University of North Carolina at Asheville FACULTY SENATE MEETING Minutes, April 24, 1990 - 3:30 pm Senate Members: A. Comer, L. Friedenberg, B. Greenawalt, A. Hantz, J. Heimbach, M. Marshall, L. Nelms, S. Obergfell, S. Patch, C. Prokop, B. Sabo, D. Sulock, B. Wilson, L. Wilson Excused: C. Mitchell, A. Wengrow Visitors: M. Boyd, C. Brown, T. Dohse, J. Garrett, A. Gravely, W. Gravely, M. Johnson (SGA) D. Lisnerski I. Call to Order The 1989-90 Faculty Senate met on Thursday, April 24, 1990, in the Whitman Room of Ramsey Library. Charles Prokop, Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:40 pm. II. Minutes Ms. Marshall presented the March 29, 1990 and April 12, 1990 Senate minutes for approval. Dr. Hantz seconded the motion. Dr. L. Wilson requested the following changes in the minutes. In the March 29th minutes, on page 2 under Review of Institutional Mission, the first sentence should read: "Dr. Wilson reported on a memorandum Chancellor Brown received from President Spangler ...". On page 2 under Enrollment, 2nd paragraph, the words "...counties had..." were replaced with "...counties will have...". In the April 12th minutes, under Income Accounts, 3rd paragraph, the first sentence should read: "Interest from income on accounts is used by ...". The minutes were approved as amended. III. Administrative Report Dr. Larry Wilson (VCAA) gave the Administrative Report. Slander/liability insurance Dr. Wilson reported that faculty are now insured for slander/libel and will no longer have to purchase the supplemental liability insurance policy. Budget Pending new State revenue developments in April, UNCA will not have to return additional funds. $20K has been returned to purchase library books, and Dr. Cochran has $15K to apply toward order requests from a variety of departments. Farrell Resignation Ed Farrell has resigned as UNCA's athletic director; the search committee will begin interviewing applicants next week. The search committee is composed of Stacy Carter, Yav Iovacchini, Valerie Lemoignan, Cheryl McClary, Steve Patch, and Bob Yearout - Chair. Faculty Positions UNCA will have eight new faculty members next Fall. Searches for Spanish, Education, and Management faculty will continue over until next year. Page 2 Enrollment Applications for next Fall continue to fluctuate within 1-2 percent of those received last year at this time. SAT scores of accepted applicants have increased from 992 last year at this time to 1,003. 62% of the applicants are in the top-fifth of their class compared to 52% last year. Dr. Wilson reported that the local community colleges did not know if their application figures had increased or not. If applications at A-B Technical Community College and Blue Ridge Community College have increased at all, it is in their college transfer programs. IV. Executive Committee Report Dr. Prokop reported for the Executive Committee. Athletics Committee Report A copy of the Athletics Committee report will be placed in the Senate reserve file in Ramsey Library. This report covers detailed reporting of graduation rates, GPA averages, and other academic data on athletes. Kauffman's Visit Dr. Prokop thanked faculty who came to the meeting with Dr. Kauffman and commended the Chancellor for conducting the completely voluntary review of his performance. Secretary Appreciation Dr. Prokop acknowledged Sandra Gravely for surviving another year with the Senate, and presented her with a ceramic tea pot crafted by a UNCA student, and a large aloe plant from Martha Marshall's thriving collection. V. Academic Policies Committee Report Dr. Friedenberg did not have an Academic Policies Committee report. VI. Institutional Development Committee Report Ms. Linda Nelms reported for the Institutional Development Committee. Document for Consideration Ms. Nelms moved approval of IDC #6 - Recommendations from Mathematics Self Study. Dr. Friedenberg seconded the motion. IDC #6 passed unanimously and became Senate Document #4090S. Computer Science Self-Study Ms. Nelms reported that the UPC has reviewed the computer science self-study. However, because the UPC is suppose to present and conduct a follow-up, the new IDC Chair will present this report to the 1990-91 Senate next Fall. VII. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report Ms. Marshall reported for the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee. Announcements Ms. Marshall distributed copies of the "rates of return" on the tax deferred options. This information will be available on the VAX for faculty review. The FWDC explored the possibility of having an in-house Page 3 payroll system and rejected it as not cost effective. Academic Appeals Board Ms. Marshall explained the balloting process for the Academic Appeals Board elections and proposed several faculty names which were placed on the ballot. The outcome will take place next Thursday. Faculty Development Opportunities List Ms. Marshall announced that the final list of Faculty Development Opportunities had been printed. Copies are available from Dr. L. Wilson or the FWDC. VIII. Old Business There was no Old Business. IX. New Business Dr. Prokop recognized out-going Senators Martha Marshall, Cathy Mitchell, Linda Nelms, and Steve Patch for their time and effort given to the Senate. Dr. Sabo recognized Dr. Prokop, also an out-going Senator, for his efforts as Senate Chair. A round of applause followed for all out-going senators. X. Adjournment Dr. Prokop adjourned the meeting at 4:05 pm and announced that the 1990-91 Senate re-organization meeting would take place at 4:15 pm today. Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely Martha Marshall