University of North Carolina at Asheville FACULTY SENATE MEETING Minutes, March 21, 1991 Senate Members: A. Comer, A. Coyne, L. Dorr, L. Friedenberg, B. Greenawalt, A. Hantz, S. Obergfell, J. Rackham, B. Sabo, D. Sulock, D. Van Engelen, A. Wengrow, L. Wilson Excused: D. Lisnerski, C. McClary, B. Wilson Visitors: 60-plus I. Call to Order The 1990-91 Faculty Senate met on Thursday, March 21, 1991, in NCB-011. Lisa Friedenberg, Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:30 pm. II. Chancellor's Search Committee - Mr. Jack Cecil Mr. Jack Cecil, Chair of the Board of Trustees and Chair of the Chancellor's Search Committee, thanked the Senate for the opportunity to give a third update on the Chancellor's search process. Mr. Cecil gave a synopsis of the search to date and entertained questions from the floor. Approximately twenty faculty members commented on the search process, and many emphasized the need to extend the search. Suggestions included: 1) interviewing two or three additional candidates; 2) having time for informal discussions with the candidates; and 3) giving the candidates time alone to walk around campus. In addition, faculty members expressed attributes they desired in a Chancellor. Many faculty named Dr. Carroll in particular as someone who possessed the characteristics of a Chancellor. Faculty want a Chancellor who is sincere and genuine, who projects a sense of caring, and a belief that a liberal arts college should have a human face. Other attributes included teaching experience, so faculty could identify with the Chancellor as a colleague, a scholar who can inspire faculty, and an expert on university administration with contacts, who can be a stabilizing force on campus. In response to comments regarding Dr. Carroll, Mr. Cecil stated that Dr. Carroll had withdrawn his candidacy. The Senate recessed at 4:55 pm and reconvened at 5:00 pm. III. The February 14, 1991 Senate minutes were approved as written (Dorr/Wengrow). IV. Administrative Report Dr. Larry Wilson (VCAA) delayed the Administrative Report until the next Senate meet. V. Executive Committee Report Dr. Friedenberg reported for the Executive Committee. Document for Consideration Dr. Friedenberg moved approval of EC #1: 1992-93 Academic Calendar (Friedenberg/Coyne). Dr. Friedenberg explained that this was a resolution in support of the academic calendar. Spring Break was discussed briefly. EC #1 passed unanimously and became Senate Document #2091S. Student Government Report There was no Student Government Report. VI. Academic Policies Committee Report Dr. Coyne gave the Academic Policies Committee Report. Documents Presented for First Reading The following documents were presented for first reading: APC #19: Catalog Changes in Education APC #24: Changes in Accounting and Management APC #25: Musical Theatre Workshop APC #26: Prerequisite Change for Economics 360 APC #27: Social Science Requirement Option in Economics APC #28: Addition of Two Engineering Courses APC #29: Catalog Changes in Sociology APC #30: Electronics Course Addition (Physics) APC #31: Change in Description for Psychology 220 APC #32: Changes in Music Curriculum APC #33: Changes in Statistics and Mathematics APC #34: Changes in Art Dr. Coyne reminded the Senators to bring APC #21: Undergraduate Research Scholar Designation to the March 28th Senate meeting. Comments on D-Grade Policy Dr. Coyne explained that Senate Document #1190F: Replacement of Grade policy, was incorrectly clarified at the January 17th Senate meeting. Grades can be replaced back to 1982-83 if a student petitions. The student must be currently enrolled to petition. Documents for Consideration Dr. Coyne moved approval of the following APC Documents: APC #20: Catalog changes in Philosophy (Coyne/Sabo) APC #20 passed unanimously and became Senate Document #2191S. APC #22: Catalog changes in Foreign Language Requirements (Coyne/Wengrow) Dr. Goedsche stated that Dr. Stern would like the Senate to consider having a two-year foreign language requirement instead of the current one-year requirement when the Senate reviews UNCA's general education objectives. APC #22 passed unanimously and became Senate Document #2291S. APC #23: Catalog changes in Atmospheric Sciences (Coyne/Dorr). Dr. Coyne received permission to make an editorial change in the document. APC #23 passed unanimously and became Senate Document #2391S. VII. Institutional Development Committee Report Dr. Hantz had to leave the Senate meeting early due to another commitment. Documents for Consideration Dr. Greenawalt moved to table IDC #5: Graduate Center Funding Reimbursement Resolution at Dr. Hantz's request. Mr. Wengrow seconded the motion which passed unanimously. VIII. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report Dr. Greenawalt reported for the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee. Elections Dr. Greenawalt reported that the results of the recent Tenure election had been mailed and the Hearings Committee ballots will be out tomorrow. Dr. Greenawalt reported on the procedure used to construct ballots and alerted Senate to a problem in the Grievance Committee election resulting from the increase in terms on Grievance from one to two years. At the next Senate meeting Dr. Greenawalt will present a document to clarify the Faculty Handbook description of the Tenure and Hearings Committee. Dr. Greenawalt stressed that both the Tenure and Hearing ballots are technically correct at this point under the Faculty Handbook. Dr. Greenawalt sent out a memo on March 7th soliciting names of people wishing to serve on the Faculty Assembly, along with a committee preference list. Document for Consideration Dr. Greenawalt revised FWDC #91S2 Parking Fees document as followings: replace the words "Linda Franklin" on line three under rationale with "data provided by the personnel office". Dr. Greenawalt gave a history of the document and stated that the full Senate charged the FWDC to look into the parking fee issue. The FWDC did not address student parking issues or consider what was done with the money raised by faculty parking fees. Dr. Greenawalt also reported on the parking fees assessed at other UNC institutions. Dr. Greenawalt moved approval of FWDC #91S2: Parking fees. The motion was seconded by Dr. Sabo. A lengthy discussion ensued concerning the equity, legality, and fairness of the proposed parking fees; the manner in which fees were spent, and who set the fees. Suggestions included making use of the free parking lot, considering net income instead of gross income in the parking fee structure, and assessing higher fees in prime parking areas and lower fees in less desirable areas on campus. Dr. Friedenberg stated that the Senate, as a body, does not have the authority to set parking fees; the document is a resolution suggesting changes in the current fee structure. FWDC #91S2 passed by a vote of 5 to 1 with two abstentions and became Senate Document #2491S. IX. Old Business There was no Old Business. X. New Business There was no New Business. XI. Adjournment Dr. Friedenberg adjourned the meeting at 5:50 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely Bruce Greenawalt