THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE FACULTY SENATE Senate Document Number 2590S  Date of Senate Approval 3/8/90  Signature of Senate Chair _______________________ Date __________ Action of Vice Chancellor: Approval _______________________ Date ______________ Denied _______________________ Date ______________ Reasons for denial and suggested modifications: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Statement of Faculty Senate Action: APC #19: Catalog Changes in Political Science Effective Date: Fall, 1990 CHANGE I DELETE: "PROGRAM IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION" (pp. 192-193) DELETE: PolS 250 "Politics of Bureaucracy" PolS 305 "Public Personnel and Resource Management" PolS 322 "Political Organizations" PolS 355 "Government Organization and Administrative Theory" PolS 356 "Urban and Regional Planning" ADD: PolS 351 "Politics of Bureaucracy" "Examines how the bureaucracy formulates policies for legislative bodies and interprets and implements laws. Special emphasis is given the dynamics of subgovernments and the political and policy consequences of bureaucratic behavior. Prerequisite PolS 220." Page 2 RATIONALE: The program requires far more resources than the department can devote to it. Since very few students enroll in it, it is simply not cost-effective. Students career planning is better served by taking a master's degree in this field. The addition of PolS 351 allows the department to integrate the different elements of the deleted courses most relevant to the study of political behavior. IMPACT: Perhaps a slight increase in some management courses by people interested in pursuing a master's degree in public administration. CHANGE II DELETE: PolS 324 "Minority Politics" ADD: PolS 341 "The Evolution of Afro American Politics" "Examines how African-Americans have responded politically to the social, economic, and legal pressures of racism. Special emphasis is placed on federal policies and African-American political thought and strategies." ADD: PolS 342 "Contemporary African-American Political Behavior" "Examines the involvement of African-Americans in the U. S. political system since the 1954 "Brown" decision. Focus is on both mass and elite behavior with special attention to protest and electoral political strategies." RATIONALE: Essentially Dwight has found it impossible to cover this material in one course. IMPACT: Unknown but unlikely to affect other departments directly. Page 3 CHANGE III DELETE: PolS 366 "African Politics" ADD: PolS 361 "Imperialism and Revolution in Colonial Africa" "Examines the development of the political institutions and processes of pre-independence Africa. Primary focus is on the politics of colonial rule, the dynamics of African response to colonial authority, and the formation of modern African states." ADD: PolS 362 Contemporary African Politics" "Examines the social, political, economic, and institutional characteristics of contemporary African government and society. Prerequisite PolS 361." RATIONALE: To examine the political arrangements of an entire continent requires far more time than the one course we have offered in the past. IMPACT: Unknown but unlikely to affect other departments directly. CHANGE IV DELETE: PolS 490 "Senior Research Seminar" ADD: PolS 390 "Political Analysis" "Examines the evolution of the scientific study of politics, the approaches and methods employed by political scientists, and effective ways of researching political phenomena. Prerequisite PolS 220, 281." ADD: PolS 392 "Directed Research in Political Science" Page 4 "An individual directed research project which the student conducts in cooperation with a faculty member. Prerequisite: PolS 390 and permission of department chair." ADD: PolS 491 "Senior Research Seminar in American Politics" "A research seminar in which the student conducts a supervised investigation on a topic related to American politics which is presented to the entire department. Prerequisite PolS 390 and senior standing. (Students in the Political Economy Program may qualify by taking Econ 365 instead of PolS 390.)" ADD: PolS 492 "Senior Research Seminar in International Politics" "A research seminar in which the student conducts a supervised investigation on a topic related to international or comparative politics which is presented to the entire department. Prerequisite PolS 281 and PolS 390 and senior standing." RATIONALE: These changes are a response to the University's emphasis on undergraduate research. PolS 390 is being added to improve the quality of research by political science students. The division of the old research seminar will give students greater opportunity to do their work in the field in which they choose and guarantee them the best possible assistance from faculty. The 392 course is specifically designed to assist promising students interested in attending graduate school. The permission of the department chair is specifically added to limit enrollment. IMPACT: Unknown but unlikely to affect other departments directly. CHANGE V RENUMBER: PolS 242 American Political Thought to PolS 346 American Political Thought Page 5 (same catalog description as PolS 242) RATIONALE: The material as presented is more appropriate for students at the Junior and Senior level. It also helps students if they have had Humanities 224. IMPACT: Unknown but unlikely to affect other departments directly. CHANGE VI ADD: PolS 320 "The Evolution of American Politics" "An analysis of the institutional development of the presidency, legislature, courts, and political parties in response to changes in the cultural, economic, and social environment of American politics." RATIONALE: This is a primary interest of a member of the department. It has been taught several times as a special topics course. Putting it in the catalog responds to APC's concern for frequent unexamined special topics class offerings. CHANGE VII DELETE: Section II under "Program in Political Economy" (p. 193) ADD: II. Required courses outside the major - ten (10) hours: Stat 125 or 185, CSci 126, and either Phil 200 or 304. RATIONALE: Brings the description in Political Science into line with the wording and changes in the Economics description of the same program. CHANGE VIII ADD: Page 6 After the descriptions of PolS 120 and PolS 180 the following phrase: "Political Science majors may not include this course as part of their departmental requirements." RATIONALE: These courses were specifically designed to serve as all-university requirements. They are specifically designed for non-majors who will never take another Political Science course. IMPACT: One less elective course for people who choose to major in Political Science after taking one of these courses. CHANGE IX ADD on p. 193 after the heading "A Joint Major in Political Science and History" the phrase "Students electing this program may not declare a double major with history nor may they declare a history minor." RATIONALE:  The object of the program was to help students who often doubled majored to preserve electives. This statement prevents students from abusing the intent by getting two majors or a major and a minor with less hours than would normally be necessary. EDITORIAL CHANGES A. CHANGE in "Program in Political Behavior" (p. 192) REPLACE Sections I, II, and III with I. Required courses in the major - 33 hours including 220, 261 or 281, 390 and either 491 or 492. II. Required courses outside the department - STAT 185. III. Senior demonstration of competency, met by satisfactory completion of either PolS 491 or 492. B. CHANGE in "Program in International Relations" (p. 192) REPLACE sections I, II, and III with: I. Required courses in the department -- 27 hours Page 7 including 220, 261 or 281, 363, 390 and 492. At least 9 of the remaining 12 hours must come from courses in the 360 and 380 sequence. II. Required courses outside the department - 12 hours from a departmentally approved list of courses that deal with international studies. (Foreign Language beyond general education may be used to satisfy this 12 hour requirement) III. Senior demonstration of competency, met by satisfactory completion of PolS 492. C. CHANGE in "Program in Politics and Law" (p. 192) REPLACE sections I and III with: I. Required courses in the department -- 33 hours including PolS 220, 327, 328, 390 and 491 and two courses from PolS 330, 332, 334, and 384. III. Senior demonstration of competency, met by satisfactory completion of PolS 491. D. CHANGE in "A Joint Major in Political Science and History" (p. 193)* REPLACE in section I the phrase "PolS 220, 281, 490, and 15 additional hours..." with "PolS 220, 261 or 281, 390, and either 491 or 492 and 12 additional hours ..." E. CHANGE in "Program in Political Economy" (p. 193)* REPLACE SECTIONS I, II, III with: I. Required Courses in the major -- 39-40 hours distributed as follows: Econ 220, 201, 310, 320 or 215, 341- 365; PolS 220, 347, 350, 357, 359 and either 321, 322, or 326; Econ 490 or PolS 491. II. Required courses outside the major -- 7 hours: Stat 185, CSCI 126 and either Phil 200 or 304. III. Senior Demonstration of Competency, met by successfully completing either Econ 490 or PolS 491. *Attached are responses by chairs of the History and Economics departments that such changes are acceptable to them. Similar changes must occur in their listings as well (see pp. 141-2 and p. 113).