University of North Carolina at Asheville FACULTY SENATE MEETING Minutes, July 19, 1990 1990-91 Senate Members: A. Coyne, L. Dorr, L. Friedenberg, B. Greenawalt, A. Hantz, C. McClary (Alt.), J. Rackham, B. Sabo, D. Van Engelen, K. Whatley (Alt.), L. Wilson 1989-90 Senate Members: M. Marshall, C. Mitchell, L. Nelms Visitors: W. Boland, E. Brotak, S. Browning, T. Cochran, N. Kauffman, W. Lang, B. Larson, T. Seitz, one student Call to Order The 1990-91 Faculty Senate met on Thursday, July 19, 1990, in the Whitman Room of Ramsey Library to select faculty representatives to the Chancellor Search Committee. Dr. Friedenberg called the special meeting to order at 2:05 pm. Voting Privileges Extended Dr. Friedenberg explained that in order to have greater faculty representation, she had invited 1990-91 Alternates and 1989-90 Senate members to the meeting. Since only eight members of the 1990-91 Senate were available to attend this meeting, Dr. Friedenberg asked the current Senate to extend voting privileges to this group for this meeting only. There were no exceptions to the request. Later in the meeting, Dr. Dorr made a formal motion that the 1990-91 sitting members of the Faculty Senate extend voting privileges to the 1990-91 Alternates and 1989-90 Senate members for this meeting. Dr. Hantz seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Composition of Search Committee The Chancellor Search Committee will consist of the following 13 members: one UNCA administration representative, four faculty members (one representative from each university division and the Senate Chair), one UNCA alumnus, one student representative, and six members from the Board of Trustees (including Jack Cecil, Chairman of the Board of Trustees). Mr. Cecil will serve as the Chair of the Search Committee. Administration Representative The one exception in the composition of this search committee and Chancellor Brown's search, is the addition of a representative from the UNCA administration. The Administrative Council will convene on July 20, at 2:00 pm in the Private Dining Hall, to select two administrative representatives. Mr. Cecil will select one of these individuals to serve on the search committee. Faculty Representative Dr. Friedenberg stated that Mr. Cecil wants to make the final decision in terms of faculty representation, with the exception of the Senate Chair. The Senate has been asked to select two names from each Page 2 of the three university divisions. Mr. Cecil is very concerned about representing a diversity of perspectives in achieving a balance on the committee, and he will select one individual from each of the university divisions that he feels will best serve the committee's needs. Dr. Friedenberg requested that the Senate be given the opportunity to rank the individuals within the divisions, and Mr. Cecil denied the request. The names are to be presented alphabetically. Ms. Marshall asked if UNCA would have more faculty representation on the search committee than other campuses have had since Mr. Spangler became President. Dr. Friedenberg stated that UNCA will have more representation on the search committee than the faculty at UNC-Wilmington, UNC-Charlotte, School of the Arts, or NC State. Dr. Friedenberg requested an additional faculty representative for our professional division, but Mr. Cecil denied this request. Ground Rules A series of successful motions resulted in the following ground rules: (1) voting by secret ballot (carried 11-1); (2) selection based on majority approval of present voting group (at least 7 votes) (carried unanimously); (3) no more than one name from any academic department could be on the final list sent to Mr. Cecil (carried 11-1). Following these motions, the Senate discussed faculty eligibility (teaching at least half-time or more, but on a full-time faculty appointment), tenured versus non-tenured faculty, relief from other committee obligations, the time table for the search, selecting faculty members who will work well with the Trustees, and will convey our values. After nominations were held, Dr. Dorr moved that the nominations be closed. Dr. Hantz seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Dr. Hantz then made a motion for a 15 minute recess before voting. Dr. Rackham seconded the motion. After a lengthy discussion, the motion carried by a vote of 7-5 and the Senate recessed for 15 minutes. The Senate reconvened at 3:20 pm. A variety of voting strategies were discussed. Ten ballots were held during the election of the representatives, and several motions were considered. On the first ballot, the voting members voted for six faculty, two from each university division. Dr. Sabo moved to eliminate any nominee with two or fewer votes. Dr. Hantz seconded this motion, which passed unanimously. Dr. Sabo then moved to draw lots and vote on one division at a time. Dr. Hantz seconded the motion, which carried 11-1. Page 3 Lots were drawned to ascertain the following voting order: (1) Natural Science, (2) Social Science, and (3) Humanities. As voting continued, the following motions were made: (Social Science selection) Dr. Sabo moved to eliminate nominees with three or fewer votes as 2 of the 4 individuals were non-tenured. Ms. Marshall seconded the motion which failed by a vote of 4-8. Ms. Marshall moved to eliminate the nominee with the lowest number of votes. The motion was seconded by Dr. Sabo. Ms. Marshall then amended her motion to eliminate nominees with two or fewer votes. The seconder did not approve of the amendment, and the motion failed for lack of a second. Ms. Marshall's original motion to eliminate the nominee with the lowest number of votes was again seconded by Dr. Sabo, and carried by a vote of 11-1. After another ballot was held, Ms. Marshall moved to eliminate the nominee with the least number of votes. Dr. McClary seconded the motion which carried by a vote of 10-2. (Humanities selection) Another ballot was held and Dr. Dorr made a motion to drop the name with the lowest number of votes. Dr. Greenawalt seconded the motion which carried by a vote of 7-3 with 2 abstentions. Voting Results The following names will be submitted to Mr. Cecil: Natural Science Social Science Humanities Charles James Keith Bramlett Jeff Rackham Betsy Wilson Linda Nelms Arnold Wengrow Resolution Dr. Sabo moved that Dr. Friedenberg oversee the preparation of a Senate resolution thanking Chancellor Brown for his efforts on behalf of UNCA. The contents of the resolution will be given by Dr. Friedenberg at the July 30th Farewell Reception for Chancellor Brown. The motion was seconded by Dr. Dorr, and passed unanimously. Budget Dr. Wilson received a memorandum today from GA which confirms information sent to faculty earlier. The Faculty Salary budget will be reduced by $140,600, 3.7 positions over our base budget. UNCA will lose 1 1/2 SPA positions at $25,900, and will lose one EPA non-faculty position at $27,500. These figures are coming out from what appears to be a 3% budget reduction at every university in every category. This information is not final because the legislature has not adopted a budget at this time. Also, there are rumors that there will be a salary increase this year. Interim Chancellor Dr. Roy Carroll will begin his duties as Interim Chancellor for UNCA on August 6. There is an increasing likelihood that Dr. Carroll will be staying in the Chancellor's house this year. Adjournment Dr. Friedenberg adjourned the meeting at 4:05 pm. Respectfully submitted: Sandra Gravely Bruce Greenawalt