University of North Carolina at Asheville FACULTY SENATE MEETING Minutes, April 13, 1989 Senate Members: S. Browning, A. Comer, L. Friedenberg, A. Hantz, M. Marshall, C. Mitchell, L. Nelms, P. Nickless, S. Patch, C. Prokop, D. Sulock, A. Wengrow, K. Whatley, B. Wilson, L. Wilson Unexcused: M. Gillum Visitors: T. Cochran, K. Frazier, R. Hart, J. Heimbach, R. Maas, C. Sampson, H. Williams The April 13th meeting of the Faculty Senate was called to order at 3:35 pm in the Whitman Room of Ramsey Library by Chair Charles Prokop. The minutes of the March 30th Senate meeting will be presented at the next meeting. Administrative Report Dr. Wilson gave the Administrative Report. Dr. Wilson distributed a document concerning fourth quarter budget reductions for fiscal year 1988-89. The State Budget Office is requiring reductions in each State institution due to projected revenue shortfalls. UNCA's budget has been reduced by $776,205. Compensation (salary plus fringe benefits) has been reduced by $406,953, and Operating Supplies has been reduced by $369,252. Dr. Wilson explained that salaries would not be affected by the budget reductions, and that UNCA is issuing an appeal. Mr. Wengrow stated that the Vice Chancellor for Finance Search Committee has invited a candidate to campus next Monday and Tuesday. Dr. Wilson stated that a search is underway for the Enrollment Services position. Mr. Wengrow asked for an update on the search for the Director of Development, stating that faculty wanted to be involved in this process. Dr. Wilson did not have any information on the search at this time, but stated that faculty members were on the search committee. Last Spring, at the Senate's request, Dr. Wilson appointed an Ad Hoc Committee on General Education Transfer Policies. The Committee has reviewed each of the general education areas and their final report will be circulated to the Senate next week. Dr. Wilson gave the following enrollment update. UNCA's application pool is 32% ahead of last year's. SAT scores of currently accepted students is 1,000. Dr. Wilson expects these SAT scores to fall around 970-980, which is 20-30 points above this year. Transfer applications have increased by 45% and acceptances have increased by 42%. Page 2 56% of the student's accepted thus far are in the top fifth of their high school class; 96% are in the top half of their high school class. Dr. Wilson is concerned that UNCA is not attracting more qualified minority students. Minority student applications have increased by 4%. 37 black students have been accepted compared to 33 at this time last year. Applications/acceptances of other minorities are comparable with last year's figures. The Faculty meeting will be held on Friday, August 18th. This Fall all orientations will be conducted at the beginning of the school year (August 18-23). The End-of-Year Faculty meeting will be held Tuesday, May 9th. Dr. Comer asked Dr. Wilson to explain why UNCA returned $600K to the State last year. Dr. Wilson stated that an analysis is underway to determine why this money was returned to the State. Dr. Wilson stated that $400K of the money returned was in compensation fringe benefits (not salaries). The remaining $200K was in operating supplies/program budgets, and one-half had been allocated for the library addition which wasn't completed. Executive Committee Report Dr. Prokop reported for the Executive Committee. Dr. Prokop asked Dr. Browning to give the UPC's Thrust Funding recommendations and UPC's reactions to the report submitted to the Senate by the Ad Hoc Committee on UNCA Distinctives. Dr. Browning stated that on March 31st the UPC recommended full funding for the Southeast Regional Center for Environmental Education, Outreach, and Research. The proposed directors were Drs. Rick Maas and Gary Miller. The UPC stipulated that the VCAA appoint an Advisory Committee to work with the directors and that the thrust be formally reviewed again in April, 1990. Dr. Browning stated that Chancellor Brown had concerns about this particular proposal, and was scheduled to meet with the UPC tomorrow regarding its disposition. Dr. Comer moved that Dr. Prokop meet with the Chancellor to convey the Senate's desire to have some reaction time to discuss and react to the expenditures of Thrust funding for next year. Ms. Marshall seconded the motion, which passed. At this time Dr. Friedenberg moved approval of the report of the Ad Hoc Committee Review of the UNCA Distinctives. Mrs. Sulock seconded the motion. Dr. Browning stated that Dr. Prokop had asked that the UPC react to the Ad Hoc Committee's recommendations for UNCA Distinctives. (A copy of the Ad Hoc Committee's report is in the Senate file at Ramsey Library.) The UPC's recommendations to the report follow: Recommendation 1-- UPC unanimously supports. No changes. Recommendation 2-- UPC suggests that in line 3 the phrase "not more than" be substituted for the word "only". It was also noted that the funding diagram was in error. Page 3 Recommendation 3-- UPC suggests that in part c the following phrase be added to the end of line 3 ..."based upon review of annual reports". Recommendation 4-- UPC unanimously supports. No changes. Recommendation 5-- UPC suggests that it should be changed to 5A. and the following phrase added at the end of the recommendation: "The following criteria are listed in order of importance." It was also recommended that the order of criteria (c) which deals with efforts to identify specific potential fundings sources of outside funding & (d) which deals with involvement of students and faculty from several disciplines, be reversed. Finally, UPC suggested that the ADD: statement be listed as 5B. and the phrase "at the same or at a lower level" in line three be stricken. Recommendation 6 & 7-- UPC suggests that 6 & 7 be combined and the following statement used: "Each proposal must designate a project director who will be fully responsible for both programmatic and fiscal aspects of the program. Prior to initiation of the project a detailed budget must be submitted to and approved by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Annually at a date and in a format specified by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the project director will submit a detailed fiscal and programmatic report with a summary which will be distributed to the faculty. Recommendation 8-- UPC suggests that in sentence 1 of the phrase "or his" be added after Affairs and the phrase "the Dean of the Faculty" removed. The second sentence should also be removed. Recommendation 9-- UPC suggests the first sentence be removed along with the first two words of the second sentence. Also the word Chancellor should be substituted for the "Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs". Dr. Browning stated that these were recommendations/reactions to the Ad Hoc Committee's report and were not suggested as amendments. After discussion, Dr. Prokop suggested that the Senate proceed through Executive Document #3, (the Ad Hoc Committee's report) considering one recommendation at a time. (The Executive Report was suspended while several Senate members obtained copies of Executive Document #3.) Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report Dr. Nickless reported for the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee. Page 4 The following faculty were elected to the Hearing's Committee: Humanities - Mike Gillum Natural Sciences - Joe Daugherty Social Sciences - Allan Combs At the next Senate meeting Dr. Nickless will request four names to send to the SGA for Faculty Conciliator, and a list of seven nominees for the Academic Appeals Board. Academic Policies Committee Report Dr. Friedenberg reported for the Academic Policies Committee. Dr. Friedenberg presented the following documents for first reading: APC Document #29: Catalog Changes in Sociology APC Document #30: Changes in the Course Withdrawal Policy Dr. Friedenberg moved approval of APC Document #28 - Catalog Changes in Classics. Dr. Comer seconded the motion. Discussion concerning cross-listing as a graduate course and the Graduate Council followed. The question was called and APC #28 passed 9-2 with two abstentions and became Senate Document #43. Return to Executive Committee Report Recommendation 1-- the Senate passed. Recommendation 2-- Dr. Comer moved that the UPC recommendation be accepted as an amendment and that the diagram be removed. Mrs. Sulock seconded the motion, which passed. Recommendation 3-- Mrs. Sulock moved that the UPC recommendation be accepted as an amendment. Dr. Comer seconded the motion. In a friendly amendment a typographical error was accepted to change $50,000 to $75,000. The question was called and the motion passed. Recommendation 4-- the Senate passed. Recommendation 5-- Dr. Comer moved that the UPC recommendations be accepted as an amendment. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion which passed. Recommendation 6-- Dr. Comer moved to modify the document with the UPC's recommendation of combining 6 & 7. Dr. Whatley seconded the motion. Discussion ensued concerning a fiscal agent/watchdog. The motion carried with a vote of 7-5 with one abstention. Ms. Nelms made a motion that the following statement become Recommendation 7: "We recommend that for all major (fully funded) Distinctive projects that an Advisory Committee be established by the VCAA in consultation with the FWDC of the Senate. The motion Page 5 was seconded by Ms. Marshall. After discussion, a friendly amendment was accepted to add: "The charge for the Advisory Committee shall be developed by the VCAA." The motion carried 10-2 with one abstention. Recommendation 8-- Dr. Comer moved to accept the UPC recommendations as amendemnts. Dr. Mitchell seconded the motion which carried. Recommendation 9-- Dr. Mitchell proposed an amendment to add the following sentence to Recommendation 9 as currently written: "IDC will report to the Senate and the Senate will approve or disapprove the proposed Thrust area." Dr. Hantz seconded the motion. After a lengthy discussion the motion failed 5-7. Mr. Wengrow moved to accept the UPC recommendations regarding Recommendation 9 as amendments. Dr. Patch seconded the motion. A friendly amendment was accepted to remove the last sentence. The motion carried unanimously. Dr. Browning called the question, and Executive Document #3 passed unanimously as amended and became Senate Document #44. Dr. Prokop asked Mrs. Sulock to give the report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the parking lot construction. Mrs. Sulock presented Executive Document #4 - Report of the Ad Hoc Parking Lot Committee. Dr. Browning moved to suspend the Comer first-reading rule. The motion was seconded by Dr. Nickless. The motion carried 8-0 with 3 abstentions. Dr. Nickless moved approval of Executive Document #4 and to have Dr. Prokop deliver the content of the document to the Chancellor. Ms. Marshall seconded the motion. Dr. Mitchell moved to split the document so that Items 1, 2, & 6 would be one document and items 3, 4, & 5 would become a second document. Dr. Hantz seconded the motion. Discussion concerning the bids and when the Chancellor would be making a decision followed. At this time the motion to split the document was withdrawn. Dr. Hantz moved to amend Item 4 by replacing the first line with: "Investigate alternative parking systems. For example; one with three categories:". Ms. Marshall seconded the motion which carried. After further discussion the question was called. Executive Document #4 passed unanimously as amended and became Senate Document #45. Dr. Prokop stated that this had become an item of interest to the local media. Paul Davis, the news director at KISS and WWNC, requested that Dr. Prokop call him after the meeting regarding this issue. There were no objections to Dr. Prokop calling Mr. Davis. Institutional Development Committee Report Dr. Browning reported for the Institutional Development Committee. Dr. Browning suggested that faculty contact a member of the UPC if they wanted to read the self-studies of Chemistry, Physics, Page 6 or Atmospheric Sciences. Dr. Browning presented the UPC recommendations on the three self-studies for first reading. He gave a brief explanation of the document. Old Business There was no Old Business. New Business There was no New Business. Dr. Prokop adjourned the meeting at 5:50 PM. Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely Pamela Nickless Page 7