Senate Doc #3789S Approved 3/9/89 APC Document #25 UNIVERSITY POLICY ON DECLARATION OF MAJOR A) Insert the heading and paragraph below before the discussion of requirements in the catalog sections devoted to: Atmospheric Sciences (p. 68) German (p. 123) Biology (p. 73) History (p. 128) Chemistry (p. 79) Literatuare & Language (p. 136) Classics (p. 85) Mass Communication (p. 151) Computer Science (p. 89) Philosophy (p. 166) Drama (p. 94) Physics (p. 171) Economics (p. 99) Political Science (p. 175) Environ Studies (p. 114) Sociology (p. 191) French (p. 120) Spanish (p. 197) Declaration of major Declaring a major in [name of department or program] requires the student to complete a declaration of major form which must be signed by the [department chair/program director]. Rationale: Seven departments have adopted formal policies for declaration of major. To promote consistency within the catalog, APC proposes that a "generic" policy statement regarding major declaration be inserted into the description of the remaining programs/departments. Page 2