THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE FACULTY SENATE Senate Document Number 2791S Date of Senate Approval 3/28/91 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Statement of Faculty Senate Action: APC Document #21: Undergraduate Research Scholar Designation a) Effective Date: Fall semester 1991. b) ADD the following sentence to paragraph 7, page 60, after sentence 1: "The University Research Scholar designation is granted for outstanding performance in undergraduate research." At the start of that paragraph change "two" to "three." c) ADD the following two sentences to paragraph 8, page 60, after sentence 2: "The University Research Scholar designation is awarded only upon recommendation by the Undergraduate Research Council. The Undergraduate Research Council applies standards for this award that have been approved by the Honors Committee." d) ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT: This change will not have departmental resource implications. e) RATIONALE: Since research is an integral part of a quality undergraduate liberal arts college, the designation of University Research Scholar is a step toward institutionalizing this distinctive aspect of UNCA. f) LIAISON: Robert Yearout, 6554/6555. g) Enclosure 1 contains the proposed standards for this award. UNCA RESEARCH SCHOLAR The designation of UNCA Research Scholar will be noted on the student's UNCA transcript and also on the graduation list for those students meeting the following minimal requirements. 1. Successful completion of a research program under the supervision of a UNCA faculty mentor. No later than the semester prior to graduation, students, in conjunction with their faculty mentors, will submit an application for the "Research Scholar" designation. This application is in the form of a research proposal, following guidelines established by the Undergraduate Research Program Advisory Council (URPAC). The term "research" is interpreted to include scholarship and creative endeavors, with the emphasis on new "knowledge" (new understandings, new ideas, new concepts, new information, new thinking, etc.). URPAC relies on the mentor and disciplinary guidelines to distinguish those projects meeting the above criteria from conventional term papers, reports, etc. 2. The research/creative project will be presented at either the Fall or Spring UNCA Undergraduate Symposium. This presentation will take the form of an oral presentation, reading, performance, demonstration, exhibit, or poster presentation. Students and faculty mentors may consult with URPAC concerning the appropriate format, especially in the case of artistic projects. 3. In addition to the Symposium, Research Scholars must submit their work for review, resulting in participation or publication in one of the following: National Conference on Undergraduate Research or an appropriate disciplinary conference; UNCA Journal of Undergraduate Research or appropriate disciplinary journal; The Fury or other refereed literary medium. 4. Submission of a written paper to URPAC. These papers should follow disciplinary guidelines for reporting research or writing scholarly papers. For the arts, URPAC, in conjunction with the student and faculty mentor, will develop an appropriate format for documentation of the project (i.e, photographic slides of an art exhibit; an audio or video tape of a performance). Publications resulting from requirement three above, when submitted to URPAC, meet this requirement. Non-published papers, such as those submitted to the academic department, will also meet this requirement. This final documentation requires endorsement of the research or creative project by the student's faculty mentor and the appropriate department chair/program director. 5. The designation "Research Scholar" will be recommended to the assembled faculty for approval, following the format required for the awarding of Departmental Distinction.