agreement with NC State and would have been offered had faculty been available. NC State is currently negotiating with an individual to teach this course. APC #22 passed unanimously and became Senate Document #2392S. APC #23: General Education Credit for Science 200 (Summer, 1992). This course was submitted for permanent inclusion in the catalog. APC felt that it would be best to experiment with a special topics course first, thus this class which is offered under the "Science" heading is that experiment. This document asks that students taking this course in Summer 1992 be given 3 hours general education credit for the integrated science requirement. APC #23 passed unanimously and became Senate Document #2492S. Report on General Education Review Dr. Sabo distributed copies of APC Report #1: "Report on General Education Review: 1991-1992" and briefly summarized two requirements. A copy of this report will be placed in the Senate reserve file. On the basis of the review, the Bibliography requirement was changed to the new Library Research program which the Senate passed this year. The Foreign Language requirement was examined in two stages. APC had questions about the Classic component of the requirement and will reexamine the Classic course in Fall 1992. In general, APC was satisfied that the Modern Foreign Language courses were achieving the goals of general education. The Health and Fitness, Arts 310, and English Language requirements will be examined in 1992-1993. VII. Institutional Development Committee Report Dr. Don Lisnerski gave the Institutional Development Committee report. Graduate Council Duties and Responsibilities IDC is reviewing a statement of Graduate Council Duties and Responsibilities. Summer School The only way to increase salaries for Summer School would be through greater enrollment to generate revenue. VIII. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Dr. Bruce Greenawalt gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee report. Retirement Workshop The Retirement Workshop discussed at the last Senate meeting will be held on May 4th and 5th, from 1:00-5:00 pm each day. Anyone interested in attending the workshop should contact Linda Franklin. Elections - Faculty Assembly Ballot The following names will be placed on the Faculty Assembly ballot: Shirley Browning Gary Miller Keith Ray - Faculty Conciliator The Senate approved a list of six nominees for the position of Faculty conciliator, all of whom will be contacted to verify their willingness to serve in this capacity. The election by SGA will take place next week. - Academic Appeals Board Dr. Greenawalt explained the balloting process for the Academic Appeals Board elections and proposed several faculty names which the Senate placed on the ballot. The voting will take place next week. IX. Old Business There was no Old Business. X. New Business There was no New Business. XI. Adjournment Dr. Hantz adjourned the meeting at 5:05 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely Bruce Greenawalt