University of North Carolina at Asheville FACULTY SENATE MEETING Minutes, April 27, 1989 Senate Members: S. Browning, A. Comer, L. Friedenberg, M. Gillum, A. Hantz, M. Marshall, C. Mitchell, L. Nelms, P. Nickless, S. Patch, C. Prokop, D. Sulock, A. Wengrow Excused: K. Whatley, B. Wilson Visitors: L. Bares, W. Boland, C. Brown, T. Cochran, J. Heimbach, G. Kormanik, G. Miller The April 27th meeting of the Faculty Senate was called to order at 3:35 pm in the Whitman Room of Ramsey Library by Chair Charles Prokop. The minutes of March 30th were approved as written. Dr. Prokop distributed the April 13th Senate minutes for review. Administrative Report Dr. Cochran gave the Administrative Report for Dr. L. Wilson. The following three administrative positions have been established and will be filled by current faculty: Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (a half-time administrative/half-time faculty appointment); Director of Undergraduate Research (one-quarter time administrative position/three-quarter time faculty); and Director of International Studies, which is being reactivated. Primary duties of the Assistant VCAA include Faculty Development, monitoring Thrusts, working with FWDC and the Senate, and supervising the Director of International Studies. Dr. Cochran gave an update on administrative searches. Over 50 applicants have applied for the Assistant VC for Enrollment Management position. The Search Committee consists of Dr. Weber, Dr. Downes, Dr. L. Wilson, a member of the enrollment staff, and Dr. Cochran. Mr. Wengrow reported on the Vice Chancellor for Finance search. One candidate withdrew his application, leaving two viable candidates for the position. The first candidate, Linda Anderson from Mercer University in Atlanta, visited the campus last Monday and Tuesday. Tim Jordan, the second candidate and Director of Financial Services at UNC-Wilmington, will be on campus next Monday and Tuesday. The Council of Chairs is invited and faculty are urged to attend. Dr. Cochran reported that Fall pre-registration ran smoothly last week, with students moving through the lines quickly. Total FTE's increased by over 200 compared to a year ago at this time. New student applications have increased 35%, and rejections are considerably higher compared to last year at this time. SAT scores average 1,000. Applications will have to be monitored carefully to Page 2 avoid over-enrollment. The admissions deadline is July 1st. Dr. Cochran distributed the proposed academic calendar for 1990-91. In response to questions, Dr. Cochran stated that several factors contributed to the smooth pre-registration process. The Enrollment Services staff devised some very positive and creative solutions, the SGA gave a tremendous contribution in terms of helping students in peer advising, the registration process was more personalized, and the schedule the faculty and Chairs put together was probably better balanced or addressed some of the shortages experienced in previous years. Dr. Cochran indicated that he did not know how many students would be on academic suspension at the end of this semester. The entire UNC system was affected by the recent budget cuts. Each institution received a 5% reduction in funds. Chancellor Brown cancelled plans for the proposed parking lot by the Botantical Garden. Executive Committee Report Dr. Prokop reported for the Executive Committee. Sandra Gravely, recording secretary for the Faculty Senate, was recognized for her effort and service this year. A gift and a round of applause followed. Dr. Prokop reported that he sent Chancellor Brown a memo appreciating his attention to faculty input regarding the proposed parking lot. Dr. Prokop explained Executive Committee Document #5 - Resolution in Support of Continued Health Promotion Activities Funding. Because this document was not a matter of policy, it was not subject to the first-reading rule. Ms. Marshall moved approval of Executive Committee Document #5. Dr. Friedenberg seconded the motion. After discussion Dr. Mitchell called the question. Executive Committee Document #5 passed by a vote of 9-1 with one abstention and became Senate Document #46. At the Senate's request, Dr. Prokop spoke with Chancellor Brown at the April 14th UPC meeting, and asked that he delay his decision on the Distinctive until the Senate had a chance to review the proposal. Chancellor Brown agreed to wait for Senate input and confirmed this in writing to Dr. Browning. Dr. Prokop also presented the Senate's revisions of the report of the Ad Hoc Committee regarding UNCA Distinctives (Senate Document #44) at the UPC meeting. During the UPC meeting the Chancellor gave his opinion on the Environmental Studies Thrust proposal and UPC had a chance to respond to his questions. Dr. Prokop delayed this report until the issue was discussed in the IDC report. Page 3 Academic Policies Committee Report Dr. Friedenberg reported for the Academic Policies Committee. Dr. Friedenberg moved approval of APC #29: Catalog Changes in Sociology. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion. APC Document #29 passed unanimously and became Senate Document #47. Dr. Friedenberg moved approval of APC #30: Changes in the Course Withdrawal Policy. Ms. Marshall seconded the motion. APC Document #30 passed unanimously and became Senate Document #48. Institutional Development Committee Report Dr. Browning reported for the Institutional Development Committee. Dr. Browning stated that Chancellor Brown addressed the UPC on the Southeast Regional Center for Environmental Education, Outreach, and Research Thrust. Others present were Drs. Miller, Maas, B. Wilson, Prokop, Ms. Nelms, Mr. Wengrow, and a student representative. Dr. Browning asked Dr. Prokop to relay the Chancellor's concerns. Dr. Prokop reported that Chancellor Brown had four primary concerns, two involving budgetary issues and two specifically relevant to the Environmental Studies Thrust. Chancellor Brown's concerns follow: (1) the appropriateness of introducing a new thrust area given the current budget constraints; (2) the degree of exhaustion of the campus (perhaps there were currently enough new initiatives underway); (3) the proposal may not have extensive campus-wide involvement; and (4) the use of 101 academic budget money on a thrust that had a large proportion of its impact directed toward community related benefits. Dr. Prokop stated that these issues were discussed openly and extensively, with everyone having an opportunity to speak. The general consensus was that there was support for the distinctive and for UPC's decision. Dr. Browning suggested that Senate members address specific questions to Dr. Miller and that Dr. Prokop field the discussion. Dr. Mitchell opposed spending $150K out of the academic budget to support what was essentially a community service activity. At Dr. Gillum's request, the major benefits to funding the Environmental Studies proposal were described by Dr. Prokop and Ms. Nelms. In response to Mrs. Sulock's question, Dr. Miller described in detail how students would be involved in the program. The role of the Advisory Committee was also discussed. Dr. Prokop asked for guidance of the Senate, and if the Senate had any specific message they wanted him to deliver to the Chancellor. After discussion it was agreed that Dr. Prokop would tell Chancellor Brown: (1) that the same concerns aired at the UPC meeting were discussed by the Senate; (2) that the Senate was definitely interested in the Advisory Committee taking an active role regarding the academic contributions of the thrust; (3) that the extra-departmental impact of the thrust be carefully looked into by the Advisory Committee; and, (4) that the pros and cons were discussed and the benefits were clearly recognized. Page 4 Dr. Browning presented IDC #4 - The UPC's Recommendations from Physical Sciences Self Studies. Dr. Browning explained that the document was divided into four sections. The first section dealt with recommendations common to all three programs, and the last three sections dealt with specific recommendations for each program. The recommendations were discussed separately. Dr. Browning moved approval of section one concerning recommendations common to all three programs. The motion was seconded by Dr. Comer. Section one carried unanimously. Dr. Browning moved approval of the Atmospheric Sciences recommendations. The motion was seconded by Dr. Friedenberg. The purchase of a microwave tower and the assessment program were discussed. Dr. Comer made an amendment to remove the microwave tower from the list of recommendations. The amendment was seconded by Dr. Friedenberg. After further discussion, the amendment failed by a vote of 1-11. A vote of the Atmospheric Sciences recommendations then carried unanimously. Dr. Browning moved approval of the Chemistry recommendations. Dr. Friedenberg seconded the motion. After a lengthy discussion, the motion failed by a vote of 4-6. It was noted that the Chemistry recommendation failed because the Chemistry Department does not offer CHEM 105, the 5-hour General Education course described in the General Education document approved in Spring, 1985. Dr. Browning moved approval of the Physics recommendations. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. IDC #4 became Senate Document #49. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report Dr. Nickless reported for the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee. Dr. Nickless announced that Jeff Rackham, Larry Dorr, Gwen Henderson, Martha Marshall, Charlotte Goedsche, and Bill Sabo had been elected to the Grievance Committee. A list of candidates that the FWDC had nominated for the Academic Appeals Board election was distributed. Ultimately four members will be elected this Fall. Dr. Nickless moved the following names for approval: I. Cohen, T. Brown, M. Stuart, D. Sulock, P. McDonald, B. Yearout, and J. Perry. Dr. Friedenberg seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Dr. Nickless presented a list of candidates that the FWDC had nominated for Faculty Conciliator. Dr. Nickless moved the following names for approval: M. Manns, L. Dohse, I. Grams, and D. Lisnerski. Ms. Marshall seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Page 5 Old Business There was no Old Busines. New Business Ms. Marshall recognized Chair Charles Prokop, and out-going Senate members for their time and effort given to the Senate. Out-going Senators include Shirley Browning, Mike Gillum, Pamela Nickless and Kathy Whatley. A round of applause followed. Dr. Prokop adjourned the meeting at 5:15 PM. Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely Pamela Nickless Page 6