University of North Carolina at Asheville FACULTY SENATE MEETING Minutes, NOVEMBER 9, 1989 Senate Members: A. Comer, L. Friedenberg, A. Hantz, C. Mitchell, L. Nelms, S. Obergfell, S. Patch, C. Prokop, B. Sabo, D. Sulock, A. Wengrow, B. Wilson, L. Wilson Excused: M. Marshall, B. Greenawalt Absent: J. Heimbach Visitors: M. Boyd, C. Brown (SGA), B. Corbin (SGA), D. Harmon, D. Ovens, B. Yearout I. Call to Order The 1989-90 Faculty Senate met on Thursday, November 9, 1989, in the Whitman Room of Ramsey Library. Charles Prokop, Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:35 pm. II. Minutes Dr. Patch presented the October 12, 1989 Senate minutes for approval. Dr. Friedenberg seconded the motion. The following corrections were made: page 2, replace the word "principle" with "principal"; page 4, replace the word "initiate" with "review". The minutes were approved. III. Institutional Development Committee Report Ms. Linda Nelms reported for the Institutional Development Committee. Prior Year's Thrust Expenditures The UPC has developed a list of questions concerning prior year's Thrust expenditures. The leaders of the Distinctives are supplying UPC with answers regarding prior expenditures. November 14th Meeting Security The UPC has developed a list of 13 questions regarding security, which will be the major focus of the November 14th UPC meeting. Dr. Iovacchini, Mr. Efland, Mr. Jeff Van Slyke (new director of security), and Dr. Weber have been asked to attend this meeting at 7:45 AM in the hopes of getting an overall picture of UNCA's security. Humanities Minor Discussion of a Humanities minor is scheduled for the November 14th UPC meeting at 9:00 AM. Dr. Moseley will represent the Humanities. November 28th Meeting Non-state Funding The UPC has prepared a list of questions concerning non-state funding which will be discussed at the November 28th meeting at 7:45 AM. Ms. Beverly Cutter-Modlin, Vice Chancellor for University Relations, will address this issue. Page 2 IV. Administrative Report Dr. Larry Wilson (VCAA) gave the Administrative Report. Outcomes Assessment The General Assembly initiated Outcomes Assessment as one of eight items for review this year. Dr. Wilson and Dr. Cochran met with GA last week and discussed outcomes assessment and UNCA's progress in measuring senior competencies. The following three components are of particular interest to GA: 1) student growth and development, i.e., academic assessment; 2) faculty growth and development; and, (3) progress toward achieving the university's mission statement. GA is meeting with each institution separately; a report will be forthcoming later in November. The General Assembly has required General Administration to submit a plan regarding outcomes assessment for the entire system by January 1991. GA prefers that each institution manage its own plan, rather than adopting a state-wide plan. Board of Visitors Last weekend the Board of Visitors met with the following 4 panels: Humanities, Undergraduate Research, Faculty Development, and the Center for Creative Retirement. Dr. Wilson stated that UNCA received two checks from Board members, one for $1,000, and one for $400. A report will be distributed by Mr. Tom Byers. Highsmith Renovations An ad hoc committee is planning a $3M renovation project on the Highsmith Center. The committee is composed of Ms. Sharyn McDonald, Chair; faculty members Robert Dunning and Joe Sulock; and students Kevan Frazier and Robert Straub. Dr. Wilson expressed concern that most of the renovations are going toward food service and office space. Enrollment Enrollment for next year and next semester continue to look promising. For next sememster, Freshmen enrollment is down 5%, and Transfers have increased 13%, for a net increase of 9% compared to last year at this time. Dr. Mitchell stated that Dr. Gillum had asked her to inquire on the success of the Retention Committee which met last year. Dr. Wilson stated that almost no Freshmen have withdrawn since the third week of classes, versus a 10% decline in Freshmen enrollment in previous years during the same time period. Dr. Wilson stated that the new advising and orientation systems might have made a difference in these figures. Applications for next Fall have increased significantly, which may allow UNCA to take another substantial increase in SAT scores, depending upon the student's SAT profiles. Tax-Sheltered Child Care Plan Dr. Wilson stated that at the last Senate meeting Dr. Browning reported from the Faculty Assembly on a Tax-Sheltered Child Care Plan. It had been announced at the Assembly that Personnel Offices should be familiar with this plan. Dr. Wilson found that House Bill 1129 from last year authorizes the Board of Governors to develop a plan for dependent care assistance which could be tax sheltered. However, no date was specified as to when this plan must be in place. General Administration stated that Page 3 this will be available in the near future. However, the plan is not currently in place. Searches Two candidates have interviewed for the position of Personnel Director. Dr. Caroline Miller will continue to serve in this capacity, as well as Assistant VC of Enrollment Services, until a replacement is found. Nine faculty position searches are underway at this time. Three of these are new positions and six are replacement positions. Alumni Phonathon The annual phonathon is currently underway with a goal of $40K. This is more than twice last year's goal. Director of Security Mr. Jeff Van Slyke from Auburn University is the new Director of Security. General Assembly In response to Dr. Comer's question, Dr. Wilson stated that he would report at a future Senate meeting on the General Assembly's items for review this year. V. Executive Committee Report Dr. Prokop reported for the Executive Committee. Computer Document System Dr. Prokop asked for input from any Senate members who had accessed the new computer document system. After finalizing the system, it will be made available to faculty campus-wide. Senate Chairs Meeting On December 1st, Dr. Prokop will meet with Senate chairs from across the state at the Faculty Assembly meeting in Chapel Hill. Contact Dr. Prokop if you want a particular issue raised, or a particular question asked. Student Government Report Dr. Prokop stated that when the need arises, the Student Government would like to deliver a brief student report to the Senate. This could be a routine part of the Executive Committee report. Brian Corbin recently replaced Hugh Williams as Freshman Senator and Academic Affairs Chairman. Mr. Corbin gave the report. The Student Government recently passed three bills: (1) Health Excuse Bill - calls for the Health Service to issue excuses to students who miss class or assignments for valid medical reasons, and states that only students seeking medical attention while ill should be issued excuses. (2) Peep-Hole Bill - calls for the installation of peep-holes in Mills Hall and the High Rise. (3) Class Time Rescheduling Bill - calls for scheduling more classes after 1:00 PM, and scheduling more classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, due to inadequate parking,. VI. Academic Policies Committee Report Dr. Lisa Friedenberg reported for the Academic Policies Committee. Page 4 Documents for Consideration Dr. Friedenberg moved approval of APC Document #2: Creation of Arts Course Lab in Dance. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously and APC Document #2 became Senate Document #0389F. Documents for Presentation Dr. Friedenberg presented the following APC documents for first reading: APC #3: "Sunset" Policy for Catalog Courses APC #4: Administrative Withdrawal As New Grading Category APC #5: Policy Change On Re-Taking Courses VII. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report Dr. Patch reported for the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee in Ms. Marshall's absence. Documents for Presentation Dr. Patch presented the following documents for first reading: FWDC Document #2: Faculty Assembly Representative Replacement Policy FWDC Document #3: Policy on Timing of Senate Election of Faculty to Committees Day Care Options Dr. Patch stated that Dr. Bennett is looking into day care options for the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee. Next Meeting The next FWDC meeting will be held on Thursday, November 16th, at 12:30 pm in Owen-108. VIII. Old Business There was no Old Business. IX. New Business There was no New Business. X. Adjournment Dr. Prokop adjourned the meeting at 4:07 PM. Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely Steve Patch Page 5