University of North Carolina at Asheville FACULTY SENATE MEETING Minutes, April 12, 1990 Senate Members: A. Comer, L. Friedenberg, B. Greenawalt, J. Heimbach, M. Marshall, C. Mitchell, L. Nelms, S. Patch, C. Prokop, B. Sabo, A. Wengrow, B. Wilson, L. Wilson Excused: A. Hantz, S. Obergfell, D. Sulock Visitors: C. Brown (SGA), B. Corbin (SGA), F. Davenport, J. Garrett, D. Harmon, D. Kay, P. Kendrick, G. Kormanik I. Call to Order The 1989-90 Faculty Senate met on Thursday, April 12, 1990, in the Whitman Room of Ramsey Library. Charles Prokop, Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:35 pm. Minutes The March 29, 1990 Senate minutes will be presented at the April 26th Senate meeting. II. Administrative Report Dr. Larry Wilson (VCAA) gave the Administrative Report. Budget $585K in state funds has been impounded due to revenue shortfalls, $430-440K in non-personnel items and $140K in personnel related items. Fortunately, UNCA has approximately $140K in salary which will revert back to the state. At this time Dr. Wilson does not believe additional funds will be impounded, although this could change. Income Accounts Dr. Wilson provided the following information concerning income accounts from the Foundation endowment in response to questions at the last Senate meeting. Income generated from any designated account remains available for expenditure from that account. Also, additional funds can be used to increase the size of an award when an account with an award accrues funds because all of the award was not committed in one year. Senators who deal with income accounts should notify Dr. Wilson if they have not received a report on accounts since the last Senate meeting. Interest on income accounts is used by the business office to support a variety of university accounts. As an example, in 1988-89 approximately $12K was accrued in interest on unexpended income balances in a variety of accounts. These funds were used for audits, director's liability insurance, and investment fees. The Foundation will consider a policy whereby a certain percent of annual interest for each account will be returned to the principal at the next Foundation meeting. There is still a question as to what the percent will be. Enrollment UNCA is a little less than 1% ahead on overall applications compared to last year. Out-of-state applications have increased by 10%, while in-state applications have increased by l/2-1% in the last couple of weeks. The quality of accepted new Freshman is slightly ahead of last year. SAT scores of accepted students is 1,004 compared to 1,000 at this Page 2 time last year. 62% of accepted students are in the top 5th of their class compared to 56% last year. Grade Replacement Policy Dr. Wilson has decided not to approve Senate Document #0689F - Policy on Re-taking Courses, as a result of conversations with faculty members held on March 22nd. Dr. Wilson is sending a memo to faculty concerning this policy and will ask the APC to revisit the issue next fall. Dr. Friedenberg stated that APC has received another proposal regarding re-taking courses and it will be the first agenda item next Fall. At this time Dr. Prokop distributed a copy of Dr. Wilson's comments on Senate Document #0687F and Chancellor Brown's comments on Senate Document #4489S - Recommendation for UNCA Distinctives. Chancellor Brown has approved Senate Document #4489S. UNCA's Mission Statement Dr. Wilson stated that UNCA will work concurrently on President Spangler's request for all institutions to analyze their current mission statements and propose any changes by December 1990, while also working on the Southern Association Accreditation self-study. Faculty will receive a statement from Chancellor Brown regarding President Spangler's memorandum, and an agenda setting session will be held May 30-31. Dr. Wilson noted that while this was short notice and some faculty would be unable to attend, the May 30-31 session was important. III. Executive Committee Report Dr. Prokop reported for the Executive Committee. Chancellor's Performance Review Dr. Prokop reminded Senators that Dr. Joe Kauffman, professor emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, will be on campus on to conduct a performance review of Dave Brown's chancellorship on Tuesday, April 24th. A book authored by Dr. Kauffman has been placed on overnight reserve in Ramsey Library. A Carnegie Report by Clark Kerr which also deals with presidency evaluations will be placed on reserve. New Senate Schedule The Executive Committee met yesterday in an attempt to limit the number of end-of-year meetings currently scheduled. Dr. Prokop suggested the following agenda: On April 26th at 3:30 pm the Senate will consider IDC #6 which will be presented for first reading today. At 4:00 pm the 1989-90 Senate will adjourn and the 1990-91 Senate will convene. This will allow time for the new Senate to conduct re-organization elections and to make committee appointments before the end of the year. The Senators concurred with the plan. A memo confirming or denying this schedule change will be sent to all Senate members after Dr. Prokop has contacted the newly elected Senate members. The Senate will continue with the previous schedule if any new Senator disagrees with this change. IV. Academic Policies Committee Report Dr. Friedenberg reported for the Academic Policies Committee. Page 3 Documents for Consideration Dr. Friedenberg moved approval of the following documents: APC #26: Catalog Changes in Economics. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion. APC #26 passed unanimously and became Senate Document #3890S. APC #27: "IP" Grade Proposal. Dr. Sabo seconded the motion. After discussion, APC #27 passed by a vote of 10-1 and became Senate Document #3990S. Dr. Friedenberg made a motion to bring APC #22-B: Catalog Changes in Mathematics back to the table. This document was tabled at an earlier Senate meeting until the UPC had completed the Mathematics self-study. Dr. Comer seconded the motion. The motion passed. Dr. Sabo asked to hear IDC's report concerning APC #22-B. Ms. Nelms stated that APC #22-B did not impact the UPC's concerns relative to the mathematics self-study. The UPC viewed this document as an APC issue. However, the UPC did discover that UNCA did not have a remediation policy and will request the APC to look into this issue next year. After a lengthy discussion, Dr. Mitchell called the question and Dr. Friedenberg seconded the motion. A 2/3 vote was required in order to stop debate and proceed to a vote. This motion to call the question passed by a vote of 8 to 3. The APC #22-B vote was split 5 to 5 with one abstention. Dr. Prokop opposed APC #22-B, and referred to Dr. Kay's willingness to delay this action until after a remediation policy has been discussed further. APC Document #22-B Catalog Changes in Mathematics failed. Document Distributed Dr. Friedenberg distributed copies of the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee to Review General Education Requirements in the Natural Sciences presented by Dr. L. Wilson. The APC endorsed the concept of the report and requested chairs of the natural science departments to prepare proposals for next year's APC. This report was distributed for informational purposes only. In a departure from the agenda, Dr. Prokop asked Mr. Chris Brown to give the SGA report. Student Government Report Mr. Chris Brown gave the Student Government report. The SGA President, Vice President, and Senators were sworn in last night. The 21st Senate Session closed and the 22nd Senate Session began. Mr. Brown thanked Dr. Wilson for his attendance and input. The SGA will help with early registration this year. A transit survey will be conducted during registration to determine the need for a city bus route on campus. Mr. Brown thanked Dr. Prokop and Dr. Wilson for taking time out of their busy schedules to attend or speak at the SGA Senate meetings. Their input was appreciated and informative. V. Institutional Development Committee Report Ms. Linda Nelms reported for the Institutional Development Committee. Page 4 First Reading Presentation Ms. Nelms distributed the following IDC document for first reading presentation. IDC #6: Recommendations from Mathematics Self-Study The document consisted of recommendations and a resolution. Computer Science Self-Study The UPC will begin reviewing the Computer Science self study which will be presented to the 1990-91 Senate. Distinctives The UPC has selected a Thrust proposal submitted by Dr. Moog entitled Interdisciplinary Arts Technology. Mr. Wengrow noted the decision to recommend this proposal as a distinctive was not unanimous. Mathematics Self-Study Dr. Prokop asked for clarification of IDC #6. Ms. Nelms stated that the documents presented for first reading came out of the mathematics self-study and other supporting documents. Ms. Nelms explained that the resolution was approved by a UPC vote of 8 in favor with one abstention, and the recommendations were approved by consensus agreement. The resolution and recommendations will be considered together as IDC #6. VI. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report Ms. Marshall reported for the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee. Benefit Plans Interested faculty should plan to attend one of two sessions which will be held on April 16th and 17th by a Northwestern representative. Attendance is encouraged. TIAA Ms. Marshall stated that some faculty members have received material from TIAA regarding new options for tax-deferred money. The decision to offer these options must be made on a state-wide basis. A faculty assembly representative asked the FWDC to review the recommendations and asked their opinion. The FWDC approved the recommendations because it opened up additional options. Ms. Marshall listed the annualized rates of returns from 1985-89 on several existing plans. Ms. Marshall will ask the personnel office to distribute this information to all employees. Election results Ms. Marshall requested that the following election results be included in the minutes: Grievance Committee: Future elections will be for three members, each serving two-year terms. Terms expiring Summer, 1992 Professor -- Jeff Rackham, Literature Associate Professor -- Jim Heimbach, Atmospheric Sciences Assistant Professor -- Charlotte Goedsche, Foreign Language Terms expiring Summer, 1991 Professor -- John Stevens, Chemistry Associate Professor -- Bill Sabo, Political Science Assistant Professor -- Paul McDonald, Foreign Languages Page 5 Hearings Committee - Terms expiring Summer, 1992 Humanities - Alan Hantz, Mass Communication Natural Sciences - Chuck Bennett, Physics Social Sciences - Pamela Nickless, Economics Tenure Committee - Terms expire Summer, 1992 Humanities - Mel Blowers, Librarian Natural Sciences - Wayne Lang, Computer Science Social Sciences - Jack Reinecke, Management 1990-91 Faculty Senate - Terms expire May, 1993 Humanities Representative - Anthony Coyne, Philosophy Natural Sciences Representative - Debra Van Engelen, Chemistry Social Science Representative - Don Lisnerski, Management At-Large Representative - Jeff Rackham, Literature At-Large Representative - Larry Dorr, Philosophy Humanities Alternate - Charlotte Goedsche, Foreign Language Natural Sciences Alternate - Kathy Whatley, Physics Social Sciences Alternate - Cheryl McClary, Health & Fitness Committee Information Dr. Patch and Dr. Greenawalt have sent out a survey of committee chairs asking basic questions such as how often they meet, and recommendations about the size of the committee, and general information they felt would be useful in considering any committee revisions that might be made. If anyone knows of a comprehensive committee list, please contact Dr. Patch or Dr. Greenawalt. Academic Appeals Board Ms. Marshall stated that the Academic Appeals Board should have some two-year appointments and some one-year appointments to begin the new system of two-year staggered terms. Ms. Marshall suggested two possible solutions to the problem and stated she would contact the Academic Appeals Board concerning this. VII. Old Business There was no Old Business. VIII. New Business There was no New Business. IX. Adjournment Dr. Prokop adjourned the meeting at 5:10 PM. Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely Martha Marshall