University of North Carolina at Asheville FACULTY SENATE MEETING Minutes, September 8, 1988 Senate Members: S. Browning, A. Comer, L. Friedenberg, M. Gillum, A. Hantz, M. Marshall, C. Mitchell, L. Nelms, P. Nickless, S. Patch, C. Prokop, A. Wengrow, K. Whatley, B. Wilson, L. Wilson Excused: D. Sulock Alternates: C. Altimus Visitors: T. Brown, Jerry Buckner, T. Cochran, Tommy Dewar, J. Garrett, Markus Roeders, G. Rowland, unknown student The September 8th meeting of the Faculty Senate was called to order at 3:35 pm in the Whitman Room of Ramsey Library by Chair Charles Prokop. The minutes of the April 28 meeting were presented by Dr. Nickless and were approved as written. The Senate elected alternate Dr. Hantz to serve R. C. Reinoso's unexpired term on the Senate. Dr. Wilson stated in his Administrative report that five new faculty positions would be added for Fall 1989, and three additional positions would be advertised on a provisional basis until final enrollment for Fall and second semester were known. He also stated that the Belk Endowed Chair would essentially occupy one of the faculty positions. The Belk Chair is based on a $500K endowment and is part of the State program for endowed chairs. In this program, the State matches funds raised by the University. However, the remainder of funds needed will come out of the faculty salary budget. Dr. Wilson stated that Dr. Clint Wilson from Howard University would be speaking on minority hiring and recruitment on September 19. The workshop will include Department chairs/directors and administrative officers. Also, UNCA has some additional adjunct money for second semester. Dr. Wilson stated that UNCA has an undergraduate enrollment budget of 2,400 FTE (average for the year) and five MLA's for a total FTE of 2,405. UNCA has a +_ 2% window on this figure. Dr. Wilson indicated that UNCA could be approaching the -2% figure. If enrollment is significantly more than 2% below projections, the State could withhold up to 5% ($30K) of the academic program budget. Typically universities must be well below the -2% level for the State to withhold funds. The University will likely be close to -2% because more stringent admission standards resulted in a smaller enrollment than initially projected. Enrollment increased, although not as Page 2 rapidly as projected. Dr. Wilson is hopeful that enrollment will not go below the -2% window because the more stringent standards and the consequent 25 point increase in average SAT scores suggest that retention may be better as the students are a better match to UNCA's academic standards. Retention showed a 4% increase from last spring to this fall. In addition, response to the MLA program has been excellent, so graduate enrollment may be greater than the 5 projected to begin in January, 1989. Dr. Uldricks has received approximately 220 inquires, and up to 36 may be admitted to the MLA program this spring. Dr. Wilson stated that if retention held and the MLA program was successful, he felt UNCA would stay within the 2% window. Dr. Wilson reported that UNCA currently has two administrative searches in progress. Four candidates have interviewed for Alf Canon's position in University Relations and a fifth candidate may be interviewed. Also, two candidates have interviewed for the Enrollment Services position, one being a viable candidate. Dr. Wilson had no information as yet on the search to fill Bob Criminger's position. Information on the new Thrust Fund, Faculty Development, is in development, and should be sent out early next week. Dr. Mitchell questioned why the Undergraduate Research funds were not available until next summer, stating that this discriminated against students in the Humanities who could not use the money during the summer months. Questions arose concerning the distribution of funds; who double checked thrust areas during the year; what if they did not fulfill their commitment, etc. Dr. Cochran stated that at one time the Research Council discussed the possibility of the Teaching Council disbursing these funds. Others noted that travel funds were available to help students attend conferences and that Dr. Stevens was the Director of Undergraduate Research Thrust Funds. Dr. Browning stated that the UPC did not double check the thrust areas. The money went to the Thrust directors and they gave an annual report to UPC. Ms. Marshall stated that she felt Dr. Mitchell's questions were still unanswered. Dr. Wilson understood the Senate's concern and stated he would look into these questions and report back to the Senate at the next meeting. Dr. Prokop gave the Executive Committee Report, stating that the new Senate office is located at Phillips 221. Thanks were given to Drs. Cochran and Wilson for their efforts in this endeavor. Also, Senate documents are on the ACVAX through 1983 and will eventually be available through 1969. The goal is to have all Senate documents and minutes available on the ACVAX for faculty perusal. Faculty will be notified when this system is available. If anyone would like to review these documents now, they are located in the Senate office. Dr. Prokop stated that current Research Council members are: Sandy Obergfell - (Humanities) Randy Booker - (Natural Sciences) Betsy Wilson - (Chancellor's appointee) Ex-officio members: Elaine Fox, Gene McDowell, Tom Cochran. Page 2 The following faculty were approved to serve on the Council: Jack Reinecke - l year term (Professional Programs representative: replaces Margaret Cleek) Joyce Dorr - 2 year term (Arts representative) Tracy Brown - 2 year term (Social Science representative) Dr. Friedenberg reported that the Academic Policy Committee had no business to report at this time. Dr. Browning reported for the Institutional Development Committee. IDC will continue to meet with UPC as it has in the past. The expansion budget was reviewed with Mr. Pott although no formal action was taken. The FTE targets and SAT scores were also reviewed. Dr. Browning announced that IDC will meet on alternate Fridays this Fall at 2:15 PM in Rhodes 004. The next meeting will be September 16. Dr. Nickless reported for the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee, stating that it was necessary to elect two members to the Distinguished Scholars Committee. The Chancellor will also appoint an additional faculty member to replace Steve Lynch who is retiring from the committee. Also, all members serve a one year term. The current committee includes: Ted Seitz - Psychology (elected by the Senate) Bob Yeager - Literature (elected by the Senate) Gene Rainey - Political Science (Chancellor's appointee) Dexter Squibb - Natural Sciences (Chancellor's appointee) Dr. Nickless stated that the four members elected by the Senate also serve on the Honorary Degrees Committee in conjunction with the Distinguished Scholars Committee. The members going off the committee are Milton Ready and Gary Miller. Larry Dorr and Jim Perry were elected to the Distinguished Scholars Committee. Next, elections were held for the minority faculty position on the Minority Affairs Commission. Gwen Henderson's term has expired. The current committee includes: Larry Wilson (Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs) Caroline Miller (ex-officio) Charles Prokop (Senate Chair) Debra Van Engelen (elected by Senate - 1 year) Dwight Mullin (appointed by VC - 1 year) Anita White-Carter - (appointed by VC - 1 year) 2 students appointed by Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs The Senate elected Charles James to the Minority Affairs Commission for a two year term. Nominations were solicited for Faculty Conciliator. The nominations will be submitted to the Student Government Association, who will elect the Conciliator and one alternate. The Page 3 four nominees will replace the slate of three nominees sent to SGA last spring; one nominee too few had been submitted, and one of the three nominees from last year has left UNCA, leaving only two nominees. In view of these factors, the SGA had requested a new slate. The following four faculty members were nominated, and their names will be forwarded to SGA: Paul McDonald, Tracy Brown, Lothar Dohse, and Ivan Cohen. During Old Business Ms. Nelms expressed concern over the sidewalk issue from Edgewood to UNCA. She asked that additional requests be made of the city government. Dr. Wilson stated that last year the city wanted UNCA to pay l/2 the cost of the sidewalk. A decision was made to have the Executive Committee contact the city officials regarding this matter. Ms. Marshall stated that a fence was under construction near the dirt track and asked if the track was going to be eliminated or available to walkers/joggers. Members felt this question could be answered by either Jim Efland, UNCA's Facilities Planner, or the Athletic Committee. There was no New Business and Dr. Prokop adjourned the meeting at 4:40 PM. Respectfully submitted by: Sandra M. Gravely Pamela Nickless Page 4